Voyage of the Moonstone (9 page)

Read Voyage of the Moonstone Online

Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Voyage of the Moonstone
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Instinctively you recite the words of the Brotherhood Spell
Invisible Shield
and a transparent disc of magical protection forms in front of your eyes. Moments later the archer's arrow strikes this sorcerous shield and shatters to pieces. The remnants of his missile fall to the ground.

For a few uncertain moments the marines believe that you have been mortally wounded, but they are quick to cheer when they see you get to your feet and come running towards them. Oswin helps you to retrieve your horse and quickly you remount him and gallop along the avenue which leads out of this unfriendly town.

Turn to 52

[13] The original mentioned that you ‘see your own Arrow strike [the archer] in the chest and knock him down.’ To reach this Section, you must
have fired a Bow. Having removed this text, it is left to you to explain why the Grand Master escapes while the archer still lives.


The elder scowls and raises his staff so that its twisted black tip is pointing towards your face. He breathes an ancient word and you feel a pressure rapidly building in your head. It is an agonizing force that threatens to crack your skull in two!

If you possess Kai-screen,
turn to 199

If you do not possess this Discipline,
turn to 239


Your Arrow punctures the leader's breastplate and brings him tumbling to his knees. Desperately his fingers scrabble to wrench the shaft free, but it has penetrated too deeply and he is soon overwhelmed by the pain of the mortal wound he has sustained. With one final gasp he keels over and falls face-down upon the deck.

Turn to 63


Dromodon strides into the arena with his arms flung wide to receive the frenzied adulation of the crowd. He is a magnificent lion of a man, with broad shoulders and a mighty chest that ripples with bronzed muscle. His grim face is stern and majestic beneath a mane of wild black hair, and he moves with the confidence and grace of a huge, predatory animal. At first he appears to be the very embodiment of gladiatorial perfection, and you regret that you should have to fight this heroic warrior to the death. But your regrets soon evaporate when you look into his eyes, for you see revealed there his true nature. Beneath the façade of his heroic exterior lurks a soul filled with evil. Your senses tell you that he is a secret worshipper of Naar. The Dark God has given him many rewards — his strength and his status — and in return Dromodon has consigned hundreds of noble souls to an eternity of slavery in the thrall of Naar. Now you see him for what he really is — a ruthless murderer, a heartless killing machine — and all empathy with him as a fellow warrior is lost. This will be a fight to the death and you must fight to win!

Illustration III
—You see Dromodon for what he really is — a ruthless murderer, a heartless killing machine.


This enemy is immune to all forms of psychic attack.

If you win the combat,
turn to 268


You call upon all of your speed and agility in a desperate attempt to throw yourself out of the path of this terrifying meteor. A superhuman effort will be required if you are to accomplish this desperate action successfully.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If you possess Grand Huntmastery add 3 to the number you have picked. You may add an additional 1 to the number you have picked for every 1
point you are prepared to deduct from your current total.

If your total score is now 1 or lower,
turn to 342

If it is 2–7,
turn to 15

If it is 8 or higher,
turn to 203


For an hour you ride without daring to stop in case the slaver has dispatched his henchmen to pursue you. The hills keep the interior of this country hidden from view until you reach a broad-based canyon bisected by a meandering stream. The threat of pursuit has now passed and so you halt here to slake your thirst before continuing your long ride south.

Beyond the canyon, the road crosses a rolling coastal plain which lies at the eastern edge of the Dry Main — Vassagonia's vast desert. The undulations of its windswept sands give this great sun-bleached emptiness the appearance of a vast yellow sea that seems to stretch away into infinity. You feel a disturbing unease as you stare across this wilderness for there is nothing to break the view, and nothing that could offer you a place to hide should the need arise.

As dusk approaches you are pleased to see that the road bears to the east and passes within sight of the ocean. The heat of the day has now surrendered to a biting night wind that makes your horse and your companions shiver. Mindful of their need for shelter, you leave the road and scout the rugged coastline in search of a cave in which to spend the night. Your tracking skills lead you to a dry cave that is ideal and you camp here and build a fire from driftwood. Over a meal of roasted crabmeat the conversation turns to Oriah and your fears for her safety. Later this night, as you sit the first watch, you offer a prayer to the Goddess Ishir to protect her and keep her safe. You have a strong feeling that the young woman is still alive and that one day, sometime in the future, your paths are destined to cross once more.

After a few hours, Sligh wakes from his slumber to take his turn keeping watch at the mouth of the cave. Gladly you hand over the duty to him and settle down for some much needed sleep (you may restore 3

To continue,
turn to 142


You watch aghast as the Itikars swoop past the balloon and rake their talons across its canopy. The sudden loss of gas from the canopy shakes the basket and you are knocked off your feet. Yranai falls on top of you and, for a few nerve-racking seconds, you lie entangled at the bottom of the basket as the balloon rapidly loses altitude. When you pull yourself up and peer over the rim, you see the trees of the lower mountain slopes rising towards you at a dizzying speed. Yranai looks up to see shreds of cloth trailing from the punctured canopy above and the sight proves too much for him: he faints. Hurriedly you haul his frail body over your shoulder. Then you place one foot on the rim of the basket and get ready to make a desperate leap away from this doomed balloon as the tops of the mountain pines rise into view.

If you possess Kai-alchemy,
turn to 107

If you do not possess this Discipline,
turn to 115


You invite the magician to enter your room and, after checking that the corridor is empty, you close the door. You can sense his excitement as you place the item(s) that you would like him to purchase on a small table which stands beside the mattress.

If the item you wish to sell is the Iron Skull,
turn to 201

If it is the Siyen Crown,
turn to 134

If it is the Kutyan Emerald,
turn to 298


Your Kai Sixth Sense informs you that the whirlpool is being created by a powerful entity, a creature that is hiding somewhere in the undergrowth which blankets the overhanging cliff. From its high vantage point it is pouring its evil energy down into the channel below, causing the vortex which now threatens to drag
The Pride of Sommerlund
to a deep, watery grave.

You inform Raker of what you have detected and he orders the marines to fire a volley from their deck guns, aimed at the foliage on top of the cliff.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table

If the number you have chosen is 0 or 1,
turn to 16

If it is 2–9,
turn to 294


The man rapidly disappears into the crowd, and when you check your Backpack you discover that your suspicions were well founded. The flap is unbuckled and there is one item missing (erase the first item which you have noted on your Backpack Items list).

To continue,
turn to 96


You wait until the last moment before you leap over the falling statue. It shears the surface from the steps on which, just seconds ago, you were standing, but your reactions prove too slow for you to avoid being struck a glancing blow to the neck and shoulder: lose 5

As you fall to the steps, you see the statue finally reach the bottom of the stairwell where it smashes into several large segments which block the narrow doorway and fill the base of the stairwell with thick dust. Gritting your teeth against the pain of your injuries, you stagger to your feet and hurry as fast as you can up the stairs in pursuit of your prey — the scourge of Hikas.

Turn to 177


The owner sympathizes with you. He does not want to lose your custom and so he tries to strike a deal. He says that he would be willing to accept two of your Backpack Items instead of the remaining six Gold Crowns.

If you agree to his deal, erase any two Backpack Items from your
Action Chart
(excluding Meals) and
turn to 333

If you do not agree to his deal,
turn to 224


Your Arrow hits the warrior but it is deflected by the steel nose-guard that is fixed to the front of his helmet. You are about to reload your Bow and fire again when suddenly there is a tremendous crash.
The Pride of Sommerlund
lurches violently and you are thrown backwards across the deck.

Turn to 274


Bravely you meet her attack and counter it by launching yourself headlong into a desperate fight to the finish.

Deathstalker (mate):

This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Kai-surge).

If you win the combat,
turn to 76


‘Welcome, Master Journeyman,’ says the smiling trader, ‘I'm most pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Kolastemi Ayusidihara but people know me better as Kol. I see by the cloak clasp you are wearing that you are a Kai journeyman of Sommerlund, yes?’

You nod to affirm this and the excited little man proceeds to tell you about himself and his business. You hear that he is a merchant who was born in Casiorn but who now lives in the city of Kuchek. When he was a young man he traded silk for wheat in Holmgard where he first encountered the Kai. Once, when his caravan was attacked by a Giak war party on the Ruanon Pike, it was the timely intervention of a Kai journeyman that saved his life and his cargo. Since that day he has revered your warrior order. Barely pausing for breath, he tells you proudly that he has a ship moored in the harbour which is filled with timber that he intends to trade for spices in Bisutan. He plans to set sail tomorrow at noon. When at last he pauses to take a sip of ale from his tankard, you inform him that you and your three companions are travelling overland to Elzian.

‘By horse? Such a tiring way to travel and such a difficult road too,’ he says. ‘I would gladly offer you passage aboard my ship but, alas, I carry such a heavy cargo that I could only accommodate one extra passenger. You would be most welcome to sail with me to Bisutan, but sadly I am unable to offer such a favour to your friends.’

You thank Kol for his offer but decline it, preferring to stay with the marines. You are tired now, and so you rise from your seat and bid the friendly trader goodnight and a safe voyage. As you turn to go to your room he calls out: ‘If you should change your mind, remember I sail at noon. My ship is moored at the end of the east quay. She's called
Desert Jewel

Turn to 106


You enter this musty emporium and cast your experienced eye across its shelves and glass-fronted cabinets. A toothless old crone is standing behind a toa wood counter and she bids you welcome. As you walk around the shop she watches you like a hawk.

Most of her wares appear to be second-hand items of little value or practical use. Of all the thousands of things that are crammed into this shop, only the following catch your eye:

  • Rope — 3 Gold Crowns
  • Blanket — 2 Gold Crowns
  • Hourglass — 3 Gold Crowns
  • Tinderbox — 2 Gold Crowns
  • Spyglass — 2 Gold Crowns

If you wish to purchase one or more of the above Backpack Items, remember to adjust your
Action Chart

To leave the shop,
turn to 17

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