Vows of a Vampire (8 page)

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Authors: Ann Cory

BOOK: Vows of a Vampire
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Another spasm jolted her body and he removed the vibrator. Craving a taste, he ran his tongue along her glistening slit.

“Mm. Unbelievably sweet.”

He gathered her in his arms and laid her on the bed.

Her sultry lips parted as her breath evened out. “Please, fuck me. I have to know how you feel inside me.”

His need to be with her was just as strong. “With pleasure.”


The slightest touch of his hands sent her arousal on high all over again.

At the side of the bed, he undressed. Muscles rippled under his flesh as he moved. The sight of his cock made her mouth water. She’d probably gag on his phenomenal size, but she didn’t care.

Aubrey went to wrap her hand around his length, but he took hold of her hand.

“No, my love. I’m too worked up. Another time.”

She eyed his cock again and stuck out her bottom lip. “Please, I want a taste.”

He chuckled and caressed her face with his knuckles. “Anything else you want, it’s yours, but tonight those luscious lips need to stay off my cock.”

How dare he deny her the pleasure of sucking him dry? She decided to test that anything else theory. “You won’t tell me no again?”

His eyes narrowed. “What are you asking?”

From her nightstand she grabbed a small tube of lubricant and placed it in his hand. “I’m not asking. I’m telling. Fuck my ass with that big cock of yours.”

A wicked smile etched his lips. “I like the way you think.”

Aubrey turned and steadied herself on all fours. Juices streaked her inner thighs at the thought of him filling her tiny hole. With soft sweeps of his fingertip, he lathered her up. The cool gel did little to douse the slow burn of want, but it brought her a step closer in relief.

“Put on a lot, please.”

“I’ll have you all nice and slicked up.”

She glanced over her shoulder in time to see him apply gel to his cock. It shined and made him look bigger, if that was even possible. Aubrey bit her lip and closed her eyes. The wait seemed an eternity.

“Let’s get you prepared, shall we?”

Aubrey shuddered when he pressed a finger into her tight ring. She arched her back and forced herself to relax. He pushed a second finger through and her body bucked.

“Ready to feel my cock?”

She nodded so enthusiastically she nearly gave herself whiplash. “Yes.”

Her breath stilled as he readied himself at her entry. Goose bumps covered her skin as he broke through her lubed orifice, raking along the tiny muscle with his tremendous width. A low moan erupted from her throat and got louder as he slid inside.

Inch by blissful inch he worked his cock inside her ass until he was buried to the hilt.

“So…tight,” he groaned.

She sighed into each movement. “Feels good.”

His thick cock worked her ass, the delicious friction beckoning an orgasm that would blow her mind.

Aubrey moaned and pushed back into him. She loved the way his hands gripped the sides of her body, strong and authoritative. Her nerves jumped as he reached around and jiggled her clit.

“That’s it, faster, oh god, faster,” she cried.

He pumped harder, ramming his cock repeatedly, grunting between breaths.

Grabbing a fistful of sheets, her muscles tensed. She rocked into him, crazy with need as his fingers kept up a frantic momentum.

It only took a few more thrusts and her climax broke free. At the same time spasms shot through her body, she felt his release. Hands tight around her hips he roared.

Aubrey bent forward and rested her head on her forearms, enjoying the sweet relief. She swore her body had never known such extreme satisfaction before.

Varick smoothed his hands along her back then pulled his cock out, sending a faint tremor through her.

“You’re an amazing woman.”

She flattened herself on the bed and then turned to her side, patting the empty space beside her. With a smile he stretched up close and kissed her full on the lips. When he broke away, she glanced down, her eyes wide. In only a few seconds he sported a full erection again.

Her brow arched. “How can you be ready again so soon?”

A sly smile curved his lips. “I blame you.”

She’d only dreamed of hours upon hours of hot, sweaty sex. It appeared Varick could deliver.

“You’ll hear no complaints from me.”

Aubrey leaned on her elbow and ran her fingers across his moist, warm chest. “How did you know where I kept my vibrator?”

He chuckled. “I may have looked in on you at an especially good time.”

Playfully she batted his arm. “You’re bad. So when you say you watch over me, does that include coming into my room at night while I sleep?”

His features turned serious. “No. I’ve never been inside your home until tonight.”

“But you could have?”

Varick slid a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I suppose, but I didn’t dare. I knew how badly I wanted you and feared it would only make it worse.”

“How is it you can
me?” Her first thought was some crystal ball, or magic telescope.

“My senses are highly developed. I can see events as they happen in my mind, and with you I can also sense what will happen in the span of several minutes. I haven’t been able to do that with anyone else.”

Her lip twitched. “Wow, I’m impressed. Is it like a third eye?”

“Sort of. Dante taught me how to strengthen the vision and keep focus. Earlier tonight it knocked me to my knees when I saw you going over the cliff.”

She’d been very lucky to have a guardian…vampire. “Does it always work?”

“There’ve been a few occasions where it failed me, or the sensations came back weak, but usually it’s reliable.”

It seemed strange to her that he appeared like any normal man. Or at least a man with a drop-dead gorgeous body, long black hair and mesmerising eyes. Nothing about him screamed vampire. Even his dark and gothic style of dress didn’t look out of the ordinary. Beyond everything else, she knew the truth, and the differences would affect them whether they wanted to acknowledge them or not. They could pretend it all away, but it would inevitably create problems.

Aubrey didn’t know how to broach the subject without putting a damper on their mood, but the question begged to be asked. “How can we make this work, you and I?”

He averted his eyes. “If it’s what we both want, then we’ll find a way.”

“I see. So you don’t know either. I don’t mean to upset you, but this has been on my mind from earlier. Why haven’t you tried to bite me?”

He brought her wrist to his lips and smothered it with kisses. “My love for you overpowers the need. Besides we don’t feed on humans. It isn’t the way. We have a blood supply and it more than nourishes the coven.”

Uncertain how he’d react, she blurted her next question. “What does it feel like for you to drink blood?” Once the words were out, she held her breath.

His smile suggested all was okay between them. “Does sex always make you this inquisitive?”

Aubrey laughed. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine. To answer your question, blood is like water to me. An icy, cool glass on a hot summer day. Once I’ve had my fill I’m recharged,” he explained.

She watched him frown as he glanced out the window.

“I have to go. The night is fading and it will be sunrise soon.”

With a groan she clung to him tighter. “No, I’m not ready.”

His hand circled her upper back, soothing her worries. “Trust me, I want to stay, but this is one of the times our lifestyles differ.”

Aubrey raised her head. She didn’t want him to feel guilty. “I understand.”

He captured her lips with his then rose from the bed.

“Until tomorrow evening.”

A tear fell as she watched him disappear. He’d turned her whole life around, for the better.



Varick passed by the dining hall on his way to bed and was surprised to find Luke sitting at the head of the table, surrounded by his faithful followers. Rarely were they ever in the same area of the house. Still buzzing from his encounter with Aubrey, he refused to let anything or anyone dampen his spirits.

He nodded in the fair-haired vampire’s direction. “Luke.”

“Varick,” he sneered. “Late night out, I see. Good thing nothing bad happened here, you know, since we were without
a leader.”

As always his brother liked to point out his faults to others.

He didn’t want to get caught up in the banter and waved a hand at him. “Whatever.”

Luke pushed back his chair and hoisted his feet onto the table, hands resting on his waist. A smug look streaked his face. “You know, the clan is in an uproar. Everyone’s been talking.”

Varick sighed. “Talking about what?”

Dark eyes bore right through him. “About you bringing a mortal into the West Chamber. How could you be so careless? It’s a wonder Dante left you in charge.”

An uneasy feeling passed through his gut. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Luke narrowed his eyes. “You know better, but you acted like a complete idiot. We need someone intelligent ruling over us. Someone worthy to look up to.”

He tired of hearing about his shortcomings. “Look, I know I haven’t lived up to the ways of Dante. Believe me it turns my stomach sour. But I’m trying. I need a little more time and then I know I can turn things around. Have some faith in me. Have some faith in Dante. Obviously he thought I was right for the job.”

Luke snickered. “Remains to be seen. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t have brought a woman here. Especially not a woman you swore to keep safe. Our brothers are beyond restless, with good reason. They can smell her. Fresh, innocent blood.”

A cold draft ran through him. He’d trusted Blake to keep his word. “I don’t know who told you, but that’s my business.”

“What difference does it make who I heard it from? We would all like to find a woman to love the way Dante did, but it isn’t right. There are plenty of Vamps to pleasure us. Why do you insist on going outside of the coven?”

He turned and started toward the staircase. “I don’t have to answer to you.”

In a flash Luke was out of the chair and coming straight at him. “Secrets won’t put this coven back together.”

He remembered Blake mentioning the missing women. “I’d say you have secrets of your own. Where exactly are you getting your blood supply? Dare I ask?”

Luke pointed a finger at him. “When you start to act like a leader, I’ll treat you like one. Otherwise I owe you nothing. Don’t worry about what I do. I suggest you watch your own back.”

His blood boiled at the obvious threat. “Why? Are you and your cohorts going to take me out? Strip me of my title? Plot all you want, but I won’t go down without a fight. If I didn’t think I was capable of running this coven, I’d have given up the title years ago. You’ll never rule here. Not so long as I’m alive.”

Luke’s lip twitched as he spoke. “You don’t want to push me, Varick.”

“I’m tired of this conflict between us. You’ve blamed me for things I couldn’t control. For taking Dante’s attention away from you. I was a kid.”

“At least you acknowledge that’s what you did.”

“For whatever reason, he felt a bond to me.”

His eyes blazed. “One I started before you arrived. One I would still have to this day had you never come here.”

Now he’d heard everything. “What? Do you think Dante would be alive right now?”

“I wouldn’t have enabled his obsession for a mortal. I’d have talked some sense into him. But not you, no, you were always too busy trying to stay in his good graces. You’ve always been the one allowed to do what you wanted.”

Through with the conversation, he started up the stairs. “You sound as immature now as you did back then. Get over it. What’s done is done.”

“Oh, there is still much to be done.”

He raised a brow. “Meaning?”

Luke’s icy smile disturbed him. “Like I said. Watch your back.”

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