Read Voluptuous Vindication Online

Authors: Rose Wynters

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal

Voluptuous Vindication (14 page)

BOOK: Voluptuous Vindication
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Sara was in a class of her own. The women from his past had known the score, and they'd been only too pleased to share his bed, even for one night. They hadn't been innocent. “Christ,” he muttered, burying his face in his hands and groaning.


He hadn't known that angels couldn't have sex, and he certainly hadn't known that they'd lose their immortality over it. His pleasure, their pleasure, had been equivalent to killing her. Ian had really done it this time.


Standing up, he paced the room. The thought of not bedding her again was eating him up alive. The incredible pleasure he'd found with her had been so mind-blowing, he had needed to remind himself it was only temporary... And her, too. Instead of doing that, he'd run her clear out of the bed... With no possibility of another try.


He had to experience that bliss again. He was desperate to fix it, before it went even further beyond his control. There was only one person that could help him with that. He groaned again, realizing he was going to have to make a call.


Pulling his shirt on, he took his cellphone outside. It was cold, brutally cold, but Ian hardly noticed. Nothing could match the chill inside his body.


Calling Arch, he waited for the other man to answer. He did, actually catching it on the second ring. Ian looked at his phone ruefully. Something told him Arch was expecting his call.


“Arch speaking,” he said in a bored tone of voice.


“Of course it is,” Ian replied. “After all, it's your phone.”


“What do you want, Ian? Wasn't saving your life once tonight, enough?”


Ian sighed, too bummed out to rise to Arch's taunts. “I've got a serious problem, Arch.”


“Let me guess. You want me to fix it.”


“If it can be fixed, “ Ian replied bleakly.


Arch exhaled, and Ian could have sworn he heard him mutter a curse. “What can I do for you?”


“Not so fast,” Ian growled into the phone. “First, I want your word this stays between us. I've seen some of the crap you've done to the other Endurers. I won't be the laughingstock, Arch. This stays between us, or I'm hanging up now.”


“Fine,” Arch replied, sounding bored. “I've already had the laugh of the week, anyhow, and it's a good one. Now get on with it. You're wasting my time.”


Ian sighed again. “It's the angel. She's driving me insane, or I've drove her insane. I'm not sure which. I've messed up badly, though, and I'm not sure how to fix it.”


Arch was all business. “What have you done, now? I swear, you should be caged and contained. I only left you a few minutes ago.”


“Its been a lot longer than that,” Ian shot back indignantly. His stamina certainly wasn't that short. He glared at the phone. “More like two hours ago.”


“It was an hour,” Arch conceded, his voice sounding off. Arch knew damn good and well what he'd been up to. He was teasing him, provoking him for his own personal amusement.


“You're a real jerk, Arch,” Ian hissed into the phone. “I'm hanging up now.”


“Okay, okay,” Arch replied, his voice serious again. With Arch, words weren't always needed. He knew the thoughts of others and that was the least of his talents. Arch had abilities that none of the other Endurers had. “I'm listening.”


Now that Ian had his full attention, he wasn't quite sure how to proceed. How did one go about revealing he'd not only debauched a virgin, but an angel at that? He groaned as he ran a hand over his face. “I had sex with Sara. Now she's locked in the bathroom, and she won't talk to me.”


“You. Had. Sex. With. An. Angel?” Arch roared into the phone, making Ian flinch. It wasn't often he was stirred up, but he sure was now. “What in the hell is wrong with you, Ian? Do you have any idea what you've done?”


Ian heard something slam down in the background. And then shatter. “I'm not going to apologize for it, Arch. I enjoyed every moment of it.”


“Well, it doesn't sound like she did, now does it? Not if she's locked herself away from you and refuses to speak. It's so nice to hear that at least one of you enjoyed it, but her reaction says quite a bit about your bedroom skills.” Arch's voice was disgusted. “That's beside the point, though. You just couldn't keep it in you pants, huh? Now you've condemned Sara to certain death. I hope it was worth it to you.”


“Dammit, Arch,” Ian roared back. “There's nothing wrong with my bedroom skills, and she loved every moment of it.”


“That's the only thing that concerns you, isn't it, Ian? Her life is expendable, but God forbid, someone thinks you've lost your touch in the sack.”


“No,” Ian denied, his anger leaving him quickly. “It's the only thing I can handle defending right now, though.” He knew what he'd done was inexcusable. He sighed heavily, leaning back against the chilly brick wall. “What have I done?” He asked, his voice anguished.


“What are your feelings toward her?” Arch asked curiously.


Ian grimaced. “I enjoy the hell out of her. She's so uptight and self-controlled that I find it amusing throwing her off-balance. She's fun to talk to, quick-witted, and I feel very protective over her. And the sex? It was the most erotic experience of my life. Is she my soul mate? No, but I'm not ready for this to end.”


“Incredible,” Arch replied, but he didn't say anything else.


Ian glared at the cell phone, puzzled. He rolled his eyes and shook it off. “What do I do now?”


“Why does everybody ask me this?” Arch mumbled. “What the hell do I look like? All of you manage to get yourselves into these situations, but you expect me to somehow pull you out. What do you do? You should have kept your pants zipped up, that's what you should have done.”


“Yes, Daddy, but it's too late for that,” Ian growled back. “Besides, this was bound to happen, and I'm not gonna lie. It'll happen again, unless someone else takes my place. I'm too attracted to be around her without having her again, Arch.”


“Fine, you've convinced me,” Arch shot back. “I'll send Jeremiah over to take your place.”


“Over my dead body,” Ian snarled out. “Nobody is guarding her but me.”


“There's your answer, then,” Arch replied smoothly, sounding satisfied.


“She won't talk to me, though,” Ian said, his voice petulant. “And what about the whole permanent mortality thing? Where does that leave us, and the mission?”


“Sara will have to face judgment for her time spent here as a mortal,” Arch said, his voice revealing nothing. “The mission hasn't changed. Her judgment will come after the task is completed. She'll still leave as planned. What happens after that isn't up to you or me. Her departure is what you've wanted all along, right? God knows, you've been counting the days till your duty is over.”


Was that what he wanted? Ian was confused, his thoughts jumbled. All he knew was his body craved hers, and they were nowhere near done yet. All he wanted to do was drag her out and pull her back into the bed. Just thinking about the incredible orgasm he'd experienced had his cock hardening again.


“Gross,” Arch spat into the phone. “I think I'm going to puke.”


“Then stay the hell out of my head, asshole,” Ian growled out, his eyes narrowing. “You haven't answered my question.”


“Which one?” Arch asked dryly. “You know what? It doesn't matter. There are some things a man has to work out on his own. You made your bed, you lie in it. Only time will tell if you lie in it alone. I will tell you this, though. Nothing about Sara's task has changed, regardless of your philandering ways. Sweet talk her and get back in her good graces because I'm warning you now. If she calls me and requests a replacement, I will send him, whether you want it or not. Her task is too important. There's much more at stake here than your cock and balls, believe it or not.”


“Thanks a lot,” Ian said, with a sigh. “You sure know how to make a man feel better.”


Arch chuckled. “It's not my job to do that. I'm just keeping it real because I'm cool like that. Besides, you already have the answers within you. You just have to find them.” He fell silent before asking, “Not to change the subject or anything, but where are you heading to?”


Ian thought about it for a moment. They couldn't stay here. It was too dangerous. Suddenly, he grinned. He knew the perfect place. “Hey, Arch, what's the weather like in southern Utah?”


“Extremely hot and dry, believe it or not.”


“I think I've found the perfect place for an angel and an Endurer to hole up for awhile. In fact, I'm sure of it.” Suddenly his mood felt a lot lighter. Sara was angry, full of self-righteous indignation. It was time to pull her completely out of her comfort zone and stir things up a bit.


“Alight, then,” Arch said, his voice satisfied again. “I'll leave you to it, but remember what I said. Take care of her, or I'll get someone in there that can.”


“That won't be necessary,” Ian replied, fully confident with a smug smile on his face. “I've got it all under control.”












Chapter 10


The SUV pulled to a stop, waking Sara from her nap. Raising a hand to shield her eyes from the bright sun, she asked, “Where are we?”


Ian turned the engine off, turning his head to look down at her with a smile. “We've reached our destination, Angel. Time to get up.”


Sara rolled her eyes, unstrapping the seat belt and struggling up from her reclined position in the passenger seat. Looking out the window, she gasped. The snow and ice was gone.


“I can't believe it,” she said, turning back to Ian. He was watching her, an unreadable expression across his handsome face. “It's actually hot enough for grass.”


He nodded, reaching for his door handle. “I thought you might enjoy the change. We're in Utah, by the way.”


It was incredible, the weather completely unexpected for Utah in October. She opened the car door and stepped out, immediately unzipping the jacket she was wearing. Tossing it back on the seat, she turned to check out her surroundings. Ahead of them was a large log cabin, surrounded by a variety of campers and tents. “What is this place?”


“It belongs to some friends of mine,” Ian replied evasively, going to the back of the SUV. “You'll be safe here, and isn't that all that matters?”


Sara sighed, turning away from him. Things had been tense between them since the night they'd had sex, at least on her side of things. She'd spent the entire night in the bathroom, unwilling to face Ian again.


The next morning she'd gathered her pride and walked out into the room, prepared to pretend the night before had never happened. It hadn't been necessary. Ian hadn't mentioned a word about their impassioned play. Sara wasn't sure if she'd should be offended or grateful.


They'd traveled after she'd dressed, stopping off at another small hotel the next evening. Ian arranged for two beds in the room. She'd been relieved, or so she kept trying to convince herself. It was a lie, though. Now that her body had experienced a taste of his, she craved more, with an intensity that was confusing to a woman that had spent countless years untouched.


“Hey, Ian,” a man called out, his voice delighted. “Long time, no see, although I can already tell the years haven't been too hard on you!”


Sara spun back to the house, her mouth falling open in shock. A man walked toward them, his long gray hair hanging loose. He was bald on top, the tip of his beard touching his naked chest. He wore a big grin and nothing else, revealing several missing teeth.


A heavy-set woman followed behind him, easily the same size as her own twenty-four. She appeared to be a few years younger than the man she was with. Completely naked, she smiled at both of them as they came to a halt.


“Dan and Pam,” Ian greeted them, his voice loud as he came around the SUV. “It's good to see you.” He walked up to Dan, pumping his hand with his own. “It looks like the years have been treating you good, as well.”


“Who is this lovely lady?” Dan asked, turning to her. “And why's she still dressed? You know better than to bring a woman around and leave her in clothes.” He chortled as Pam shook her head.


Ian slid an arm around her shoulders, pulling her stiff body close. “This is my girlfriend, Sara,” he introduced her, ignoring her gasp of shock. “We got tired of the snow and decided to head out this way.”


“You're always welcome here, Ian,” Dan replied, winking at Sara. “Let's head up to the house, and I'll find you two lovebirds a room. As you can see, we've got quite a few visitors. A lot of people are trying to get away from the crime and the extreme weather of the larger cities. They want to get back to their roots, and a simpler way of life, and they know our door is always open.” He shrugged. “You know what I say, the more the merrier.”


With that he turned, pulling Pam close to him as he led them to the cabin. Ian wrapped an arm around her waist, forcing her forward. As strong as he was, she didn't have any choice but to move.


“What is this, Ian?” Sara hissed at him, careful to keep her voice down. “And why aren't they wearing any clothing?”


Ian chuckled, so low she would have missed it had his chest not rumbled from the action. “Can't you tell, Darling? We're at a nudist camp, and here we will stay until it's time to move on.”


Sara stopped, refusing to budge another inch. “I refuse to stay in a place that requires me to go naked. I won't do it, Ian.
I mean it.


He swung her resistant body up into his arms easily. “Have I ever mentioned that you are the most stubborn woman I've ever met?” Dropping a quick kiss against her stunned lips, he chuckled again at her expression. “Let's look on the bright side, though. At least now, I've learned how to keep you quiet.”


“Put me down, Ian,” Sara bit out, furious. People were coming out of the tents and campers, staring at them curiously. All of them were naked. “You knew I wouldn't be comfortable with this. How dare you?”


“Enough of this, Sara,” Ian warned, his expression set. “My mind is made up on this. It's either this or the demons. Make your choice now. After that, I don't want to hear anymore about it.”


“Put me down,” she ordered again, stiff-lipped. He complied, watching her with his arms crossed as he waited for her to speak. Looking past him, she stared at the man and woman walking up the steps, their naked butts jiggling for the entire world to see.


Finally, she looked back up at him. “So be it,” she agreed, ignoring the satisfied expression on his face at her words. “I won't go naked, though, and don't expect me to be very hospitable. Just find me a room to hole up in.”


“Are you two having a lover's quarrel?” Dan hollered from the porch, his expression amused.


“No, everything's fine,” Ian replied, grabbing her arm to pull her alongside him. “It's just a little case of last-minute modesty.”


Dan chortled, his
body shaking from amusement. The area between his legs visibly flopped, much to her horrific shock. Sara looked away, embarrassed at the sight. Ian grinned, slipping an arm around her shoulders.


“Don't worry about that, Son,” Dan replied, smacking Pam lightly on her butt. “Pam used to be the same way, but look at her now. Don't worry about your woman. By tonight, she'll feel right at home.”


He led them inside a rustic but comfortable living room. Several adults reclined on the furniture, various ages, all of them undressed. They greeted the newcomers boisterously as Dan directed them to some stairs. “Pam will show you to your room. Tonight we're having a bonfire, so strip off and come on down after you get settled.” Winking, he turned and walked away.


Following Pam up the stairs, Sara did her best to walk up the steps without looking in front of her. It was awkward. The older woman led them down a hallway as she talked about the weather. Stopping in front of a doorway with a curtain, she pulled it aside. “This will be your room.”


“Thanks, Pam,” Ian replied, grinning. “This is perfect. We appreciate the accommodation.”


“Anything for you, Ian,” she said, patting his cheek affectionately. “I'm going to head back downstairs now and play some cards with the others. Just holler if you need anything else.”


Ian pulled Sara into the room, closing the curtain behind them. “You can close your mouth now,” he said, as he laid the bag he was carrying on the full-sized bed. Amidst all the nakedness, she hadn't even noticed it.


“Unbelievable,” Sara hissed, mindful of the lack of privacy. “I still can't believe you brought me here. Are you crazy?”


Ian shrugged, undisturbed. “This is the last place on earth demons would think to look for you. It's safe, so I brought you. End of story. Cheer up, Angel. It won't be so bad.”


Watching her, Ian unbuttoned his shirt. Sara groaned, turning away to check out the room. It was small, the walls made of natural wood. Her eyes widened.
There was only one bed in the room.
With his muscular build and her curvy body, there was no way they could sleep without being meshed together.


Could it get any worse? She closed her eyes, groaning again as heat flared across her body. Although hurt and angry, the  lust inside of her was strong. Could she resist submitting to all that masculinity when she knew he was available and ready to fulfill her needs?


“Sara,” he said, his voice cutting through the silence in the room. She couldn't move, couldn't turn back to face him. Not with desire pooling in her lower stomach and between her legs.


Ian stepped up behind her, sliding his strong arms around her waist. The tip of his naked shaft probed at her back, erect and oh-so-big behind her. “Baby, I can sense the lust burning inside of you, and it's driving me insane. You don't have to want. I'm here, and I can take care of it for you. I'll give you pleasure like I did the other night, if you'll let me. I want you so bad I almost can't stand it.”


His words almost brought her to her knees in surrender. She wanted to take what he was offering so badly. It was eating her up alive. Ian was an incredible lover. She might not have the experience needed to be an expert on that, but she knew what he made her body feel. He'd brought her body indescribable pleasure, and that in itself was pretty powerful.


“We can't, Ian,” she ground out, somehow finding the strength to push away. She walked to the window, keeping her back to him. One look was all it would take. Her body was too weak, the bliss from his embrace too fresh in her mind. Her control was completely shot.


“Why not, Sara?” His voice was deep and sensual, full of heated temptation. “Isn't the damage already done? There's no reason why we can't enjoy each other. You can't deny the attraction between us, and your body doesn't even want to. Give me the word, and I'll love that body the way it was meant to be loved.”


He said the only words that were strong enough to cut through the erotic haze.
If only it was love, maybe that would have made the horrible situation she was in better, at least in her mind. Love was a pretty powerful force. There wasn't any love in what he wanted with her, though.


Maybe it was unfair, this expectation she'd had of him. After all, he'd spent the entire time basically telling her how eager he was for his duties to be fulfilled. Ian certainly hadn't made any promises to her, he'd never told her anything to make her believe there was one ounce of caring behind his sensual actions.


It was all in her own head. Something had changed the night she'd surrendered her virginity. It had been the most valuable thing she'd had. In all her years, nobody had ever tempted her like this man had. She'd bestowed a gift on him that was irreplaceable in her eyes, but junk in his. He'd accepted the gift of her body, but not the gift of heart and trust.


In her own way, she'd messed up royally. She'd all but thrown herself on a man that really hadn't even wanted her, but in the end, he'd taken her because she was convenient. Then, she hadn't even been sophisticated enough to accept it for what it was. Instead, she'd craved a commitment that couldn't even be and wanted him to accept it, too.


It was a mess, and it wasn't just Ian's fault. She'd known what she was walking into, even if she hadn't wanted to admit it. The only way to fix it now was to avoid digging herself deeper until she faced judgment. She was in enough emotional pain now, her heart shattered into a million pieces. Continuing to delve into the pleasures to be found in his arms would only destroy her, at least emotionally.


“Just stop,” Sara said, her voice full of pain and emotion. “I don't want to talk about this stuff anymore. Just let it go.”


Ian watched her for another moment before running a hand through his hair. With a heavy sigh, he conceded defeat. “Whatever you say,” he finally responded, moving back to the bag. Pulling out a package, he laid it on the bed. “I already knew you wouldn't go nude. Here's a robe you can use while we're here.”


Sara looked down at the outfit she'd been wearing for days. There was a rip on the thigh, and it was dirty and stained. Unfortunately, it was the only outfit she had left. Turning back to him, she trained her eyes on his face, refusing to look lower. “Thanks, but I'm going to have to get some more clothing. I left everything at your house, and I'm not sure how much longer this is going to hold out.”

BOOK: Voluptuous Vindication
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