Vegan: Vegan Lunch Recipes: 50 Delicious Vegan Recipes - Quick & Easy to make, Improve Your Health And Feel Amazing (Mastering The Kitchen Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Vegan: Vegan Lunch Recipes: 50 Delicious Vegan Recipes - Quick & Easy to make, Improve Your Health And Feel Amazing (Mastering The Kitchen Book 2)
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Are there any other restrictions?

Elders and children might have to consult a doctor as well. As you know, they will need a lot more nutrition than what regular people will need and so it is important that hey consult and get advice on what extra they might have to consume. The doctor will run a few tests and tell what they can take in addition to the foods that they eat. If the candidate is not suited for the diet at all then the doctor might tell them the same and ask them to consider another type of diet.

Are the supplements available over the counter?

Yes. Some are available over the counter whereas some will need a prescription. The supplements are safe to be consumed by anyone and will help in adding some extra nutrition to the body. We will look at some of the supplements that are generally prescribed for a person that takes up the vegan diet in a later chapter of this book. 

Chapter 13: Changes to Make for the Diet


When it comes to taking up the vegan diet, you will have to make a few lifestyle changes that are explained as under. Remember to go slow and not do everything at once. Your body should settle in with the diet and embrace it.


The very first thing that you should do is conduct a simple research on the topic. It is important to understand all the different aspects of the diet and only then take it up. Apart from this book you can also read on websites and buy other trust worthy books on the topic to understand the topic better. If you have any specific doubts then go straight to that topic in this book and read it thoroughly. You have to understand that it is vital for you to be well informed about a topic if you wish to make the most of it.


The next step is to change up your kitchen. If you return back to the same kitchen then you will not be able to convert to the vegan diet easily. You will constantly be drawn to the old foods especially if you have meats in the fridge. You have to buy foods that are vegan friendly and stack it in the kitchen. Buy new boxes as well so that it is easy for you to store the new foods. When you hit the super market, carry a vegan food list and go as per it. Tick off the different foods that you can consume as per the diet. You can model your kitchen after someone who is a vegan. Stack all the ingredients in a way that they are easily accessible and will make it easy for you to cook.


It is a good idea to join a vegan group in your locality. You can look for a vegan group in your locality. There you will find people who have been on the diet for some time. You can clear away any doubts that you have on the topic. They will also give you tips on the different meals that you can incorporate how you can make a smooth transition into the diet etc. If there is no such group around then you can start one yourself. Ask all your friends if any of them are interested in the diet and then get them to join in.


You can ask a partner to join in as the two of you can remain motivated and continue with the diet. The partner can be anybody of your choice as long as they join in through their free will. It is important for you to not force anyone as that might cause them to take it up half-heartedly, which will only cause you to leave the practice. Try to get your children and spouse involved so that the entire family can reel in the benefits of the diet together. 

Meal plans

You have to come up with meal plans that will help you keep up with the diet. The meal plans should be tailor made for your body. You can look at the meal plans mentioned in this book and come up with some of your own. The meal plans should be easy to follow and the meals should be facile to prepare. Once the plans are ready you can take a print out of it and stick it in your kitchen. You can also take a picture of it and make a soft copy of it for instant and easy access to it.


You have to always maintain a record of your vital statistics so that you can refer back to it and remain inspired to continue with your diet. You have to look back at how much weight you have lost with the diet and why you are able to remain fit and slim. You will know that the diet is working only if you look back at the results that it has provided you with. You must record it every now and then and only then will you be able to remain motivated for a long time.

Carry food

Remember to develop the habit of preparing and carrying your own food. That will help you stick with the diet. Buy yourself a large carrier or lunch box and carry to your office fresh produce in the form of salads, flat breads, curries etc. all of these will help you remain healthy and stick with your diet. These might not be available in your canteen and so it is important that you make arrangements for these by yourself. The foods will help you remain healthy for a long time.


Remember that it is a lifestyle change that you will be making with the diet and not a mere change of food habit. You have to tell yourself every day that you will continue with the diet no matter what comes and remain healthy. Don’t be tempted to leave the diet after you see the desirable changes. You have to continue with it for life and maintain a healthy body.

These are just some of the things that you can do to maintain the habit but is not limited to just these. You will see that it is possible for you to turn it into a lifestyle choice and for that, you will have to remain patient and do all the right things.


Chapter 14: Supplements for the Vegan Diet


The vegan diet is great for everyone but it will not provide the body with all the nutrients that it needs. In this chapter, we will look at the different supplements that you must consume in order to remain healthy while 0on the vegan diet. Remember that it will be really important for some vegans to take up these supplements, as there might be a deficiency in their bodies for the same. Most of these are available over the counter while some might require prescription, which you have to take from your doctor.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for everyone, especially women. Women will have to consume vitamin A supplements, as the vegan diet might not be able to provide them with 700 mgs of this nutrient a day. You have to have your blood tested to see how much vitamin A you have in your body. Depending on the number the doctor will prescribe what amount you have to consume in order to maintain a healthy body.

Vitamin B12

It is extremely important for you to consume vitamin B12 supplements, as the vegan diet might not be able to induce it into your body. The recommended dose of this nutrient is between 25 and 100 mgs a day and the vegan diet might not supply your body with that. So, you will have to buy and consume the supplements. If you want to be sure of the exact amount that you need to consume then you can have a quick and simple blood test done and check the level of this vitamin in your blood. Depending on the amount you can ask your doctor to prescribe the right dosage for you.

Vitamin D

Since there is no consumption of dairy products, you will have to turn to supplements to avail your recommended dose of this nutrient. Vitamin D is essential for bone formation and it is best that you consume some tablets for it. Vitamin D also helps in the formation of strong teeth and so; you might have to speak with your doctor about consuming this nutrient. Vitamin D supplements are easily available over the counter and you will not need a prescription for it. You might, however, need one for a large dose and here too, you might have to get your blood tested to see the current level and then buy the supplements.


Iodine is mostly present in dairy products and is the primary source of iodine in our diet. Since the vegan diet does not promote the consumption of dairy products it is important for you to take a supplement or increase the level of iodine in your diet. You can increase the intake of salt in your diet. You have to try to consume at least 90 mgs a day and that is only possible if you add salt to your foods like salads and curries. Try placing a small box of salt on the table so that you are reminded to add it to your food every time and increase your iodine content.


Calcium is another important nutrient that you need when you are on the vegan diet. Calcium helps in building strong bones and teeth. It is possible for you to avail this nutrient from fresh fruits and vegetables but for that you have to eat quite a lot of it. You can also consume a calcium tablet that is easily available. Your doctor can run a blood test to see the level of calcium in your body. Depending on how much you have he or she will write the recommended dose for you. Calcium can also be availed through green leafy vegetables.


Iron is important for all especially women of childbearing age. They will have to consume iron tablets or syrup as the blood and iron content in their body can be quite low due to hefty bleeding. As per research conducted on women who were on the vegan diet, it was found that the amount of iron in their blood was pretty low which made it important for them to consume a supplement. You too have to get the level of iron in your blood tested if you wish to remain healthy and maintain your iron levels when you take up the vegan diet.

Omega 3

Omega 3 contains DHA, which is a nutrient that is responsible for maintaining your heart and brain health. You can avail it by consuming flax seed. Flax seeds can be ground into a powder and added to salads. It is ideal to have around 200 to 300 mgs a day and you must ask you physician about it first.


Although the vegan diet has the capacity to be extremely rich in proteins, you might have to make an extra effort in incorporating protein rich foods in your diet. We looked at the protein rich plan and you can use the same to increase the protein content in your diet. The same you can have for your dibber as well. If still you are unable to meet the minimum protein intake required by adults then you could consume a supplement that is rich in protein like a powder that you can add to milk and consume. Your doctor or dietician will be able to help you out with that and prescribe the right supplement and correct dosage. This will be especially important for all those that have changed from being hardcore non-vegetarians.


Zinc is another important nutrient that the body needs to remain fit. You need it for your immunity and also to be energetic. You have to incorporate zinc in your diet and I it is not possible for you to find foods that are rich in zinc from the vegetable section then you can take a supplement that is rich in zinc. You have to increase the intake of lentils and legumes, as they will help in the absorption of zinc in your body.


Key highlights


First and foremost, you have to understand what the vegan diet is all about. The only way in which you can take it up and remain put on the diet is by understanding what it stands for. You will have to do some research on it and know exactly what it stands for. The Internet will provide you with ample information on the topic. Just ensure that you are looking at reliable sources for the information and are getting the right advice from people. You can go through this book again and again so that you have a clear understanding of the topic. Doing something half-heartedly never works and will not work with your diet either. You have to understand all of it carefully if you wish to remain put on the diet.

The vegan diet is one where natural foods are consumed and no dairy and animal products are promoted. If you wish to be a hardcore vegan then you have to buy from organic farms that pick up fruits and vegetables that have been discarded by the plants and trees. But regular vegans can consume fruits and vegetables that are available in your super market. Along with these you can have lentils, nuts and seeds and butter and milk that have been extracted from nuts. These are the only things that you can consume and must avoid animal products including milk and milk products and eggs. You must also avoid processed and junk foods, as they will most likely contain these foods.

The diet is ideal for anyone and everyone. It is for those looking for a supplementary diet to aid in availing relief from their ailments and also for those that do not have any ailments. You will see that the diet is working for you by helping you reduce weight and also making your body beautiful.

You have to have reasonable expectations when you take up the vegan diet, as having unreasonable ones will cause you to lose an interest in the diet. If you are taking it up to lose weight then have a weight loss plan in mind. If you are trying to find a cure for an ailment then have that in mind. But aim for something that is gettable and not something impossible. You will see that it is possible for you to attain your goals provided you know what to expect from your diet.

The diet helps with a lot of health benefits. The diet will help you lose weight, which in itself will help in beating a lot of illnesses. You can also use the diet to avail relief from endocrine issues such as PCOS. The diet is ideal for all those looking to strengthen their hearts and keep heart related ailments at bay. Apart from these general ones there are many other health benefits like availing glowing skin, strong teeth, healthy hair etc. All of these will help you avail a strong and healthy body and mind which makes the diet ideal for anyone.

However, it is important for you to observe a little precaution when you take up this diet. Try to remain within the prescribed limits of the diet and avoid over doing anything. You must not take it up as a radicle diet that will help you lose weight instantly. If you are on medication then you must consult your doctor and see if the diet is safe to be followed. The same goes to anyone who might be suffering from an illness and will need certain nutrients that the diet might not provide your body with.

The different recipes mentioned in this book are all vegan. You must put in efforts to try out all of them but must not limit yourself to just these. You have to come up with new recipes of your own and prepare the dishes for yourself and your family. Just ensure that you pick the ingredients that were mentioned in the foods to eat and avid the ones that are banned from consumption. Once you take up the vegan diet, you must not consume the banned foods even once, as they are not allowed as per the diet at all.

We looked at the things that you can eat when on the diet and it is important that you go through the list again to see if you have all the right ingredients with you. Try to stick with only those foods and you will be able to maintain the diet properly. Don’t make the mistake of buying junk and processed foods, as they are not part of a healthy diet. The vegan diet as such does not allow any cheat meals and so, you must stave off the temptation of consuming any meat and meat products once you shift to the vegan diet.

We looked at some tips for you to transition into the diet. They are important to follow if you wish to remain put with the diet for a long time. Apart from them you have to come up with some ways of your own which will help you remain put with the diet. It will seem a little daunting at first but will get better with time. Your body will start to adjust to the diet and so will your mind. You will feel at peace with yourself for having chosen a lifestyle that is good for your body.

You have to consume the supplements, as they will help your body avail the nutrients that the diet will not provide. These supplements are available over the counter and can also be bought online. If your chemist is not giving them without a prescription then you can ask our doctor if you can take the supplements and then get him to write a prescription for you. Remember that it is important for you to not take too many supplements or a large dose. Everything should be within limits and only then will you be able to avail its full benefits.

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