Viper's Hope (Anguis Defenders Book 1) (26 page)

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Viper shuddered at the thought of being on the receiving end of at least one of those toys.

"Well I guess I deserved that. I'll get rid of them." Viper moved to get up.

"Just put them away for tonight." Hope smiled lazily at him.

Viper returned a wicked grin of his own.

"I knew my female had a shameless carnal streak."

"I blame you." Hope yawned as she snuggled close.


Hope and Viper were up a few hours later. It was as long as he could hold her concerned family and friends off, insisting that Hope needed to rest after her ordeal. The group swarmed into the living space. Little Justice and Charity looked confused. Cody looked tight lipped and concerned. Tara, Faith and even JP were teary eyed.

"I am fine everyone." Hope announced. "You know I'm too stubborn to go down without a fight."

"What did you do Aunt Hope? Mommy cried all night." Charity admonished her aunt, not really knowing what happened.

"I got a little lost sweetie." Hope didn't want to scare the children.

"You are supposed to find a policeman and tell him your name and address." Justice piped up.

Faith smiled through her bleary eyes now that her family was reunited.

"Justice, Aunt Hope probably didn't know her address." Charity informed her little brother. The children turned to Viper.

"Uncle Viper what's our address?" Justice asked.

Viper smiled at the human familial term the little ones called him.

"Human colony, pod three." He told the children and watched them mimic him.

"Did you hear that Aunt Hope? Now don't wander off again. Mommy was very worried!"

Viper could tell that someone had said this to Charity before by the stern tone of her voice. It sounded very adult. Any other occasion and Viper would have laughed.

"I will remember." Hope said as she hugged the children and her sister.

When Hope turned to Tara, she noted the dark circles under the females eyes. Hope's friend looked exhausted.

"Tara I'm okay."

Tara nodded.

Viper knew for a fact Tara had stayed at Ophidian's bedside the entire night. The female looked like Viper felt, beat to shit.

"Ophidian was injured in the skirmish yesterday." Viper told Hope.

"Will he be alright?" Hope asked with concern, looking Tara over as she gripped her friend.

"Yes the stubborn man is lucky he has two hearts." Tara replied "He just needs a lot of bed rest to heal."

"Has my friend awoken yet?" Viper asked.

"Briefly and he tried to get out of bed. I had to threaten him with bodily harm." Tara told Viper with a look of consternation on her face. It sounded about right. Ophidian was stubborn in every way imaginable.

"Let's go see him." Hope said.

"Good cause I bet he's awake and bullying the staff again." Tara huffed.

Hope looked at Viper and they shared a knowing glance. Their friends liked each other.

"That will be good. I can give him a hard time for doing a poor job as a shield." Viper shook his head.

Tara gave him a wry smile. It was good, the female was too serious. It took a lot to kill the Anguis. Ophidian was past the worst part, he would be fine, thank Kadru. But Tara, similar to Hope, would make good on her threat and make sure his friend healed completely. Poor Ophidian, he had no clue the human doctor would keep him in line in, whether he liked it or not.

"We can all eat, and I can get a security update too."

"Do you think there are some other kids we can play with in that room that has all the balls?" Justice asked referring to the rec room.

"We'll see." Faith replied as she sidled up to Viper. Hope scooped up Charity as they headed out the door. "I assume you are on top of this?" Faith asked seriously. She was clearly upset her sister had been taken. She wasn't the only one..

"Your ingenious sister got free before whoever has infiltrated our camp could be caught. But I promise you this, she will no longer leave my side!"

"Good." Faith replied. "I can't believe I'm saying this but that makes me feel better. Now to the next topic. I'm a school teacher, and I imagine there are others here. Is there a way we can set-up a school for the children?"

Viper liked that this female was no nonsense like Hope. She was a survivor. All the human females in his new family were. Viper felt intense pride as he looked at them.

"We attempt to get the children and adults acclimated to this world, basic things like what's edible, what animals to avoid. Would you mind assisting the Anguis with these things as well as any other lessons you deem fit?"

"No I welcome it, actually. What are your goals regarding integrating our children with yours?" Faith inquired.

"That is my wish, though it may take some time." Viper smiled at Faith then looked at Hope.

"Children are a good place to start. If Anguis children from willing parents can be brought here to play and learn, it will have a beneficial long term affect."

Faith was right. Children could be rotten, but they could also be very accepting. If they learned to be together when they were young it would only make the Anguis and human combined future better.

"Excellent idea."

"Are you two planning world domination?" Hope nudged Viper.

"You know your sister, always the teacher." Cody replied as they entered the communal building.

"Well that's probably good. I myself have a lot I could learn. All this is still so new." Hope stated. "I wouldn't mind learning to read Anguis."

"I for one would like to get a peak inside some of this gear you've got." Cody said.

"Nerd" Faith shoved her hip into Cody.

"Name calling! Now you're in trouble." Cody lunged for Faith, who squealed and danced away from the male's grasp.

Viper enjoyed how playful the human male was with his mate. It was the same way Hope treated Viper, not formal or shy as so many Anguis matings started out.

"I'm sure that can be arranged." Viper replied to his new brother as everyone filed into the communal banquet hall.

It was nice to have another brother.

Hope greeted several humans and Anguis as they made their way down the food line. Viper marveled at how she seemed to take everything in stride. Hope may not realize it but she was a natural fit for the social obligations expected of an Uxorem.

16 I Will Fear No Evil: For Thou Art with Me



Viper kept Hope close in the days that followed her abduction. He railed about how the Purist leader Wyvern had gone deeper into hiding. With Ophidian on bed rest Canebrake had taken over the mercenaries and Boaz was in charge of monitoring the security room. Viper had taken her brother-in-law, Cody up on his offer to help with anything tech related so Cody was eagerly assisting Boaz.

"Cody is pretty good at picking apart the coded security feed. He learns fast. But they're still not any closer to finding the traitor." Viper griped.

Cody was a genius really when it came to technology. It didn't surprise Hope he was soaking all this up like a sponge.

"But they're certain the video was hacked from inside the colony?"

"Yes. I've moved on to plan B though."

"What's that?" Hope asked as she plopped down in Viper's lap in their sitting area.

"Boaz has been spreading a rumor that he's almost broken the code on who hacked into the feed." Viper said as he nibbled her neck.

"Fake it till you make it baby." Hope replied. It was a good idea to draw out the traitor.

"How are the plans going for the ceremony?"

"My dress is almost done. Beyond that I'm leaving the details to your mother and Acris. Acris knows the basics of what I want, and it seems to make Hyla happy so..." Hope shrugged her shoulders.

"Don't let her take over, this is your day."

"Yeah but I'm kind of intrigued to see what they come up with. We do need to come up with vows."

"I have something in mind."

Well at least one of them did. Hope wasn't big on making speeches or grand emotional gestures.

Viper started licking and kissing the mating mark at her neck.

Hope sighed. She loved him. The last several days had only cemented that fact.

"Do we have to go to that creepy lab today?" Hope whined. She wanted go snuggle in their bed and show Viper just how much she wanted him.

"Yes." Viper said with a kiss. "Not only are we doing an inspection but my sire and I need to show the staff that we appreciate their hard work and sacrifice. "

"I get it. I'm not really complaining. Although the sooner we get back..." Hope wagged her eyebrows at him.

Viper moved to tackle Hope, but she was up and off his lap racing down the hall.

"No sir we've got some place to be!" Hope squealed.


The laboratory was a high tech facility deep under ground. All the security was necessary in case of an emergency. Adder, Viper and Hope were flanked by Canebrake and five other guards. They were on the deepest level of the facility where they kept the creepy Morbo.

Hope peered into the containment cell while Viper talked with one of the Anguis scientists.

"Nasty aren't they?" Adder said at her side.

The Morbo were far more frightening in person than on film. They had two grasping appendages that looked like deformed hands and two legs. Their head wasn't much more than a round bulbous lump on a gangly body. The thing had no discernible eyes, ears or nose. It did have a mouth though with a sharp lolling tongue. And just to round out the disturbing picture, the thing looked like it had been de-fleshed, and that was its natural state. Nasty was an understatement!

"Disgusting bastards!" Canebrake said as he studied the containment security panel. "Adder Rex I think the scientists want to show you and the Prognatus the lab."

"In a minute." Adder said.

Hope noticed the look of agitation on Canebrake's face over Adder's shoulder. He probably didn't want to be here any more than Hope did. There was a reason this place was so far underground. Hope shivered.

"It's my greatest desire to see these beasts eradicated in my lifetime. Viper has done a good job holding them at bay, but I don't want you to fear, there are others who can take up that battle." Adder mused as they peered into the cell.

Hope liked Viper's father. He was an intelligent kind man. Must be where Viper got it from. Adder was proud of what his son had accomplished but he also wanted her not to fear that he'd send Viper into space to fight these gross creatures.

The siren that started blaring took Hope by surprise.

She watched in horror as the wall of the containment room in front of her started to split open. The surrounding commotion was confusing. A glass wall slammed down separating her from Viper. He was roared as he pounded at the thick glass.

Adder grabbed Hope's arm and tugged her back but something had latched onto her leg.

Hope looked down at the Morbo creature that held her.

Canebrake tried to pull Adder away but lost his grip and fell back.

Canebrake barely had time to clamor out of the way as the second wall fell into place, locking Adder and Hope in with the fleshless creature.

Viper continued pounding frantically at the dense glass wall.

Hope kicked at the grasping humanoid virus but its grip only tightened on her calf as it pulled itself through the crack in its cell.

Adder struck the monster with his fist, using the spikes on his arms to cut the beast as his punch followed through. The creature's sharp tongue lashed out cutting a swath in Adder's arm.

"No!" Hope screamed, and it was echoed by Viper.

The beast stumbled back but unfazed it lunged towards Hope. She felt an agonizing pain in her stomach and looked down to see the Morbo's tongue buried in her skin.

"Oh god!" Hope cried out.

No no no! This wasn't supposed to happen.

Adder tackled the creature, but it was too late for both of them. He pummeled the beast with his fists till it ceased to get up, yet still it's tongue snaked out, stabbing at the air. Adder kicked it back into the containment room as Hope lay huddled on the floor clutching her belly in pain.

"How do I close this?" Adder yelled till one of the stunned technicians told him what to do to reseal the door.

It all happened so fast. Her world was torn apart in a handful of disjointed confusing moments.

Hope just stared at Viper. His hands were pressed to the glass. He looked broken. Tears streamed down her face as she sobbed the words, "I love you."

Viper's mouth repeat the phrase then she heard his deafening roar as she passed out.



His worst possible nightmare had come true. There was no redemption to be had, not with this.

The scientists and physicians didn't want to patch up Hope's injury, insisting it was futile, till Viper threatened to gut them. He refused to see her in pain for the last few hours they had together. Now he watched Hope sleeping through a thick sheet of glass, tubes piercing her small pale body.

"I can't even hold her one last time."

Viper gripped the arms of his chair, feeling them contort as he desperately held onto his sanity. The frantic need to comfort Hope, and also himself, eating at him.

"Filius, you know what to do when I go to sleep." Viper turned to see his sire in the other quarantine room. His mother had long since passed out from hysterics.

"I have the cryo-units ready." Viper's voice broke.

"Come now we both know what has to be done my filius."

"They will find a cure dammit!" Viper growled with impotent rage.

"I'm not going to argue with you." Adder said as he stoically faced his fate like a true mercenary.

Viper looked up to his father, strove to be half the male he was. Adder Rex could always be counted on to do what was right even if it wasn't easy.

"I'm proud of you. Remember that." His uttered words meant the world to Viper.


Viper turned back to see Hope staring at him. He was so glad to see her awake, till again he was reminded of his new bleak reality, and it struck him like a knife to the gut.

"It's bad isn't it?" She asked looking forlorn.

Viper couldn't find his voice. He couldn't bring himself to say the words out loud. He couldn't even wrap his head around the nightmare. So he just nodded once.

"How long?"

Hope asked how long they had left together and Viper nearly collapsed. He wanted to be strong for her but couldn't summon the will.

Oh Goddess, how, why was this happening?

"A day maybe." Viper tried to say but choked on the words, his throat thick, his hearts constricting in his chest.

Hope's eyes were closed again. The pain medicine making her sleep. At least that's what he told himself.

Viper failed yet again to protect his precious mate. The horror of it ripped Viper apart as he sat through the next several hours, mutely watching Hope's family and friends, along with his father's, come to say goodbye. Viper's sorrow was more than he could bear, but seeing their grief crumbled his remaining strength.

Viper wanted to throw something and rage at the injustice of fate. But all he could do was sit, and watch his sweet mate as each second, minute, hour passed and then she would be gone from his life.

His mother sat with her face pressed to the glass, much like Viper was at Hope's window. Adder's fever increased steadily through the night till he slipped away. Viper watched as the azure cryogenic fluid flowed through the tubes connected to Adder.

His mother's ragged sobs filled the room.

Viper turned to Hope. She was awake again, and she had witnessed his father's passing.

"The king is dead, long live the king." Hope whispered the somber sentiment.

Her eyes turned to focus on Viper.

"I am sorry Viper." Tears streamed down her cheeks.

His precious mate fought to hold on to life and yet she mourned for him.

"Never be sorry beautiful. I have been so honored and blessed to have you in my life, both of you." Viper tried to muster a smile for her.

"I want you to know before..." Hope paused. "Thank you for rescuing my family and friends. Thank you for all the love you've shared. Thank you for giving me a chance to see the stars." Hope's voice wavered.

Viper didn't know how much longer she would hold out. She barely had a fever, but she'd been coughing violently even in her sleep. Each moment he had left with her was a gift and he refused to take even a fraction of it for granted. Viper placed his hand on the glass and spoke the words he'd said when they first met.

"Let us just enjoy being together today, we can worry about tomorrow when it comes."

Hope nodded and tried to smile as her tears flowed.

Viper wanted to wipe them away, to take her pain into himself, but even in this he failed her. Hope started coughing again and the medicine they pumped into her caused her to go back to sleep robbing him of the few precious moments he had with his sweet Hope.

Viper watched as her chest rose and fell with each breath and replayed in his mind all the moments he desperately hoped to capture from their short time together. He'd lived a lifetime in a span of a few weeks.

Viper didn't hear them move his father from the room next door or the physicians as they came and went. All he saw was Hope laughing in his mind as they tumbled on the floor, her look of passion as their bodies joined.

It was unfathomable to think his greatest joy, his Amare was leaving him behind. So Viper just stared at her in hopes that somehow he could will her to stay, or force time to halt.

Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out.



Hope stared at Viper through the window he was exhausted, asleep, pressed against the thick glass.

The machine beeped as it read her temperature or took a blood sample that someone would study a room away. She felt like shit and her stomach hurt, but Hope didn't feel like she was dying.

She had watched as Adder slipped into the coma and wondered how long she had. She'd been infected worse than him, and he was now gone. How many hours had she slept?

Hope wanted to wake Viper to see his green eyes, but maybe in sleep he was in a better, happier place.

Hope didn't fear death, she knew what was waiting for her. She felt it like a whisper on a breeze. But saying goodbye, separating from the ones she loved was an unbearable pain. Hope felt cheated of her new found love. Then again she also felt blessed to have known love, known Viper, even for a moment. Life offered no guarantees.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Viper asked with fathomless sad eyes.

"You looked so peaceful."

"I can sleep later."

Hope smiled at his hoarse reply.

"And when you dream I will be there." Hope replied trying not to cry again.

Every ounce of her believed that to be true.

A scientist came in and tapped Viper on the shoulder.

"Leave us." Viper growled viciously.

"Viper Rex," It was the first time either of them had heard the title, sadly it wasn't a happy occasion. "I have something I urgently need to discuss with you."

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