VIP (40 page)

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Authors: M. Robinson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

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couldn’t fathom what possessed him to think what he was pulling wasn’t a double
standard, he was allowed to go home to his wife and I wasn’t permitted to do my
job. I took out all of my aggression on his body, scratching, biting, and
pulling, and it was all reciprocated from him. I didn’t give a fuck that his
wife might see them.

After we
were thoroughly done fucking each other, we laid there in a mass of pillows and
blankets, panting, hardly breathing, and looking at the ceiling.

“I know what I’m doing is fucked
up, okay,” he revealed breaking the silence.

“You don’t
have to point it out Ysa, there is no way in hell that you’re going to be
VIPing, when I can do something about it.”

I turned
sideways and placed my head on my hand “You do know how much of a double
standard you’re throwing at me, right?”

Ysa, I’m aware of that.”

I sighed
in defeat, “Fine. You win.”

face turned to look at me, “there was never any question about it, Baby.” He affirmed
in a cocky demeanor that both aggravated and turned me on.

He left
shortly after saying he wouldn’t be seeing me until next week, I didn’t ask
why, I just kissed him and let him go home to his family.






spoke to Sebastian on and off throughout the week, sometimes over the phone, mostly
via text. I had a lot of time on my hands now that I wasn’t working, my
commission cuts were coming in weekly just as before. Madam hadn’t said a word
to me about Sebastian, since our altercation in my condo.

was a business woman through and through, as long as she was getting paid she
didn’t care what I did or didn’t do with my time. I spent most of the week
hanging out with the other girls when I could, none of them questioned me about
what I had been doing lately, we didn’t have that kind of relationship with one
another. We respected each other’s privacy and shared when we wanted to. We
were still there for one another at the drop of a dime if needed.

was getting antsy not having anything to do and come Saturday I needed to get
out of my place, I decided to go to the beach. I called Devon to see if he
wanted to meet me, but he was picking out baby furniture.

wore my black string bikini with a tan fedora and big bug sunglasses that took
up half my face. I was reading a book when a football landed at my feet, I
looked around trying to see where it came from, until a little person came
running towards me.

he stopped next to me I noticed how familiar he looked.

Little Man, is this yours?” I asked.


you go long?” I said tossing it in the air.

He shouted jumping up in the air.

got up as he ran off as fast as his little legs would let him. I tossed the
ball in his direction and a familiar body intercepted it, he grabbed little
man’s hand, and jogged over to me, I couldn’t help and smile.

arm,” he said.

Stranger,” I replied.

who’s this?”

sorry Bud, this is my friend Ysabelle, Ysabelle this is my son Christian.”

got down to his level and extended my hand, “nice to meet you little man, you’re
awfully cute, I’m sure you got lots of girls, huh?”

the man.” He replied, making Sebastian and I laugh.

don’t know where he gets this stuff.” He said.

do…what do they say, like father like son.” I chuckled, while he rolled his

Ysabelle do you want to play with us? It’s easier to play with three people and
my mom isn’t here.” Christian chimed in.

know what, I would love to play but you’re going to have to take it easy on me,
I’m a little rusty.”

went over to the back of the beach and tossed around the football for the next
hour. Sebastian had brought a picnic for them and I tried to excuse myself, though
Little Man was very insistent that he wanted me to join them. He was small and already
a charmer.

were eating sandwiches while Christian told me all about his baseball team and
his friends at school. Sebastian kept looking over at me with a look of
satisfaction in his face; I could tell he was a proud doting father.

Ysabelle, do you have any kids?”

Little Man I don’t.”


laughed at his openness; learning how inquisitive kids are.

order to have kids you have to have a husband, and I don’t have one of those

You’re so pretty.”

laughed, “well thank you.”

can I go play in the water?”

Bud, just stay near the shallow and not out of my sight.” He happily nodded and
ran off.


a handful, but he’s a good kid.” He grinned, “It’s taking everything in my
power not to go over there and kiss you, especially when you’re barely wearing

raised my eyebrows “I never heard you complain before.”

not complaining now, just stating the facts.”

“You’re bad…”
I reminded.

came back holding all sorts of shells he had found, and handed me a extremely
bright one that he said was for me. It warmed my heart a little bit. Christian
grabbed my hand, because he wanted me to help build a sandcastle and we did. We
were out there for most of the day until the sun started settling and Christian
started falling asleep.

packed up our belongings and Sebastian carried Christian back to their car,
where he immediately fell asleep. Sebastian and I went behind the car and he
pulled me into a tight embrace. I kissed his chest and he kissed the top of my

“I miss
you so much, Baby.” He whispered.

too. When can I see you again?”

this week, I promise.” I nodded, I hated that he was leaving me again to go
home to his wife.

I didn’t
say anything, I never did, that’s not how we were.

We said
our goodbyes, and I walked over to my car going home alone.






was an incredible surprise to see Ysabelle on the beach. I loved that Christian
took to her as fast as I did; I guess she had a pull with all the Vanwell’s.
The way she was around him was perfect, I found myself fantasizing what it
would be like if it were always like that. That was by far the worst and most
fucked up thing I had fantasized thus far.
What the fuck was wrong with me?

was enamored with her and she was with him. We never talk about the future; it
was only recently that I learned about her past. I didn’t know if she wanted to
get married and have a family of her own one-day. We never discussed anything
past the next time we were going to see each other.

drove home with Christian fast asleep in the back seat, contemplating my life.
Everything, every last second of it was fucked up beyond belief. Every green
light I passed, and every red light that I stopped at I felt ashamed of myself,
the guilt was eating me alive. I’d just spent the day with my mistress and my
son, Julia's son.

If ever
a son of a bitch existed, it was me. What the hell was I doing? What I was
doing was irrelevant because I couldn't stop it. I couldn't fucking stop.

For what
seemed like months now all I wanted, all I craved for was Ysabelle, every last
bit of her, it was almost suffocating how much I wanted her, when I was and
wasn’t around her. After what I just did, and the afternoon I spent, I wanted
to go home, I wanted my Babygirl.

I wanted
to hold her and tell her that I loved her. I couldn’t believe I had just let
that happen. I did not just let Christian spend the day with Ysabelle. As soon
as I walked through the door with Christian in my arms I looked for Julia, I
wanted my whole family together. I didn’t care that Christian was passed out, I
wanted us all to lie together in bed and watch a movie.

It took
me a while to realize that she wasn’t even home. I made Christian wake up long
enough to take a bath and eat some leftovers that Julia had cooked the night
before. He ate about half and was out like a light on the couch. I didn’t put
him to bed. I laid with him in my arms while I pretended to watch college football.

It was
close to 11 p.m. when Julia finally walked through the garage door. She looked
exhausted, I wanted to make it better, I wanted to make everything better.

I said getting up and coming to her.

Sebby,” she said kissing my cheek and walking away.

the hell?

followed the sound of her heels as she made her way over to the office and
turned on her computer, she sat down and started pulling files out from the
cabinet. I moved the files over as she placed each one on her desk.

I tried
picking her up to place her on the desk, “What are you doing?” she objected.

to make love to my wife.” I tenderly said into her ear.

I don’t have time for this, I need to finish this case by Monday. I have a full
night of work ahead of me before I need to go back into the office tomorrow.”
She said pushing me away from her like I was bothering her.

you’ve been working like crazy. I’ve barely seen you this last month.”

sorry Sebby, I’m a partner now there’s more responsibility for me. You knew

thought maybe we could spend tomorrow together, as a family. Maybe go to the
park or on the boat.” I suggested, trying to tempt her to spend time with me.

in the next few weeks, have some more man time with Christian tomorrow.” She
stated dismissing me.

I put
Christian to bed and went outside on our lanai and watched the stars. It was a
beautiful night out; it reminded me of the night Ysabelle and I shared a week

couldn’t help myself even if I wanted to. I grabbed my phone and texted her.


S –
Looking at the stars and thinking of you.

Y –
Me, too.

S –
Are you alone?

Y –
What do you think? I’m always alone.

I hated
to have the thought of her by herself. I knew she lived in a guarded condo, it
still didn’t stop me from thinking she wasn’t safe.

S – I
wish I were there.

Y –
Me, too. Are you by yourself?

S –

My phone
dinged with a sent image message and I opened it to find Ysabelle making a
kissing face at me, it made me smile.

Y –
Now you’re not alone. :-)

S – You’re
beautiful, do you have any idea how beautiful you are?

Y – You’re
not so bad yourself…

S –
I’m going to see you soon, I promise.

Y – I

S – I
miss my girl.

Y – I
miss you, too.

S –
I’ll call you tomorrow.

Y – Ok.
Goodnight Sebastian.

S –
Goodnight Ysa.


I did
what I always did and deleted our conversation, although I really wanted to
keep the picture.

I looked
at it one last time and deleted that, too.

Chapter 23


Five more
months went by and it had become ten months of us playing house. We didn’t meet
at the hotel anymore; he had already been spending more than enough money on
me. He would come to my condo and every time he did, he brought me something.

first it was small things like flowers or candy, then he would leave t-shirts
or boxers, that became other clothes and toiletries, soon after that he brought
a pillow, sheets, and a blanket. Slowly my condo was becoming filled with more
and more of his stuff, and I fucking loved it. Even when he wasn’t here with me,
a piece of him was.

even started wearing his clothes when I was alone or I’d sleep on his pillow or
his side of the bed. I wouldn’t change my sheets for weeks, because I wanted
the smell of him all around me, especially when I would sleep. I was seeing him
almost daily, even if it was only for a few minutes. He would come for lunch,
or stop by on his way home, or on his way to work; he would also work from my
condo and spend the day with me sometimes.

place became ours; I even gave him a key. Everywhere I looked I had a memory of
him. Whether it was where we made love, which we christened everywhere, he was
pretty insistent on that, or where he cooked me dinner, or made me laugh and
smile. It was our haven and I breathed in those moments, and anticipated the
ones to come. He told me how much he cared about me and how much he needed me.

of us had said we loved each other, it was beyond that. I didn’t need to hear
the words to know that he did. Every action spoke louder than words.

It was
Sunday morning and I was still sleeping when I felt a warm body curl up next to
me. I didn’t have to open my eyes to know who it was; I smiled in my half
awakened state.

“Hi Lover,”
I groggily said.

always so warm Baby, I love that you sleep in my shirt, and on my pillow.” He
mumbled into the side of my neck making me giggle.

laughed and pulled away from him to go use the bathroom. I came back to
Sebastian sporting a huge smile and a red box with a big yellow bow on top of
my bed.

got you something.” He beamed.

see that. What is it?”

have to open it and see, but first” he grabbed my face and deeply kissed me,
“there…much better. Now you can open it.”

lifted the lid, “OH MY GOD!” I shouted, “it’s a furry baby!” I reached for the
German Sheppard puppy and brought him to my chest, kissing him all over.

you love him?”

a boy?” he nodded, “Of course I love him, this is the best present ever,

I hate thinking of you by yourself when I’m not here. It’s not safe for you. He
has all his first sets of shots, and I have all sorts of toys, food, and a bed
for him out in the living room. There’s also a crate, he’s going to have to be crate
trained when you’re not home, he’s going to have a lot of energy, and now you
can have a running buddy.”

his name?” I asked putting him up in the air to look at his face.     

you want it to be.”

going to name him Chance.” I stated.

yeah…does that have a double meaning there, Ysa?” he said with a sexy as sin

“What do
you think, huh? You like that name?” I ignored him and baby talked to the
puppy. He woke up and I saw that he had bright blue eyes, they reminded me of
Sebastian’s eyes, and it made me wonder if he did that on purpose.

played with Chance for the rest of the day and it was perfect. I knew I
shouldn't be as happy as I was, it was all wrong, everything about us was wrong,
but I was. I loved my time with him and I loved our puppy. He was such a pain,
though he was something that Sebastian got for me.

wanted to protect me, which was more than I knew how to handle. Somebody
actually wanted to protect me, Sebastian did and said things that no one ever had.
He became everything to me. I couldn’t think about what would happen to me when
this came to an end…

had to come to an end right?






wasn’t planning on seeing Ysabelle at all. I was going to stay in my office and
get caught up on emails, phone calls, and quotes. My plans seemed to change
quicker than the climate. I smiled as I called her.

my girl?”

What are you doing?”

working or trying to. What are you doing?”

working, thanks to you. Meet me for lunch. I’m close to your building.”

looked at the time in the corner of my computer. It was lunchtime.

already know I can’t say no to you.”

that’s why I’m asking,” she admitted. I could see the smirk on her face, and it
made me smile.

would you like for me to meet you, my conniving girl?”

me at the park, we’ll eat outside. Lunch is on me.

I’ll see you in thirty minutes.”

be the one in white,” she teased.

wearing white?”

black, I just wanted to say that, see you in a few.”

walked down the sidewalk and across the road to the park, where she was already
sitting; smiling as some kids threw coins into the fountain. She was wearing
black. Damn she looked delicious. I didn’t want lunch anymore. I wanted her.
She was such a little conspirator; she knew I was watching with a watering
mouth when she crossed her legs, giving me a quick peak at her perfect pink

professionally walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek. “Hi, Baby,” she
whispered, playing the role too.

expect me to sit across from you and eat, knowing you have no panties on under
that dress.” I couldn’t do it. I was already half erect. Jesus. She smiled and
sat down.

sat, drinking and eating. We small talked and people watched. She told me about
being furious with Chance for chewing up a $1,500 pair of shoes, getting loose and
running from her at the beach, and stepping on his water bowl; soaking another
expensive pair of shoes.

you hate Chance?”

way, I love him. He’s just driving me crazy with this puppy stage. How long
does it take before he’ll stop chewing everything up?”

you leave his toys out where he can get to them?” I asked. She gave me a tilt
and a frown. Which meant that I was insulting her intelligence. “Christian’s
dog grew out of it by the time he was two years old,” I added.

years!” she exclaimed.

still couldn’t get over how easy she was to talk to. We talked and laughed
like, well like Julia and I should, I guess. Julia and I hardly talked at all
anymore. When she was there, she was busy, not that I’m using her career as an
excuse to do what I was doing. I guess it just made it a little easier to hide
from her.

wanted to take her hand and walk through the park and around the fountain with
her. God, I wished things were different. I slid my hands inside my slacks to
keep from touching her.

I said, pulling a quarter from my pocket and handing it to her. She smiled, ran
her soft thumb over the back of my hand and took it.

have to wish too,” she urged.

took my quarter and waited for her to count to three. They both dropped at
precisely the same moment.

going to tell me?” I asked, while she looked sad. I kind of had a feeling of
what she had wished for.

won’t come true if I tell you.”

tell you,” I countered.

can’t come true either, Sebastian.”

think it can,”

eyebrows raised, “What?”

wished for you to be happy.”

smiled a warm half smile. “Thank you.”

have to tell me now, I told you.”

wished that I could stop wanting you.”

I wanted to grab her and pull her into my arms. I couldn’t. I could never
fucking pull Ysabelle into my arms, without being behind closed doors. I
fucking hated it.

can take the rest of the day off,” I offered, sensing her need to be near me.

patted my chest. “No, I’m fine. Go back to work and call me later,” she called,
walking away from me.

took four long strides and was walking backwards in front of her before she
could get out of the park.

going on, Ysa?” I asked.

Sebastian, I’m fine. I promise. It’s not you, it’s me. I just forget who we are
sometimes. Don’t worry about it, okay? I’ve got to go, I’m meeting Brooke at
the gym,” she lied.

could tell she was lying. She was trying to get away from me. I got it, but I
didn’t want to get it. I knew exactly how she felt. I felt it, too. She walked
away from me, and I sprinted the two blocks to my car, hoping she didn’t get
too far.

was walking down the sidewalk with her head down when I pulled to the curb and
tapped the horn. She looked up and our eyes told the rest.

in,” I demanded, she smiled and got into my car. We never discussed what that
was all about, and quickly went back to Sebastian and Ysabelle, laughing and
being silly. That’s what we did together. We lived in the moment and I loved

hadn’t planned on keeping her or myself out after dark. That was another thing
with Ysabelle. Time stood still with her. We spent the day driving. Driving on
roads that I never knew existed even being a native. We got lost several times,
laughing, and losing bets on who was right and who was wrong on the correct
directions back to the highway.

going,” she requested, when I pulled up to her condo.

going where?”

drive,” she ordered.


the parking garage?”

turn, Sebastian.”

took a deep breath and turned.

going,” she stated.

know we could have just went into your condo.”

right here.”

we’re not teenagers.”

your seat back, Sebastian.”

scooted my seat back, already standing fully erect. She reached over my lap and
pushed the power button, reclining my seat and unbuckling my seatbelt. Looking
into my eyes, she freed my cock with her hand.

seductively moved to straddle me. I raised her dress, sliding it up with my
hands, and watched as she sat on my shaft, inch by inch moving it into her.
Fuck. This woman was amazing and full of surprises. We could have very easily
have been doing this safely inside her walls. Not Ysabelle. It was fucking hot
as hell, no foreplay, nothing kinky, just risky and precarious.

raised up and kissed her, devouring her mouth while she slid up and down my
cock, moaning in some sort of fucked up rapture that was causing me to want to
fill her with my come. It was quick, I’d say no more than fifteen minutes tops,
but fifteen minutes, I’d never forget.

Sebastian,” she said, kissing my lips before getting out and heading into her

I called, rolling down the passenger window before she got too far. She stopped
and turned back to me.

“You’re crazy. You do know that
right?” I smiled. She smiled, and I fucking


 “Goodnight Ysa.”






Before I
knew it two more months had gone by with more of the same. We were just getting
closer with each day that went by. I spent my time alone with Chance, sometimes
with Brooke and the girls, and when he could, of course Sebastian. I woke one
morning, excited to read his good morning beautiful text, knowing as soon as I
sat up something was off. My head pounded, my throat felt raw, my eyes were
watering, and my body felt like it weighed 200 pounds.

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