Vows of a Vampire (12 page)

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Authors: Ann Cory

BOOK: Vows of a Vampire
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She noticed the colour had returned to his face and his eyes sparkled.

“How about you? Are you feeling better?”

Varick sighed, circling his fingers along her nipples. “My energy is indeed returning. Thank you.”

Aubrey had feared losing him, but seeing him now, she let the calm of what she was about to do take over her. With this final feed, her life would forever be changed, and she welcomed it.

“Think you can stand my cock in your pussy this time?”

His hungry gaze made her light-headed.

She wetted her lips and answered in a low, sultry voice. “I’m always ready for your cock.”

He bit at her nipples and trailed kisses along her breasts. She tried not to think about him biting her again, instead focusing on the pulse of his cock against her mound.

“Bring your knees to your chest and latch them over my shoulders.”

She did as he said, aware of how moist her pussy must be.

Varick slid his fingers back and forth over her slick cleft.

He brushed her hair away from her neck and kissed where the other holes were.

“You can still change your mind.”

“No. Turn me now. Give us a lifetime to be together. Do this for Dante and my mother.”

The head of his cock prodded against her pussy. She waited, not breathing, muscles tense.

“Relax, baby.”

She forced herself to let go right as his teeth and cock pierced her. The combined sensations sent an orgasm rocketing through her. Still he pumped into her, suckling from her neck with sheer ferocity. Aubrey instantly noticed the differences compared to his other bite.

Everything she felt was stronger, harder, and more intense. She didn’t think it possible, but his cock seemed bigger, hitting every nerve ending with each thrust. Her nipples were so taut they hurt and her clit—unbelievably raw and sensitive. Even her toes tingled. With her knees bent he penetrated her further, pumping her somewhere into some far off galaxy. Her hips moved like a rabbit as she ground and gnashed her pussy against his cock. Her whole body felt ready to jump out of its skin.

“Oh god, fuck me hard. Fuck me so damn hard,” she half-begged, half-whined. Her very breath depended on the release of her juices all over his cock.

Varick unleashed his hold on her and thrust into her pussy vigorously. She was so close to a much needed release.

“I’m going to come, my love. Come with me,” he commanded.

She pushed her hips up into him, locked into a rhythm that promised a lifetime of pleasure, but the orgasm eluded her.

The room changed in that moment to a dark crimson. She felt like a rabid dog in heat, unable to keep still or pull him inside her enough.

“Come with me, now,” he repeated, and this time she was right there.

The orgasm jolted her like a shock of electricity. A long, guttural cry shot up from the pit of her stomach and echoed around the room. He pulled out and pressed himself tightly against her.

“It’s okay.” His hands lovingly stroked her hair as she adjusted to the odd changes affecting her.

“I want to feel your cock again,” she snapped, not even sure where her demanding voice came from.

He spoke gently to her, like her mother used to when she’d come home with a skinned knee. “I know, and I’ll pleasure you again once we’re home.”

Trembling she tried to push him off her. She felt restless. Predatory. A craving for something other than food clawed at her stomach and she wanted to hunt for it.

“Let me go, Varick.”

His embraced tightened, almost suffocating. “No baby, not yet. Give it a little more time.”

“I want blood, right now,” she shrieked. Panic stole over her. What the hell was her problem? Her skin prickled and an icy coldness burned through her veins.

“Here, drink from me. It will quell your instinct to hunt and feed.” Pulling up his sleeve, he bared his wrist for her to drink.

Aubrey brought her mouth to his wrist and gave him a questioning look.

He nodded, his eyes soft, voice gentle. “That’s right. Sink your teeth into my wrist and drink. It won’t hurt me at all.”

The craving was too much for her and she sank her teeth in, allowing his blood into her body. At first taste she gagged, but as it trickled down her throat it turned velvety, like a fine wine. Her stomach clenched, and she suckled his wrist hard, enjoying the way it coursed through her.

“Not too much Aubrey, you must start slow or you will never quench your appetite.”

After a few more drops against her tongue, she stopped and gazed into the eyes of the man she loved. Her hero. Her vampire lover. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

“It will take some getting used to,” he said soothingly. “You’ll learn ways to control the cravings before they control you.”

She nodded, feeling somewhere between excessively hungry and slightly drunk. “I trust you.”

He lay on his back and cradled her neck in his arm. “Our new life starts now. Soon you’ll be my queen and have the run of the mansion.”

“I only want the run of you,” she joked.

“My next vows will be marriage vows. You’d better believe I’ll love, honour, and…have you obey.”

Aubrey glared. “I think you’ve overfed. Your head has become much too big for your body.” His howling laughter made her smile. “Honestly, I can’t wait for you to be my husband.”

He clasped her hand and kissed each fingertip. “A vampire’s vow spans an eternity.”

She had a feeling her face glowed. “The same span as our love.”


About the Author



Ann Cory
is an accomplished author and writes urban fantasy, paranormal, shape-shifters, vampires, fantasy, alternative, and BDSM, along with historical and contemporary to mix it up a bit.

When she isn’t concocting a magical seduction story, she writes poetry, reads, and spends time with her husband and son playing games and watching movies. She also enjoys interior decorating, cooking and making wine.


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Ann loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at www.total-e-bound.com.




Also by Ann Cory


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