Werecat Avenue

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Authors: Anjela Renee

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #erotica, #fantasy, #paranormal, #fae, #shapeshifer

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Werecat Avenue

Anjela Renee

Paranormal Subdivision #1

Copyright 2012 by Anjela

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I want to give a big thanks to Susan Maneck
for editing my book, without you it would be a mess.


Chapter 1

Are you sure this is a
good idea sweetheart?” Gretchen's mother, Alice, said. Towering
above Gretchen at six feet, Alice was very thin, her black hair
streaked with pale blonde. Gretchen spent her entire life wondering
why she got the short gene.

Gretchen was your everyday Werecat. She had
blonde hair with dark auburn all-natural streaks, not a dye job.
She stood at 5'5 and a healthy 120 pounds. She had violet eyes,
which ran in her family. Momma cat had them too.

Mom, relax I’m twenty-two
years old, I'm not a kitten anymore. Besides, I get nine lives.
What’s the worst that can happen?”

Gretchen just moved into her small house on
Werecat Avenue. It was the first ever subdivision just for
paranormal beings. The world knew about all the things that go bump
in the night, they just didn’t like it on their street. The City of
New Orleans was happy to have one of the uninhabitable
neighborhoods fixed up with brand new homes. The Council of
Paranormal Beings built houses of all sizes for its members to buy
at cost.

Don't even joke about
that,” said Alice. “You may have nine lives but nobody wants to use
them. When they are gone, they are gone you know.”

I know mom. I'm sorry. It
was a bad joke. Come on, it’s only a short drive away.” Gretchen
looked at her mom with her supermodel looks, she was so tall and
beautiful. She always wondered why
looked nothing alike, aside from the eyes. Gretchen gave her a hug,
and inhaled. Her mother always smelled like
green apple lotion.

Mom I appreciate you
stopping by, but I think I need a little cat nap. I have to work
tonight.” Gretchen yawned, feeling tired after the long day of

Are you sure I can’t help
with anything?”

No I'll be

Ok then,” Alice gave her
daughter a kiss on the cheek as she left. She was still worried
this whole thing wasn’t a good idea. Mostly,
Werecats lived at home
until mated.
She didn’t know why her daughter had this need to be so

Gretchen walked into her room to take a nap.
Her bed consisted of a mattress and box spring on the floor for
right now. She pulled out some bedding and made her bed. Lying
down, she quickly fell asleep.


Gretchen walked into “Bite Me,” the club
where she worked, located in the French quarter. A vampire owned
the club and business always seemed to be good. Most of the staff
consisted of paranormals.

It was a busy Saturday night, and she knew
it was going to be a long one. Loud music was thumping in the
background. The club had a modern red and black decor, with a
standard dance floor, something you would find at any club. It
smelled of sweat, alcohol, and money.

Hey Laya, how’s the night
going?” Laya also lived in the same neighborhood as Gretchen. She
was a witch and werewolf hybrid. She was petite and very curvy with
bleached blonde hair. Gretchen thought she looked like a short
Barbie doll with boobs.

Great night so far. Tips
are rolling in. Oh,
you moved into
new place right? How is

Not much more than boxes
everywhere, but I want to check out a few thrift shops tomorrow to
help furnish it.”

Mind if I tag along? I
need a few things for my place as well.”

That sounds great. I would
like the company.” Gretchen went to the employee changing room to
get ready for her shift. She changed into the uniform they were
required to wear, tight shirt, and short- shorts
. She had on a comfy pair of black sketchers but no one ever
looked at her feet. The customers rarely looked below her chest.
Gretchen found the whole thing demeaning but her tips
were good, so she put up with it. She got her
table assignments and entered the main area of the club.

She spotted a man entering
the club. A very large man, all muscle, with short brown hair
spiked on top. He had piercing green eyes. So tall, she had never
seen a man look so yummy.
Please sit in my
section; please sit in my section
thought. Yessss! She approached his table a little

Hi my name is Gretchen
I'll be waiting on you tonight. What can I get you?” she said
Perhaps me, naked on your
, Gretchen thought. His eyebrows went
up almost like he knew what she was thinking.

That is a beautiful name,
Gretchen,” he said as he looked at her, with an intensity she never
experienced before.

Thanks, what can I get
you?” She got her pen and pad out, ready to take his

Scotch on the rocks, top

Right away, sir.” As she
wrote down his order she couldn’t help but notice how good he
smelled. She wondered if that was his natural scent or really great
cologne. She stood there for a moment and just inhaled the scent,
taking it all in.

Call me Adrian,” he said
bringing her out of her daze.

Right away Adrian,”
Gretchen corrected, walking away thinking how she wanted to ride
him like a pogo stick. She was a virgin but a girl could still
dream. Werecat females were usually aggressive and took what they
wanted. As much as Gretchen would love some alone time with Adrian,
she knew she couldn’t.

Gretchen could feel Adrian’s eyes on her as
she fetched his drink. She slowly walked back to his table,

Here is your drink,
Adrian. Is there anything else you need?” Gretchen asked. As she
set the drink down, he reached for it, lightly brushing her hand.
She pulled back and stared at him for a moment. Gretchen couldn’t
help but be captivated by him; his touch sent shivers through her
whole body. She had an intense urge to mark him as hers, run naked
through the forest, shift and climb a tree. How odd.

What time do you get off

I’m sorry I have to get
back to work.”

Is that your answer?”
Adrian asked as he gave off a scent of arousal Gretchen could

The only answer you’re
going to get, I don’t date customers.”

Gretchen walked away. She
had other tables to tend to. It turned out to be a hectic night,
lots of grabby college students, and horny old men, but she could
handle it and the tips made up for the hassle. When she went back
to Adrian’s table he had already finished his first drink. She took
his empty drink and he ordered another one. She walked away
noticing two women ogling him from across the bar. As she put in
his drink order she notice the two women approach his table and
walk away disappointed.
Ha ha, bitches
take that. He’s mine.
She quickly brought
back his drink to the table.

Anything else I can bring

Your phone number would be

You don’t give up do

Not easily,” Adrian said
as he took her hand in his. She pulled away.

I gotta get back. Enjoy
your drink.”

Adrian watched all the
humans as they danced on the dance floor. The air was perfumed with
sexual energy. It was ripe for him to feed. He closed his eyes and
himself up to the
energy that was everywhere. He took a little from
everyone in the club experiencing any kind of sexual feelings at
that moment. It was like a nice appetizer it just made him hungrier
for more. Adrian walked the club as he watched Gretchen work. She
had a drink in her hand
as he
her walk out the back exit that
led to the alley behind the club. He followed her to where she was
sitting at a small table with a
couple of
up chairs around it. This must be
where the employees took their breaks. He approached her and she
stood up as soon as she saw him.

What are you doing

Looking for

Why would you do that?
There are plenty of women in the club who would love to take you

But they are nothing
compared to you.”

Adrian looked at her with
lust in his eyes. He imagined what it would feel like to bury his
cock in her; bring her to one orgasm after another. As he took her
hand in his, she felt the warmth of his hand and felt incredibly
aroused just from his touch. She’d had dates in the past but never
had she responded to a man like this. He came closer to her
lips with his and then kissed her. A soft moan escaped her lips as
she parted her mouth for him.
He entered
her mouth with his tongue, tasting her. He became aroused, his cock
responding by becoming rock hard as he pressed himself against her.
Gretchen pulled away out of breath as her eyes began

I’m sorry I can’t do
this.” Gretchen ran back into the club leaving Adrian out in the
back alley alone.

A few minutes later after Adrian left.
Gretchen was clearing the table, and smiled when she saw that he
had left a one hundred dollar tip and a card with nothing but his
name and number. She shoved the card in her pocket but had no
intention of ever calling. It was fun imagining what it would
actually be like to go out with him.


Adrian stood outside the
front of the club after kissing Gretchen
The emotion coming off of her was extraordinary. It felt like home.
He knew it just couldn’t be, he was Fae
He had left the homeland over a century before. It just didn’t make
sense but he knew one thing; he had to see her again. He started to
walk toward his car when the two women from the club approached

You going home alone, good

Yes I am.” He smiled
looking at the woman. She wasn’t Gretchen, but he still needed to
feed. Once a week he needed to take in sexual energy. He could take
it passively, or he could take part and feed during sex. He almost
always preferred the direct route. He took in some energy passively
while he was in the club but was still hungry.

My girlfriend and I were
wondering if you would like to come back to our place for a

It would be my pleasure
ladies.” He smiled unenthusiastically.

Adrian sat in a small but
nicely decorated apartment. He usually was quite happy feeding off
the sexual energy of mortal women, but his mind kept going back to
Gretchen. She felt like home. Like one of his kind, and he still
didn’t know why. He worked as an enforcer so he normally didn’t
have much contact with his own kind other than capturing and
sending them back to the other realm. He watched the two women
fetch him a drink. They smelled like alcohol and cheap perfume and
they were pleasant enough to look at. One had blonde hair the other
one black short hair with a more natural figure. Tonight he
he would just
feed passively.

Here you go. All I have
left is a beer.”

This is great,

My name is Delanie,” said
the blonde, giving him a sex kitten smile.

And what is your name?”
Adrian asked the black haired woman.

My name is Rain,” she said
stiffly as she drank her beer.

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