Read Valor on the Move Online

Authors: Keira Andrews

Tags: #gay, #mm, #romance

Valor on the Move (21 page)

BOOK: Valor on the Move
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“Inside!” Shane hissed, jerking Rafa to the left and maneuvering him into a black chasm in the side of the hill. Rafa stumbled into the cave, brushing the top of his head against the stone ceiling. “Get back as far as you can,” Shane ordered. “Carefully.” He pulled a clip from his back pocket and loaded it into the machine gun. “Stay down. Get on your belly.”

Rafa did as he was told, reaching his arms out into the blackness, stepping tentatively. He pressed himself against the side wall and dropped down to his knees and then his stomach. Shane was a dark shape silhouetted against the mouth of the cave and the slightly brighter forest beyond it. As Shane stretched out on his belly too, it was like looking at different shades of black, and Rafa rubbed his eyes.

Then light and sound exploded as Shane gunned down whoever was outside. In the stark silence that followed, Rafa’s ears rung. Another voice called, and Shane turned to Rafa. “Okay?” he whispered.

Rafa nodded, breathing heavily through his mouth.

So they waited. And waited. He dug his blunt nails into his palms, concentrating on breathing in and out.
It’s okay. Shane’s here. He’s alive. He won’t let them hurt me. He won’t.

When the others came, the noise felt as though it shattered Rafa’s eardrums, the thunder of the shots rattling his spine as he clamped his hands over his ears. Rocks tumbled down from the mouth of the cave, and in the sudden silence after Shane stopped firing, the patter of rocks filled the air. Shane scrambled back, reaching for Rafa. “Move!”

But it was too late.

With a rumble, a barrage of rocks filled the mouth of the cave, and the blackness was complete. Just like in the box—but this time Shane was there, his hands on Rafa, covering him with his body as they coughed on dust and dirt. Rafa thought of that first day on the sidewalk, and Shane on top of him. It was the same now—Shane’s breath hot on his skin.

But it was so dark.

As the dust settled, Rafa lifted his fingers to his eyes to make sure they were open. “Shane?” Why wasn’t he saying anything? Oh God—

“Are you hurt?” Shane shifted off Rafa, his hands roaming over him, poking and prodding.

“I don’t think so. You?”

“I’m good.” Shane paused. “Relatively speaking.”

“Did you get them all?”

“I think so. Hard to say for sure. If any are left, they’re going to be heading for the hills. The troops will be coming. They jammed our signals, but the G-ride blew big. They had some kind of grenade. Good for us, because we may be in the middle of nowhere, but that’ll be a beacon for the choppers.”

Light flared, and Rafa sat up, blinking in the sudden glare of Shane’s phone. Shane shook his head, glancing around. “Still no signal.”

“Don’t you have a satellite phone or something?”

“Yep. They still managed to jam it. Must be some new tech. But the service can still track my location.” Tapping the screen, he turned on the flashlight app, shining it around the cave.

The space extended for about ten feet toward the back, where it narrowed steadily to a space they’d have to slither through on their bellies.

Rafa’s heart kicked up. “How are we getting out?”

“Too many variables if we tried to go deeper. Unlikely there’s a way out back there.” Shane kneeled and examined the new pile of rubble in the mouth of the cave, flashing the light up to the roof. “The whole thing might collapse if we try to dig out.”

“So where does that leave us?”

“We wait. They’ll find us.” He passed the phone to Rafa. “Shine it there.” On his hands and knees, Shane moved stray rocks away from a spot against the wall. “Come sit here. Unless you need to lie down?”

“No. I’m okay.” Rafa crawled over and settled himself. He and Shane were both soaked to the skin and dirty, Shane’s jacket gone. Shane sat beside him and took the phone.

As they plunged back into darkness, Rafa sucked in a breath. “Can’t we have the light?”

“Might need it later. Best to save the battery for now.” Shane found Rafa’s hand and threaded their fingers together. “I’m here with you. I won’t let anything happen.”

Rafa gripped his hand. “I know. Thank you.”

“Well, anything else that is. I’m sorry. I don’t know how it happened.”

“Don’t be sorry. It wasn’t your fault. I thought…God. I swear, they shot you in the head. I thought you were dead.” He swallowed down the growing lump in this throat.

“A few millimeters and I would have been. Think it’s stopped bleeding now.”

“Thank God. If you’d…there are so many things I never…” Rafa tingled all over.
He kissed me. It’s not just me. He

“You should try and rest.” Shane gently tried to pull his hand away, but Rafa held tight.

“No. We almost died. We still could tonight.” Screwing up his courage, Rafa let go of Shane’s hand and felt his way as he crawled over Shane’s lap, straddling his thighs. Rafa wasn’t much smaller, and his knees scraped on the rocky floor, but he didn’t care.

With a little groan and a puff of breath that brushed over Rafa’s cheek, Shane’s hands stroked up Rafa’s thighs, settling on his hips. In the pitch black, Rafa tentatively ran his hands over Shane’s shoulders, and up his neck to his face. His fingers rasped over the five o’clock shadow on Shane’s cheeks, and he explored gently, finding the groove where the bullet had grazed Shane’s head.

Shane inhaled sharply. Leaning in, Rafa pressed a kiss to his temple.

“We can’t do this.” Shane gripped Rafa’s hips. “Can’t. Shouldn’t.”

Rafa pressed their foreheads together, running his hands down Shane’s arms. “But you want to?” he whispered.

“Rafa…” His fingers dug in, and his breathing was loud in the darkness.

“You want me?”

“Yes.” It was barely more than an exhale, and Shane brushed their lips together. “I want you.”

To hear him say it sent heat and joy spiraling through Rafa. Rolling his hips slowly against Shane’s, he fumbled for the buttons on Shane’s shirt, desperate to feel skin. “How do you want me?”

Shane groaned again. “I shouldn’t…”

“I told you what I want.” Rafa spread open Shane’s shirt as far as he could with the holster. He flattened his palms over Shane’s chest. “Mmm, you are hairy.” He rubbed in circles, his fingers finding the nubs of Shane’s nipples and teasing. As much as he wanted to see Shane, somehow it was easier to be bold when they were invisible. “Everything I said in the bathroom was true. I tried not to want it, but since we met, I can’t stop myself.”

He rubbed his cheek against Shane’s in the blackness, their stubble scratching. His cock strained against his chinos, and he rolled his hips again, feeling Shane’s growing hardness. Rafa trembled all over, and he was going to shoot in his pants if he wasn’t careful. With his fingertips, he searched for the scar on Shane’s neck. When he thought he’d found the line of raised skin, he licked over it, making Shane shudder and inhale sharply.

Squeezing Rafa’s ass, Shane yanked his head up and kissed him, teasing his lips open, both of them laughing as they bumped noses in the dark.
, and it felt so good and right.

They tilted their heads, and Shane deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into Rafa’s mouth and exploring. Their little gasping breaths were loud in the cave, the wet, smacking sounds of their kiss turning Rafa on even more. He moaned, sparks shooting from his cock and balls and licking out over his whole body.

They kissed and kissed, and Rafa thought he could just kiss Shane forever and that would be enough. It would be everything. But then Shane worked Rafa’s shirt open, and his hands were rough and gentle on Rafa’s skin at the same time, and okay, maybe kissing wasn’t

Rafa moaned as his dick strained. Shane stroked over his chest and back, teasing down his spine. Then he undid their belts and flies. Rafa lifted up as Shane pushed his chinos and briefs down his hips. Rafa cried out as a callused palm wrapped around his cock.

“Shh, shh. We have to be quiet.”

“Right. Could be…more kidnappers.” Didn’t want more bad guys finding them. Or the Secret Service hearing them have sex—
oh my God, we’re having
sex— or another rock slide starting.
What if they can’t find us? What if we’re trapped in here forever?
Rafa ruthlessly pushed those thoughts away. Damn it, he wanted to scream and shout, because another man was actually touching his cock. And not just any man—
Biting his lip, he thrust blindly into Shane’s hand.

Shane gritted out, “Are you sure? If you want me to stop…”

Rafa moaned softly, searching for Shane’s mouth to kiss him again and muzzle any talk of stopping, because
hell no.
But Shane broke the kiss, one hand flat on Rafa’s chest, the other still holding his cock.

“I can’t see you. You have to tell me yes. I need to hear it.”

“Yes, yes, yes. Don’t stop. Please.” Rafa gripped Shane’s shoulders. “Unless you don’t want…?” Was he doing it right? Shane had to be used to experienced guys, not over-eager virgins. “I know I’m not…I’ve never…”

Shane let go of his shaft, and Rafa’s heart sank. Then he had Rafa’s right hand, and he guided it to his own cock, which throbbed in Rafa’s grasp.

“Feel how hard you make me?”

Gasping, Rafa nodded before remembering Shane couldn’t see him. “Yes.” Aside from playing a jerk-off game once in Bobby Simpson’s basement in middle school, Rafa had never touched another cock. And Shane was every inch a
Rafa touched it from the cut tip to the thick base, wishing he could see what it looked like. He ran his fingers into Shane’s thatch of hair before stroking him again.

Shane was hot in his hand, licking and sucking at the juncture of Rafa’s neck and shoulder while he caressed Rafa’s back and chest.

“That’s for you, Rafa,” Shane muttered. “Want to fuck you every way there is. Want you in my bed. Want to make you come. Do you want to come for me?”

“Yes, yes.” Rafa was whimpering, but he couldn’t help himself. “Please.”

With sure hands, Shane urged Rafa’s hips closer. It took a couple of tries before they were lined up right, and Rafa cried out as Shane took both their cocks in his big hand, stroking them together.

Rafa was leaking, and Shane used it to slick the way, both of them moaning softly. Rafa rocked his hips, getting into the right rhythm as he slid his hands under Shane’s shirt and onto his shoulders beneath the holster, holding on

It was almost like they were floating in outer space—nothing else left in the universe except for the two of them. It was all touch and taste and sound, and he kissed Shane messily before he could only pant, their warm breath gusting.

Shane’s other hand dipped down the back of Rafa’s briefs and into his crease. “Have you ever been touched here?”

“No,” he gasped. “Not by someone else. Want it to be you.”

The low pull of Shane’s gravelly voice pinged down Rafa’s spine. “Bet you’re so tight, aren’t you?” He circled a finger around Rafa’s hole. “Do you ever fuck yourself?”

“Uh-huh. My fingers.”

“How many?” Shane inched the tip of his finger inside.

The rough push had Rafa gasping. “Two, usually. Want more.” Rafa’s dick was on fire, and his balls were ready to explode. He wanted it to last, but the need to come burned through every pore as Shane worked their cocks together.

“Bet you’d spread yourself for me, wouldn’t you? So beautiful. And I’d lick you open until you begged for my cock.”

Groaning, Rafa thrust desperately. “Yes. God, Shane. Want that. Want you.”
He thinks I’m beautiful.

“Still want to eat my cum?”

Crying out, Rafa spurted, the orgasm tearing through him so hard he swore he saw stars in the blackness of the cave. He shuddered as the pleasure split him open, and when Shane clapped his hand over Rafa’s mouth, it sent another wave pulsing through him.

“That’s it.” Shane was still pumping their cocks, and Rafa reached down and pried Shane’s hand free, wanting to be the one who took him over the edge. He lifted Shane’s sticky hand to his mouth, sucking his fingers one by one, swallowing the familiar bitter flavor.

Shane groaned. “You like that? Like the taste of your own spunk?”

Suddenly Rafa was embarrassed, his ears going hot. He released Shane’s middle finger from his mouth. “It’s weird, right?”

“No.” Shane grabbed Rafa’s face in his hands and kissed him hard, licking into his mouth. “It’s hot,” he murmured against Rafa’s mouth. “Come on. Finish the job.” He lifted his hand to Rafa’s lips, sliding the next finger inside. “That’s it.”

Rafa licked and sucked, and when he was done, he inched back and wrapped his hand around Shane’s shaft, giving himself a little more room to work as he stroked. Shane rubbed his hands up and down Rafa’s thighs. Rafa wished he could take off his pants and they could be naked, but that would have to be another time.

Because there
be another time. Has to be.

“I can’t wait to be in your bed,” he murmured. “Can’t wait for you to fuck me. Lick me open, like you said. And I’ll do it to you. Lick your ass. Suck your cock. God, I want to suck your cock, Shane. Want to swallow your cum.”

Shane’s groan ended on a sharp intake of breath as Rafa scooted his ass back and bent over, blindly guiding Shane’s cock to his mouth. Holding the base of the shaft, Rafa sucked on the head.

It tasted musky and salty—so much like what he’d imagined sex would be. It was sweaty and dirty and made him feel like an animal in the best possible way. Shane’s cock was cut, and Rafa loved that it was different from his own. It made it even more real that this was actually happening. He licked around the tip before taking him in.

Shane throbbed in his mouth, hard and straining, and Rafa couldn’t remember any of the tips and tricks he’d read about online on Ashleigh’s laptop, but as he slurped and licked Shane’s dick, Shane didn’t seem to mind that Rafa didn’t know what he was doing. Shane’s hands threaded into Rafa’s hair, not pushing or prodding, but just touching him—grounding him in the blackness.

The little gasps Shane made sent shivers through Rafa.
was doing that—
was making Shane feel good. The sensation of power swept through him, giving him confidence to take Shane deeper. His nostrils flared as he tried to breathe, spit dripping from the sides of his mouth as he sucked, the wet, smacking noises loud in the darkness.

BOOK: Valor on the Move
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