Virgin Dancer

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Authors: Deborah Court

BOOK: Virgin Dancer
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Deborah Court


Virgin Dancer

Table of Contents

Copyright Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
About the Author
Excerpt "House of Pleasure"
Excerpt "Bound to the Prince"
Excerpt "Bound by Magic"

Copyright Page

Virgin Dancer.
Copyright © 2012 by Deborah Court. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the author, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used factiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

This book
contains adult content and is not suitable for underage readers. Although health issues are not clearly addressed in the story, the author would recommend anyone to take safety measures before beginning a new relationship. Don't forget, I'm only writing fantasies for my readers to enjoy.

Special thanks to my friend and editor, writer Lynette Sofras, who has been a great help and source of learning on my constant voyage to improve as a writer. Check out her entertaining blog at
, and her latest contemporary romance, "
Wishful Thinking

Visit the author's blog

and website

You can contact me by e-mail at
[email protected]

I love to hear from readers!



Chapter One



On the eve of her twenty-second birthday, Jade Cameron was wildly determined to give her virginity to the most handsome, charismatic man she encountered that night.

Having grown up in rural Pike County, Pennsylvania, she had only recently moved to New York City. She had been overcome with joy when the prestigious
New York Ballet & Modern Dance School
had accepted her. Her dream of being a professional dancer was more reachable than ever, and she worked hard for it. She had always hoped to get out of her small town one day, feeling that she needed a wider horizon than just being married to one of the local guys, having kids and engaging in cooking and home decoration.

And she'd always loved to dance. Blessed with a tall, slender body, natural grace and a musical talent, she had been predestined to do ballet. She had worked hard for years to reach where she was now. There had not been much time for boyfriends, and many of them were too shy to address the local doctor's beautiful daughter and ask her out.

Although she’d been kissed a couple of times, or engaged in some heated making out in the back seat of a car, she had never liked it enough to go further with these boys - she didn't even think of them as 'men'. Somehow she had never met the right guy, although there had been more than enough offers. If she was to have sex, she didn't want someone who was almost as inexperienced as her. She wanted a man who taught her the art of love. If she couldn't find true love right now, at least she yearned to explore the physical side of relationships.

Still, sometimes she wondered if she was the type of woman who didn’t particularly enjoy sex very much. However, she had made up her mind to give it another try tonight. She had been a good girl long enough. Now that she'd moved to the big bad city, she wanted some adventure.

"This is awesome," Jade said when she entered the main room of
, the luxurious Lower East Side club to which her friends had taken her for her birthday. It had a darkly gothic look to it, exclusively furnished with black leather and chrome. Beautiful exotic dancers in tiny bras and thongs wrapped their flexible bodies around poles, standing on small platforms above the gaping crowd.

The place was renowned as a meeting point for people who were looking for sex, no strings attached. Attractive men and women, most of them clad in expensive designer clothes, danced to trance and techno music, lingered at the long bar or came together in gloomy corners, where comfortable sofas invited the guests to have a drink and maybe steal some hot kisses before they left the club to have some real fun.

Beth and Amber, the two friends from ballet school who had brought her here, snickered. "Everyone who comes here for the first time is excited about this place," Beth said, grinning. "You'll find the hottest men in town here. If you need some good, hard fun for the night, this is the place to look for it."

"Amber!" Beth said, scowling at her. "This will be Jade's first time. It should be someone special. Are you sure that you want to go through with this, Jade? I mean, you might be sorry about it afterwards. You should be in love when you give your virginity to someone."

Jade shook her head. "I've waited long enough. Besides, I have not the slightest intention of falling in love. How do I know if I'll ever meet that 'someone special'? I can always find a boyfriend later, after I've finished school. For now, just give me a man with enough experience and a hot damn body, and I'm ready for defloration."

Both of her friends laughed aloud this time. They didn't know that Jade didn't feel quite as confident as her words implied.

 "I think you should find someone like this here. Let's go, Beth", said Amber, "we'll take her to the dance floor to get a good overview. Maybe there'll be some hotties for us, too. I need to get laid myself. It’s been two months since I threw Tyler out of my flat."

"Oh no, you won't," Beth scolded her, laughing. "Jade will pick one first, whomever she wants. It's her birthday, not yours."

The three girls made their way through the crowd, easily drawing the attention of the men to them. Beth was a strawberry blonde beauty in tight leather pants and a low-cut satin blouse, Amber petite and olive-skinned, wearing a short red dress tonight. Jade, however, was the most striking, looking like a Victoria's Secret model with her tall, slender frame, voluptuous breasts, and a mass of curly copper hair. In fact, quite a few people had told her that she was too tall and curvy for a professional ballerina, but she didn't care. She just loved to dance, and it was something she did very well.

She had swept her hair up on her head, enhancing her long, graceful neck. A few tendrils had escaped to frame her fine-boned face that was dominated by huge green eyes, framed with long black lashes. Tonight she wore a tight black mini dress and killer high-heels that made her appear even taller. Without even realizing it, she turned the heads of most of the men she passed by on her way to the dance floor.

While the girls reached the middle of the crowd and started to seductively move their bodies, Jade's eyes scanned the room for men who would be the most acceptable candidates for picking her flower. As she slowly danced to the music, she saw a lot of handsome guys following her with their eyes, but no one particularly appealed to her. They all seemed too eager to find a woman to take home. But she shouldn't be too picky though, since this was the exact thing she wanted. It would be enough to find someone whom she'd enjoy making love with. She didn't even need to like him. What she planned was no worse than what men did when they went to clubs and bars - looking for a one-night stand. She just hoped she'd have the guts to go through with it.

Suddenly a shiver of anticipation ran down her back, and she had the distinct feeling of being watched. Looking around, she didn't see anyone, so she shrugged her shoulders and moved to the thundering rhythm of the music. Amber was starting a sexy fake-lesbian dance with Beth. They rubbed their bodies against each other, knowing that this would make the men on the dance floor even hotter for them.

After half an hour, Beth and Amber had each managed to hook a guy and engaged in a slow-motion dance with them. Jade sighed as she watched them playing the game of seduction, a game she knew so little about. Probably she was the only one who wouldn't find a lover tonight. She wondered if it had been a grave mistake to come here at all. Maybe she should look elsewhere, or simply wait until she had found someone to start a serious relationship with.

Don't lose your courage now
, she thought.

In that instant she felt it again: the undeniable sensation of someone's gaze resting on her. When she slightly turned her head, the crowed parted for a moment, and she saw the most stunning male she'd ever laid eyes on.

Much taller than any other man in his proximity, the blonde giant leant nonchalantly against the black marble block that formed the bar, his strong arms crossed before his wide chest. He was broad-shouldered and sculptured with muscle, yet his exceptional height prevented him from looking like one of these bodybuilders Jade had always disliked, finding them too heavy and bulging. He looked as if he had gained that body with heavy work, or maybe some kind of martial arts.

Actually, he didn't fit at all into this decadent environment. This man looked strangely out of place, maybe even out of time. The only way she could describe him was like one of those medieval warriors she liked to read about in her romances, late at night, when she was lying alone in her room in the tiny apartment she shared with Amber, dreaming of a man's touch on her naked skin.

Looking like the epitome of understatement in this club, he was only wearing a black tank and black jeans, combined with biker boots. His golden-streaked hair was combed back, accentuating the planes and angles of his striking face - high cheekbones, a straight nose, strong chin, and lips that were curved into an ironic half-smile. But the most impressive part of him was his piercing grey eyes, their gaze so intense that her cheeks started to burn when she saw him looking directly at her.

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