VIP (37 page)

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Authors: M. Robinson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

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And then
she slapped me and I knew she was just trying to push me away further, her
hateful words didn’t matter, she didn’t mean them. She was crying and she just
wanted to hurt me. I hated to think that she was trying to get back at me for
hurting her, for the pain that I had caused and was causing.

When I
kissed her the intent was for it to be pure, kissing Ysabelle always took its
own turn. It always had its own life, its own existence.

kissed for what seemed like hours just kissing and exploring each other’s

I picked
her up and carried her over to the bed never breaking our kiss, our connection;
easing myself on top of her I caressed the side of her face. Then she opened
her eyes and looked at me.

you are Baby, there’s my girl.” I encouraged.

eyes always said everything to me. There were no need for words when she looked
at me, they spoke for her. I undressed her slowly and then myself. We laid
naked for a while before I finally entered her.

It was
slow, soft, and when we came together it was magical. I was completely,
entirely, and wholeheartedly falling for this woman.

After we
were done, she laid in my arms with her head on my chest, she drew what seemed
like hearts on me with her finger.

was that, Ysa?” I asked breaking the silence.

are you doing, Sebastian? What are you doing with me?”

with you Baby that’s what I’m doing. You’re in my arms and I want you to stay
there. I don’t want the VIP. I want you. I want this.”

“I don’t
even understand what that means.”

means that I don’t want to stay away from you. It means that I don’t want you
to stay away from me. Be with me Ysa, just like this. Every time we are
together I want you just this way. I want Ysa. Can you do that for me?”

I knew
what I was implying and what I was suggesting. I wanted her and I didn’t care
what way I had her as long as I did.

was all that she answered.

stayed in bed just like that for the next hour in comfortable silence, until it
was time for me to leave. I left Ysabelle with a kiss and the assurance that we
would see each other again.

As soon
as I got in my car, I called Madam to schedule the next time.






I said
yes and so began our affair…

met just like that every Friday for the first few months which quickly turned
to two times a week and now I was seeing him more often than not. My
appointments with other clients were few and far between, I didn’t really know
what was going on and I never asked Madam. I was enjoying only being

We never
talked about his wife or his family. There were no promises of him leaving her,
or me leaving VIP, it was never discussed.

No I
love yous were ever said either.

We just

When we
were together the whole world didn’t exist. It was just he and I, and I fucking
loved it. I officially let go of every wall I had ever created and I completely
surrendered myself over to him. My head knew that he was married and belonged
to someone else, my heart, my fucking heart didn’t give a flying fuck. It
jumped in full boar to accept him in any shape, way, or form I could get him.

When we
were together, I got to pretend that he was mine and that was good enough for

Chapter 21


what is this?” Julia called, walking into the living room where Christian was
sound asleep curled up beside me.

Julia?” I asked, moving my head around her to see the interception from Payton

are all of these charges for The W?” She asked, flipping through the pages of
my credit card statement.
I forgot to have that card be mailed
over to my work. I sat up, sliding sleeping Christian to the side.

know what that is. I’ve always paid for rooms for my clients. It’s the least I
can do with the money they spend. Why are you going through my mail anyways?”

thought it was mine. We do still have the same last name. You’re going to get
defensive because, I opened your mail?”

“I’m not
getting defensive,” I assured her, taking the bill from her hand. That bill was
getting switched over first thing in the morning. I didn’t need Julia getting
all PI on me. I had enough on my plate to add anymore.

sorry, Sebby. I didn’t mean to sound so bitchy. I just feel like we’re drifting
apart. I don’t like all this space between us,” she whined.
Oh, my God.
That thought instantly crossed my mind. Why did I just think she was whining? I
never thought that way before. I would have embraced her and tried to ease all
her anxieties.

worry about it, Jules,” I replied, removing her arms from around my neck and
walking towards the office to deposit my bill in my desk drawer. She followed.

“Do you
know when the last time you called me Babygirl was, Sebby?”

I asked looking up. I guess I hadn’t thought about it.

heard me. You never call me Babygirl anymore. What’s going on, Sebby?”

is going on, BABYGIRL,” I sarcastically replied.

then let’s do it. When was the last time we made love, Sebastian?” She asked,
closing and locking the door. I wasn’t sure how to react. A few months back I
would have already had her clothes off by now.

taking your clothes off, Julia,” I demanded. She wrapped her arms around my
neck and kissed me, diving her tongue into my mouth.

love to me Sebby, please,” she begged.

I kissed her back and undressed
her. “Bend over, Baby,” I coaxed, turning her to the desk. That I noticed,
whether she did or not, I didn’t know. I had been turning her away from me while
we had sex for months now. I couldn’t look at her while we were intimate
anymore. We never made love in the shower or in bed, and she was the one to
always initiate it. I couldn’t help it. I thought about making love to one
person, seeing her beautiful face, listening to her contagious laugh, and having
her warm skin in my arms.

That was
our life. We seemed to go our separate ways more times than not. I worked late,
she worked late, and we communicated via text to know which one of us was
picking up our son. I hated the way things had seemed to go at home. I guess it
was to be expected, at least Christian was oblivious and was a normal happy
little boy. We both did do our best to make sure of that.

I didn’t
think I was the only one turning away from our marriage, she seemed to be too.
After we finished I helped her get dressed.

I’m not going to be in town this weekend I have to fly out to New York to meet
with a potential client. I know it’s really last minute.”

My mind
instantly went to Ysabelle and being with her all weekend.

“Mom and
dad have been asking for weeks to have Christian, do you mind if they stayed
with him? It would give you some time to yourself.”

“No I
don’t mind, I’ll spend time with him on Friday before I drop him off. When will
you be back?”

night. I’ll miss you. I wish I didn’t have to go.” She sighed, putting her arms
around me.

miss you, too.” I reassured.

The last
few months I had been spending any spare chance I could get with Ysabelle. I
was in deep and just getting in deeper. I had even started paying Madam for
time when I wasn’t with her, because I couldn’t stand the thought of her being
with another man. I knew that was such a double fucking standard, nonetheless I
was doing it.

I was
thankful that Julia and I always had separate bank accounts, we had our bills
that came out our mutual account, a saving account, and then money that we each
had for personal use. Both our parents had done it like that, and we just
seemed to follow in those footsteps.

The more
time I spent with Ysabelle the more emotionally invested I became with her, she
was all I thought about. When I was her I didn’t want to leave, and when I
wasn’t I wanted to be. It became an even more fucked up situation if that was
even possible. I lived for the moments that we were together and that was
enough to get me through the day.






was due to our room in about a half an hour and I had a huge surprise for him.
I didn’t know if he would go for it. I loved pushing boundaries and this was
just another one for me to push.

arrived pretty late, because he was spending time with his son before dropping
him off at his grandparents for the weekend. He said I had him the entire
weekend, I didn’t ask how because I didn’t want to know.

had dressed in a nude form fitting high wasted skirt, with a plum crop top, and
nude ankle pumps. I left my hair curly which I seemed to do now, and went heavy
on the eye makeup with blush and vanilla lip-gloss, because it was Sebastian’s

had turned into one of those girls.

I was
sipping some champagne when the door opened, his face said it all before he
dropped his bag to the ground and rushed over to me; picking me off the ground
and spinning me around.

have been waiting all day for this.” He celebrated.

“You just
saw me two days ago.” I reminded, secretly I was waiting too.

“I know
it was two days too many. You look fucking amazing Baby. Give me those lips.”
He pouted, before kissing me like he hadn’t just seen me two days ago.

groaned as I pulled away from him “you need to stop that, or we won’t leave
this room and I have other plans for us. Besides, I look all pretty.” I said
twirling in a circle for him.

“No you
look gorgeous.” He argued.

get ready, I have surprises and presents.” I slapped his ass to get him to
move. He kissed me one more time before leaving, he came back twenty minutes
later looking fucking sexy with wet messy hair, jeans, and a dark blue button
down shirt I had bought him.

look handsome.”

because, my girl picked this shirt out for me. Now come here so I can thank
her.” I squirmed out of his embrace and he sat me on the edge of the table
kissing all over my neck.

“Do you
want your present and surprise?” I teased.

“Does it
involve you being naked because, then yes.”

I said playfully, pushing him away.

let me see it.”

your eyes.” He did and I kissed his nose and then his lips. I couldn’t help
myself. I just wanted to make sure he would close his eyes if I asked him to.

He laughed.
“Is this my surprise?”

Open your eyes.”

He did
and looked at me confused.

“I just
wanted you to close your eyes. I don’t have the surprise yet, I need to ask you
a question first.” I paused for a second, “Have you ever tried any drugs, Sebastian?”

mean I tried pot a couple of times.”

you’ve always been a good boy, until me?” I laughed, he didn’t.

“Awe! I’m just teasing you! I
find it adorable that you’re such a good boy and that

your vice. Honest. It’s enlightening. Sometimes in life it’s fun to try new
things. Don’t you think?”

talk about yourself like that. I don’t like it.” He harshly stated.

smiled, batted my eyes, and kissed the tip of his nose. That seemed to bring
the smile I looked forward to back on his face.

are you trying to get at, Ysabelle? You’re fishing for something.”

“Mmm hmm,
maybe I am.” I walked towards my purse to grab the contents and I placed it in
my closed fisted hand. I skipped my way over to the table and sat back down. I
let my legs dangle off the side and waited for his reaction.

are you doing?” He questioned.

I want to show you my present, you have to close your eyes again and open your
mouth.” He looked at me with trepidation. “Awe…come on…you’re hurting my feelings.
Don’t you trust me?” I said, in the sweetest voice.

“Ysa, I
don’t like these games. What’s in your hand?” He replied.

the fun in that? I don’t want to tell you.”


I know better.” I said, with the sweetest smile and he spread my legs to stand
in the middle of them.

“You know
I can get it out of you.” He reassured nibbling on my neck.

“I don’t
know about that…besides I don’t want to tell you, now open.” I grabbed his chin
and he jerked away.

“I’m not
comfortable with this. You ask me if I’ve ever done drugs and now you want to
stick something in my mouth. I’m not stupid.”

I sighed,
“fine party pooper,” I opened my hand. “Sebastian meet Molly,” I placed my
hands up in the air, “ta da! Surprise.” His eyebrows leaned in together and his
mouth turned crooked.

“Not the
reaction I was hoping for, Sebastian. Live a little would you. It will be fun,
I promise!”

“I don’t
know Ysa, I’m a father…and a hu-.” I knew what he was about to say before he
even stopped himself.

“Isn’t it
a little late to grow a conscience, I mean you’ve already been inside me.” I
said with a grin in which he didn’t appreciate the sarcasm and walked away.

shrugged my shoulders, “Fine. Don’t do it. More for me!” I jumped off the table
and walked over to the fridge. As I grabbed a bottle of water he quickly took
it out of my hand.

“Is this
your way of trying to stop me? You know I can get more water right?” He groaned
in response.

it going to do and how long does it last?” I smiled because I had won.

a very good question and it’s a great coincidence that you don’t have to worry
about that, because we have all weekend together. As far as what it’s going to feel
like. Hmm…” I said as I kissed his lips. “It’s going to feel mother fucking
amazing Baby, it’s just a little ecstasy. Now open up.”

opened his mouth and I placed it right on his tongue. He began opening the
water bottle and I grabbed it out of his hands.

“Nah, I
changed my mind. No water. Chew on it.”

this tastes fucking awful, why am I chewing on this?” He mumbled.

a good sign it means they’re good. Chewing on it will make it hit you faster.”
I took mine and started chewing, it did taste awful.

that that’s out of the way, I reserved us a VIP. Dirty South is playing

going to a club?”

course, Silly Sally…you’re going to get the full on experience.” I stated
walking away.

grabbed my wrist, “How many times have you done this?”

I kissed
his hand, “Too many to count. Stop fucking around let’s go.”

walked out to the front of the building and I stood back waiting for my next
surprise to arrive. A red Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport drove up.

you go, Ms. Telle,” said the valet.

I handed
Sebastian the keys “This is my next surprise for the night.”

His eyes
widened “Where did this come from?”

“I have
friends in high places Sebastian, people like me.” I beamed, walking over to
the passenger seat and getting in. I put on my seat belt as Sebastian got in,
he closed the door and turned to me.

“What do
you mean by that?” He speculated.

Madam owns this car I borrowed it. What are you worrying about?”

grabbed my face and kissed me as if he was branding me, “you’re my girl” he
reminded, I grinned and smiled.

He put
the keys in the ignition and floored the gas making her purr to feel the
rumbling in the seats.

back towards me, he arched an eyebrow, “my name is Vanwell, Sebastian Vanwell.”
He stated while stepping on the gas.

laughed so hard, loving the fact that he was enjoying his surprise.

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