Voyage of the Moonstone (11 page)

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Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Voyage of the Moonstone
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The Deathstalker's mate howls with pain and terror as your fatal blow pierces her evil heart. She stumbles backwards, slashing at her own chest with her razor-sharp claws in a frenzied madness of anger and frustration. Then, with a final gurgling cry, death claims her and she crashes down into the dense foliage and is still. Slowly the noises of the jungle return as the nocturnal animals of this Old Kingdom sense that the terrible threat of her presence has passed.

The sun rises over the jungle and lights this steamy, humid morning. By the growing light you dig a grave in the soft earth and lay the remains of the Deathstalker's mate to rest here, among the ruins of this ancient settlement. Then you offer up a prayer to the God Kai for having bestowed upon you strength and courage enough to triumph over this creature of evil, before you mount your horse and set off along the jungle trail to Elzian.

Turn to 350


Following the landlady's written directions, you make your way through the streets of the city to a wide concourse which ascends to a knoll called Zakhan's Mount that overlooks the south gatehouse. Through the open gates you can see the mighty bridge which spans the lower fork of the River Khorda. Beyond lie the Bavari Hills shimmering in a heat haze, and towards the horizon are the Great Masourn Mountains which appear like a jagged purple frieze joined to the sky.

Standing in line before the south gates is a caravan of wagons drawn by sturdy douggas, the sand horses of the Dry Main. Many wagons are piled high with merchants' goods destined for Bavari — a rich cargo watched over by a dozen armed outriders in the pay of the caravan's owners. You approach a line of trestle tables set up near the leading wagons where passengers may purchase a seat aboard the caravan for the three-day journey to Bavari. Chalked upon a slate is the price of the fare: 7 Gold Crowns.

If you possess 7 Gold Crowns,
turn to 253

If you do not possess 7 Gold Crowns,
turn to 164


The slaver sees you running towards him and the sight immediately wipes the sneer from his face. With a squeal of fright he grabs hold of a young female slave and cowers behind her, using her body as a shield to protect himself from you. Repeatedly he screams the name ‘Svolta!’ until, in answer to his frantic cry, a short man in a close-fitting grey robe suddenly appears from behind the row of slaves. He is carrying a Vassagonian cavalry bow with an arrow already fixed to the bowstring. The slaver commands him to fire at you and the man obeys with breathtaking speed.

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use this Discipline,
turn to 192

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use this Discipline,
turn to 257

If you possess Elementalism and wish to use this Discipline,
turn to 308

If you possess none of these skills, or if you have chosen not to make use of them,
turn to 292


The timid little trader sees that you are about to walk away without buying anything, after having spent some time examining his wares. Immediately he suspects that you think him too expensive and so he decides to lower his prices. He now offers to let you have any of his potions for only 2 Gold Crowns each.

If you now wish to buy one or more of his potions,
return to 7
and make your choice from the potions listed there.

If you still have no desire to buy any of his potions,
turn to 96


Your swift blow strikes the spider and sends it hurtling across the room, but not before it has had a chance to inject its lethal poison into your thigh. A red-hot lance of pain shoots up your thigh and makes you cry out in agony. You muster your Kai healing skills to counter the venom, but the pain hardly recedes at all.

If you possess Cowana herb,
turn to 243

If you do not possess this healing herb,
turn to 225


Your Arrow misses its intended mark, yet it looks set to bury itself into the creature's belly as the beast leaps into the air. Unfortunately, the spider-creature sees your onrushing missile and transforms it into ash with a burst of its electrical power.

You are about to reload your Bow and fire again when suddenly there is a tremendous crash. The ship lurches violently and you are thrown backwards across the deck.

Turn to 274


The guardsmen take you away to a dingy cell below the arena where you are kept until the time comes for you to meet your opponent. You are allowed to keep your Weapons, including your Kai Weapon, but you are warned that the use of sorcery within the gladiatorial arena is strictly forbidden. Torvax despises magic and any breach of this rule will result in immediate execution. (The contest is restricted to hand weapons only; if you possess a Bow it is now confiscated and you must delete it from your
Action Chart

Within the hour the guardsmen return: it is time for you to meet your adversary. As you are led from your cell and escorted along the tunnel, you can hear the crowd above roaring with excitement. Then, as you step into the fading sunlight, you hear gasps of astonishment from some quarters. They come from your fellow travellers who cannot believe that it is you, the friendly Northlander, who is to fight Dromodon the Invincible to the death. The guardsmen march you to the centre of the arena and leave you standing there alone under the watchful gaze of the expectant crowd. Minutes later, the crowd erupts when Dromodon emerges from the tunnel.

Turn to 50


The man snakes his way through the crowd with surprising speed. He is fast and agile, but he is no match for a Kai Grand Master and you quickly catch him. Your suspicions were correct: he is clasping to his chest an item from your Backpack (the first item on your list). Having been caught red-handed, this wily thief now tries to turn the tables on you. He screams at the top of his voice that you are robbing him. His wailing cries attract the crowd's attention and soon you find yourself surrounded by a score of scowling faces, all looking accusingly at you.

If you possess the Discipline of Kai-alchemy and wish to use it,
turn to 30

If you possess the Discipline of Bardsmanship and wish to use it,
turn to 286

If you possess neither of these skills, or if you choose not to use them,
turn to 318


You press yourself flat against your horse's neck and listen as the archer's arrow buzzes towards you like an angry hornet. Then you feel a sharp pain in your back as its tip grazes your spine (lose 2
points). For a few uncertain moments the marines believe that you have been mortally wounded, but they are quick to cheer when they see you sit up and glance over your shoulder.

Despite the stinging pain of your wound you manage a smile and you acknowledge their glad shout with a wave of your hand. Then you dig your heels into your horse's flanks once more and gallop along this avenue which leads out of Kilij.

Turn to 52


Quickly you utter the words of the Brotherhood Spell
and you rise into the air. Moments later, the statue crashes down and shears the surface from the steps on which, just seconds ago, you were standing. You see the statue finally reach the bottom of the stairwell where it smashes into several large segments which block the narrow doorway and fill the base of the stairwell with thick dust. You speak the words which counter the effects of the spell and feel yourself gliding down towards the cracked steps. The moment your feet touch down, you race up the stairs in pursuit of the scourge of Hikas.

Turn to 177


Your superb horsemanship keeps you from falling off. It also helps you to regain control of your steed and steer him swiftly towards the crest of the rockfall. The first boulders are beginning to smash down around you as he carries you valiantly to the top of the mound and gallops over the far side. You are half-blinded by dust, but still you are able to dodge a falling boulder which threatens to break your back before you reach the safety of the open trail beyond.

Here you rein in your horse and turn him about so that you can take stock of the damage which has been caused by this second rockfall.

Turn to 11


You brace yourself against the inside of the basket as the outcrop looms nearer. Moments later, there is the sound of ripping cloth and you are jolted off your feet. Yranai falls on top of you and you lie entangled at the bottom of the basket as the balloon is suddenly whisked away from the outcrop by a second crosswind.

You disentangle yourself from the old man and struggle to your feet. You can feel the balloon is rapidly losing altitude and, when you peer over the rim of the basket, you see the trees of the lower mountain slopes rising towards you at a dizzying speed. Yranai pulls himself up beside you, but when he sees shreds of cloth trailing from the punctured canopy above, he faints and collapses. Hurriedly you haul his frail body over your shoulder. Then you place one foot on the rim of the basket and get ready to make a desperate leap away from this doomed balloon as the top of the mountain pines come clearly into view.

If you possess Kai-alchemy,
turn to 107

If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline,
turn to 115


You leave the ship and walk across the quayside to the Good Cheer Inn. It is an old timber-framed tavern which looks deserted at this early hour. A bell tinkles as you push open its heavy door, attracting the attention of a doe-eyed innkeeper who is mopping last night's spilt ale from the floor. You ask if he has seen Captain Raker.

‘You must be the journeyman who's sailing south.’ The answer comes from the top of a staircase, Moments later a broad-shouldered man with a golden beard and sharp blue eyes comes striding down the stairs. ‘I'm Raker,’ he says, as he struggles to pull on his leather jerkin and fix the belt of his heavy-bladed cutlass. ‘Hey, Squin. Go rustle me up some grub. I'm so hungry m'stomach thinks m'throat's been cut.’

As the innkeeper goes away to fetch breakfast for the captain, he asks if you want some food as well. After having ridden all night without once stopping, you answer: ‘I'll have whatever the captain's having.’

‘Good man!’ booms Raker. ‘I ain't fond of eating alone. Here, let's sit ourselves down and fill our bellies before we set sail.’

Turn to 127


The sun grows warmer as noon approaches and the parched hills around Bavari melt away into a lush savannah of tall grasses, broken occasionally by swathes of loamy soil. The air has become humid and the fertile landscape is rich with fauna. In the distance, the verdant foothills of the Great Masourn Mountains appear in stark contrast to the brown arid wastes through which you have travelled these past few days.

As night falls you find yourself approaching a village which sits astride the border with neighbouring Dessi. It shelters behind a tall palisade which is patrolled by several Vakeros, the indigenous tribesmen of this realm. They are an ancient race whose lineage can be traced back to the Age of the Old Kingdoms, yet the Vassagonians consider them to be primitives and often pour scorn on their simple ways and their tribal culture. Some of Vassagonia's more ruthless leaders have in the past waged war upon the Vakeros with the aim of stealing their fertile land, but all of these wars have ended in costly defeat for Vassagonia. Dessi is ruled by the Elder Magi whose mastery of Old Kingdom magic is unparalleled and, over many centuries, they have taught the secrets of their battle-sorcery to the Vakeros. Armed with magic, they have kept their land and their culture secure from the ravages of their aggressive desert neighbour.

Since the demise of the Darklords and the fall of Zakhan Kimah — the despised Vassagonian ruler — peace has returned to the border regions of Dessi. Yet, as you approach the palisade, you see that the Vakeros guards are wary and suspicious. One of their elders approaches you and, with a staff of twisted black wood, he signals that he wants you to halt. Your Sixth Sense detects that his staff possesses magical properties; he is using it to assess if you are a threat to his village.

If you possess an Iron Skull,
turn to 237

If you do not possess this Special Item,
turn to 332


Sligh hisses a warning that the riders are returning along the coast road. Quickly you take cover in the gully and wait with bated breath as the sound of their horses' hoofbeats gets louder. When they ride past the gully without stopping you breathe a little easier, for you feel sure that they must have decided to call off the chase and return home to Cape Kabar.

Now that the threat has passed, you signal to Oriah and the marines to remount their horses. It is time to leave the gully and continue the long ride south.

Turn to 336


A dozen arena guards rush into the room and elbow their way through the gladiators' advancing ranks. They are armed with Bor muskets which they level at your head and chest. These primitive firearms are wildly inaccurate at ranges where a bow can be precise and deadly, but they are devastating when used at close quarters. Reluctantly you sheathe your weapon and raise your hands in surrender for to attempt an escape now is futile.

The gladiators surround you swiftly and drag you out of the room. You are manhandled roughly along the tunnel and brought before a distinguished-looking man who is clad in fine white linen and jewel-encrusted armour. He is Torvax, the owner of the dead warrior-slave Malduz. The news that his finest gladiator is dead sends him into a blind fury. Malduz was to fight at dusk in the final combat of the circus. Now Torvax stands to lose the winner's purse of 1,000 Gold Crowns. In his rage he orders that you be executed at dusk before the entire arena. The situation is looking hopeless until, as you are being dragged away, you offer to fight for Torvax in Malduz's place.

Illustration VI
—In his rage, Torvax orders that you be executed at dusk before the entire arena.

Pick a number from the
Random Number Table
. If your current
score is 20 or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked. If your
is 8 or lower, deduct 2 from the number you have picked.

If your total score is now 3 or lower,
turn to 304

If it is 4 or higher,
turn to 193

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