Waking Up with a Billionaire (The Overnight Billionaires Book 3) (23 page)

BOOK: Waking Up with a Billionaire (The Overnight Billionaires Book 3)
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He picked up her cup and took a sip, then shivered with disgust. “You always used too much sugar. Which always made me wonder if there was some sweetness under your prickly personality.” He set down her cup and motioned for a waitress. Once he placed his order, he waited for the waitress to leave before he looked back at Chloe. “What did I always want?”

“Money and power.”

He grinned. “Exactly. And it looks like you have both. Which just doesn’t seem fair,” he said in a deceptively soft voice. “Just not fair, at all.”

The waitress arrived with Zac’s water. When she was gone, Chloe opened her purse and pulled out the envelope that was filled with the cash she’d gotten out of her bank account. It was every penny she’d received for the holiday catalog pictures. She had earmarked it for college tuition, but at the moment, getting rid of Zac seemed like a better way to spend it.

“Here.” She shoved it at him. “Consider it rent for the years I lived with you.”

He took the envelope and opened it, and his eyebrows lifted. “Why, that’s real sweet of you.” He closed the envelope and took a sip of his water. “But I hope you don’t think this makes us even.”

Chloe’s temper finally snapped, and she didn’t care if he was a dangerous man. “This is all you’re going to get from me. So if I were you, I’d take the money and run.” She pushed back her chair and got up. “And if you contact me again, I will call the cops and tell them everything I know.”

Once outside, she wasted no time heading up the street. She had just started to feel proud of herself, as if she’d faced the dragon from her past and survived, when a hand closed around her arm and she was jerked into an alleyway. Zac shoved her against the wall of a building with teeth-jarring force and pressed a gun to her temple.

“Did you actually think you could hand me a few measly thousand and walk away scot-free?” he hissed as his hand tightened painfully on her arm and the barrel of the gun dug into her head. “Not fuckin’ likely, bitch. Not after you ruined my business and my life. You might not have called the cops, but I don’t doubt for a second that one of your Beaumont boyfriends did. Or that bitch of a reporter. Which means you owe me, Chloe, and you’re going to pay. Not with money, but with your flesh.”

It was hard to get words out of her suddenly dry throat. “What are you talking about?”

His hand tightened until she could almost feel the bruises forming beneath each of his fingers. “You’re going to do exactly what I spent all those years grooming you to do. You’re going to be my number one whore.”

“Like hell I am.” She tried to jerk free, but he moved closer, pinning her against the building with his body. He leaned in, his breath hot and rancid-smelling.

“Now, now, Chloe, is that any way to talk to the man who took you off the streets and gave you a place to live and food to eat?” His eyes narrowed. “Or are the rumors true? Have you found a new billionaire sugar daddy? One who keeps his whore in satin panties for blow jobs?”

“I don’t whore for Grayson. He loves me.”

“He loves you?” he said. “Sort of like I loved you, Chloe?” He laughed, his bad breath ruffling her bangs. “Regardless of the tough exterior, you are nothing but a little weak princess. A little weak princess who is waiting for her prince to come sweep her off her feet and rescue her from all the badness in the world.” He pressed the gun into her temple. “But there’s no such thing as princes. Just like there’s no such thing as princesses. And no man is going to fall in love with a whore. Especially one who whored for his brother.”

Chloe flinched. “It wasn’t like that. I left before anything happened.”

“Do you think that will make a difference to your billionaire sugar daddy when he finds out?”

The seed of doubt he put in her mind hurt worse than his fingers squeezing her arm or the gun digging into her temple. “Let me go, Zac.” She hated that her voice quivered on each word. “I’m not going to be with you—not ever again.”

His gaze narrowed. While Grayson’s eyes reminded her of a garden of lavender, Zac’s were like bottomless pits with no color at all. “Oh, you’re going to be with me. Because if you don’t come with me, I’m going to spill your entire sordid past to the newspapers. And not just your past, but Madison’s. And how do you think people will feel about their two favorite lingerie models being hookers? How will your new boyfriend feel?”

She’d thought she was so tough because she’d faced Zac alone. Now she realized her mistake: You can never meet with the Devil and keep your soul. All hope of getting away from Zac drained right out of Chloe.

He must’ve read the defeat on her face because his hand relaxed on her arm, and he lowered the gun. “Now don’t look so sad, sweetheart. Haven’t I always shown you a good time? Unfortunately, we won’t be able to have it here in San Francisco.”

“But I thought you were on probation.”

“I don’t like people keeping tabs on me and telling me where I can go and where I can’t.” He grinned slyly. “So I’m starting over in a new country. I think wealthy foreign men would pay dearly for the chance to be with a top model, don’t you?”

id Babies ‘R’ Us change locations?” Grayson asked as soon as he stepped into Deacon’s office. There were baby things everywhere: A crib in one corner. A changing table in another. An infant seat on the couch. Baby bottles lined the bar. And all kinds of rattles and stuffed animals cluttered Deacon’s desk.

Deacon sat behind the desk, holding Michael in the crook of his arm. “Olivia wanted to be here this afternoon for the fashion show fittings, and since the sitter was sound asleep last night when we got home, I refuse to trust Michael with her again. So I’m glad you could make the board meeting this morning.”

“I didn’t think I had a choice.”

If Grayson had had a choice, he would still be tucked in bed with Chloe. Now that he’d confessed his love, he wanted to spend every single second with her. In fact he was thinking about taking her on a trip to Fiji. Since they had started their relationship there, it only made sense. And this time he didn’t intend to sneak around lusting after her with a camera. This time he planned on being very open about his lusting.

“You didn’t have a choice,” Deacon said. “Nash wouldn’t answer his phone, and Michael was having a bad morning.”

Grayson moved around the desk to look at his nephew. “Well, he doesn’t look like he’s having a bad afternoon.”

Deacon stared lovingly at his son. “He seems to like the office better than being at home.”

Grayson laughed. “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me.” He leaned closer. “Hey, little dude. Are you going to be a businessman like your daddy?” He made to tap Mikey’s nose, but Deacon stopped him.

“Wash your hands.”

“I just washed them when I went to the bathroom.”

“I don’t care. Since then you’ve touched door handles and who knows what, and I don’t want him getting germs.”

With a shake of his head, Grayson took a seat across from Deacon’s desk. “Michael will have to deal with germs eventually, you know.”

“I know. But not on my watch. Which reminds me.” He leaned forward and pushed a button on the phone panel. “Kelly, you need to have the private jet disinfected before we take it to Louisiana this weekend. Kelly?”

“She’s not there, Deke. She always has lunch with her parents in Chinatown on Fridays.”

“Damn. I forgot.” Adjusting Michael in his arms, he scribbled a note on a piece of paper. “And I’ll expect you to be on that plane, Gray. You need to accept the fact that Dad is getting married.”

It was funny, but since telling Chloe that he loved her, he didn’t feel as hurt about his father’s getting remarried. While he was still sad that he had no memories of his mother, he now had other memories to fill the gap. Happy memories that were all centered around Chloe: The sleepy, sexy way she smiled at him when she woke up every morning. The way she tried to beat him back to the house on their morning runs and thought it was so funny to snap his butt with a towel when they were getting ready for work. The way she ate as if she enjoyed every single bite—whether it was lobster at an expensive restaurant or pizza on the couch. The way she called out his name when she reached orgasm—as if he’d given her the most precious of gifts.

She still hadn’t told him that she loved him, but he didn’t need the words. Every one of her actions said that she did.

“I’ll be at Dad’s wedding,” he said. “And I’m thinking about bringing someone.”

Deacon lifted his eyebrows. “Who? And don’t tell me it’s that stupid seagull.”

Grayson grinned at the thought of Josephine sitting in a plush leather seat in French Kiss’s private jet. “No, I’m bringing Chloe.”

“So this thing between you two is serious?” When Grayson nodded, Deacon visibly relaxed in his chair. “Thank God. You had me worried there for a while.”

“Worried about what?”

“About the fact that all you seemed to want to do with women was paint them.”

Grayson stared at his brother. “You thought I was gay?”

“More like asexual. And I couldn’t really blame you after all the women that Donny John brought home and my poor parenting skills. Still, it’s nice to know that I didn’t screw you up too badly.”

It didn’t surprise him that Deacon still felt responsible for his littlest brother. Deacon was just that kind of a man. “You didn’t screw up at all, Deke. I know I probably didn’t tell you this enough, but I appreciate everything you and Nash did for me. You’re my family, and I love you.”

Deacon gave one quick nod before he cleared his throat. “Well, I love you too. Now tell me about Chloe. I had no idea that her family owned a winery.”

Since it was a subject he loved, Grayson had no problem talking about Chloe. He told Deacon about Casa Selena and Chloe’s reasons for running away from home. And he told him the story of how he’d met Chloe and about Zac’s abuse. The only thing he left out was the part about the escort service.

“Well, I’m glad that you kicked the guy’s ass,” Deacon said. “It sounds like he deserved it. And I’m glad that you helped Chloe reconcile with her father. Family is important. Something I’ve realized even more since Michael’s birth. Although I probably could’ve done without Dad’s little care package for Michael.”

“Let me guess. A new fishing boat?”

Deacon laughed. “He didn’t go that far. He sent him boxing equipment.”

“That sounds like Dad, all right.”

“What sounds like Dad?” Olivia walked into the office, and immediately Michael started to fuss.

“He knows when his food source has arrived.” Deacon got up and handed the baby to Olivia. “I was just telling Grayson about Dad’s gift for Michael.”

Olivia cuddled Michael close and kissed his head. “I will admit that it was a little unconventional, but it was also very sweet. And I can’t really say anything when my father sent his new grandson an entire box of lemon juicers.”

It was true. Olivia’s father was even more unconventional than Donny John. Due to his issues with walls and roofs, he lived on the streets and supported himself by selling lemon juicers. According to Deacon he did pretty well for himself.

“How is your father?” Grayson asked.

“He’s doing well. I’m trying to get him to come home for the holidays. But Mexico nights are a lot warmer than San Francisco’s at this time of year.” She walked over and brushed a kiss over Grayson’s cheek. “That’s from Mother. I guess the art benefit was a huge success.”

“It would’ve been an even bigger success if I had gotten Chloe’s painting.”

Olivia pulled back. “Didn’t you hear? The winning bid was nothing but a hoax. The guy who called it in didn’t even exist. Although Mother isn’t too upset, since his bids jacked up the price.”

Grayson shook his head. “So I guess I’ll be paying twice as much for my own work?”

“Exactly.” Olivia laughed. “Now let me just change and feed Michael, and we can head over to the design studio. I can’t wait to see the designs Samuel has come up with for the show. Especially the designs he themed after characters from famous old movies. He e-mailed me his sketches, and it’s an amazing idea. Madison is going to be Marilyn Monroe in
Some Like It Hot
. Natalia will be Jane Russell in
The Outlaw

Deacon cut her off. “Natalia’s back? I thought she refused to come back because Grayson had broken her heart.”

Olivia placed Michael on the changing table. “It would appear that her heart heals quickly. I hear she’s dating the lead singer of some European band. Anyway, she’ll be Jane Russell, and Chloe will be Audrey Hepburn from
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
. Although we won’t get to see the diamond-studded bra modeled. Not only because Tiffany’s won’t let it out of their sight before the fashion show but also because Chloe’s not here to model it.”

Grayson sat up. “Chloe’s not coming for the fitting?”

Olivia picked up Mikey and turned. “Samuel said she called and said that she had to take care of some personal business.” She grinned. “Until I saw you, I thought I knew what
personal business

Grayson didn’t acknowledge the teasing remark. He was too disappointed that he wasn’t going to see Chloe this afternoon. And that she hadn’t called him to tell him she wasn’t coming in.

“I’m sure she wanted to spend time with Gavin and her grandfather while they were here,” he said.

“Well, that explains it,” Olivia said. “Still, I was looking forward to seeing how she looked in some of our new designs.” Mikey started fussing, and she walked over to the couch and sat down, then started unbuttoning her blouse.

It took Deacon’s gruff order for Grayson to figure out what was going on. “It’s time for you to leave, Gray.”

Wanting no part of a nursing mother, Grayson got to his feet. “I’ll just meet you two in the design studio.”

But when he stepped into the hallway, he didn’t head for the elevators. Instead he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Chloe’s number. He was being clingy, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. He just needed to hear her voice. Instead her voice mail picked up. He was about to text her when Kelly appeared around the corner. And since she looked a little upset, he put his phone away.

“So how did lunch go with your parents?” he asked.

“Fine.” She set a takeout container on her desk, then removed her coat and hooked it over the back of her chair. Beneath she wore a purple dress with no Hello Kitty accessories that he could see. If that wasn’t enough to worry Grayson, Kelly’s face lost all color when Mikey’s wails came through Deacon’s office door.

“Here”—he moved around her desk and held out the chair—“sit down. You don’t look like you feel well.”

Kelly slumped in the chair and covered her face with her hands. “I think I’ve made a big mistake, and there’s no way to go back now.”

Grayson leaned on the edge of her desk. “What mistake?”

She lowered her hands and picked at her fingernail. “Wanting to get pregnant. I thought it would be so much fun to start a family. Olivia looked so happy when she was pregnant, and her baby shower was so much fun. You should’ve seen all the cute little baby clothes.” Her gaze moved over to Deacon’s door. “But it doesn’t look like they’re having so much fun now.” She looked at Grayson with a terrified look in her eyes. “And I just don’t think I’m ready to change those awful, stinky diapers and clean up puke and go without sleep. I’m just not ready!”

Grayson placed a hand on her shoulder. “And what does Jason think?”

“He feels the same way. Until Mikey, we both didn’t realize how much work having a baby is.”

“Then the answer seems pretty simple to me,” Grayson said. “If you’re not ready, then wait.”

Kelly sighed. “Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. My parents are all excited about being grandparents. They told me today at lunch that they already bought me a crib.”

“Well”—Grayson shrugged—“wouldn’t it be easier to take back a crib, than take back a kid?”

Kelly studied him for a moment before she laughed. “That’s a good point. And that’s exactly what I’m going to tell my mother.” She reached for her phone, but then stopped. “How involved are you with Chloe Cameron?”

The swift subject change made Grayson a little confused, and a little wary. “Why do you ask?”

“I know I’m not supposed to get involved in my boss’s personal business. But when something in your personal life could affect your happiness here at work, I think it’s my business to tell you.”

A tingle of apprehension climbed up his spine. “Tell me what?”

“While I was eating lunch with my parents, Chloe walked into the restaurant. I knew she was supposed to be at the fittings today. So I figured she was playing hooky—not that I ever do that.” She cleared her throat. “Anyway, she took a seat by the window, and not more than ten minutes later, this young guy with really scary eyes showed up. I’m sorry to tell you this, but it looks like your new girlfriend is cheating on you.”

Grayson’s shoulders relaxed, and he laughed. “I appreciate your loyalty, Kelly, but Chloe isn’t cheating on me. The guy was her cousin Gavin.”

Kelly sent him a pointed look. “I’ve heard of kissing cousins, but the kiss he gave her wasn’t cousinly. And if his name is Gavin, then why did she call him Zac?”

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