Wandering Heart (9 page)

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Authors: Rita Hestand

Tags: #romance, #love, #kids, #politics, #widows, #rita hestand, #wandering heart, #farms, #mr right, #harleys

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"Good looking,
hard working, and he likes your kid. What more could you ask for?
Well, since you have no real interest in him as a man, I'm telling
you now. I want a date with him. I don't care how you arrange it,
but I want a date."

Angela's mouth
flew open. "I'm afraid I don't go around arranging dates for
anyone, Maxine. I've got a farm, a job, and a son to look after.
That's enough. But if you're so interested, go ask him."

"Don't worry, I
will. If you're silly enough to let a hunk like that get away, it's
your own fault. I suppose you know Greg is a little concerned about
you and Cooper living practically under the same roof." Maxine bit
her lower lip as though she had let something out of the bag.
"Okay. Not a little, honey, a lot. Now, seeing him in person, I can
certainly understand why."

Angela bit her
nails, a bad habit she had tried to break many times but always
reverted back to. "For everyone's information, he moved to the
bungalow down the road. And as for Greg, he has absolutely nothing
to worry about. And he knows it. My feelings for Coop are strictly

Maxine crossed
her long, graceful legs and smiled coyly. "Don't kid me, honey.
He's a doll and we both know it. But, just remember, all is fair in
love and war. I mean to have him in my bed as quickly as possible.
That man is built for making love. Did you get a load of those
arms? Those biceps? The man is all muscle and brawn, and I want
every muscle."

Angela had
never seen Maxine this way. She had imagined, but never witnessed.
"Built? Well, yes, I suppose he is, although I haven't had the time
or inclination to notice. Funny though, I just realized something,


"I always
thought you were stuck on Greg. This proves me wrong."

Maxine pursed
her ruby red lips, one hand going over her smooth blonde hair, her
blue eyes piercing Angela with deadly purpose. "Not really. But
right now Greg is stuck on you. Oh," she scoffed raising her hands
in the air, "don't kid yourself, Angela. You've noticed this Coop
Johnson more than you let on. You're human. More than you probably
want to admit. Now me, I want a man. And I don't make a secret of
it. A real man. And time is running out. You and I are not spring
chickens, so to speak."

"Listen, girl,"
she continued with a wide smile, "if Greg would have me I'd have
him in my bed tonight. And he knows it. But he's temporarily got
the hots for you. But that will simmer when he realizes what he's
passing up. And if he doesn't wise up, I'll do all right. Besides,
it doesn't matter to me. A Congressman would be a notch on my belt,
but a hunk like that…I bet he's great in bed. So, tell me, does he
have a girlfriend? Are there any entanglements in his life? Give me
the scoop."

Angela was in
shock, but she couldn't let Maxine see it. Perhaps in a way Maxine
was right. They weren't getting any younger. And, in truth,
Angela's eyes had strayed almost guiltily to Cooper more than a few
times. Cooper was a hunk!

"Not as far as
I know, Maxine. But I'm not an authority on him. He hasn't had any
lady friends visit since he's been out here. But perhaps I should
warn you. They used to call him 'Love 'em and leave 'em

"Perhaps he
hasn't found the right lady."





A few nights
later she heard a lot of noise on the back-porch and glanced out
the kitchen door. Cooper was heavily engaged in bathing Partner.
The two had taken to each other immediately, and Partner could be
pretty choosy about his friends.

"Oh, Coop, you
don't have to do that," Angela called as she walked out onto the

Cooper glanced
up at her, a slight frown feathering his brow. "I know I don't have
to do it. But he got into something today and he smells pretty bad.
Besides, brings back a lot of memories. Good ones."

Angela came
closer and looked her pet in the eyes. "Why, Partner, I'm surprised
at you."

Partner whined
and shivered a little.

"You got any
towels you can spare? I want to dry him off a little so he doesn't
catch cold."

Angela went to
get some and when she came back she noticed how gentle Cooper was
being with Partner. Partner returned his affection with a big wag
of his tail as Cooper spoke to him in a patient tone.

"You really
don't have to do all of this," Angela said. "I mean, it isn't part
of your job."

everything have to be part of my job?" Cooper suddenly frowned.

"Well, no, but
I just don't want you to feel obligated. I…I mean, you've done so
much. Helping Josh with his science project, sewing Partner. We
could have called the vet."

"No need
spending money for things like that. And, as for Josh, I do things
for him because I like him. I'd like to think it goes both ways.
He's been a great help to me, too. He's always running to get
parts. Loaned me his radio the other day, and I could tell he
wasn't used to parting with it."

"He likes

"I like him,"
he murmured, then smiled directly at her. When words failed, he
splashed her with water. She yelped and backed away.

"I'll get you
for this, Coop," Angela shouted as she headed back into the

"I'm counting
on it," he called after her.



The next day
Greg was a real bear, insisting she move out of the house. Probably
due to the fact that Maxine had done nothing but rave about how
good looking Cooper was to everyone in the office.

Angela sat in
Greg's office, her pen and pad no longer in her lap, but on the

"I've already
explained to you that Cooper has taken the bungalow. Besides, I
don't understand what you're so worried about. He has no interest
in me," Angela protested.

"And what about
you? Do you have any interest in him?"

"Of course I
do. I'm planning on taking him to my bed. Come on, Greg, be
sensible." She lifted her chin and tossed her head, causing her
hair to splay around her shoulders. What did he take her for?

Greg looked at
her a long moment, then smiled. "I sometimes forget just how
sensible you are, darling. But I think I should investigate his
background a little. I mean he's been gone a long time. Why doesn't
he have a job at his age?"

Angela felt on
the defensive. "I don't know. I haven't asked. Coop's a pretty
private man, and I've left it at that. I've known him long enough
to know he'll do his job without being told, and his business,
stays his business."


"Look, Greg,
I'm not going to discuss this any further. He's doing a fine job.
Unless you want to try your hand at it." When he didn't comment any
further she felt compelled to add, "Why make trouble when there
isn't any?"

Greg cleared
his throat and adjusted his tie. Angela couldn't stand it a minute
longer. "Will you stop doing that?" she protested to his surprise.
"Your ties are always perfect."

He moved toward
her with purpose, a smile curling his lips. Taking her into his
arms, he planted a gentle kiss to her cheek and held her hands.
"I'm only looking out for your interests, darling."

"I realize
that, and I'm grateful. But I'm also a big girl. And I know exactly
what I need. Two hundred and fifty acres is too much to handle. And
he is doing a good job. Let's leave it at that, okay?"

"All right,
we'll talk about this another time."

Angela found
herself having to stay later and later at the office each night.
Greg wanted to show her his appreciation and asked her out to
dinner a few nights later, promising no shoptalk.

"It would be
wonderful," Angela said with a smile pursing her lips. "Just let me
call Josh before we leave."

"Go ahead. I'll
get my brief case," he called going back into his office.

Cooper answered
the phone, and just hearing his husky voice made Angela's nerve
ends spring to life. She didn't like the thought of another man
influencing her heartbeat so, but she had no control over it.
Something about that soft, sultry voice made her toes curl. Cooper
Johnson had always affected her. And there was no controlling that

"Hi, we were
wondering when you were coming home," he said throatily. It sounded
very much as though Cooper had begun to think of the farm as his
home too, and she liked that.

There was a lot
of background noise and Angela couldn't stop herself from
listening. "Sounds like you have company."

"Yeah, we do as
a matter of fact. Maxine dropped by and I don't know how it
happened, but she's teaching your son how to tango."


Maxine was
there! She shouldn't be surprised, but she was. Was she spying
again for Greg? Or was she simply trying to get a date with Coop?
Maxine had left the office earlier that evening complaining of a

"Yes, well,
what I called about. I'm going to have dinner with Greg, so I'll be
in later. So, if you need—"

"We don't need
a thing."

Darn! Angela
couldn't help wondering if Maxine would have a better time than
she. But how could she complain? She had Greg all to herself at
last. She planned to make the best of that.

"Fine, have a
nice evening, then," she added trying not to sound envious.

"You, too," An
unexpected throaty reply sent her mind wandering.

Did he sense
her frustration? Of course he didn't. What was bothering her so?
She finally had the man of her choice alone, didn't she? They
weren't going to talk politics, he had promised. So what was wrong?
Could she be jealous? Impossible! Perhaps Maxine and Cooper would
hit it off. He sounded very entertained.

So, why does
that bother me?
Angela wondered as she slid into Greg's
Porsche. Okay, so Cooper hadn't so much as bothered with a date
since he had been there. He never entertained or mentioned a woman.
Surely he must have a girl somewhere in his life. He was entitled
after all, wasn't he? And Maxine wasn't a date, yet! She had to
force herself to quit worrying about it, or it might spoil her
evening with Greg.

Greg chose a
nice little steak house in the next town. Angela resigned herself
to the disappointment. It seemed to her that he went out of his way
not to be noticed with her, and that hurt. Just once she wished
he'd act proud. Just once. If he really loved her, why couldn't he
be open with it? What could the newspapers do to her or Josh?

When they
bumped into Senator Gallagher, Angela's hopes for a quiet supper
for two vanished along with any hope at intimacy. Not only that,
but Greg introduced her as his assistant, not his date. She wasn't
sitting by him.

As the
conversation became stilted with business, Angela picked at her
ice blue suit, and wished she were wearing a lovely gown.
Honestly, she needed to spend more money on clothes. Until if she
was going to marry Greg, she had better get used to all these
business meetings. There was little comfort except that the
Senator's wife was friendly, and just as bored.

On the way home
Greg pulled her into his arms and she smiled happily once more. "I
liked his wife."

"Really? But
that wasn't his wife, darling. Everyone knows Susan is his mistress
and has been for years. He never dines with his wife."

"Oh, for heaven
sake, why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you

"I never

"I think that's
what I find so appealing about you, Angela. You're so naive."

Angela quirked
her head, was that a compliment or not?

As they pulled
into her long driveway Greg kissed her lightly then asked, "Do you
mind if I come in? The lights are until on in the house, and I'd
like to meet this manager of yours."

"No, I don't
mind at all, of course. But I don't know if he's there or not."

To their
surprise, Maxine was until there, Josh was until up, and someone
was in the kitchen making hot chocolate and popcorn for

"'Bout time you
two got in." Maxine chuckled, but didn't take her eyes off her
cards in her hands as she adjusted her cigarette.

She was wearing
an off the shoulder yellow and black polka dot shirtwaist. Her
hair was twisted on top her head. This had to be a planned visit as
she wouldn't wear anything like that to the office. Even Greg
seemed to notice how she was dressed with surprise.

"That must have
been some headache," Greg countered with a frown.

"Oh that was
hours ago," Maxine laughed.

hesitated, glancing about. "Coop," she called sticking her head
through the kitchen door, "I'd like you to meet Greg Thompson."

sidestepped the kitchen doorway, intentionally brushing against
her, and stuck his head out. "Hi, Greg." He motioned and smiled.
"Just making some popcorn for everyone. Ya'll are just in time to
join our party."

Maxine was
playing her cards, and Josh was eyeing her suspiciously. "Damn, she
beat me again, Coop."

"Watch your
language, young man." Angela tapped him on the head with his
ball cap disheveling his dark straight hair, then replaced it

She put her
jacket and purse in her bedroom then strolled into the kitchen,
watching Cooper pour the popcorn into a big bowl. It was strange to
her how accustomed he was to her kitchen. "Can I help?"

"No, everything
is under control. I hope you don't mind me using your place. She
wasn't leaving, and I figured this would be better than mine." He
motioned at Maxine.

"No, of course
I don't mind."

"Hello, Josh,"
Greg greeted her son, obviously until hesitant to join in the
light hearted fun. His face was a mask.

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