Viper's Run (34 page)

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Authors: Jamie Begley

Tags: #Erotica, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Viper's Run
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Viper stared at Gavin’s motorcycle. Someone had it polished and shined, obviously preparing it to be ridden.  Viper felt his heart catch as he stared at it sitting in the lot, as if waiting for Gavin to laughingly climb on for a ride.  In his mind’s eye, he remembered the many times he had seen Gavin riding the Harley.  They had gotten out of the service a month apart, but Gavin had waited until Viper had come out to purchase his bike.  They had purchased their bikes the same day from the same dealer.

Gavin’s bike had sat in Ton’s garage since Viper had asked Cash to have it transported from Ohio at Ton’s request.  No one had ridden the motorcycle since Gavin’s death. Viper reached out touching the handlebar, swallowing hard.

“Are you mad?”  Winter whispered with tears in her voice at seeing the grief on his face.

“No, I’m not mad,” Viper said hoarsely.

Winter wrapped her arms around his waist from behind, her head falling forward to lie against his back.

“Rider told me when he couldn’t fix your motorcycle that a true biker becomes part of his machine.  I thought you could bring a part of Gavin back to The Last Riders.”

Viper’s head lowered for a second, his hand on the handle bar tightening.

“Let’s ride.” He ordered and everyone mounted their motorcycles.  The women were riding in cars so their hair and clothes wouldn’t become disheveled.  Winter moved to go to Evie’s car with her head down, brushing a tear off her check.

Viper’s hand caught hers in his tight grasp.  “Ride with me?”  Viper asked.

Winter nodded, waiting for Viper to get on before climbing on behind him. After putting on her helmet, she grasped his waist tightly.  The brothers all turned their bikes facing the road, throttling their motors. Viper’s shoulders pulled taut as his head went back in pride while throttling the bike.   He pulled out of the parking lot with Cash by his side and two by two they drove down the mountainside with Shade and Razer at their back.



Beth looked beautiful standing with Razer.  Winter could only cry as the couple exchanged their vows, not able to hold the tears back when she heard Razer’s voice break when he slid his ring onto Beth’s finger.  Pastor Dean performed the traditional ceremony that was over too soon.  The wedding ceremony was held in the huge backyard of the church, allowing those who attended to eat afterward at the tables, which had been set up with flower centerpieces.

Winter sat down next to Lily, as pictures of the bridal party were taken after the ceremony.  There were several photos taken in various positions.  First the whole bridal party, then the bridesmaids, and groomsmen, then the groomsmen and the bridesmaids.  Winter hid her smile as the groomsmen became increasing aggravated, wanting the food at the table they could see clearly from their position.  It didn’t help that the guests had began eating without them.

“Let’s finish this up,” Razer warned Beth, seeing their threatening glares.

“Alright, alright just a few more,” Beth soothed.  

 Winter had taken a picture with Rider, it was Lily’s turn next. The photographer decided to take pictures of her with Shade as they were standing next to each other exactly like the others had during their pictures.

“Last one,” the photographer said, moving to a different position.  Charles, hearing the photographer, moved closer, waiting for Lily who gave him a sweet smile.  Shade’s eyes narrowed as his arm slid around Lily’s waist bringing her flush against his side.  Lily stiffened within his grasp, her hand going to his chest, but didn’t pull away thinking that Shade had just made the change for the photographer. Her smile became more nervous.  Shade’s face became a different matter, giving a clear warning to the young man standing beside Winter.  To give Charles credit, he didn’t run when the photographer finished, taking Lily’s hand.

“Let’s get something to eat.” Charles led her away to the buffet tables, giving Shade a gloating smile over his shoulder.

Not liking the look in Shade’s eyes and not wanting Beth’s wedding ruined, Winter moved to block his path.

“Hey Shade, it was a nice ceremony, wasn’t it?” Winter winced at her too cheerful voice.

Winter saw the look of sanity come back into his eyes.  

“Beth and Lily looked beautiful, didn’t they?”

Shade’s eyes went to Razer and Beth standing together as their friends congratulated them.

“Yes,” he gritted out.

“They all are so happy, Beth with Razer and Lily finally settling into college.  Their lives are merging, but yet still fragile.  It could be hurt irreparably if she feels he’s putting a friend’s wants over her sister’s needs.”

Shade’s body stiffened, standing still.  

Winter shrugged, deciding to be blunt.  “It’s not like you’re deprived of female companionship.  Lily will be out of school in two years with a degree she’s wanted since I’ve known her.  By then you might not want her anymore.”  Which was what she was hoping would happen.

Shade gave her a look that had her taking a step back, the blaze of possession in his startling blue eyes was evident as he looked at Lily and Charles sitting at one of the tables.  Winter knew the chances of Shade changing his mind were nil.  Shades eyes turned back to her to make sure she understood his silent message.  Winter was no rocket scientist, but she was smart enough to back off.  Satisfied, Shade left going in the opposite direction of Lily and Charles, leaving Winter shaking in her shoes.

Winter let out a sigh of relief at his departure, deciding to find Viper.  Seeing him sitting at a table with Ton, big plates of food in front of them, she decided to fix herself a plate of food before sitting down.  

“Did you two get enough food?”  Winter teased as she took the chair next to Ton, pulling it out.

“Ton, Viper, I would like you to meet my Aunt Shay.”  Mrs. Langley sat down next to Ton, placing her plate on the table.

Winter took the other chair sitting down next to Viper.

Eating her food, she watched as Ton and her Aunt began to talk.  Her shy aunt was slowly drawn out of her shell by the gregarious man.  Winter smiled, pleased, catching herself when Viper gave her a speculative look.  Winter tried to appear innocent, but didn’t think she had succeeded.

The music started as Razer and Beth moved out onto the dance floor that had been placed down in the grass.  Winter watched as they glided across the small floor.

“Want to dance?” Viper asked.

“Yes, I do,” Winter said, getting to her feet immediately.  Viper held her close as they danced.  The reception lasted several hours, in which they were dodging Beth’s biker women friends, who after loud protestations from Beth, promised to leave Bliss alone.  They then turned their attention to Shade and Pastor Dean.  Winter noticed Beth didn’t rescue them.

 The Sheriff stopped by their table once to tell them that Jake’s charges had been reduced after Winter visited his office to explain how her memory had returned and that it wasn’t Jake who had assaulted her.  He didn’t ask many questions, drawing only enough answers in order to get the charges dropped.  Jake still had to face arson charges, but at least it wasn’t on Winter’s conscience that he was serving time for a crime he hadn’t committed.  As Winter had left the Sheriff’s office, she had passed the empty deputy’s desk.  The Sheriff didn’t blink an eye when he told her Deputy Moore had disappeared after an argument with his father.  

They decided to leave not long after Razer and Beth left for the airport, going to Vegas for their honeymoon. Winter and Viper said their goodbyes to everyone before giving her Aunt Shay, who was still sitting with Ton, a quick hug.

The parking lot was filled with flowers petals and ribbons that she was sure Pastor Dean wouldn’t be happy cleaning.  Driving out of the church parking lot, Winter could barely hear his voice with her helmet on and the rushing wind.

“Feel up to a moonlight run before going back to the clubhouse?”

Her head fell to his back, her arms tightened, holding him closer.

“Always, Viper.”


Chapter 22


Winter strode angrily towards the kitchen. It wasn’t fair.  She wasn’t going to take a punishment that wasn’t her fault. She fumed angrily to herself.  It was Rider’s freaking fault she was in trouble anyway, throwing away another one of her baskets from the dollar bin that she had purchased for the hundredth time. It wasn’t her fault she had lost her temper and after taking the basket out of the trash, she had banged it against the offending member.

Everyone kept stealing the damn things, using them to organize their crap and leaving her damn seeds unorganized.  She always somehow managed to draw them as punishment.  Well not today.  Last time she had noticed that everyone else’s papers had been folded multiple times while hers was smooth. They had conspired against her so that she was always the one drawing the hated punishment.  Not freaking today.

Winter stood against the wall. She didn’t have time for this, she needed to balance Riverview’s budget.  The school board had given her the job without telling her the school had been given the shaft where funding was concerned.  That crap was going to change too she thought.  Viper didn’t know it yet, but he was going to be making a large donation, she thought in revenge.

“Evie.”  Evie moved to take her slip of paper before sitting back down.

“Bliss.”  Winter rolled her eyes at that one.

“Rider.”  Winter could barely restrain herself from flipping him off.

“Pretty girl.” She didn’t try to hide her resentment as she went to the hated red punishment bag, dipping her hand inside. Her finger couldn’t find any slips of papers in the bag, instead brushing a small box.  Pulling it out, she held the small box in her hand before opening it.  Inside lay an emerald engagement ring.

“Will you marry me, pretty girl?” Viper asked as The Last Riders waited for her answer.

Winter flung herself into his arms to the loud cheers inside the room.  

“Yes, I’ll marry you,” Winter answered staring up into his eyes.

Viper gave her a teasing grin. “I’m you’re punishment,” he said with the red cloth bag still in his hand.

“No, Viper,” Winter said. “You’re my reward.”





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