Walk on the Wild Side (4 page)

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Authors: Natalie Anderson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Walk on the Wild Side
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‘Yeah.' He twisted, grabbing the shorts that were halfway down to his ankles. He pulled them off, pulled his wallet from the pocket, pulled a condom from that. She was glad he'd thought of contraception because it hadn't even occurred to her in the madness that was this lust. In moments he'd rolled it on and was back beside her, his hand heavy and low on her stomach.

‘I wanted this the second I saw you,' he said bluntly. ‘Was it the same for you?'

In this majestic setting there could only be truth. ‘Of course.' She ran her fingers down his jaw, her thumb across his lower lip. ‘You're incredibly handsome.'

‘And you're bewitching.'

Her body reacted swiftly to the compliment—her nipples going even harder, her inner thighs tightening in anticipation. She smiled, fluttered her lashes as she peeped up at him. ‘A witch now? No longer a vampire?'

He tilted his head on the side and seemed to assess
her slowly, the smile on his lips widening. ‘I'm thinking nymph.'

‘Oh-h-h.' Her juices flowed faster. ‘A nymph.'

She arched her hips against him, her intent pure provocation—a playfulness that was so new, and yet so much fun. ‘You think?'

‘A very sexy nymph.' He lifted his hand to cup her face. ‘A nymph I'm going to have to have.'

‘Then hurry up and have me.'

The sand was warm and wet on her back, but his body above hers was even hotter. He frowned slightly as he braced above her. ‘You're tiny.'

Oh. That had been a past complaint, too. Why did she even bother with a bra when there was barely anything to bounce.

‘I don't want to crush you.' His voice choked.

Oh. He didn't just mean her breasts? She glanced down his body. He was a lot bigger than her. But she wasn't a china doll. ‘You won't.'

But he was careful as he settled his weight on her—too careful. She arched again, rocking her hips, teasing him. He was close enough now for her to slide her slick sex back and forth against the hard head of his. His jaw firmed as she did it again and again. She didn't want gentle. She wanted wild and crazy. And she wanted it now.

His large hand gripped her hip, stopping her. Their eyes locked and then in one powerful motion he moved into her. A sure, strong stroke. She cried out as he filled her.

‘Too much?' he rasped.

‘More,' she pleaded, almost insane with the sensation. ‘Please more.'

He paused but then pushed forward again.

She shuddered, the pleasure so exquisite that she couldn't cope, crying out as he drove her deeper and then
deeper into the blissful abyss. She gasped, sucking in a lungful of sea air as she struggled to stay together. And a couple more deep gasps later she got it—her rhythm, her strength. Able to meet him stroke for stroke, she half moaned, half laughed and traced her hands over him, glorying in the incredible body riding hers.

Oh, sweet mercy, the man was fit. And as their movements merged into the one perfectly matched rhythm he flipped them both, holding her fast to him until she was astride and he beneath. The water splashed around them, but did nothing to cool.

She looked down at him and teased. ‘I don't want to crush you.'

His grin flashed, too. But then she reached behind her, down to where their bodies met, and, cupping his balls in her hand, she squeezed ever so slightly.

His harsh groan ricocheted through her as he quaked. His hands gripped her tighter and he sat up, changing the angle in a way that made her draw a quick, delicious breath.

‘You're in for it now, honey.' His hair dripped salt water, his smile gleamed wickedly.

Their slick chests sealed as he held her in his large hands, rocking her onto him, around him. Until she was panting and pleading—but he didn't let her have the release then. No, he merely moved once more—moved her—and began the torture all over again.

They were naked under the searing sun, in the lapping water. Instruments of pleasure—mindless, endless pleasure. There was no past, no future, no innocence or experience. Nothing but the two of them and the magic that flared in the marathon moment. The freedom was intoxicating—a wild, reckless feeling that had her wanting all kinds of things, here and now and deeply physical.

Blind touch, pure sensation, wild eroticism.

And ecstasy.

Screaming, raw ecstasy.


Kelsi let her eyelids open just a fraction so some of the brilliant blue sky above her was visible. She felt their heartbeats galloping, the water washing over them higher and higher as the waves rose and fell. She was completely naked beneath a near stranger on a barren bay. It was beautiful.

‘Thank you,' she murmured.

She felt him take in a deep breath, felt him relax that bit more as he exhaled and answered. ‘It was such a pleasure.' He lifted up onto one hand, a slightly rueful look in his eye. ‘I wanted this place to seduce you,' he admitted. ‘
wanted to seduce you.'

‘And I feel so much better for it.'

He smiled.

The ebb and flow of the waves, the sound in her ears made her even happier. ‘It's such a cliché.' She giggled.

‘It's a universal truth. Fresh air always clears your head.'

Fresh air and a hunk of a man to fulfil every sensual wish.

‘But you need to get out of the sun,' he said, running a finger over her shoulder before slipping away, splashing back into the water.

He dived, swimming out—for a moment looking like some fantasy merman or something. Except he had legs. Really good, muscular ones.

She sighed, reluctant to move, but then if she didn't she really was going to drown. She sat up and looked about for her clothes. Her most expensive lingerie was floating back and forth on the tide, ruined by sand and salt water.
She screwed it into a ball and put it in the drenched hat with the equally sodden wrap. Thankfully her dress had landed farther up on the beach and remained largely dry. Most of the sand tumbled from the fabric as she shook it, but there was still half the beach in her hair and sticking to her body. She didn't care. She really didn't care—still on a high from the most intense sensual experience of her life.

She turned to watch him emerge from the water. The faint imprint in the sand that their bodies had made as they'd lain together was just visible. But as she watched the waves washed the marks away. Just like that, it was a smooth blank canvas once more. They might never have been there. No one ever would know. But she didn't want the memory to go just like that. She wanted to savour it like the precious thing it was.

She slipped into her dress and tried not to watch too obviously as he pulled on his shorts. He really did have the most incredible body she'd ever seen.

‘So.' She cleared her throat. ‘Training in Canada?' It wasn't that the silence was awkward, but she needed to think of something normal and stop the spinning of her nerves.

‘Yeah, I've been in the pool a lot to keep my fitness up, but there I'll get back on the slopes.' He matched her steps as she walked back along the beach, eventually turning up towards the car. From the corner of her eye she could see his mostly bare, bronzed body.

Deep inside she softened again while her breasts tightened. Muscles that had been languid were licked to attention by anticipation once more as she remembered the moments that had passed too soon. She knew that when they got back to the car the spell would be broken—but
she wanted to feel the magic some more. She wanted him again—this second.

Now that really was insane. She swallowed, trying to get a grip on her pulse as they walked beneath the stand of trees where her car was parked. But it was all she could think of—she wanted him to kiss her again, she wanted him to do everything again. Dear heaven, she wanted to do it all and more to him. The crazy lust overwhelmed her again. She stumbled. His hand shot out and he grabbed her wrist, helping her regain her balance.

‘Kelsi?' He pulled, gently drawing her close to him.

She stared up at him, overwhelmed by the chaos of emotions running through her body. She'd never had a sensual experience like that before. She'd never felt revered or wanted or as desirable as that. She'd never felt as at one with another—so in sync, so comfortable. She'd never come with a man like that before.

And she was so grateful she was near to tears.


Jack lifted her up so he could kiss her again. Pushing down the growl of frustration that threatened to emerge from his mouth as if he were some bear just out of hibernation and lethally hungry. He was shaking with starvation now—but they couldn't do it again.


She trembled as he put her on the bonnet of her car; he felt the answering spasm in his muscles and clutched her even closer.

‘I only had the one condom.' He groaned, forcing himself to cling to reality. ‘Kids aren't part of my plan.'

‘No,' she muttered.

‘We have to stop.'

‘Mmm…' Her hands skated across his chest.

He grabbed them between his, holding them firm. ‘Not helping, Kelsi.'

But he couldn't not kiss her. Not when she looked as disappointed as he felt. He liked ultraphysical sex—pushing it hard. Full-on and frantic, leaving him and his lover both too exhausted to move. Like everything he did, he liked it to extremes. He'd thought the beach had been his most extreme experience ever. He'd thought he wouldn't be able to get hard again for at least twelve hours. But here he was filled and ready to fire not much more than fifteen minutes later.

He swore hard in his head while his mouth ravaged hers. Burning up for this surprisingly fit woman who seemed to still be as hungry as he—who'd just given him the most sensational sex of his life. But he made himself ease it back, slow it down so their kisses soothed rather than stirred.

Yet even those gentle touches were an indulgence he couldn't give up. Not when she nipped and then suckled on his lower lip like that, not when her small fingers tugged at his hair so he'd bring his head closer again.

Yeah, kissing her was irresistible. And the idea of being inside her again became imperative. He could take her back to his hotel and they could spend the night together. She made him feel invincible, filled with unending energy. Raw sexual attraction—and a compatibility that astounded him given their physical disparity.

She had colour now—pretty pink rose petals bloomed in her cheeks. So much nicer than the pallor when she'd come flying out of the car to see if she'd killed him. The fresh air suited her; so did the kissed senseless look.

But when he lifted his head to look at her beautiful body, he realised the light was darkening. He looked to the sky—heavy clouds had rolled across and were dropping
lower with every second. Canterbury was famed for providing four seasons in one day and it seemed the weather had gone from summer to winter in minutes. The wind lifted, no longer the crazy warm breeze but a cold, threatening blast. And despite the way he ran his hands over her, he could see the goose bumps peppering her upper arms. They had to go. But he didn't want to destroy this moment.

‘We need to get back to town,' he said, sounding harsh with frustration. ‘It's going to rain.'

The disappointment darkened her eyes even more and he saw then just how tired she was. So he kissed her again, his hands gently rubbing her upper arms, slowly and lightly. Then he told her, ‘I'm driving back.'

He saw her hesitation, just knew she was going to argue, so he kissed her again until she was lax and he could feel her soft drowsiness. He repeated his intention and smiled as she muttered OK.

Ten minutes into the drive she'd twisted sideways in the seat and gone to sleep—smiling. She looked so sweet. So vulnerable. And so not his type. Jack looked back to the road as he felt the big fat
hit him.

Despite her sophisticated surface there was a sensitive depth there. He'd seen it in her terror after the accident, he'd just forgotten it when she'd turned sex kitten on him on the sand. And frankly he'd been too hot for her to be able to stop anyway. He'd wanted, and he'd got—just like always.

But she was a softy, wasn't she? And that soft side was only going to get scrunched if she hung out with him any more than another five minutes. He liked fun with women who were as strong as he—who could handle physical challenge without emotional entanglements. She'd hardly been able to handle a near-miss car prang. Hell, she'd probably
still been in shock after the accident and he'd just taken total advantage of her. He felt really bad now. He couldn't spend the rest of the day fulfilling carnal fantasies with her—even if it was what his body was screaming at him to do. He really didn't want to hurt her and he'd seen the vulnerability in her eyes—he'd seen her surprise when he'd shown his interest. She wasn't a player.

So it was better to end it all now.

As he waited at a red light on the city side of the hill he leaned across and woke her with an irresistible last little kiss. ‘Where do you live?'

She stirred, blinking rapidly as she told him. He drove straight there, determined to finish up this oh-so-gorgeous interlude before he was tempted back to touch more.

‘You don't want me to drop you somewhere?' She straightened up in her seat.

He shook his head. ‘The walk will be good for my knee.'

If she went within a mile radius of his hotel he'd drag her in with him.

He pulled over where she'd said to. ‘Big house.'

Her pretty nose wrinkled. ‘It's been converted into four flats. It's all carved up inside.'

He looked closer at the old stately house. One of the last original buildings remaining on the street—and the For Sale sign up in front of it meant she'd probably be moving soon. The property would be demolished and developers would put up ten town houses in its place—as what had happened with the rest of the street. Shame for the old dame—despite the wear and lack of love the structure was solid and the detail handcrafted.

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