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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

Valhalla Wolf (13 page)

BOOK: Valhalla Wolf
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"Do you want to play?" Ulfr asked her in his deep sultry voice.

She knew exactly what he meant. Did she want them to both bend her to their will? She quivered and nodded her head yes.

When Ulfr was hard he removed himself from her mouth and pushed her face down into the furs while her ass stayed in the air being pumped into harder still by Hott. Ulfr tied her hands behind her back and gagged her. He knew she wouldn't change her mind; she just liked the feeling of complete submission when she knew she was in no danger.

Vicki made little moaning gasps as Hott moved against her more powerfully and faster. His rock-hard hips collided with her and she would have been pushed forward if he hadn't held her so tightly. He howled his release and Ulfr picked her up and took her to the table. He tied her ankles and wasting no time, thrust his cock up her ass. Hott pulled her gag down and made her suck him. She worked his thick cock in her mouth while Ulfr was merciless with her behind. He bucked and rocked against her and she gasped in air over Hott's growing cock while she licked and kissed at him.

Ulfr thrust hard and deep, his hands pushing her hips down to keep her from moving, and kept her from banging 113

Valhalla Wolf [Viking Warriors Book 2]

by Constantine De Bohon

into the table. He bellowed loudly and Hott removed his now swollen cock from her mouth. Ulfr was in front of her again, he wiped his cock off and pushed it past her lips when Hott thrust up her ass again. Vicki moaned when she came; she felt so hot and Ulfr worked more of his cock past her lips with her mouth open wide. She slumped on the table and suckled Ulfr as he slid himself in and out of her mouth. His hands were buried in her hair and she felt him move her head up and down him. Hott thrust harder, then his fingers found her clit and she shuddered. She felt her juices flow over him and he came with a grunt.

Ulfr was hard again in her mouth. He pulled himself out and replaced her gag. He went behind her and put the tip of his penis in her behind. He rubbed her bottom, then gripped her hips very tightly to keep her from moving and then thrust deeply into her ass. He removed himself slowly, excruciatingly so, then thrust up in a powerful almost punishing plunge. He removed himself very slowly and then again thrust up in a ramming gesture, grunting hard.

She knew what he was doing. He told her once men did this to tame their captives; it was a much better alternative to beating them. If their captives gave them complete control they would show mercy. She resisted for a few of his thrusts, wiggling and twisting, knowing it was just part of the game and he would be unconcerned if she struggled. It felt so exciting to resist when it was part of their play. She was helpless and soon relaxed completely and felt him thrust hard again. She gasped and accepted him each time he thrust and exhaled when he slid out. He told her once the men had 114

Valhalla Wolf [Viking Warriors Book 2]

by Constantine De Bohon

contests to see who could thrust the most times. Ten times he thrust hard and retreated. She moaned and held still. She heard him groan when he came. He leaned forward and asked in a whisper if she liked it, she shuddered and nodded.

"Are you up for it?" Ulfr asked his brother.

She felt Hott rubbing her back and bottom. Ulfr's hands were holding her waist. Hott chuckled.

"Oh, I'm up all right," he declared.

Vicki quivered when the tip of his head slipped into her ass knowing it would start again.

She felt both men grip her to keep her from moving. Hott rammed hard enough so his entire cock buried inside her. Her behind was well slicked and she gasped when the fullness engulfed her. He felt as good as Ulfr. She wiggled and twisted again in mock defiance and both men chuckled, knowing she wasn't going anywhere. Hott pulled out so slowly. It was the waiting that was hardest, wondering when he would thrust again. He thrust up again quickly and she groaned and held still. Hott would know how to tame a captive.

"Yield, little Valkyrie," Ulfr said.

She had yielded but knew they were acting. She whimpered and her heart pounded in excitement. Hott thrust again. She came when he thrust next. Hott plunged and retreated twelve times. She heard Ulfr laugh and say he would best him next time. With Hott's cock still up her behind, Vicki closed her eyes in utter exhaustion. She had almost fallen asleep by the time Ulfr untied her and carried her to his furs.


Valhalla Wolf [Viking Warriors Book 2]

by Constantine De Bohon

Ulfr woke to little moans and grunts. Hott was pumping into Vicki's ass. She wasn't tied but his brother held her wrists together behind her back. She was gagged and her eyes were closed. Hott was moving quickly against her but he was always so gentle with women. He grunted when he came and rubbed her bottom. He looked over at Ulfr and smiled.

"We didn't want to wake you," he said.

He released Vicki's wrists and she lay down before them.

She kept her gag on.

Ulfr moved to her and turned her onto her back. He gripped her wrists over her head and thrust his cock into her heat. She cried out under the gag and closed her eyes again.

Ulfr rocked against her lazily for a while until Hott moved closer to them. His brother's cock was hard again. Ulfr turned her sideways and Hott was able to thrust himself into her ass.

Ulfr had released her wrists and she reached up to remove her gag so she could gasp in air as they began to thump hard against her.

She cried out under them as they took her harder. Her hand gripped Ulfr's arm as she braced herself pleading for more. She felt so good and Ulfr was happy she accepted his brother. She moaned and gasped and Ulfr grunted when he came. All three slumped in a heap when they were finished.

"I'm starving," she mumbled.

"So am I," Ulfr said huskily. He moved to her mouth and pushed his cock past her lips.

Hott dressed while Ulfr rocked against her. Hott left, telling Ulfr to bring her to the cabin when they finished. Ulfr just nodded.


Valhalla Wolf [Viking Warriors Book 2]

by Constantine De Bohon

Vicki's hands were on him, rubbing his chest and arms.

Her fingers moved lower to play with his globes. She touched him very gently and then gripped his penis with her hands.

Using both her hands and mouth she had him hard. His hands clutched hard in her soft hair when he came in her mouth.

When he pulled away she lay with her eyes closed. Ulfr rose and dressed. He went to her a few moments later and gently cupped her chin and kissed her.

"Bring me back something," she pleaded. "I can barely move."

"Are you all right?" he asked.

"Perfect," she replied.

He smiled at her satisfied grin.

She turned and lay belly down snuggling into the warm furs and skins. Ulfr threw a thick bear fur over her. "I'll be right back," he said and closed the door behind him. He looked around when he left the hut; no one was about. He guessed everyone was still sleeping at the cabin.

Vicki woke to a small sound. "Wolf?" she asked and sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

She gazed fearfully at Falkor who was rubbing the front of his pants, she could see his bulge growing larger and she remembered the size and feel of his huge penis as it hammered viciously into her behind.

She scrambled to her feet with the fur clutched up tightly.

"I'm Wolf's," she said in panic.

"You're still a captive." His cock sprung free.

"Wolf will be right back," she declared and moved back.


Valhalla Wolf [Viking Warriors Book 2]

by Constantine De Bohon

"Volundr is running interference. He can't get the feel of your sweet ass off his mind and he's so desperate to hammer himself into you again, he agreed to help me. He's keeping Ulfr busy while I take you. You're going to keep quiet about it or I will kill you. When I'm done you will meet Volundr later in the forest near the cabin and then both of us will tie you and pound into you until you scream."

"No," she whimpered and began shaking.

"Each time we want you, you will find a way to come with us. I saw you last night being taken by Hott and Ulfr on the table. They took you like the captive you are and you panted for it. I can't wait to have you again the same way. Don't worry, I won't bruise you this time, just slam into you. I don't want Ulfr to find out."

"It's my choice how they took me. I wanted them, but not you," she whimpered.

"Whether or not you want it, you're going to get it," he said.

He grinned and rubbed his cock harder, alternately stroking it in his hands and he grew longer and thicker. Vicki couldn't take her eyes off it. He moved steadily closer and Vicki was breathing so hard she couldn't scream. When he got close enough he lunged for her and Vicki found her voice. She also found her sword. She came at him swinging. His look was priceless but she was terrified. The element of surprise was on her side. His cock was stiff and high and he released himself to grab his own sword when Vicki thrust straight at his balls. Vicki swung at him for all she was worth and their 118

Valhalla Wolf [Viking Warriors Book 2]

by Constantine De Bohon

blades clashed and sparks flew. Never again would any man take her by force.

She screamed louder in fury each time her blade hit his and soon he was backing out the hut door. She almost lobbed his head off with her next strike.

"Leave—me—alone," she demanded through clenched teeth, her eyes narrowed dangerously.

Vicki parleyed one of his thrusts and with a move Hott had taught her, she was up high then spun low and her blade came sideways across his broad chest drawing a brilliant streak of blood in an eight-inch long cut. She heard a gasp and noted people were standing around them. Mouths gaping in stunned surprised Os.

"She drew first blood," Bera whispered loudly.

"And on a warrior twice her size," another man, Varr, said louder.

"Ulfr, you didn't mention your captive was a warrior woman," Alfarin chided.

"She's too small to be a warrior woman," Geirr scoffed.

"Then you take her on," Varr replied.

Geirr just shuffled his feet.

Ulfr came forward and gripped Vicki into his arms. She noted she was nude and all eyes were on her. She turned and buried her face into Ulfr's shoulder. She sobbed out what had happened and told them what Falkor had said and what he and Volundr planned on doing with her. Ulfr's look turned murderous and he set her from him then gripped his sword.

He was all over Falkor who stumbled over his feet in an effort 119

Valhalla Wolf [Viking Warriors Book 2]

by Constantine De Bohon

to keep the murderous man from killing him. Another clash was heard when Hott took up arms against Volundr.

Valerie came forward and pulled Vicki into Ulfr's hut and told her to dress quickly. When the women left the hut, Falkor lay on the ground dead and Volundr was lying on his side bleeding. He looked terrified when Hott lifted his blade. His hand splayed fearfully before him.

"No!" Volundr shouted. "What Falkor told her was not true.

I did want her, but Falkor said he would be gentle with the little captive and not harm her. I told him he was not to take her like he had last time and he agreed he had been too rough. He told me he was sorry for hurting you, Vicki, and wanted to show you he could be gentle. I believed him. Vicki, I would have been as careful as the last time. I would have made certain Falkor kept his word. I wouldn't have hurt you; you are so sweet and beautiful. I have never been cruel to any woman in this village."

Most women nodded in agreement.

"Valerie," Volundr called, his voice desperate. "I cornered you once in the river with others, but I told you my intent was not to harm. I wasn't mean to Vicki. I would never be.

Women should never be beaten or threatened with murder."

Vicki closed her eyes tight. She was so angry at Volundr's words and at the men who had taken her by force. The young man laid sobbing, his eyes wide in fear and confusion. She realized he believed what he said. He felt if he took a woman gently it was still all right if it was by force because he wasn't harming her if he was thrusting carefully and muttering kind words and not beating her. Vicki understood it was how he 120

Valhalla Wolf [Viking Warriors Book 2]

by Constantine De Bohon

was raised, how all the men in the village were raised including Ulfr. The thought angered her, but still she wasn't certain if she was happy or angry Hott spared his life. She just wished her thoughts would vanish.

"I will not have evil men in this village who would think to torture another man's wife, captive or property!" Hott yelled.

"Falkor betrayed my brother, and he got what he deserved."

Vicki could see there were some who agreed and others disagreed. The words 'only a captive' reached her ears. Vicki was appalled some men still thought it their right to harm a woman. Apparently so did Ulfr, his words were angry and directed toward the disagreeing men.

"What right did Falkor have to instruct
captive to keep secrets from her captor?" he bellowed.

A few more men nodded; apparently this was logic they understood.

"What right did Falkor have to use my captive when permission wasn't granted? How many of your women has he injured behind your backs and told them to stay silent or die?

We do not murder our women; we were shown how valuable they are when they were taken away. Will it be you who risks Odin's wrath?" He gave Geirr, who was shaking his head while pulling his pregnant woman close, a piercing glare.

The other men were now studying their wives, a few women looked fearful and the thought was now rooted in the men's minds—had their women been injured by Falkor? It was indeed a possibility.


Valhalla Wolf [Viking Warriors Book 2]

by Constantine De Bohon

"My brother is right," Hott said. "I will not risk losing my family again because Odin thinks they are safer with him than in our protection."

BOOK: Valhalla Wolf
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