Viper's Hope (Anguis Defenders Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Viper's Hope (Anguis Defenders Book 1)
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Viper forced her into the bed, his mouth moving over Hope's neck and shoulders kissing, sucking, nipping, as his hips started hammering into her from behind.

"Yes Fuck it." She demanded.

The sensual agony quickly had her riding the knife's edge. She'd been in control when she played cowgirl, now Viper was on top, and he wasn't holding back.

Hope felt every inch of his throbbing cock shuttling into the tight recesses of her stretched pussy. She wanted to buck into him and pull away from his intensity all at the same time. The building orgasm would prove to be her undoing, in that Hope was sure. She couldn't move an inch but she could flex her inner muscles around his impressive tool, gripping him tighter with each back stroke.

Viper snarled in response, his mouth buried at Hope's throat.

"I can feel every inch of you. OH GOD HARDER!" Hope whimpered.

Viper's teeth gnashed a scant breath from her skin. She should've been afraid of the man gone feral with lust, but it only ratcheted her higher.

His hips pounded harder, grinding into her, shoving Hope up the bed. Close, she was so close.

The bed rocked violently as he punished her quaking pussy. The primal sounds Viper made, the slapping of flesh, snarling and groaning, combined with her desperate moans and cries filled the room.

The instant Viper struck the curve of Hope's shoulder, biting down, but not breaking the skin, to hold her still for his possession, the concentration of nerves at her core erupted shoving Hope headlong into ecstasy. Viper's hips kept pistoning, forcing past her frozen muscles into her spasming vagina.

"YES, YES, YES" Hope cried as one orgasm morphed into the next, curling her toes as she clawed at the covers.

Hope felt Viper start to swell in her grasping depths as he continued his frenzied thrusting. She sobbed not knowing if she could take any more.

Viper's teeth plunged into her shoulder and Hope's cry turned to a scream of utter rapture and delirium, as his erotic drug added to the madness sending her headlong into the rapturous abyss.

He kept growling and snarling as he burst, bathing her insides with his hot seed. The hormone induced nirvana invaded every cell causing Hope's boneless exhausted body to tremble. She was drained and yet she wanted more.

God this ravishing man was dangerous!

Viper released Hope's shoulder and licked the bite that matched the one on the other side. That was when they heard the pounding on the door.

"Kadru dammit! Not again!" Viper growled as he rolled them to one side and threw a sheet over their sweaty bodies. "What!?" He snarled.

"Hope!?" She heard two concerned voices say.

Shit it was Tara and JP.

"What do you guys need?" Hope yelled out louder than necessary, since she forgot the comm on the door would easily pick her normal voice up.

"Open this door right now." Tara sounded panicked.

"I'm fine, go back to bed."

"I'm not leaving till I see with my own eyes." Tara shrieked through the door comm.

"We're just going to start inviting people over when we plan to have sex." Hope whispered to Viper with a groan.

"I think you just might like that." He husked into her ear as he thrust his hips.

Hope gasped from the sensation it produced.

"Come in." Viper said, and she elbowed him. "What? Tara threatened to unman me in my sleep! I want her to see you're okay."

Tara burst in followed by JP wielding a flower vase like a weapon. They stopped when they saw Hope and Viper spooning in bed.

"WHAT THE HELL HOPE! It sounded like an episode of 'When Animals Attack' over here. We thought you were getting mauled." JP declared.

Tara's eyes were red with tears and Hope immediately felt bad.

"I'm fine guys." Hope attempted to console them while tucked in front of Viper, his cock still embedded deep in her pussy.

To be having a conversation like this was weird to say the least. Thank god they were covered...this time.

"You're not fine he bit you again!" Tara screeched her eyes zeroing in on the new mark on Hope's shoulder.

"Yeah and I liked it." Hope retorted as Viper nuzzled the top of her head his arms pulling her back into him.

"Please just come to the bathroom so I can clean it up." Tara almost pleaded.

Hope knew Tara was unsure of this whole situation. Hope was too, but she liked Viper, a lot. At this point she wanted to see where all this was going.

"Tara I can't do that." Hope replied.

"Yes you can just let me clean it up." Tara cajoled.

Viper chuckled and Hope elbowed him again.

"Tara, honorable, caring friend of Hope, my little mate is trying to tell you that we are joined and will be for a bit." Viper said no doubt with a proud smile on his face based on the sound of his voice.

Tara's eyes widened in understanding.

"Come on she's fine. A dirty slut, but she's fine." JP shook his head trying not to laugh as he pulled Tara towards the door.

"Hey!" Hope hollered back.

JP winked as the door closed.

"Did he just wink at you?" Viper growled.

"Nope he winked at you." Hope giggled at Viper's indignant tone.

The big sexy man had no clue. Maybe she'd tell him about JP when his jealousy and confusion stopped being so amusing.

10 Mother Knows Best



Morning came too soon. Viper smiled as he awoke to find himself curled around Hope.

"My female is wild." Viper thought to himself his grin broadening.

Viper got hard as he replayed Hope demanding him to 'Fuck it'. When he walked into his quarters to find her playing with herself he thought he'd stepped into a dream. Just the thought of gripping her hips and...

"None of that you horn dog. Don't we have to have breakfast with your parents?" Hope said groggily.

"We do." Viper grumbled

"Tell me we have time for a shower." Hope asked. "I don't want everyone giving me that 'I can smell you had sex' face."

"We don't do that!" Viper laughed.

"Uh huh, sure."

"We might think it but we don't say anything, it's one of those things you learn as a youth." Viper amended to himself but didn't dare say it out loud to his human subeo.

He didn't want her embarrassed, and he certainly didn't want her abstaining because she thought everyone was sniffing her. He liked the passionate perfume that clung to her luscious body. Then again the thought of other males smelling his mate had him instantly sitting up in bed.

"We better shower." Viper agreed.

Hope crawled out of bed, her ass bouncing seductively as she jaunted towards the bathroom. Viper was pretty sure it said 'come get me'. He hopped up and followed her.

"You want to try the sand bath?" Viper asked.

"Wallowing in sand and this," Hope waved her hand at her tufted mound. "they don't go together well."

"We probably don't want that all gritty." Viper realized the problem and replied.

The thought of sinking into her body with sand involved made him cringe. Hope's channel was always moist unlike Anguis females. Where Anguis females took a little more coaxing, and the serum from their male's bite, Hope was ready for him at all times.

Hope stepped into the shower and Viper followed, grabbed the soap and started to wash up. When he handed Hope the soap she grabbed his hand and looked at his fingers.

"What?" Viper asked seeing her curiosity.

"You have claws, where are they?"

"My ungue retract into my first knuckle." Viper flexed his digit so his claws extended out.

"Oh that's kind of like a cat." She marveled at them.

Viper retracted them so he didn't inadvertently gouge her with the protruding tips.

"And these?" Hope ran her hand along the outside of his forearm.

Viper flared the five clavum spikes from his hand up to his elbow. Relaxed they lay against his arm once extended they were stiff as daggers.

"A male's clavum is for defense, better than any knife in battle."

"I hope you don't mind me exploring."

"Never." Viper smiled.

Hope grinned as she got back to washing. Their species were different, but Viper found he liked their differences. He adored the silky texture of Hope's hair and loved running his face through her pale tresses as she slept in front of him. Hope's pale skin wasn't as expressive as the vibrant colors the Anguis wore. At first Viper wondered if he'd ever learn her emotions since Hope's dermis didn't change hue. But he'd quickly learned Hope's facial features were very expressive and if she was aroused her skin flushed a lovely pink shade.

Viper found himself mesmerized as Hope washed her breasts. When she started playing with her nipples and pushing them together, he looked up at her smiling face. Such gorgeous blue eyes.

Hope shook her head.

"Men everywhere are the same!" Hope said and Viper gave her a wide grin.

"You know my fascination." Viper teased.

He wasn't used to a female being so well endowed, and certainly not while she wasn't with child. Anguis females had lovely pert breasts, but Hope's breasts reminded him of full ripe fruit. Viper loved the way they filled his hands.

The sight of Hope's erect nipples on her full mounds sent a frisson of desire surging through him. Viper's shaft was painfully hard as it stood out from his hips and ground into Hope's soft stomach.

Hope looked down at Viper's cock.

"So I'm guessing you've never titty fucked then?" She asked seductively.

Viper's eyes widened in interest. He couldn't fathom how he might fuck her breasts.


Hope and Viper emerged from the shower half an hour later after surviving a minor mishap. Viper almost cracked his skull when he shuddered and spilled his seed on Hope's chest. Who knew that sliding between her breasts would be so pleasurable.

Viper wished he could say he was satiated, but that was a lie. He couldn't seem to get enough. Hope's sweet smell filled the bathroom as they dressed for first meal, making it difficult to put his clothes on.

"Are you going to be okay?" Hope asked as she reached up and dabbed at Viper's split brow.

"Don't fuss. I'll be fine." He nudged at her playfully.

"If I'm going to be your mate, then I get to fuss! It's part of the job description!" Hope pushed his hands away then stood up on her tiptoes, tugged his head down and kissed Viper's injured brow.

Viper was frozen in shock. Had Hope just agreed to be his mate. Maybe she had, but he didn't want to hope too much. Viper's hand rose to his brow.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"It's a tradition, human women tend to kiss their men and their baby's injuries. It makes it all better." Hope smiled.

Funny enough it did feel better, not that it really hurt much to begin with. It was a beautiful tradition that spoke volumes about how his female cared for others.

"Well I guess I'm ready." Hope said as she finished combing her long silken hair.


"Mother, Sire meet Hope. Hope this Hyla and Adder." Viper introduced his parents to his subeo, then also introduced her friends Tara and JP.

"It's an honor to meet you." Hope smiled as she bowed slightly. "Thank you for everything you've done for my people."

Viper pulled a seat out, across from his parents, for Hope then sat beside her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you and is an honor to be of service. We are just sorry that it was necessary." Adder smiled kindly.

His parents eyed Hope assessingly. His father's expression a bit more amused than the critical one Viper's mother wore. Hyla's eyes turned to Viper.

"What did you do to your head?" His mother asked.

Hope giggled till Hyla gave her a stern look. Hope covered her mouth suppressing her mirth.

"I slipped in the shower. Hope tended to it just fine." Viper smiled at Hope, remembering how she'd sweetly kissed his injury.

"I'm sure you'll survive." Adder looked at them suspiciously with a twinkle in his eye. "I was reviewing numbers and we are going to be short on temporary housing once the new group arrives in a few weeks."

"You know unless its medically impossible our people can help. It might be good for them to do something." Hope spoke up.

"Its a good idea. We generally do try to get the people we rescue involved. Help them form their own new governing body, set-up a viable economic structure. All the necessary thing." Viper explained.

"It's hard to fathom that you've done this before when this is my first planetary disaster." Hope shook her head. "Well Tara and JP are going to help with medical matters, but I've been thinking that perhaps I can help keep everyone organized. It will be just like working at the clinic back home."

Hope grinned as she stole a piece of fruit off Viper's plate. When Viper looked up, he noticed a funny look on his mother's face.

"Mother please don't get any bright ideas." He groaned inwardly.

"Hope it's admirable you wish to help settle your people." Hyla conceded.

"We greatly appreciate you and your friends assistance. It is a rare and difficult thing to cope with the loss of one's planet, not to mention all the other changes." Adder nodded.

"Well the only thing that's constant is change." Hope replied with a wistful glance out the domed window into starry space.

Tara rubbed a comforting hand along Hope's back. The three humans still got noticeably depressed, it was expected. But they were getting along rather well considering.

"Very true." Adder put in.

"Speaking of change. What made you change your mind about our son?" Viper's mother asked.

"Ugh, there it is." Viper groaned.

Hope looked from Viper to his parents her mouth slightly agape.

"Great! Things were going so well, then my mother opens her mouth." Viper silently railed, not sure if he should intervene yet or what?

"Um well, I have no objection to Viper, I've grown rather fond of him. And I'm certainly not interested in hurting him. It's just that humans are different from the Anguis in more ways than what's visible. We choose mates based on emotional and social interaction, not just hormonal response." Hope appeared uncomfortable as she carefully chose her words.

"So you are saying at any point on a whim you could choose to abandon my son." Hyla replied.

"I suppose, but I would like to think that if Viper found out I was an evil shrew he'd leave me too." Hope reasoned.

"Among the Anguis if a mate is unsatisfactory the family takes care of the problem." Hyla threatened.

"Hyla!" Adder said sternly.

"Mother!" Viper said at the same time in response to the barely veiled threat.

Hope put her hand on his arm and smiled.

"I'm glad you are protective of Viper. Human families are similar. But I only know how to be who I am and in my world relationships progress differently." Hope replied diplomatically.

"It would seem to me that you have not changed your mind at all, you still reject the mating. My son deserves better than to be subjected to your whims." Hyla replied then turned to Adder. "We will need to cancel the mating ceremony!"

"I did not say that you should plan one." Viper told her with more than a little frustration.

"I assumed she'd come to her senses."

"We'll give them time. It is reasonable considering the upheaval Hope and her people have experienced." Viper's father ever the peacemaker replied.

"Thank you." Hope said to Adder then turned to Viper. "I'm not rejecting you, I just need time." She looked torn.

Viper looked over at Tara and JP's wide eyed expression, sorry that all of them had to witness this. His mother was out spoken, but never this out spoken. Then again he was her only living young.

"So it is decided we will not revisit this subject again for at least a moon." Adder declared and his mother shoved a piece of bread into her mouth looking peeved.

Viper really hadn't been ready to discuss this. He and Hope were just getting to a place where she was receptive to the idea of being his mate, and then Hyla goes and blows it out of the water.

Viper understood his mother's reaction. He too felt his relationship with Hope was tenuous, but he was also trying to see things from Hope's perspective. He certainly didn't want to push her. She had every right to be wary of him considering how things began. It would take time for her to trust him.

Yet still Viper didn't understand the intricacies of how humans mated. To him it seemed backwards. He agreed that one should get to know his subeo, but the Anguis did it after the bond where humans did it beforehand. Viper wondered how many human males and females courted only to find they never bonded.

The rest of the meal was slightly strained to stay the least.



Viper's mother raked her over the coals. Viper didn't pressure her but Hope felt like they expected a vow of undying love here and now that she just couldn't offer up. Viper was a proving to be good guy, romantic, sweet, and the sex was mind blowing. If she'd met a human version of him before all this craziness she would've dated him. Hope liked where things were going but she didn't hear wedding bells just yet, it was way too freaking soon. Thank god Adder didn't force the subject.

Hope listened politely to the various plans for their new colony. She tried to pay attention, so she'd be useful later but the whole mating thing had her distracted.

Everyone started to disperse and Hope was more than ready to escape Hyla's disapproving glances.

"Do you think there's time to lay down before we land?" Hope whispered to Viper.

They hadn't gotten much sleep the night before.

"Mother, sire if you'd excuse us." Viper told excused them as he got up and held her chair.

"Ophidian will notify you when we reach orbit." Adder nodded.

"I will send more appropriate clothing for the landing reception to your quarters. " Viper's mother added and Hope knew she was referring to how she was dressed.

"Thank you." Hope tried to say graciously.

Viper led her out of the arboretum and she was immediately relieved.

They arrived at Viper's quarters and Hope crawled onto the bed. Viper joined her and pulled her into his arms.

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