Viper's Run (23 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #Erotica, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Viper's Run
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“I can see that.” Winter bet he used threats instead of money. The members wouldn’t be anxious to be dressed in the tuxes that she was sure they were going to be forced to wear.

The outside door opened and Viper, Razer, and Shade came in with grim expressions on their faces.   The men glanced at their table. Evie stood up at a signal from Viper.

“We have to go into the other room,” she told the women at the table.  All the women stood up without demur and headed to the living room.  Winter and Beth moved more slowly, but did as they were told.  Winter knew Beth was just as concerned as she was, but they were just going to have to wait until later to find out what the meeting was about.



Viper went to the middle of the room while the members surrounded him.

“I want to thank everyone for being here. I know you put in a hard week at work and spent the night riding up here.  First off, I would like to tell everyone that, with Winter’s help, we were able to prove that Gavin didn’t disrespect the club rules by fucking Sam.  The bitch lied just as we all knew she had.  We still haven’t been able to locate the baby, but the Sheriff is still investigating.  We offered our assistance if he needs our help.  
Evie and the women have been given permission to do what is necessary if Sam makes any further attacks on the club, but as of now, we are done with the bitch.”

Murmurs of approval filled the air before they quieted down with Viper’s next words.

“I wanted to handle this a few weeks ago, but Shade cautioned me to hold my hand.  The group that Sam has attached herself to are one percenters, and he didn’t want us to strike out before we were ready.  We are now prepared and that’s why I sent for you.  We planned on hitting their club tonight, but they called for a meet this morning.  My guess is they have someone watching the house and are aware that we are about to strike.  I was not happy that they wanted a meet, but did so because Shade urged me to at least talk to them.  I was glad I listened.  The president of The Blue Horsemen informed me that the four men who attacked Beth and Lily were outlaws, no longer associated with their club.  They have been trying to get their colors back, but they have been outrunning their enforcers.  We offered our help and they accepted.  Shade has put in motion a set up for tomorrow that they won’t be able to resist.  We won’t need a show of force, but I am not an idiot.  I won’t send you back to Ohio until our business with them is complete.  Enjoy yourselves tonight and we’ll take care of business tomorrow morning.  If everything goes as planned, you can be back home tomorrow night.”

After the meeting broke up, Viper and Razer went in search of their women, finding them seated on the couch with worried frowns.  

Winter saw Viper and Razer now appeared more relaxed and her nerves settled.  

“Everything okay?” Winter asked, searching Viper’s eyes.

“Everything is fine.  We thought we had an issue with another club, turned out we were wrong,” Viper shrugged.  “The brothers are going to stay the night and head back tomorrow.”

Relieved, Winter felt the tension her and Beth were feeling dissipate.  Viper sank down onto the couch next to her, pulling her onto his lap.  Razer repeated the same maneuver with Beth.  At first, Winter felt uncomfortable, aware of the eyes of the house on her, but gradually she relaxed as she and Beth discussed bridesmaid dresses.  Curious, Winter asked Razer if he had chosen his groomsmen.

“Yeah, anyone that wouldn’t black my eyes.  They aren’t too happy being dressed up as a penguin for the day.”  He cast Beth a reproachful look before he admitted defeat, the woman was determined to get her dream wedding, and Razer was all about giving her what she wanted. “Viper, Shade, Cash, Train, and Rider.”

“Not Knox?”  Winter was surprised. Knox and Razer were constantly talking and cutting up with one another.

“Do you see Knox in a penguin suit?”  Winter studied the man in question.  Knox definitely was the largest of the members. It would be hard to find a suit to fit him, but it wasn’t his size alone that would have prevented Razer from asking.  Knox was the most blunt of the group.  If Razer asked Knox, he would in all likelihood tell him to fuck off.  He had the shortest fuse, both with his temper and his sex drive.  He was constantly with a woman, sometimes two.  His muscled frame sometimes packed one on each shoulder as they went upstairs.  He was the least handsome one in the group, yet he was the one your eyes were constantly drawn to.  He had a clean-shaven head and several piercings. The one on his tongue constantly caught your focus when he talked and his cock was constantly out with the women.  She had noticed what she would think would be several painful piercings on his cock.  Even now, she watched the woman named K.O. press tightly against him as he leaned against the wall.  Jewell walked over to them and within seconds the three were headed upstairs.

Winter caught Viper’s gaze and blushed.  He gave her a wicked grin and continued talking to Razer.  She relaxed against him as the discussion turned to colors for the wedding.  Beth was debating sage green and coral when she deciphered Winter’s look of horror and decided on a peaches and cream theme.  They had become so involved in their conversation that they hadn’t noticed the men stop talking and begin listening.  It was only when the topic turned to flowers that Viper tugged on her hair.

“Want to go for a ride?”

Winter had never ridden on a motorcycle.  She was nervous, but didn’t want to refuse to go.  

“I haven’t ridden on a motorcycle before.” She glanced out the window and noticed it was beginning to get dark.  “Maybe we should wait until tomorrow.  It’s getting dark outside.”

“Nope, you don’t want to miss a moonlight run,” Beth urged, gazing up at Razer with a wistful look.

“Want to join them?” Razer asked Beth.

Her eager look said it all. Before Winter knew what was happening, she found herself upstairs in her room getting changed into warmer clothes and a pair of boots that Viper had told her to grab from a pile in the closet. Going back down the steps carefully, she noticed that several other members had decided to tag along.

Viper was waiting for her at the bottom of the steps.  When she walked to his side, he took her cane from her hand and leaned it against the bottom of the steps.  Sweeping her up into his arms, he turned and went through the door that Razer was holding open with a grinning Beth by his side.  

The club parking lot was filled with motorcycles; Winter wondered which one was Viper’s.  Her question was quickly answered as he strode to an oversized monster on two wheels.  Placing her on her feet by the bike, he left her to find a spare helmet.

“Be back in a second.”  As she stood waiting, the other members stopped and stared at Viper’s bike.  None said a word, but Winter could tell from their expressions that something was unusual about his bike to draw so much attention. When Viper reappeared from the factory, even Winter could see the flush on his cheeks in the dark.

“What happened to your old bike?  You loved that machine; you wouldn’t even let me touch it.  I know you said it needed some work so you’ve borrowed my extra. Let me take a look at it, maybe I can do something with it.”  Rider said, looking at Viper’s new bike with an expression of a mixture of repugnance and disgust.

“There is no fixing it, the engine is gone. I needed a new one anyway.  It was breaking down all the time,” he shrugged, helping Winter carefully onto the bike.

“It’s a weekender’s bike,” Train said with revulsion.

Viper threw him a hard glare and the bikers scrambled to their own rides.  

“Put on your helmet,” Viper ordered.

Winter hesitated. “What’s a weekender’s bike?”  Looking at the other bikes, she realized that none of the other bikes had a seat on the back like Viper’s.  It actually looked like a small leather chair.  She put on her helmet, trying to keep the tears at bay.  He obviously had one installed with her in mind.  The motorcycle was comfortable for her to sit on.  Winter leaned forward, holding Viper around the waist as he started the engine and pulled out in the lead.  She glanced sideways to see Cash with Evie at his back, who was giving her a thumbs up.

Winter couldn’t help but enjoy the moonlight run through the mountains.  It was a thing of beauty, seeing the light of the town down below and the stars above. With the wind blowing, it almost seemed as if you were flying through the sky.  Viper was obviously an experienced rider, taking the twist and turns of the road as if it was second nature.  Winter didn’t want the ride to end and was unhappy when Viper made a signal to Cash, expecting them to turn back to the clubhouse.  They continued on for another mile before their speed changed, slowly turning into a large empty lot surrounded by huge trees.

The bikers all got off their bikes. A few of them pulled blankets from the bags off their bikes and started to lay them on the ground.  Cash went to a huge fire-pit built out of bricks.  Removing a tarp covering the middle, he pulled a lighter from his pocket and within a few minutes a fire was steadily building strength.

As the fire built in strength, something triggered and her memory finally kicked in.  “This is Cash’s homestead, isn’t it?”

Cash, who was nearby, heard her.  “You recognize it?”

“Everyone who drinks in Treepoint would recognize this spot.”  Winter turned to face Cash who was standing with his arm around Evie.  “When I was a little girl, my dad liked to take a drink every now and then.”  Everyone listened as Winter talked.  Cash had never revealed much of himself to the other members and listening to someone that was associated with him before he became a member of The Last Riders gave them a revealing insight into their friend.  

“Do you mind?”  Winter questioned, before continuing the story.

“No.”  Cash gave her a twisted smile as she recalled the memories of the place where they were standing.

“This would have been where your grandmother’s house was and I’m betting that’s her original fireplace.”

Cash’s nod confirmed her suspicions.

“Anyway, as I was saying, my father liked to drink, but Treepoint was dry during that time.  Cash’s grandmother was our local liquor store.  A car would pull in front of her house and blow their horn, once for beer, two for whiskey, and so on.  Cash would always bring it outside in a brown bag.  The whole transaction took about a minute.  Your grandmother had it down to a fine art.”  Winter said with true respect.  Cash’s grandmother had been a respected woman in town, despite her bootlegging business.  When the town finally went wet, she retired to a home closer to town.  Winter had not seen her for the last couple of years; she had suffered a stroke becoming paralyzed.

“How is your grandmother?” she asked.

“Feisty and mean as ever.”

“I was sorry to hear about her stroke.”

Cash’s grin faded and his face became shrouded in the shadows of the trees as he took a step backwards.  

“Thanks, I’ll tell her you were asking about her.”  Winter heard Beth’s soft laughter as she wrapped her legs around Razer’s waist as he carried her into the darkness of the trees.  Small groups of the members were sitting on their bikes, talking and drinking beer.  Several couples were lying on the blankets that had been spread around the fire and were openly making out.  When Cash dragged Evie down on one, Viper’s arm went around her waist, lifting her off her feet.  Her back to his chest, he walked with her into the dark woods.  They didn’t go far.  Winter could still make out the members in the glow of the flames.

Viper leaned back against the tree, facing the fire so she could see the erotic sight of the members in the firelight.  His hand buried itself in her hair and tilted her head back, taking her lips, his tongue slid silkily within the warmth of hers. His other hand pressed against her stomach, pressing her harder against the hardness of his cock behind his denims.

Winter felt her desire build as Viper’s hand unzipped her jacket.  When it fell open, he pushed her top down until her bra was exposed.  With a twist of his fingers, the closure came undone and her breasts were exposed to the chilly night.


“Shh… no one can see.”

Winter tried to turn her head, but Viper claimed her mouth again as his fingers twisted an already hard nipple.  A soft gasp escaped her and Viper used the opportunity to deepen his kiss.   Winter’s hips began to grind back on his still covered cock.  Viper’s hand left her breast to glide over her smooth stomach, unsnapping her jeans and sliding underneath to find her already wet for him.  As he found her clit, teasing the small button in torturous swipes with his work roughened thumb, she was barely able to prevent herself from moaning out loud, not wanting to draw attention to them in the shadows.

Her legs tried to close to hold his fingers exactly where she wanted them. Viper’s foot tangled with hers, preventing her from moving.  Winter was about to come when Viper removed his hand and returned to her breast, tracing her nipple with his wet fingers.

Winter was so lost in desire that it took several seconds to realize the hands sliding and pressing against her pussy couldn’t have been Viper’s, with one hand in her hair and the other on her breast.  Her loosened jeans slid further down her hips with the aid of a hand helping their descent.  

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