Waking Up with a Billionaire (The Overnight Billionaires Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Waking Up with a Billionaire (The Overnight Billionaires Book 3)
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For some reason Grayson’s kiss gave her the courage to face her father. He had lowered his hand and was now studying her with open curiosity. The sight of his aged face and graying hair made tears clog her throat. But while his physical appearance had changed, his eyes hadn’t. As soon as they recognized her, they filled with undeniable love. At the sight, the truth finally dawned.

Her father wasn’t some Italian vintner who’d had one night with her mother. Her father was the man standing in front of her. A man who had taught her how to bake sugar cookies, ride a horse, and know when grapes had reached their peak and were ready for harvest. A man who had never stopped looking for her.

“Oh, Daddy.” The words came out without thought, as if they’d been waiting six long years to be said.

They started toward each other at the same time and met in the middle of the tank room.

“Lena,” he said as he pulled her into his arms. “Thank God.”

Tears dripped from her lashes and splashed down her cheeks. “I’ve been so stupid,” she sobbed. “I thought you hated me.”

“Hate you? How could you think that?”

“Because it only makes sense. I’m the living proof of Mom’s betrayal.”

He chuckled, a sound she’d thought she’d never hear again. “You were always such a stubborn child. Once you got something in your head, you refused to let it go. But you’re wrong, Lena. I never viewed you as anything but my daughter.”

She drew back. “Then why did you stop talking to me?”

“I stopped talking to everyone. I was upset after your mother died. I loved her with all my heart and soul. Yes, I was shocked and disappointed, even angry, when she told me about her affair and that you weren’t my child. But I quickly got over it when I realized that, if not for that night, I would never have you. You might not be my blood, Lena, but you are my daughter. And you will always be my daughter, Princess.”

There was no way to describe the joy and relief she felt. Or the self-loathing. She’d been running for six years because she was terrified of losing her father’s love just as she’d lost her mother’s. But standing in her father’s arms, she realized that she hadn’t lost either.

Love transcends distance and even death.

ain Cameron was the type of man who didn’t believe in beating around the bush. They had no more than stepped out the door when he turned to Grayson.

“So, Mr. Beaumont…would you like to explain how my cousin ended up with a panty billionaire?”

Grayson wasn’t surprised that Cain knew who he was. Cain’s grandfather had no doubt spilled the beans. Something Grayson wasn’t about to do. “That’s not my place. If Chloe wants you to know, I’m sure she’ll tell you.”

Cain studied him for a long moment before he headed for the tasting room. But they didn’t stop to do some sampling. Instead they walked past the counter to a door at the back that looked as if it belonged on a hobbit house. Cain opened it to reveal a stone stairwell that led down. Before he started down the stairs, he turned to Grayson.

“You have family, Mr. Beaumont. So how would you feel if one of your brothers ran off for six years, then suddenly reappeared with some stranger? I think you’d have plenty of questions too.”

“I would ask my brother. Not the stranger.”

“If you knew Selena at all, you’d know that she doesn’t like to share information. And I’m not asking you to tell any secrets. I’m just asking you how you met my cousin and what you are to her.”

It was a good question. One that Grayson couldn’t have answered if he’d wanted to. He didn’t have a clue what he was to Chloe. He knew she liked him. He knew she enjoyed having sex with him. But he didn’t know the extent of her feelings. All he knew was the extent of his. He cared for her. Much more than he should.

“We’re friends,” he finally said. “We met through a mutual friend.”

“So she was doing all right—I mean she wasn’t going hungry?”

When she had been living on the streets, Grayson had little doubt that Chloe had gone hungry. But he didn’t think that was something Cain needed to know. Nor did he need to know about Zac. So he kept his answer simple. “She wasn’t going hungry when I met her.”

Cain’s shoulders visibly relaxed. “Thank God. I couldn’t get rid of this vision in my head of her living in a soggy cardboard box and eating people’s leftovers out of a Dumpster.” He shook his head. “She’s just stubborn enough to do something like that even though all she had to do was ask and I would’ve sent her any amount she wanted.”

“Chloe doesn’t like to take handouts. Which probably has more to do with her pride.”

Cain grinned. “A family trait.”

Some of the tension seemed to ease between them, and Cain led the way down the long staircase. They had almost reached the bottom when he spoke. “I blame myself. I should’ve taken a semester off from college after her mom died. If I had been here, maybe things would’ve played out differently.” He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned. “But I had my studies and my own grief to deal with—Chloe’s mother was more of a mom to me and Gavin than our own mom. And Gavin was in Texas trying to revive Granddad’s oil fields. It was a hard time for all of us, but mostly for Uncle Davis and Selena. They were the ones who had to stay here and deal with all the memories.”

And the truth about Chloe’s father. Grayson had to wonder if Cain knew about the affair with the vintner and that Chloe wasn’t related to them by blood. Somehow he didn’t think it would make a difference in how Cain felt about Chloe. There was obvious affection between the two.

Cain hooked his hands on his waist and studied the toes of his boots. “I just wish she had called me.” He shook his head. “But I guess that’s in the past. She’s home now.”

The word
struck a shaft of fear through Grayson and made him realize that, when he’d pushed Chloe to come to Napa, he hadn’t really thought things through. Like the fact that once she reconciled with her family, she wouldn’t want to come back to San Francisco with him. Which made his reply a little snappy. “She has a home.”

Cain lifted his head and looked at Grayson. “I guess we’ll have to see about that.”

Grayson wasn’t going to see about anything. Chloe belonged with him, and that’s where she was going to stay. But he didn’t need to get in an argument with Cain over it. He would need to save all his arguments for Chloe. Without a word he followed Cain into the cellar.

“If the grapes are the blood of the winery,” Cain said, “this is the heart. A lot of wineries just ferment in the stainless steel tanks. But their wine lacks the smoothness and hint of vanilla that comes with using the barrels.”

Grayson had no trouble reading the pride in Cain’s eyes. And the wine cellar was impressive. While the barn-size tank room was filled with modern wine-making technology, the cellar was filled with wooden barrels that looked hundreds of years old. There were no windows or sunlight glinting off shiny stainless steel. The cellar was dark and dank and smelled like fermenting fruit. And still there was something captivating about the underground room. Something magical. Standing there was like traveling down a rabbit’s hole, where everything was made from earth and stone and wood. The only things that weren’t natural were the halogen lights strung along the ceiling, and even those weren’t overly bright or intrusive. Their light shone softly off the aged wood of the huge wine barrels, giving them an almost mystical appearance.

Unable to stop himself, Grayson pulled out his cell phone and started snapping pictures. The curve of a cedar barrel. The wine spout that protruded at an imperfect angle. The smooth river rock of the walls and arched ceiling. When he had snapped off at least a dozen pictures, he glanced over to see Cain leaning against a barrel watching him.

“So I wondered which Beaumont you were. Now I know. You’re the artist.”

“I paint,” he said as he placed his phone in his back pocket.

Cain straightened. “I believe I read somewhere that you enjoy painting nudes.” It wasn’t a question, and still Grayson nodded. All friendliness left Cain’s face. “You’ve got exactly two seconds to say that you didn’t coerce my little cousin into posing naked for you before I knock your lights out.”

“You’ll do no such thing, Cain Eli Cameron.” Chloe appeared from the darkness of the stairwell. Grayson was more than a little relieved to see her. Not because he was worried about getting his lights knocked out, but because he’d been worried about leaving Chloe alone with her father. But from the looks of things, he’d worried needlessly. She looked fine. In fact she looked unbelievably happy. Which made him scared all over again.

“What I do is my business.” She confronted Cain with the same feistiness that Grayson had come to admire…and that he feared losing. “I don’t need you to fight my battles for me.”

Cain continued to glare at Grayson. “Tell me that you didn’t pose naked for this guy, Selena.”

“It’s Chloe. And once again, that’s none of your business. Now quit glaring at Grayson and tell me where I can find Granddad. Dad said he was at the old house, but when I knocked, no one answered.”

“He’s there. He probably just fell asleep in his chair. Where’s Davis? I’m surprised he let you out of his sight.”

She smiled. “He’s talking with the housekeeper about killing the fatted calf.”

Cain laughed. “With Rosa, it will be more like the fatted chicken—although her green chile enchiladas are better than steak.” He pulled out his phone. “I better call Gavin. He’s in Texas at the moment, but he’ll be happy and relieved to know that you’re home.”

Chloe hooked her arm through Grayson’s and pulled him toward the stairs. “Come on, I want you to meet my grandfather.”

Grayson should’ve told her on the way to Napa that he’d already met her grandfather, but he was afraid she would want to turn around. Now he struggled with how to tell her and not get her pissed. Before he could come up with the right words, Chloe spotted her grandfather in the garden.

“Granddad!” she yelled as she ran to the old guy and wrapped her arms around him in a bear hug. Grayson was surprised. He had never seen her show such open affection. It was obvious how much she loved her grandfather. And how much her grandfather loved her. His eyes instantly filled with tears as he pulled back and looked at her.

“And who might you be, young lady?” he said with a twinkle in his aged eyes. “I’m afraid that I don’t recognize the face at all.”

Chloe rested her head on his bony shoulder. “I’m sorry, Granddad. I shouldn’t have stayed away so long.”

“No, you shouldn’t have.” He patted her back. “But you’re here now and that’s all that matters.” His alert gaze wandered over to Grayson. “So you brought your beau?”

Chloe stepped back and made the introductions. “This is Grayson Beaumont, Granddad.”

Bob looked confused, and since the cat was about to be released from the bag, Grayson figured it would be best if he was the one to release it.

“Actually, we’ve already—”

Bob cut him off before he could finish. “Good to meet you, Mr. Beaumont.” He walked over and shook Grayson’s hand. “Now let’s go on down to the house and get us some lemonade.” He looked back at Chloe. “That’s if you still like lemonade.”

“I haven’t had good lemonade since I left.” Chloe claimed her grandfather’s arm, and together they headed toward Bob’s house. Cain and Grayson started to follow, but Bob stopped and addressed his grandson.

“I’m sure you’ve got business to attend to, Cain. You’ll be able to catch up with Lena later.”

Cain didn’t look happy to be dismissed, but he didn’t argue. “Yes, sir.” He pointed a finger at Chloe. “Don’t you dare disappear again.” He turned and headed back to the tasting room.

Unlike the time before, Bob didn’t make Horse’s Asses. The straight lemonade was tart and a little too sweet for Grayson’s taste, but he sat at the table and sipped it anyway as Chloe and her grandfather talked. She talked about her life after leaving the winery, but left out the more dramatic parts—living on the streets and Zac’s abuse. Although Bob seemed to be pretty good at reading between the lines.

“Hmm?” he said. “That Chinese restaurant must’ve paid their employees pretty darn good for you to survive in San Francisco.” He took a sip of lemonade as Chloe fidgeted with the edge of the tablecloth. “So how are you taking care of yourself now?”

She shot a quick glance over at Grayson before she answered. “I’m doing some modeling for French Kiss.”

“Really?” Bob glanced at Grayson. “Is that how you two met each other?”

It wasn’t exactly how they had met, but like Chloe, Grayson didn’t think the old guy needed to hear about his granddaughter getting beaten up by a bully. “We met on a photo shoot in Fiji,” he said.

Bob glanced between them. “Love at first sight?”

Chloe’s face turned as red as the checks of the tablecloth. “It’s not like that, Granddad. Grayson and I are just…” Her brow knotted as she searched for a word. Since Grayson had done the same thing when Cain had asked a similar question, he understood her confusion. Which didn’t explain why he felt so annoyed when she came up with the same answer he had. “Friends,” she said. “We’re just friends.”

“Ahh, friends.” Bob smiled. “I remember me and Grandmother being just friends. It was some of the most enjoyable days of my life.”

Chloe’s face flamed even brighter as she quickly got up from her chair. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom.”

Once she was gone, Bob’s entire attention zeroed in on Grayson. “And what about you, son? Do you want my granddaughter as just a friend?”

He should’ve gone along with Chloe and what he’d told Cain, but for some reason he couldn’t lie to the old guy. “No.”

Bob leaned back in his chair and laughed. “Well, at least one of you isn’t trying to blow smoke up my ass. I don’t believe a word of what Selena told me about her life being all roses and sunbeams. But I’m not going to make a big scene over it either—sometimes the past is best left there. What I’m most concerned with is the present.” He leaned forward and rested his arms on the table. “Has she found happiness?”

It was a question that Grayson wished he had the answer to. He knew he was happy. Happier than he’d ever been in his life. But he wasn’t sure about Chloe. She was a hard person to read.

“I can’t speak for Chloe, sir,” he said. “But I can tell you that I’m going to make every effort to give her that happiness.”

Bob’s shoulders visibly relaxed. “Fair enough. Now explain to me why you didn’t tell her that you’ve been here before.”

Lying was never easy to explain. Suddenly Grayson felt like he was five again and trying to explain to his own grandfather why he’d stolen his pack of Dentyne gum and chewed every stick—then swallowed it.

He cleared his throat. “I was going to tell her but, as you know, Chloe has a temper and a tendency to overreact. And I worried if she found out I’d been at Casa Selena, she’d be so upset at me that she would refuse to come here. Thinking that her father knew where she was living pushed her to face him.”

Bob’s eyes narrowed in thought. “But she could’ve just run away again. Which makes me wonder if it had more to do with you. It sounds like she found a place she wants to stay.”

“I certainly hope so, sir.”

“You certainly hope what?”

They turned to find Chloe standing in the doorway. Bob quickly got to his feet. “He certainly hopes he can see some childhood pictures of you.” He walked to a shelf in the living room and pulled down a photo album. “And it just so happens that I have a few.”

They spent the next couple of hours talking about Chloe’s childhood and looking at pictures. She had been as photogenic then as she was now. Although the picture of her with pimples and braces might’ve been the exception. Grayson had just leaned in for a closer look when the door opened and Davis Cameron walked in. Since they had yet to be introduced, Grayson immediately got to his feet and held out a hand.

“Grayson Beaumont, sir.”

Davis studied him for a long moment before he took the offered hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Grayson. I hope you’ll stay for dinner.”

Dinner was quite the feast. The housekeeper hadn’t killed the fatted calf, but she’d come close. Platters and bowls of Mexican food filled the table. As instructed, Grayson sat on one side of Davis while Chloe sat on the other. Grayson expected him to ask some tough questions, but instead Davis seemed content just to have his daughter home. And Chloe looked just as content. Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were flushed as she reminisced with her family. She looked even happier when Rosa brought out the chocolate cake with lit candles for dessert.

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