Viper's Hope (Anguis Defenders Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: Viper's Hope (Anguis Defenders Book 1)
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Hope thrust her hips up and gripped his corded back, forcing Viper unbearably deep as she flexed the muscles of her channel around his pulsing cock.

Something snapped in Viper, with teeth bared he snarled. One hand gripped the back of her neck, the other reached down, dug into her hip and held her waist for his next punishing lunge.

Hope threw her head back, the sweet agony of Viper forcing her vaginal walls to stretch was exquisite. Every ridge on his pulsing length abraded her channel as he speared impossibly deep. Hope started quivering as her pleasure built.

Viper shoved into Hope with increasing intensity, grinding his pelvis into her clit. The hard crest beneath his cock teased her ass ratcheting up her ecstasy.

"Yes! Fuck me!" Hope cried out as his ribbed shaft fucked her wet pussy harder.

Hope screamed out as the climax ricocheted through her, causing her back to stiffen and bow. Viper swelled, but he continued hammering into her slick heat, grinding into her G-spot with each thrust. The aching erotic intensity ramped up Hope's orgasm till she was convulsing pressed against his strong body.

"My amare." Viper husked as his mouth clamped on her shoulder.

Viper burst, flooding her spasming core with that intoxicating drug. It was so potent Hope soared as Viper's cock kicked and throbbed in her constricted channel.

"I love you." Hope sobbed as she trembled, her cheek nuzzling the side of Viper's face.

"I love you too my little Lepus." Viper husked into her shoulder, kissing the new mark he'd made.

Hope enjoyed the weight of Viper's sated body pinning her against the couch. All too soon he lifted her boneless body and walked down the hall to their bed, with her legs wrapped around his waist. Viper lay down with Hope draped on top of him. He was still buried, swollen inside her and Hope reveled in the contact.

Amidst her happy reverie Hope suddenly realized in their desperation they'd forgotten her abductors.

"Viper the kidnappers, I can show you where to find them."

Viper just shook his head.

"My sire is on it. If they weren't found in the area where you were picked up, then they certainly won't be at their safe house. They would've abandoned it."

Hope nodded at his logic. The three men had been gullible but not necessarily stupid.

"They were waiting for that Purist leader Wyvern"

"You heard them discuss him?" Viper stroked her back.

Hope nodded

"Good! We will handle him!"

Hope smiled at the threat his rumbled growl implied.

"Hope, how did you get free?" Viper caressed her cheek.

"I used their prejudice that human woman must be weak against them." Hope stared up Viper's chest. His head was propped on a pillow as he looked down at her with intrigue. "They assumed I was just a scared girl incapable of standing up for myself. So I cried till they felt sorry for me, then faked getting sick." Hope made big puppy dog eyes at Viper and he laughed.

Viper shifted sliding free of her body and they both groaned. They rolled to their sides, still holding on to each other.

"Remind me not to fall for that look." Viper said as he shook his head.

"Too late!" Hope grinned at him. "Anyway I escaped when they thought I was passed out ill in the bathroom. They chased me but I kept running down different streets till I found others. Then I recognized the elderly couple's shop and knew I could trust them."

"Smart female. Some males have no honor." Viper rumbled. "You are too brave for your own good. I am glad you got away but you could've been seriously hurt."

Hope could see the horror in his eyes as he thought of what could've happened.

"I didn't know if they planned on doing worse once Wyvern arrived." Hope frowned.

Viper closed his eyes. His brow creased.

"What am I going to do with you?!" Viper growled as he leaned in and nuzzled her.

"Enjoy the ride?" Hope suggested.

Viper was very disturbed, probably more than Hope was about what had happened. This wasn't her first kidnapping after all.

"You know I think I have just the thing to keep my brave female in line."

Viper leaned back, looked up and down her nude body with appreciation in his shuttered gaze. He sat up, leaned over the edge of the bed and pulled a box out from beneath it.

"I learned about some very interesting things from your internet. I thought at first it had to be untrue, but seeing how you respond to my touch...."

Viper rolled across Hope's stomach so she couldn't see what he pulled from the box.

"What do you have in that box?"

The wicked look he turned and gave her had Hope excited, curious and a bit nervous.

"Something I replicated. You aren't shy in the bedroom so I wanted to do a little experiment."

Hope felt Viper spread a cool slippery gel through the still sensitive folds of her cleft and a gasp caught in her throat.

Viper's one hand gripped her wrists to keep her from interfering as he pushed her knees wider.

Hope tried to see what he was doing but the rotten man intentionally blocked her view. He stroked her nether lips lazily and the oil that coated her sensitive tissue began to heat up. It made every cell come alive as he traced the rim of her vagina. Viper teased Hope's clit but refused to give her any satisfaction.

Hope growled at him. He wasn't the only one capable of it.

"So demanding, and so very sexy." The rumble of Viper's voice was foreplay all on its own.

Hope gasped as he placed something like a suction cup on her clit. It latched on and stayed in place. When it started to vibrate Hope cried out and nearly bucked off the bed.

"Too much?" Viper's eyes moved from her pussy to her face.

Hope nodded emphatically, her pale hair sticking in the sweat that erupted on her brow. She was already sensitive from their earlier aggressive love making, this was too much too fast. Viper turned down the speed on the wicked toy that thrummed mercilessly at her clit and Hope relaxed, though not much, since his fingers continued to explore her weeping slit with the warming oil.

"I like how slippery you get for me, but this lubricant is fun too." Viper bent down and blew gently on her vagina.

The instant cool sensation added to Hope's delicious misery. What the hell had he learned online. It made her hot and cold at the same time, an erotic juxtaposition.

"I love how it makes you quiver." Viper licked his lips as he gazed wantonly at her cleft."Keep your hands where they are." Viper growled his lust filled, stern demand.

Hope clasped the headboard holding on for dear life.

Viper shifted between Hope's legs gripping her thighs in both arms. He held her splayed as he continued to torture her with soft puffs of frigid air, followed by warm caresses with his tongue that heated her folds. The alternating sensations along with the steady hum at her clit had Hope panting and quaking in no time.

Viper released one thigh then trailed his finger through her moisture to the tight opening of her ass.

"I didn't realize females could take a male here. As much as I'd like to try that I think I am much too large for you." Viper husked as he spread the oil and her own desire down her cleft, circling her ass.

Hope breathed a sigh of relief. She'd never been penetrated there, but she was certain Viper was way too big.

"But I have noticed how very sensitive you are." Viper's words trailed off as he played with her puckered rosette.

The tip of a finger worked the cooling gel into her dark opening and the rogue couldn't resist blowing on it to intensify the feeling.

A moan pushed past Hope's lips as Viper added a second digit, stretching her. She closed her eyes and tossed her head back and forth in denial. This was not something she'd been expecting. The frenetic humming on her swollen clit mixed with the darkly erotic sensation in her ass, had Hope's womb clenching in need. Her thighs trembled, her stomach fluttered. Hope had to concentrate just to keep from flying apart at the seams.

Viper pulled his fingers free and Hope felt something else replace them. When her eyes flew open, she saw a smaller version of his ribbed cock as Viper slipped the head of it into her restricted passage. Back and forth Viper stroked the toy, coating it in more of that fire and ice lubricant as he incrementally impaled her ass.

"Viper." Hope's breath caught and Viper looked up at her face. She must have looked worried.

"If it's too much tell me." Viper groaned, his heated gaze making her even hotter.

Hope shook her head biting her lip hard. She didn't want him to stop. The carnal thrill gripped her, swiftly ratcheting higher.

Viper turned up the vibrator latched onto her clit and Hope's breath burst forth with a gasp. This time when he stroked and pushed the long toy into her ass Hope couldn't help but cry out. Her pussy spasmed hard, a flood of moisture spilling forth.

"Look at how you sheath weeps as I fuck your rear." Viper growled. "So desperate to be filled."

"Yes." Hope cried out. "Viper please."

While Viper worked the fake cock into her, the fingers of his other hand pressed into her pussy, grinding against her G-spot. Soon Hope was writhing and hyperventilating as the wet sounds of her dual penetration filled the room.

"Is this what you need?"

Yes, his fingers felt amazing stretching her vagina. She already felt so full, but Hope needed Viper. She craved his cock. She wanted to feel him pin her body as he surged inside her. Hope couldn't voice her need as she panted, so she just thrashed her head.

Viper persisted, staring intently at her stretched opening, till the toy was lodged deep in her ass then the wicked bastard turned it on.

Hope bucked and tried to pull away from the insane sensation but Viper held her hips captive. The thing writhing and undulating inside her ass along with the persistent buzz at her swollen nub was too much. Hope was quickly coming unglued.

Hope was wrong. Too much was when Viper knelt between her thighs and started to push his cock into her sopping pussy. The impending climax deluded her into thinking she could handle the beast of a man.

Viper's thick cock pulsed and throbbed as he pressed ever deeper.

Hope whimpered. She was so incredibly full.

Viper sat up on his knees between her splayed thighs so he could watch as his cock disappeared inch by torturous inch into her body.

Hope thought she felt every bit of him before, now it was unavoidable.

When Viper was buried to the hilt, he closed his eyes. The look on his face was sublime. His lips parted showing his fangs with that sexy feral look that turned her on.

"Goddess you are so tight. You feel so good." Viper snarled as his mouth roamed her neck.

Viper's cock moved in and out of her stretched channel pushing against the toy that invaded her ass. The sensual drug that his body exuded struck her blood stream and Hope started to shake uncontrollably. The dark pleasure raked at every nerve. The acute ache inside from her spasming muscles increased begging for cataclysmic release.

Viper hammered faster, driving her into the bed.

Viper's increased pace had Hope thrashing on the bed crying out god knows what. She begged and demanded incoherent things.

"Come for me now." Viper snarled as he latched onto her shoulder and ground into her body.

Hearing his sensual demand, Hope splintered. Her back bowed off the bed as she was whipped into a vortex of euphoria.

There was only Viper, and he was everywhere at once as she spiraled out of control. The pounding heat, the pleasure, the delicious erotic ache. Hope detonated with an ear shattering scream. Light flickered before her eyes and then Hope succumbed to the dark.



Tremors wracked Hope's entire body. She begged him to stop and cursed him not to, in the same breath. Her tight sheath milked Viper as she said the dirtiest things he'd ever heard coming from a female's lips.

Then Hope stilled for a brief glorious instant before shattering like a super nova, propelling Viper into the orgasm he was desperately holding at bay. Hope's face contorted in ecstasy as her scream of pleasure rocked his very soul.

Viper pulled free of her quickly spilling his seed on her blonde curly mound. He didn't want to swell with the toy still in her rear for fear of hurting her.

Viper looked up at Hope and realized she wasn't conscious. He didn't know if he should be proud or concerned. Viper removed both toys and tossed them aside to deal with later, then pulled Hope into his arms.

"Maybe my deviant plan worked too well." Viper thought as he stroked Hope's hair.


"Hmmm." Her voice came out languid.

"Are you okay beautiful?"

"Mmm hmm." Was her sluggish reply.

"You want me to turn on the vibrator again?" Viper couldn't help but tease seeing that she was okay.

Hope's eyes flew open.

"Don't you dare or I'll use that thing on you!" Hope stared Viper down with all seriousness.

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