Vision of Destiny (Infinity Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Vision of Destiny (Infinity Book 2)
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“I missed you, girl,” Stephen says, placing his arm around my shoulder. “Seriously, don’t disappear again. I think if you were gone longer, Nicholas would’ve killed us all. Damn, he was bad to deal with.”

I hate hearing about Nicholas being upset with my absence. I know he didn’t handle it well with the text messages, but hearing it from his best friends doesn’t make me feel better.

“I’m not leaving again. I promise.” And I mean it. Wilmington is my home and I plan on staying here with the people that mean the world to me.

“Good! All right! Shots, everyone!”

Lexi nods her head in the direction of the house and we head inside.

“How you holding up?”

I sigh, leaning into the counter. “It’s okay, I think. Seeing him with Jamie isn’t easy, though. Y’all are making it easy for me.”

“I seriously love that the South is working wonders for you,” she jokes.

“Funny, ha ha ha.”

Larry comes in and places his arm around Lexi. “So,” she starts to say with a smile on her face, “I know this is kinda crappy timing, but we wanna tell you the news!”

“What’s going on?”

“We’re having a boy! Kayden Michael Gibson. And we want you to be his godmother! And we’re getting married and I want you to be my maid of honor!”

“Godmother? Maid of honor! Oh my God!”

Lexi smiles. “Larry and I want you to be part of Kayden’s life and part of our big day. We love you, Karly, and I know that things with my brother aren’t ideal, but that doesn’t matter. You’re my best friend and I love you to death.”

I grab her hand and smile. This is what I needed to get my mind off Nicholas. Focusing back on my two best friends, I smile and nod my head. “I’d be honored.” Lexi squeals, hugging me and thanking me.

“How far along are you?”

“Eighteen weeks!”

“Oh my God! Already?”

Lexi nods happily. “We’re so happy and things are going okay. We had a few scares, but the doctor says Kayden’s doing well.”

Guilt sinks in. I haven’t been a good friend, and that’s changing. I’m not going to let anyone down. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”

“You’re here now and that’s all that matters. Don’t worry okay? Kayden and I still love you!”

Lexi goes on and tells me more about her pregnancy and the wedding. When they found out the sex, Larry cried and we laughed. As soon as they found out there were having a boy, Larry got on one knee and asked Lexi to be his wife. All in one day, they have a day that they’ll never forget. Both of them cried and Larry promised to be the best man he could be. I can’t imagine muscular, manly Larry crying, but it’s cute. I’m happy to hear that they’re having a boy and everything’s all right.

We head back outside to join the party and, instantly, the smell of food hits my nose and I feel incredibly dizzy and sick. My feet are frozen and I can’t move. Tipping my head forward, I count to ten and slowly breathe in and out.

“Karly?” Larry asks, placing his hand on my back. “You okay?”

I put my hand up and give it a few more seconds. “Yeah, good. Just feeling kinda sick. I’ll be right back.” I head to the bathroom and lean against the sink, splashing cold water on my face. My stomach starts churning and soon my head is in the toilet bowl. My body is shaking and I can’t seem to stop throwing up. This sucks, of all days and where I am. The bitterness seeps in and I try so hard to let it go. Standing in the bathroom, which I decorated, truly sucks. Leaning against the wall, I bring my knees up to my chest and place my head down. Tears attack my eyes. I can’t do this alone anymore. I can’t be without him. He needs to know that whatever the reason for him leaving me, no matter what, I’ll wait for him.

Getting tired of sitting on the bathroom floor, I get up and wash my face and rinse my mouth. Ugh, I look like death. I wash my face with cold water and head back to the party. Hands grab me and I’m pushed against the side of the house.


“Nicholas.” Before either of us can say anything else, his lips touch mine and I melt in his arms. I tremble in his arms, but he’s holding on to me so tight, afraid to let me fall. Kissing him feels good and exactly what I need. His hand greedily slides up my thigh as he quickly moves my panties to the side, sinking two fingers in me. I gasp and moan in his mouth.

“Always ready for me, Angel. I know you need me like I need you.”

“Yes, I always need you, Nicholas. Happy birthday.” I need him so badly right now. He’s my drug and I’m his addict. I’ll never have my fill of Nicholas.

SEEING HOW HAPPY MY GIRL IS AND I’M NOT PART OF THE LAUGHS FUCKING PISSES ME OFF. Everyone loves her and is glad to see her back. Jamie’s not too impressed, since she’s not getting the attention she wants.

I stare at the mess that’s in front of me. I should be with Karly, not here with Jamie. I hate myself and what I’m doing to her. All of this could have been prevented if I were honest from the start.

“Don’t hurt her.”

Jensen steps next to me, gathering food on his plate. Who the fuck does he think he is? He’s known her for a few weeks. “Thanks for the warning, bro, but I’m good. I’m sure she told you what’s going on and you know what’s up with Jamie, so your warning isn’t necessary.”

“What you’re doing is fucking shitty,” he hisses. “She deserves better. Someone who can love her the way she needs to be loved.”

What the fuck? Am I seriously standing here, listening to Cocksucker warn me and give me advice on my fucking fiancée? “I know exactly what I’m doing, so don’t worry. She understands the situation and she still said ‘yes,’ so I think I got it, bro.”

“Better hope it works out for you.”

I need to get the hell away from him before I ruin my daughter’s birthday. Finishing my beer, I see Karly walking out of the house. I look for Jamie and find her in a deep conversation with friends. This is my chance. I need her. Now.

As soon as she’s in my arms, I push my lips onto hers and feel her need for me. God, she feels so good in my arms. I quickly push her sexy dress aside and plunge my fingers in her.

“Always ready for me, Angel. I know you need me like I need you.”

“Yes, I always need you, Nicholas. Happy birthday.”

“Karly,” I whisper, rubbing my thumb against her hot clit. Karly grips me tighter, softly moaning, wanting more. “You’re incredible. God, I fucking love you.” Her breathing is heavy and I can tell she’s ready to come. But I’m not ready to let go her yet. She’s driving me crazy with her sexy moans. I’m ready to come in my shorts. Fuck.

“Come. Now,” I tell her and feel her body letting go.

She whimpers against my chest and I feel her tears. “Angel?”

“It’s so hard seeing you with her. I know…I know that it’s for show, but it still doesn’t make it easy. I wanted to decorate the house and make breakfast for you and Emma. I wanted you to text me when I texted you at midnight. I’m sorry; I just want more.”

Cupping her face, I kiss her forehead, nose, and lips. “I know and I love you so much for doing this. Just give it more time, okay?” She nods. “I love you, Angel.”

“I love you too. So much.”

We share one more kiss before I let her go. When I start walking, Jamie comes around the corner and, fuck, she’s not happy.

“Really? At the birthday party? You couldn’t keep your damn pants on!”

“Be. Quiet,” I order her. “No one saw us and we’re fine. Do
start making demands. I am in this fucking mess and I’m not complaining. I’ve been giving you everything you need.”

“Well, I’d like for my
to come join us so we can blow out the candles on your cake.” With that being said, she grabs my hand and we put smiles on our faces, ready to face our family and friends again.

The party ends with a bang. Everyone had a great time and Emma’s knocked out. It feels good to be around everyone and to see my Angel. She still takes my breath away and, as guilty as I feel, I’m glad she understands what’s going on.

Jamie comes to the kitchen and glares at me. “What the hell was all that for, Jamie?” After an exhausting day, all I want to do is sleep, but Jamie’s actions and the shit she did piss me off.

“We’re married, Nicholas, just in case you forgot. You promised to help me and get me through this. I hate seeing you and Karly so happy. I’ll be gone soon, so can you give me some of your attention.”

Holding in my anger so I don’t wake up Emma, I turn and look at Jamie. “Let’s get
thing clear. Yes, I agreed to help you and support you, which I am, but do
for one second think that I want to be near you. I’m paying for
of your medical bills and ensuring that you’re comfortable. I lost the love of my life for you, Jamie.” Walking closer to her and keeping my eyes on hers, I say, “If you think you can come back and play these fucking mind games, you have another thing coming. So back off, Jamie. You do not want to cross me.” Every notion about me loving her again and us being a family flies out the window. There’s no more me and Jamie. I need to focus on getting Karly back and my daughter.

I head to my office, shut the door, and lean back in my chair. The gifts before me catch my eyes. I reach for Karly’s bag and open her gifts. Inside, there are a few wrapped boxes and a card. Sliding my finger through the envelope, I take out the card and smile.

Karly hates buying cards so she always makes them for whatever occasion. Watching her at the table with markers and paper tools made me love her more. She made an event of everything – to her, the little moments were what mattered.

On the front of the blue-colored card is
“Happy 29
Birthday, Nicholas. One more year until 30.”
There are sparkles and glitter on the card – typical Karly. When I open the card, her words hit me as I hear her voice in my mind.

“Happy Birthday, Fiancé.

Today marks your birthday, a special day because we’re celebrating your life. I wish things were different and we get to spend it together as a family. I know things are pretty shitty now, but I told you I’ll wait for you and that’s what I plan on doing. You can’t get rid of me that easily, Nicholas.

I hope today brings you so much love and happiness. I can’t wait until the day we say ‘I do’ and we get our forever.

You’re my life, my love, my infinity. Please believe me and never doubt me or our love.

Always & forever, Nicholas. I love you.

Forever yours.”

: Thank you for my card, Angel.

You’re welcome, babe =) I had a great time today.

I’m glad you did. God, I miss you so much. I wanna be with you right now.

I know; me too. I’m in bed and it’s so lonely without you.

Speaking of bed…

So you and Jensen had sleepovers?

Okay, it’s not like that. You know you’re the only man I’ve been with ;) Always.

Good. But you had him in your bed?

Nicholas, stop. Yes, he slept over after working because we WERE dating. I’m yours now, Nicholas, and that’s not going to change. You have me; please don’t be mad.

I think about how I’m feeling and let out a breath I’ve been holding. I hate the fact that Jensen was there for her when I couldn’t be. But now he’s out of the picture and she’s agreed to be my wife, so as soon as we can get married, we will.

I’m not mad…anymore. I love you, Angel. I have to get going. Dream of me.

Always xo I love you <3

After a week from hell, I decide to head to the gym in the morning and release all the stress that is building. After an hour of cardio and an hour of lifting, I sit in my car, aimlessly staring ahead of me. My phone vibrates with text messages from Jamie asking where I am and what time I’m coming back.

Another doctor’s appointment.

I rub my face with my hands, start my car, and head back home. When I get inside, Jamie’s on the couch, sobbing. I walk over to her, kneeling down. “What happened?”

“It’s getting worse and there’s nothing else they can do. They gave me meds to make me comfortable, but that’s it. Nicky, I’m really dying and it’s coming fast.” She throws herself on me, crying and needing me to hold her. I touch her back and her cries get louder.

“It’ll be okay. Let me talk to your doctor. I need to understand this.” Jamie stills in my arms. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she says, drying her tears. Her entire mood changes and anger fills her eyes. “Why do you need to talk to my doctor? Don’t you believe me when I tell you what’s wrong and I don’t have that much time? He’s not going to tell you anything differently, Nicholas.”

The door opens before I can say anything. Emma comes running into the house with a smile on her face. She’s holding balloons and a teddy bear.

“Hi, Daddy! Hi, Mom!”

“Hey, sweetie. Did you have fun with Jensen?”
Jensen? What the fuck is going on?

Jensen walks into the kitchen, putting down bags. Why is he here and why was Emma with him?

“What’s going on, Jamie?” I harshly whisper, trying to remain calm.

“I had my doctor’s appointment and couldn’t reach you to watch
daughter. Jensen’s good with her, so be nice.” Jamie quickly gets up, picking up Emma and hugging her.

“I thought Jensen’s your doctor.”

“It was with my oncologist.”

“Which is? Why haven’t I met this doctor of yours?” First having a
as her doctor and now she’s telling me about her oncologist. Now I understand Lexi and my family’s fear that something is off. “You never told me about your appointment. I never know who you’re meeting and when, so what’s going on?”

“Nothing, all right?”

Cautiously looking at the three of them, I know something isn’t right. Emma’s face contorts with pain and, suddenly, I take her from Jamie and bring her outside.

“Emma, talk to Daddy. What’s going on?”

She shakes her head. “Nothing, Daddy. I mean my arm itches in the cast, but Uncle Jensen said it’s okay and he kissed it, saying that’ll make it feel better. Everything’s fine. Uncle Jensen took me out because Mom said you were busy.”

“Princess, I’m never too busy for you.” I kiss her cheek. “So you’re saying ‘Mom’? That’s good.”

“Yeah,” she whispers. “Uncle Jensen kept telling me he loves me, Daddy. I didn’t say it back, though. He seemed sad.”

Rushing back inside, my fist connects with his face. Jamie screams, telling me to stop. “Stay the hell away from my daughter. What the hell is wrong with you?”

“She’s my fucking daughter!”

He’s crazy. He’s fucking crazy. There’s no way Emma’s his daughter. I look to Jamie and see the pale in her face. My world begins to fall apart. Emma, my daughter, the child I raised and loved, isn’t my daughter?

BOOK: Vision of Destiny (Infinity Book 2)
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