Vindication (82 page)

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Authors: Lyndall Gordon

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Accademia di Lunatici

Adams, Abigail Adams, Henry

Adams, John: ambassador in London; opinion of Barlow; opinion of MW; peace treaty signing; political views; Priestley's American immigration; relationship with Godwin; relationship with Price; rhyme on secret agents; See Internet for debate with MW

Adams, John Quincy

Advice or courtesy books for women

Alderson, Amelia,

Alderson, Dr

Algiers; Algerian pirates

Altona. See Hamburg

Americans, native inhabitants

American Bill of Rights

American maritime trade (see Slavery)

American profiteers. See Barlow, Codman, Imlay, Swan

American Revolution

American spies. See Gilbert Imlay, Joel Barlow, Gouveneur Morris and internet documents.

Analytical Review

Ann (orphan)


Arden, Jane (later Gardiner): education; friendship with MW; marriage; MW's letters to; sister's marriage; teaching career

Arden, John

Arendal Arnold, Thomas

Astell, Mary

Austen, Jane: boarding school; brothers; economics; education; eye; father's school; on institutional history; on marriage; publication of works; reading; unwanted suitor; in Winchester; works and affinities with MW:
Mansfield Park
Northanger Abbey
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
The Watsons

Austen, Philadelphia

Avery, Gillian


Backman, Elias: business associate of Imlay; career; character; family;
Mary and Margrethe
venture; MW's mission; purchase of
Mary and Margrethe
bullion import; relationship with Wulfsberg

Bage, Robert

Baldwin, Abraham

Baldwin, Edward (pseudonym of Godwin) Baldwin, Ruth,

Barbauld, Mrs

Barère, Bertrand

Barlow, Joel: in Algiers; ambassador to France; American network; appearance; biographical blanks; business schemes; career; defence of Miranda; duality mirrors Imlay (see American spies); on English in Paris; family background; finances; first meeting with MW; in France; French citizenship; in Hamburg; James Wollstonecraft's debts; letters to wife; in London; Louisiana scheme marriage; meetings with MK; Paine's arrest; plans for Charles Wollstonecraft; political views; relationship with Imlay; relationship with MW; relationship with wife; Scioto scheme; shipping ventures; and Swan; works:
Advice to the Privileged Orders
The Conspiracy of Kings
The Vision of Columbus

Barlow, Ruth (Baldwin): appearance; care of Ann; on execution of Louis XVI; family background; friendship with MW; in Hamburg; on Leavenworth's bankruptcy; letters from husband; letters from MW; in London; marriage; in Paris; plan to return to America; relationship with husband Barrett Browning, Elizabeth

Bastille, storming (1789) Bath

Baxter (friend of Godwin in Dundee)

Beall, Mr (land sales)

Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin de

Beckford, William

Bedlam Hospital

Benedict, Ruth

Bercovitch, Sacvan

Berlinghieri, Andrea Vaccà,

Bernadotte. See Carl XIV Johan, King of Sweden

Bernstorff, Andreas Peter

Beverley, Yorkshire

The Bible; Proverbs

Biography, alternative plots of; counter-narratives to cut-off with death; fallen woman plot; ‘hated existence'; intellectual women; interrupted life;
; truth.

Bishop, Elizabeth (Bess Wollstonecraft, sister of MW): appearance; birth of daughter; character; childhood; death of daughter; depression; emigration plan; engagement; escape from husband; finances; letters from MW; marriage; meeting with Godwin; meeting with Johnson; MW's death; Newington Green school; relationship with Godwin; relationship with husband; relationship with mother; relationship with niece Fanny; relationship with sister MW; social status; story told in
; teaching career; visits to family in Wales

Bishop, Meredith (brother-in-law of MW)

Blackden, Colonel Samuel Blackden, Mrs

Blackstone, Sir William

Blackwell, Elizabeth

Blair, Hugh

Blake, William

Blenkinsop, Mrs (midwife)

Blood, Caroline (Roe, mother of Fanny): daughter's fall; dowry; on Neptune Blood; relationship with MW; shop

Blood, Caroline (sister of Fanny)

Blood, Fanny (later Skeys): appearance; artistic career; Bess's escape; birth of son; death; first meeting with MW; friendship with MW; health; letter to Everina; letters; love for Hugh Skeys; marriage; MW's journey to; Newington Green school; pregnancy; shop

Blood, George (brother of Fanny): Bess's
escape; career; character; first meeting with MW; meeting with Fanny Imlay; MW's letters to; relationship with MW; reputation; sister's support

Blood, Matthew (father of Fanny)

Blood, Neptune

Blood family: background; finances; MW's relationship with; in Tipperary

Bluestocking Club

Boarding schools

Boccaccio, Giovanni

Boiti, Antonio

Bonnycastle, John

Boone, Daniel

Boston Monthly Magazine

Bostridge, Mark

Boswell, James

Boyle, Robert

Bregantz, Mrs (headmistress)

Brissot de Warville, Jacques Pierre: on America; execution; imprisonment; Louisiana policy; MW meets in Paris

Bristol Hot Wells

Brittain, Vera

Brontë, Charlotte Brontë sisters

Browning, Robert

Bullet, Colonel

Burgh, Hannah (Harding): Bess's teaching career; Caroline Blood's situation; death; foundation of Newington Green school; husband's career; influence on MW; kindness to MW; letters from MW; loans to MW; support for MW's journey to Lisbon; support for MW's teaching career

Burgh, Revd James

Burke, Edmund: attack on Price; Bluestocking Club; Cooper's challenge; MW's attack on; opinion of MW; political views;
Reflections on the Revolution in France
; on Terror as theatre

Burney, Fanny Burr, Aaron

Burr, Theodosia

Butler, Samuel

Byron, daughter Allegra; dismissed Claire's novel

Byron, Anne Isabella, Lady

Byron, George Gordon, Lord: advice to Mary Shelley;
Childe Harold
dedications; daughter Allegra; love affair with Claire; political views; publication; Shelley's feelings


Cambon, Maria Geertruida de

Carl XIV Johan, King of Sweden

Carlisle, Anthony

Carter, Elizabeth

Casanova, Giacomo Girolamo

Chalmers & Cowie,
see also

Charles I, King

Charles II, King

Chartist Circular

Chaucer, Geoffrey

Chauvelin, Bernard-François, marquis de Chesterfield, Philip Stanhope, fourth Earl of

Christie, Jane

Christie, Rebecca (Thomson): arrest and flight; marriage; MW's meeting with Imlay; relationship with MW; return to London; social life

Christie, Thomas: arrest and flight; career;
Letters on the Revolution of France
; marriage; in Paris; relationship with MW; return to London; in Surinam

Christine de Pisan

Church, Mr (‘Friendly Church')


Cini, Bartolomeo

Cini, Catherine Elizabeth Ranieri (‘Nerina' Tighe)

Clairmont, Allegra (daughter of Claire and Byron),

Clairmont, Charles (son of Charles Gaulis and Mary Jane)

Clairmont, Clara Mary Jane (‘Claire'): appearance; character and views; childhood; as ‘Constantia'; daughter Allegra; death; education; educational theory; feminism; finances; health; influence of MW; letters; meeting with MK; memories of Fanny; memories of Shelley; mother's marriage to Godwin; music; in Pisa; politics; pregnancy;

Clairmont, Clara Mary Jane (‘Claire')–
relationship with Byron; relationship with MM; relationship with Shelley; relationship with stepsisters; running away with Mary and Shelley; in Russia; works

Clairmont, Mary Jane (Vial),

Clare, Mrs

Clare, Revd Mr

. See

Clarke, Dr John

Clive, Robert

Clonmell, John Scott, first Earl of, Lord Chief Justice

Club des Amis de la Loi

Club for Constitutional Information

Cockburn, Mrs

Codman, Richard

Coleman, Thomas

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: American project; lectures; on MW; publication; reading of MW's work; spied upon; works

Commission des Substances

Committee for Public Instruction

Committee of Public Safety

Condorcet, marquis de

Condorcet, Mme

Conelly, Colonel (British spy)

Conrad, Joseph;
Heart of Darkness
; ‘The Secret Sharer'

Cooper, James Fenimore,
The Spy

Cooper, Thomas

Cooper, William

Copenhagen Corday, Charlotte

Cotton, Mrs

Cowie, Mr (associate of Imlay)

Cowper, William

Crawford, Elizabeth

Crèvecoeur, St Jean de

Cristall, Miss (friend of Everina)

Crosby, Miss (governess)


Curran, John Philpot

Curtis, William

Cutting, John Browne

Cutting, Nathaniel


Dacier, Anne

Dallarde & Swan

Daly, Ann

Danton, Georges

D'Argès (French spy)

Darwin, Erasmus

Darwin, Mrs

Davy, Humphry

Dawson, Caroline Stuart

Dawson, Sarah (Regis)

Dawson, William

Dazzi, Andrea

Dazzi, Cristina

Dazzi, Giovanna

De Quincey, Thomas

Debrett (publisher of

Defoe, Daniel

Delamotte (US Vice-consul in Le Havre)

Delane, Betty (later Skeys): concern for MW's health; first meeting with MW; friendship with MW; loan; marriage; at masquerade; niece Ann

De Lille, Patricia (South African MP) Dickens, Charles,(Smallweeds)

Dickinson, Emily

Disney, Mrs

D'Israeli, Isaac

Dissenters Doilé, Commissioner

Dryden, John


Duer, William

Dyson, George


East, Sir William and Lady

Edgeworth, Maria

Egan, John

Eliot, George; works

Elizabeth I, Queen

Ellefsen, Margrethe

Ellefsen, Marie (de Fine Fasting)

Ellefsen, Peder: accusations against; arrest and bail; career; disappearance of silver; family background; MW's mission; mystery of silver disappearance; ownership of
; silver transport to Norway

Enclosure Acts

Enlightenment ideals

Eton College

European Magazine

Evans, Elizabeth (preacher, George Eliot's aunt)

Eyre, Lord Chief Justice


Farington, Joseph

Fawcett, Millicent (suffragist)

Fenwick, Eliza: appearance; care of baby Mary; help for MW in childbirth;
Lessons for Children
; letter to Everina

Fenwick, John

Fillietaz, Aline (Bregantz)

Fillietaz, M.(husband of Aline)

Filson, John

Finch, Anne

Finsbury Place, London

Fitzgerald, Lord Edward

FitzGerald, Gerald

Fitzgerald, Henry Gerald

FitzGerald, Margaret (King) n

FitzGerald, Mary (Mercer): daughters; reception of MW; relationship with MW

FitzGerald, Richard

Flemming, John

Fordyce, Dr James (physician, son of James)

Fordyce, Dr George (
Sermons to Young Women

Forman, David

Foster, R.F.

Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine Quentin

Fournée, Marguerite: MW's suicide attempt; nursemaid to Fanny; presence in MW's home; travels with MW; wages

Fox, Charles James

France, post-revolutionary

Mary Shelley's works

Franklin, Benjamin

French ballets

French character; women

French language

French Revolution : Barlow's views; Christie's
; execution of king; Girondins; impact in England; impact in Ireland; influence on MW; Louisiana issue; MW's presence; MW's status as American; outbreak; promise of perfectibility; the Terror; turn against women; women revolutionaries; women's march . See Paris

Frend (Dissenting minister)

Fuller, Margaret

Fuseli, Henry: appearance; background; character; description of MW; friendship with Lavater; gift to Charles; Godwin's account of; at Johnson's house; marriage; Paris connections; Paris visit plans; relationship with Godwin; relationship with Johnson; relationship with MW; reputation; works

Fuseli, Sophia (Rawlins)


Gabell, Ann (Gage)

Gabell, Henry Dyson


Gambs, Herman

Gardiner, Jane,

Garrett, Elizabeth

Garrick, Eva Marie

Gascoyne, Bamber

Gascoyne, Joseph

Gatsby (
The Great Gatsby
); See Gilbert Imlay

Gaulis, Charles

Gaulis, Charles, son of above,

Genêt, Edmond Charles

Genlis, Brulart de

Genlis, Mme de

George III, King

George, Prince of Wales (later Prince Regent, then George IV)

Gillray, James


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