Van, Becca - Keeley's Opposition [Terra-Form 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Keeley's Opposition [Terra-Form 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“You have nothing to worry about, sweetness. They will not do anything to hurt you,” Liam whispered.

He was taken aback when she turned an angry glare his way. He had no idea what had pricked her ire, but he found out soon enough.

“Why did you do that?” Keeley whispered furiously.

“What did I do?”

“You all but demanded your people to accept me. Why could you not have let me earn their respect on my own merit?”

“You are angry because I—”

“Yes,” Keeley interrupted. “I don’t need you to tell people to like me. I do not want false friendships only to have those so-called friends turn around and stab me in the back. You are such an arrogant ass.”

Liam was at first too astounded to reply. Then his anger rose, and he stared into her eyes. He watched her breathing escalate, her pupils dilate, and her eyelids lower with desire. She licked her lips, and he could see her pulse beating rapidly at the base of her throat. She leaned toward him, and he got no further than reaching for her before she closed the distance and planted her lips on his. Liam was startled, but that was all the permission he needed. He lifted her from her seat onto his lap, lowered his head, and kissed her.

His kiss started out hard and demanding, but it quickly turned carnal. He swept his tongue into her mouth and slid it along hers. He groaned at her heated response, and then he was lost. He was drowning in her taste and could not have stopped even if he had wanted to. He sighed into her mouth when her hands and arms wrapped around his neck and sank into his hair.

“Liam, control yourself.” Lucius’s voice penetrated his desire, and then his brother slapped him on the shoulder.

Liam took a last lick of her mouth and removed his lips from Keeley’s. He looked down into her passion-glazed eyes and had to dig his nails into his palm to physically restrain himself from carrying her from the room. He gently lifted her from his lap and placed her back into her seat. Her cheeks were even more flushed, and her lips were red and swollen, and still she kept her head lowered. He sighed and noted the platters of food sitting on the table. He ignored his now-silent pride and began to fill his plate.

* * * *

Lucius was having a hell of a time trying to control his beast. He could smell Keeley’s arousal and wanted to sweep the table clear, strip her naked, and fuck her right there and then. He looked over at Bradford, who was sitting at his side, and saw he was in trouble as well. His new friend’s cheeks were flushed, and he gripped the edge of the table so hard his knuckles were white.

“Liam, you have to control yourself. You have aroused our mate and we can smell the cream between her thighs. You have us fighting our beasts,”
Lucius told his brother through their private telepathic link.

“I know. I am sorry, brother, but I could not control myself. I have been hard since the first scent of her.”

“And you think I haven’t? Do you want to scare her off with your aggression?”

“You know I do not.”

“Then get your beast under control. Even the bear is having trouble and you know how much less intense their species is compared to ours. We are going to have to figure a way to communicate with Bradford with our minds as well. We are all going to have to work together to get our mate to accept us in her heart and bed,”
Lucius suggested.

“I can already hear you,”
Bradford replied

“How is that possible?”
Lucius asked and stood up with his surprise.

“I do not know,”
Bradford answered
. “Maybe it is because we are mates to the one woman. I have never been able to communicate with others beyond my own species.”

“Already she is bringing us together and she doesn’t even know it. How are we going to get her to accept us?”
Liam asked.

“Why do you think she will not?”
Bradford asked.
“She has not done anything to indicate she will reject us and she even kissed you back.”

“She was not happy with me when I told the pride to accept her instead of letting her earn their respect,”
Lucius stated with a sigh.
“She glared at me, and if you observe her body language, you will see she has crossed her arms defensively. Even now she is tapping her foot with either frustration or impatience.”
He paused a moment.
“Or maybe both.”

“That may be, but she is also very aroused. Can you not see how she still squirms in her seat and smell her still-leaking pussy?”
Bradford pointed out.

Lucius nearly groaned out loud then, for Bradford was right. Keeley was indeed squirming and fidgeting in her seat. She was also shooting daggers at him with her eyes. He couldn’t help it. He knew it was the wrong thing to do, but he threw his head back and laughed. It was a full-bellied laugh which only seemed to make Keeley angrier. She glared at him and then pointedly tried to ignore him.

They finished their meal, and Lucius was aware of Keeley looking at him, his brother, and Bradford constantly. It seemed their mate wasn’t as averse to them as she would like him to believe.

Lucius helped Keeley from her chair, and instead of guiding her out the way they had come in, he led her toward the open doors heading to the pool and garden. He and Bradford both held her hands, and they stopped on the edge of the large swimming pool. He caught the look of longing which crossed Keeley’s face as she stared at the water, but she quickly schooled her features when she caught him looking at her.

“You can swim if you wish to, sweetness,” Lucius said.

“Oh, that would be so nice. But I don’t have a bathing suit.”

“What is a bathing suit?” his brother asked.

“You don’t know…What do you all swim in?”

“Nothing,” Lucius replied and cursed his breathlessness. He wanted to see Keeley strip down and slip into the water. He wanted to see what she had hidden underneath her clothing. She was wearing long pants, black boots, and a long-sleeve shirt. Not that he couldn’t see the shape of her body beneath her clothes, but he craved the sight of her naked skin.

“Oh,” she said, and then she got an impish gleam in her eye and smiled.

Lucius was flabbergasted. He had expected Keeley to refuse and blush, but instead she began to unfasten her shirt. He drew in a gasp as the material parted and revealed the tops of her luscious breasts. He had to physically restrain his beast from leaping on her when he saw her pink-lace-covered chest. She was so lush and full. The creamy mounds were spilling up out of the restraining material. She gave him a shy smile and dropped her shirt to the ground. He waited with bated breath as she released the fastening on her pants, and then she sat on a stone bench to remove her boots and other feet coverings. She stood once more and pushed the material down over her hips and off her legs.

Liam growled low in his chest, and Bradford gasped. Lucius’s breath stuttered in his throat as he let his eyes travel over his mate’s body. She was so perfect. Her skin was so creamy white and soft looking. He could see her ass cheeks, which were full and lush but muscular. Her waist was so small he knew he would easily span it with his large hands. She gave him a shy smile, giggled, took two quick steps, and launched herself into the water.

Lucius groaned and adjusted his hard, aching cock, and then he began to strip off his clothes. Moments later he dove into the pool and surfaced beside Keeley. She laughed and splashed water into his face and moved away from him. It seemed their mate was in a playful mood. Who was he to deny her some fun?

Chapter Three

Keeley nearly burst out laughing when she saw the surprise flit across Lucius’s face. She had been dying to cool off ever since she had spotted that pool. She knew he had expected her to baulk at his suggestion and become all indignant, but she had called his bluff by stripping down to her underwear. It didn’t seem to matter to him, Liam, or Bradford that she was still partially covered. They had stared at her as if they wanted to eat her up, and she’d had to bite her tongue so she wouldn’t let on that she could see the heat in their eyes.

She couldn’t believe or understand how these three men could turn her on with a glance. She was still wary of them since she didn’t know them, but she also wanted to jump their bones. She remembered the heated kiss she had shared with Liam, and her pussy clenched and leaked more cream onto her panties. She was thankful she was in the water, which would at least stop the three men from sniffing the air again. She had seen them smelling her. Their nostrils had flared, and then they had all looked at her as if they wanted to devour her.

Keeley wondered why she was so accepting of the fact that they were shape-shifters. As soon as she asked herself the question, she realized that this didn’t feel real. The whole thing had a dreamlike quality. How else was she to explain being here when the last thing she remembered from her real life was going to meet Giselle at the club?

It’s not real.
The thought thrilled her. If this was a dream, she could do what she wanted.

She was drawn to them and wanted them to touch, kiss, and love her. She had never felt anything like the way these men made her feel.

Lucius surfaced beside her. She smiled and splashed water into his face, laughed at his bewildered expression, and then swam away. She heard two more splashes and knew Liam and Bradford were in the pool, too. She screeched when a hand wrapped around her ankle and began to reel her in. She turned over onto her back, and the laughter she had been about to release died a sudden death. Her breathing escalated and then whooshed from her lungs as she bumped into Lucius’s hard chest.

Keeley looked up into his eyes and was consumed by sensation. He was staring at her with such fire that she couldn’t have looked away even if she had wanted to. He wrapped an arm about her waist and lightly gripped her hair with his free hand. He stared at her and then began to lower his head. She couldn’t seem to help herself. She melted at the first brush of his lips over hers. She sighed into his mouth when he tilted his head and deepened the kiss.

She felt her heart clench, and she wanted to crawl into Lucius’s arms and stay there. She couldn’t get close enough to him, even though she tried. She lifted her arms and clutched at his broad shoulders, mewling with delight as his tongue tangled with hers. Her breasts swelled, her nipples ached, and her clit throbbed. She rubbed the peaks of her breasts on his chest and wrapped her legs around his waist. She was so lost in her passion she even forgot where she was.

She moaned when another set of hands pulled her chest slightly away from Lucius and began to knead her breasts. Her moans grew to sobs that she released into Lucius’s mouth, then to outright cries as she arched her hips and her lace-covered pussy connected with hard male flesh. She pulled her mouth from Lucius’s and gulped in air. The male behind her moved up against her until his chest was touching her back. She opened her eyes and found herself looking into Liam’s hot stare. Her body softened even more. She rested her head back onto his chest and sighed.

She turned her head when she saw movement to her right and gazed into Bradford’s soulful brown eyes. He leaned in and kissed her. She sank into his kiss and savored his taste. She opened up to him and kissed him back with equal fervor. She was vaguely aware of her bra being removed and shivered as her nipples connected with Lucius’s broad, hard chest. She lost herself in the taste of Bradford’s spicy, carnal desire. She mewled in protest when he removed his mouth from hers, and she kept her eyes on his as he slid a hand down her belly beneath the waistband of her panties. She loosed her legs from Lucius’s waist and moved her hips back to give Bradford better access to her.

Keeley closed her eyes and gasped as his fingers slid through her hot folds and lightly touched her clit. She was so turned on that one touch was all it took. She screamed as her body erupted. Her pussy clenched and gushed, shaking as wave after wave of nirvana swept over her. By the time she came back to herself the three men had her out of the water on her back in the grass under a large tree.

BOOK: Van, Becca - Keeley's Opposition [Terra-Form 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
9.65Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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