Read Voluptuous Vindication Online

Authors: Rose Wynters

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal

Voluptuous Vindication (17 page)

BOOK: Voluptuous Vindication
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He wanted to roar in victory and triumph, his faith in himself restored. His vindication from the past had arrived in the form of one simple action, from a woman that gave freely without expecting anything in return. 


Sara tore off of him, her eyes wide as she looked at his face. “I hurt you,” she said sadly, her face paling. “You're crying.”


“No, baby,” he rasped out, swiping at his face matter-of-factly as he brushed it aside. “In fact, you've freed me. The only way you'll hurt me is if you stop.
Please, don't stop.


“I want to please you,” Sara replied, staring down at his pulsating flesh. “Tell me what to do to please you.”


“Everything you do pleases me,” he growled out, cupping her breasts. Sara needed the strength of his reassurances. He marveled at how well they fit together, his masculinity the perfect complement to her femininity. Where she was weak, he was strong. Where he was weak, she was strong. 


“I have found incredible pleasure in every little thing you do. The only thing that won't please me is if you stop. Look at him, he's begging for your attention.”


Sara stared down at his shaft, her tongue darting out between her lips. He held his breath as he silently willed her to hear the truth of his words. Gone was the hidden insecurities and the disgust. Ian was back with a vengeance.


  Sara continued what she had started, tasting his entire shaft with tantalizing movements of her tongue. “God help me, you're a quick learner,” he ground out, his shaft throbbing underneath her tongue.


“I've had an excellent teacher,” Sara replied, a sexy lilt to her voice. She slid her fingers around him, lifting his heavy cock from his body and angling it to her lips. “Not to mention, an excellent incentive to learn.”


With that, the conversation was over. Sara slid him into her hot, wet mouth, her eyes wide as she suckled him in inch by inch.


Ian twined his fingers in her long, thick hair, carefully squeezing the silken strands. Time ceased to exist as she slowly pleasured him. His balls swelled and tightened, her sweet lips suckling the seed right up his shaft as he nearly lost control. Over the centuries, hundreds of women had pleased him orally. None of them had done it as exquisitely as she had.


“No more, baby,” he growled out, lifting her face up. “When I come, it's going to be deep inside of you.” As much as he enjoyed her suckling, nothing compared to the sensation of his cock in her tight passage.


Ian sat up, pulling her well-rounded ass in front of him. “On your knees, Sara. I'm going to take you from behind as I watch my cock slide in and out of your tight pussy hole.”


He eased his finger between her soaking wet folds, finding the opening he was seeking. She was ready, practically in heat for him. He mounted up, wetting his cock with her juices before working himself in.


“So incredibly tight,” he said, trying to take it slow and give her body time to adjust. It wasn't easy, not as excited as he was. Her flesh seemed to take on a life of its own, greedily grasping and suckling his cock deep within, as if her very body wanted to swallow up his swollen shaft.


Sara whimpered sexily. “Oh, God, Ian, it feels so good.”


Reaching an arm around her thigh, his pointer finger searched for her clit. It was engorged and in need of attention. Working it gently, he probed her pussy with cock.


Sara arched her back, moaning with pleasure. “I feel like I'm going to come.”


He groaned, pleased with her reaction. “Come for me, baby. Just realize though, it's only an appetizer. I don't plan on stopping for a long, long time.”


Grabbing her hips, he buried his cock to the hilt. Sara screamed her climax, squeezing him so tightly he nearly released. Biting his lip, Ian fought for control as he rode out her orgasm.


He moved his hands to her inner thighs, lifting her slightly. It tilted her hips up enough to give him the full view of his shaft penetrating her flushed slit. “I'm watching my cock slide in and out of you, and it's the hottest sight I've ever seen, Sara. I'm covered in your thick, creamy juices. If I weren't so damned turned on, I'd pull out and lick that pussy hole. I love the taste of you on my lips. I hated to shave and shower earlier because I knew I'd be washing it off.” His hips moved like a piston, remembering the time he'd spent with his face buried between her legs.


“I tasted some of you,” she panted out. “It turned me on so much I almost came. I loved suckling you in my mouth and tasting your seed.”


Ian closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. “I'm going to hold you to that and soon. Very soon.”


He positioned her just right, just enough to allow his testicles to slap against her swollen clit with every thrust. She was drenched, getting wetter by the second. Ian smiled behind her smugly. Every thrust of his hips was perfectly choreographed to push her toward another orgasm. He was addicted to the feel of it, her body like a drug he couldn't get enough of.


Sara hit her peak, and Ian couldn't hold back any longer. With a loud roar, he came, semen exploding out of his cock to coat her insides. Grabbing her hips, he locked her in place, making sure she absorbed every last drop.


Sara shuddered, her swollen flesh gripping him tightly. Gently, he thrust back and forth, eager for another round.


“Oh, God,” she gasped out, her body immediately responding. “Ian, as much as I want you, I've got to take a break. I'm not used to sex, and I'm certainly not used to something your size being inside of me.”


He groaned but slowly eased out. She rolled over and grabbed the sheet, but he gently pulled it out of her grasp. “I want to stare at that beautiful body, Angel. If you're cold, I'll warm you up, but there won't be no more hiding. I plan on staring at you as often as I can.”


* * * * *


Sara complied with Ian's wishes, laying against the pillows. The air was cool against her heated body, her sweat drying rapidly on her skin. His eyes glowed as they skimmed across her, his expression pleased with what he saw. Relaxing, she released the breath she'd been holding.


Ian kissed her before dropping down next to her. They were silent, their bodies satiated. Her thoughts turned sad, her emotions running high from the intimacy between them.


The sex was mind-blowing. It was highly addictive, making her crave something she knew could never be. A few weeks weren't enough, could never be enough with someone like Ian.


She thought back over the time they'd just shared, remembering the tears in his eyes as she'd pleasured him. “Why were you crying, Ian?”


He stiffened next to her, his face blanching. “It was nothing.”


Sara frowned, turning to face him. “I don't believe that. You aren't the type of man to cry, and I want to know why you were. Are you sure I didn't hurt you?” She fretted at the thought, wishing she had the experience to know if she'd pleasured him correctly. After all, she did have teeth, and Ian was extremely large.


His lips compressed into a tight line. Ian started to talk, then stopped, before shoving a hand through his hair. “Dammit,” he groaned at the ceiling before turning back to her. His green eyes were haunted, almost shamed, as he stared at her silently. He looked as if he were struggling with some kind of decision, and Sara was almost sorry she'd asked.


Just as she was about to tell him she really didn't need to know, Ian spoke, his voice hoarse in the quiet of the night. “A few months ago, I was in New Orleans. They were being hit hard by demonic attacks, and Arch needed me there. We very nearly lost the city.”


He stopped and swallowed hard, his hand moving back to her thigh as if he sought comfort. Clearing his throat, he continued, “One night, it all came to a head. Peter's mate was taken, and I allowed myself to be taken, too. We were held underground in a vacant business complex. The demons had taken it over, holding humans hostage as they prepared to send them through a doorway to Hell. There was a group of four male demons, and they were fixing to hurt Kim, hurt her in a way that would have destroyed her mentally.”


This time Sara was the one to freeze, her heart turning to ice. Innocent as she might be about sex, she was also an angel and knew the horrible acts demons did. Her heart rate increased in distress, suspecting where his story was leading. It was going to be horrible, she just knew it, and she hoped she could handle his next words. “Why did you let yourself be taken?”


Ian sat up in the bed, his back to her as if he couldn't bear to look in her face as he spoke. His voice was barely more than a whisper when he replied, “I heard a flash of thought from one of the demon's minds, and I knew they had her. There was no way to warn Peter, so I made sure to get myself captured. Someone had to protect Kim. Losing her would have destroyed him.”


Inhaling, he continued bleakly, “They were holding us and quite a bit of time had passed. Longer than I would have expected, since I knew the others had infiltrated the building. The demons decided they were going to force Kim to submit to them and use her in a foul way. There was too much going on to take her body, but they figured they could force her to do other things, things that wouldn't involve stripping her off.”


Ian turned back to face her, his face ashen. “I voluntarily took her place.”


Sara wanted to be strong for Ian, but she wasn't strong enough. Tears ran down her face as she fought to hold them back, her throat paining from the effort. What were the magic words for consoling someone that had been through such a horrible event? For someone like Ian, a man so powerful and in control, a man with so much pride, there couldn't have been anything more demeaning than that. He didn't go into any further detail, but she didn't need him to. He'd painted a pretty clear picture already.


“You protected an innocent, Ian,” she finally said, wiping her tears away. She was at a loss for words. One only imagine what he was having to live with, especially in his mind. “I'm so sorry. I had no idea.”


He turned his entire body back to her, his expression turning angry. “Does this change things for you now, Sara? Does it make you view me as a less of a man since I did that? If it does, you're not alone. How do you think I feel about myself? Until tonight, I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to bear oral sex again. The thought of it disgusted me, clear down to the very depths of my soul.”


“No,” she denied vehemently, shaking her head. “I think you're more of a man than any I've encountered in my entire life. How many could have went through that and still be the powerhouse you are? You saved your friend's mate, and now you've come along and saved me. You didn't let it destroy you, Ian, when other men would have.”


“I'm sorry I disgusted you, though,” Sara continued, her own voice hoarse with tears. “You should have told me you didn't want me to do that.”


He brushed off her words. “You didn't disgust me, and that's the whole point, Sara. You've redeemed me in that aspect, and I'm grateful for that. All these months I've wasted, believing I couldn't handle anything sexual again. Now I see that I can. I'm still the same man I always was, I just needed to find my way back to him.”


Sara gaped at him, hurt at the meaning behind his words. It all made sense now. Grief had made him swear off women, but all that was over with now. He was back in the saddle again, so to speak. It wouldn't take long for a man with his sex drive to be ready to indulge it.


Ian wore a brooding expression, his eyes hooded. He didn't notice her silence, too caught up in his own thoughts. “After that happened, I didn't care if I lived or died. I couldn't get past that night. I constantly replayed it in my head, over and over again. Had it just been me, I would have fought till they were dead... Or I was. It wasn't just me, though, there was Kim. Without me, she would have had to face them alone.”


Standing up, he walked to the window and stared out of it. “The others are coming back now, I can see them in the distance. I need some time alone, Sara, time to deal with my thoughts.” He rubbed the back of his neck, wearily. “I'm not sure if talking about this was a good thing or not for me. I'm a private man, and I don't like sharing something of this magnitude. In fact, I don't like sharing it at all.”


He turned around, facing her. “I'm positive that none of this will go beyond this room, though.”

BOOK: Voluptuous Vindication
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