Van, Becca - Keeley's Opposition [Terra-Form 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (8 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Keeley's Opposition [Terra-Form 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Wait,” Keeley said. “You mean biting like claiming me?”

The men shook their heads sorrowfully. “The claiming is incomplete,” Liam said. “We marked you with our bites, but we have not yet joined our bodies together. Only once we do will you truly be ours.”

“I know we didn’t give you a choice, and for that I’m sorry,” Bradford said, “but we couldn’t do nothing. We would have lost you, Keeley. We couldn’t stand the thought of only just finding you and then losing you.”

“If you want to leave us to stay with the panthers, we will let you go.” Lucius made a face as though the words themselves tasted bad, but Keeley believed him.

Keeley felt flutters of excitement in her belly. She had felt hesitant about letting these three shifter men claim her, but she didn’t mind that they had acted without her knowledge. Something had changed between them, and some part of her wished that the claiming was complete. She wished she was theirs and that they were hers.

She looked up to see Liam and Lucius watching her intently with worried expressions on their faces. She tilted her head back and looked up to find Bradford peering down at her. She smiled to him and then to Liam and Lucius. She took a deep breath and released it slowly.

“I understand why you did what you did and I thank you. I didn’t want to die and I know I would have agreed with your decision if I had been awake. Thank you for saving my life,” Keeley stated with a voice full of emotion.

“You’re not angry with us?” Lucius asked.

“No. How can I be angry with you? If you hadn’t marked me I wouldn’t be sitting here talking to you,” Keeley said and covered her mouth when she yawned. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, baby. Why don’t you scoot down and go to sleep? You’ll need to rest frequently until you get your strength back,” Bradford said and moved out from behind her.

Keeley slid down and placed her head on the soft pillow. Her eyes were too heavy to keep open anymore, so she didn’t even try. She smiled as each of her new mates kissed her on the cheek, forehead, and temple, and then was unconscious.

Chapter Eight

Keeley healed even more over the next week and a half. She was almost back to full strength, but her men were still treating her courteously. They touched her often, on the arms and back, and even kissed her, but they were driving her insane. They slept in the same bed with her every night, but they hadn’t made one sexual move toward her. She was going out of her mind with lust.

They had each wormed their way into her heart with how gently they handled her. Each man treated her a little differently. Liam made his arrogant demands, commanding her to rest whenever he thought she was tired. Lucius was distant and solicitous, but she could still see the fire in his eyes when he looked at her. And Bradford was willing to get her anything and everything she desired, before she even knew what she wanted. If she even looked at the jug on the table across the room, he would fill a cup and hand her a drink.

Every time they were near, they would touch and kiss her gently. She wanted to scream and demand they make love to her. As soon as they were in her vicinity, her breathing escalated, her breasts swelled, and her nipples hardened. Her pussy was always dripping wet, and she ached to be loved by them.

She decided it was time to take matters into her own hands. The healers had given her a clean bill of health, and she was sick and tired of being an aching mass of unrequited desire.

She sighed and finished dressing. She looked down at the short, black, leather-like skirt and midriff halter top. She felt too exposed. Her breasts were too large and her hips too wide. She wasn’t happy with the body she had, but since there was nothing she could do about it, she shrugged with resignation. At least her waist was smaller than her top and bottom.

She sat on the side of the bed and pulled the ankle-length soft suede boots on. She was breaking out of this room for the first time since her mates had brought her here. She was curious about the house and the occupants and was determined to meet the members of the pride.

Keeley held her breath and tried the door handle. She exhaled heavily when the door opened. Her mates had said they didn’t want her roaming about the place by herself, so she had expected the door to be locked. She had no idea why they’d said that, and every time she’d been about to ask, one of her men would begin talking about something else and she became distracted enough to forget her pending question.

She looked left and right but didn’t see anyone traversing the long hallways. She stepped out of the room and began to walk. She didn’t hurry. She looked about her and noticed the many closed doors leading off the corridors. She was curious about what was behind them, but decided not to give in the urge to investigate. She didn’t want to be found snooping about in someone else’s bedroom.

She was nearly to the end of the long hall when she became aware of many voices drifting toward her. She hesitated a moment, chewing on her bottom lip and deciding if she was brave enough to continue. Pushing her shoulders back and lifting her head, she moved toward the sound.

Everyone was gathered in the dining chamber. When she reached the doorway to the massive room, she hesitated. Row upon row of men sat at the tables, eating. She moved farther into the room, and the noise of talking ceased.

She felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment. She was about to back from the room with an apology, but she stopped when Liam’s voice called to her from across the room.

“Keeley, come here, sweetness.”

Keeley looked and found Liam, Lucius, and Bradford on the far side of the room. She kept her gaze on Liam, aware of the many eyes upon her as she moved. Liam stood and walked toward her to meet her when she was no more than yards away from where he had been sitting.

“We’ve been waiting for you, Keeley. I’m glad to see you have decided to venture out of our room today,” Liam whispered.

She looked up at him with a confused frown, but didn’t ask the question which was on the tip of her tongue until she was seated between him and Bradford.

“What do you mean you’ve been waiting for me? You told me not to go roaming around on my own.”

“We knew eventually you would get sick of being in the same room day after day. We have just been waiting for you to feel well and brave enough to take that first step,” Liam stated.

“You were testing me?”

“No, baby. We were waiting for you to overcome your fear and for your health to return to normal,” Bradford informed her.

“Humph. You could have explained. I had these visions of being dragged off by the hair away from the members of your pride.”

Lucius, Liam, and Bradford burst out laughing. She frowned and glared at them with disgruntlement.

“It’s not funny, you know. I wanted to get out of that room a week ago.”

“You weren’t ready until today, honey,” Lucius said as he leaned toward her.

“I would have been if I’d known the score,” she replied. She crossed her arms as she frowned at all three of them.

“Would you like something to eat, baby?” Bradford asked from her left side.

“Yes please. I’m starving.”

Keeley watched as Bradford placed food on her plate from the platters on the table. She stopped him from adding more when she had enough on her plate for two meals. She dug into her food and ignored all the men staring at her. She was too hungry to care about what they thought of her. Her men filled their plates and began to eat, too.

When her belly was satisfied she pushed her plate aside and looked about her. The room was so big and filled to capacity. There were only a handful of women in the room.

“Where are all the women?” Keeley asked.

“They are here already. We have very few females in the pride as you can see. Over the last four generations fewer females have been born into this pride. Our healers are trying to discover the reason for the depletion in the females of our species, but have not been able to ascertain the reason,” Liam explained.

Keeley mulled that over. No wonder they had been so eager to claim her. But they hadn’t brought that up since telling her that they’d had to bite her while she was unconscious. Did they still want to finish mating with her?

Lucius interrupted her thoughts. “Would you like to take a walk in the gardens?” he asked.

“Yes, please. I’ve been cooped up inside for too long as it is,” she replied and took Lucius’s hand when he helped her up.

Keeley walked with Lucius, Liam, and Bradford around the large landscaped gardens. They talked of inconsequential things such as the weather and the beautiful blooming flowers. By the time they were at the pool, Keeley’s body was one big yearning ache.

She didn’t know how much longer she would be able to keep her hands off her mates. Their scent called to her, and their innocent touches aroused her. She was afraid she was turning into a slut, except she was only interested in these three. She couldn’t understand why these three men turned her on so much. She’d never been that interested in men before. She gritted her teeth as her pussy clamped and dripped more cream onto her thighs.

Her head snapped up when she heard a low, rumbling growl at her side. She looked up at Lucius, and her breath caught in her throat. His irises were a golden glowing color, and she could see the heat in his eyes.

“I can smell your cream, honey. You are in need. Will you let us put out the fire?”

Keeley rubbed her thighs together and felt his heat. She nibbled on her lower lip and gave a slight nod of her head. She whimpered when Lucius cupped her chin in his hand, holding her head in place, he slowly lowered his lips to hers.

She went up in flames. That was the only thought to pass through her mind, and then she drowned in sensation. Lucius started the kiss off slowly. When she began to respond he deepened it. He brushed his lips over hers again and again until fire was licking at her insides. She reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. She swallowed his growl. His arms wrapped around her waist, and he lifted her feet from the ground. He licked over her lips with his tongue and then swept it into her mouth. She cried out into his mouth as her blood heated and the flames consumed her. He devoured her mouth. She felt him slide his hands down over her hips, and then they gripped her ass.

Keeley wrapped her legs around his waist. The short material of her skirt rode up to the tops of her legs. She had no panties on, so her wet, aching pussy connected with his warm, muscular stomach. She wiggled her hips and moaned as his slightly hairy abs and warm skin massaged her throbbing clit.

She withdrew her mouth from his and tilted her head back. Keeley keened with pleasure as two more sets of hands touched her. Her halter top dropped from her body, and then her skirt followed. She was too far gone to even remember that they were out in the open where anyone could see them.

She rocked her hips faster and sobbed when a hot, wet mouth closed over one of her aching nipples. She could feel her juices flowing from her cunt. Her cries were muffled as Bradford covered her mouth with his. Her womb was heavy, and her body was hot. Perspiration beaded over her skin, but she didn’t stop the movement of her hips. She could feel the most exquisite warmth permeating her body, and her muscles were taut with need. Her pussy clenched and released, begging to be filled, but the walls of her sheath were drawing tighter and tighter.

She mewled and bucked as Liam and now Bradford sucked on her sensitive nipples. She threw her head back and screamed as her pussy walls clamped down hard. Cream flowed from her pussy as wave after wave of bliss swept over her.

She rode out her orgasm, and only once her little death came to an end did she remember where they were. She hid her face, feeling shy. They could have been seen by anyone wandering the gardens.

“We want to join our bodies with yours, honey. Will you let us make love to you?” Lucius asked, and Keeley could hear the near desperation in his voice.

She remembered what they had told her. Making love with them would complete the claiming. She would be theirs after this. Since that was what she wanted most in the world right at that moment, she nodded in affirmation.

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