Victor's Vow [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 6] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Victor's Vow [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 6] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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“Not again,” he muttered.

“What is that, Victor?” Violet asked.

He breathed in, letting her scent waft over him from the doorway. “Nothing, Violet.”

She tilted her blonde head, a gesture of innocence that nonetheless had a pull for him of which he was certain she was unaware.

“Are you off for Hawksfell, then?” she asked.

He heard a note of sadness in her voice and straightened. “Sit, Violet,” he said, waving to the chair opposite.

Her long lashes fluttered but she did as he bade. She folded her hands in her lap. “What is it?”

He took in a breath and stared into her eyes for a heartbeat. “I want you to come to Hawksfell Manor with me.”

Her lovely mouth gaped open. “You want…” More lash fluttering followed and a stain of pink spread over her cheeks. “You want me to come with you?”

“I’m not comfortable leaving you here alone.” It was all he would admit to. “This house is too damned quiet.”

She bit her lip for a moment and then her eyes lit with obvious delight at the prospect. “Oh, I hear the manor is most impressive!” She clasped her hands. “Are you certain they won’t mind an unexpected guest? I wouldn’t want to intrude on your family visit.”

He shook his head. “I’ve already let them know that you’re coming with me. Besides, it’s hardly a family visit.”

She eyed him, then nodded. “They are your family, Victor.”

He sneered. “Hawks.”

To his shock she rose and joined him on the chair. She was a small thing, but there was still hardly room for her to squeeze in next to his big body. Her ass slid over his hip as she settled beside him and took one of his hands in hers. Her fingers felt fragile clasped to his large ones.

“They are your family, Victor. Perhaps this visit will do you some good.”

He studied her face then let his gaze dip down to her décolletage. Her bosom was plump and rosy and he could glimpse the enticing shadow between her breasts. His beast stirred again and he squeezed her hand.

good, Violet?” he asked, bringing his face to hers. “Do you believe I at least deserve that?”

Her eyes were deep dark purple now. Her tongue flicked out to wet her luscious lips and he leaned closer still.


He kissed her again. It was like yesterday but so much more. Plunging his tongue into her sweet mouth, he took what he wanted. She whimpered, then moaned softly. There was no mistaking the pleasure in that sound. It was all the invitation he needed.

“God, Violet.” He dragged his lips over her smooth cheek and down to her throat.

A stroke of his tongue at the base revealed the flutter of her pulse. She turned in the chair, and her breasts rubbed against his chest as she reached up to grab onto his shoulders. He’d never touched her before, aside from that first brief kiss, but his fingers itched to stroke her. His urgency was great enough to make up for any fumbling at the back of her dress. He’d never had to undress a woman whose corset laced in the back. Hell, he’d never undressed any of the maids he’d fucked either.

He managed to loosen her corset enough to ease it away from her breasts and before she could do more than gasp he tugged down her chemise and had her bared to his eyes.

She was beautiful. Her breasts were round and white and topped with rosy pink nipples. His mouth watered. He bent his head and breathed in her scent. Then he closed his mouth over one bud and sucked hard.

“Oh, my!” she cried, clutching at his head.

He licked and teethed her as his hand found its way up under her skirt. She froze for an instant, then parted her smooth thighs just enough to let him sneak two fingers very near her pussy. Her drawers were damp and he could feel her heat.

“You’re wet,” he marveled aloud. “God, you’re wet and hot.”

He was seized with a wildness as he stroked her as deep and hard as he dared. Her little moans of delight told him she was close, and when he pinched her clit she cried out. Placing his mouth on hers, he kissed her as he drove her over the edge. Her juices soaked his fingers as she trembled in his arms.

He eased away from her and slowly withdrew his hand from under her skirt. He was shaking now, his cock about to burst if he didn’t find release soon. She, on the other hand, was languid against the arm of the chair, a look of bliss on her face.

“Oh, Victor.” Her eyes opened and she gazed at him. “What you did to me…”

Her breasts were still bare and bore faint red marks from the bristles on his jaw. He longed for another taste. “I hadn’t meant to.”

She must have heard the pain in his voice despite his effort to restrain it. Her brow furrowed over worried eyes.

Pulling up the bodice of her dress, she leaned toward him. “What’s wrong?” Her hand inadvertently touched his shaft and he winced. She dropped her gaze to his trousers, her eyes going wide. “Your cock.”

His mouth dropped open. “How do you know about such things?”

She shrugged, her eyes never leaving his crotch. “I’d heard about you, Victor.” She met his gaze then. “About your needs.”

He wasn’t going to discuss his dark needs with this innocent girl. As he started to rise, she placed her hand on his cock and he realized she might not be as innocent as he thought. “Violet!”

His buttons gave way easily and she reached inside to grasp him. He hissed at the sensation of her fingers on his skin.

“Let me ease you, Victor,” she said, her face serious. “Oh, you are as large as they say.”

“H–how do you know…?” He closed his eyes and swallowed a groan as she stroked him. “How the hell do you know how to ease me?”

She laughed softly and he opened his eyes. She was blushing as she awkwardly, and very effectively, rubbed the head of his cock. “Don’t you know one of the best features of living in a large house, Victor?”

He swallowed again and shook his head.

She stroked him long and slow. “The gossip.”

He wrapped his hand around hers, giving up any resistance to letting her release him. He needed to come and he couldn’t do it alone.

“Let me show you the particulars,” he bit out.

She stared down at him and licked her lips and he did groan at last. He was going to explode any moment now. Again and again their hands moved over his shaft, her soft fingers between his own hand and his flesh. Just a few more strokes and then he came with a shout, trembling against her as he spilled his seed on his trousers.

“Oh, my,” she said as she had earlier.

He blew out a breath and removed her hand from him. Tucking his cock back in his pants, he withdrew a handkerchief and wiped up as best he could. Sliding his gaze to hers, he waited for the revulsion to strike her. To his surprise she smiled.

“You’re better now,” she said.

He stood. “Yes, I’ve recovered.”

“Recovered?” She blinked up at him. “It’s not a malady, Victor.”

“Isn’t it?” He ran his fingers through his hair and turned away. “I can’t control myself, Violet. Apparently my damned Hawk lusts are so high I let my dear cousin give me pleasure.”

“Dear?” Her voice held a hope he couldn’t let her foster.

“You’d be wise to stay away from me,” he said. “For my part, I promise to never touch you again.”

Her skirts rustled as she came to her feet. “Never?”

He couldn’t look at her. She’d have that expression of adoration she’d worn after he gave her what he knew for certain was her first orgasm. She was already dependent on him. He wouldn’t have her fancying herself in love with him, too.

“Go, Violet. Ready your things for tomorrow.”

“Then you still wish for me to come with you to Hawksfell Manor?”

Her voice was tremulous and he cursed himself. He couldn’t cause her even more pain tonight. He faced her at last. Her clothes were rumpled, her hair mussed and her eyes huge in her flushed and lovely face.

“I said you’d be accompanying me, didn’t I?” he asked her a little too sharply.

She gave a shaky nod and hurried from the room.

“Damn it.” He sank down into the chair once more. The scent of their sex mingled and he couldn’t help but breathe in deeply.

And now he was going to meet his Hawk relatives with her in tow. He cursed.

“What the hell have I done?”

Chapter 3


“Another Hawk is to arrive,” Ivy said, her voice trembling with obvious excitement.

Cabot kept his features even as he stepped away from her to find his place in line with the other servants assembled on the drive. The day was bitter cold but they were all to meet the arriving guests as was expected. At least the wind wasn’t blowing on this side of the house and the sun was bright.

Mr. Carstairs and Mrs. Holmes were at the front of the line, followed by Grayson, Lord Hawksfell’s valet. Ivy stood beside him as Lady Hawksfell’s maid. Cabot was a bit farther down the line as footman but he still had an unobstructed view of the fine motor making its way toward the manor.

As it rolled smoothly to a stop on the drive, he felt a flicker of excitement. Yes, this was another Hawk. Yes, this was another man no doubt gifted and cursed as all the Hawks were. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t interested in this one, though.

The chauffeur jumped out of the car and opened the back door. A slight figure stepped out, wrapped in a fine cloak. Cabot could glimpse a shapely figure beneath, however. He had a talent for spotting a pair of fine breasts despite any cover. The woman lifted her head and her hood fell back, revealing hair as blonde as his own. Her face was exquisite, an oval dominated by large dark blue eyes. He stared at her exposed throat, seeing the smooth taut skin. For an instant he wondered if he placed his face in the hollow of her throat would she smell as sweet as she looked.

He’d never really looked at the ladies who came to the manor, since they were so far above him. Why risk refusal when he could just fuck a maid? This girl was astounding, though. Her full lips parted as she gazed up at the manor, all the way toward the attic rooms that were the servants quarters. She was obviously impressed, but then who wouldn’t be?

Built of soaring sandstone walls topped by peaked slate roofs and too many windows to count, Hawksfell Manor was indeed a grand home. Once again he felt proud and honored to work there.

“Hello,” she said in a husky, lovely voice.

Mr. Carstairs stepped forward.

“Welcome to Hawksfell Manor, Miss…”

“Miss Ralston,” the man stepping out of the motor offered. “My third cousin.”

Cabot glanced at him and his breath caught. God, he was as beautiful as the earl himself. Same glossy black hair and tall, strong build. But it was those dark Hawk eyes that sent a lick of lust over his body.

“Baron Ralston,” the butler said with a bow of his head. “Welcome to Hawksfell Manor. I am Carstairs, the butler, and this is the housekeeper, Mrs. Holmes.”

“Thank you, Carstairs.” The baron turned his head to regard the housekeeper. “Mrs. Holmes.”

The housekeeper’s eyes narrowed for an instant and Cabot could guess her thoughts. No doubt she wondered if this Hawk would get up to the exploits the others had without exception. In a flash he imagined the two visitors, the baron dark and his cousin fair, locked in an embrace. The image of the baron’s big body pounding into her delicate one made him grateful it was so cold outside this afternoon. Even with the chill his cock twitched to attention.

“Did you bring your man, my lord?” Mr. Carstairs asked.

The baron shook his head. “I’m afraid he stays back at Ralston House.”

“Then allow me to offer you Cabot’s services during your stay.”

Cabot swallowed. Yes, he’d served several visiting Hawk men over the past few months but he’d never been so attracted to any of them. “It would be my honor,” he managed to say, dipping his head.

Lord Ralston caught his eye at last and Cabot was struck by something other than lust. This particular Hawk looked somber. Almost sad. A quick look at his companion showed an answering melancholy in her big violet eyes. There was something about these two newcomers, but he was damned if he knew what it was precisely. They were beautiful. There was no question. And connected, if the lady’s close proximity to the baron was any indication.

They passed him and he hurried to see to Lord Ralston’s portmanteaux. The deep timbre of his voice mingling with Miss Ralston’s delicate husky one caused a riot of disturbance within him. He’d never been a randy bunch of hormones, despite his many conquests and his apparent reputation. Yet, this afternoon…

“Put the baron in the blue room, Cabot,” Mrs. Holmes said. “We’ll see Miss Ralston’s things settled closer to the family.”

He nodded. Thankful to have something to occupy himself, he made his way up the stairs toward the bachelor wing. He wouldn’t think about dressing and undressing the very impressive baron this evening. He wouldn’t think about serving at the table and watching the gorgeous Miss Ralston as she ate, either. He had no idea how long they would stay at Hawksfell Manor. His cock was half-hard and he wasn’t even near either one of them at present.

“Maybe I should just fuck Ivy,” he muttered to himself.

The pretty maid didn’t cause the intense attraction within him that the manor’s two newest visitors did, however.

And he knew in his heart there was nothing he could do about it.


* * * *


“I’ve sent Ivy up to see to Miss Ralston, my lord,” the housekeeper told Victor. “Lady Hawksfell insisted on lending her maid’s services during her visit.”

Victor nodded to the woman. She looked capable and almost kind and not what he was expecting. She had a motherly quality and the loss of his own mother bit at him.

“Thank you, Mrs. Holmes. I’m sure Violet… Miss Ralston will be comfortable.”

A slight flick of the housekeeper’s eyebrows told him she’d caught his verbal slip. Wonderful.

“I believe the earl is awaiting you in his study,” she said. “Cabot, do show him the way.”

Victor turned and saw the handsome young footman he’d spied when he’d first arrived. He was tall and leanly muscled, but his coloring brought Violet to mind. The two could be twins, if Cabot’s eyes were a shade darker.

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