Valan's Bondmate (33 page)

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Authors: Mardi Maxwell

BOOK: Valan's Bondmate
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She heard Valan shout an order to his warriors and wanted to run to him but forced herself to remain in the corridor. Suddenly, a Wrothian appeared from the direction of the fighting. She raised the stunner and fired, hitting the wall by his head. He stopped, found her in the shadows and smiled. Lia stared into her sire's eyes.

"Give me the stunner, Lia."

"No." She stepped away from the wall and faced him, pointing the weapon at his chest. He raised his sword and charged her. She screamed and fired. The blast hit him in the chest, throwing him back against the wall. She kept the weapon pointed at him and glanced into the corridor behind her, then in front of her. It remained empty but she wished Valan would come to her.



Valan spun away from Gorm's sword, grabbed his wrist and squeezed it until the bones snapped and the sword dropped to the floor. Gorm's other hand closed around his throat. Valan pulled it away, bent and threw him to the floor. In a flash, Gorm jumped to his feet and charged toward him. Valan moved to meet him. He wrapped his hands around Gorm's throat and lifted him from the floor, squeezing until he stilled. Valan shook him, and dropped him to the floor. Panting, he glanced around the chamber where Wrothian warriors littered the floor. His warriors stood guard over them.

Tamar ad-Lin knelt over the small injured woman on the floor.

Valan strode over to him. "Is she alive?"

"Yes. But, she needs help. Now."

Mikel Thornson joined them. "Who is she?"

"Lia's mother, Nessa," Tamar ad-Lin said.

"What?" Valan went down on his knees beside the female.

Carefully, he turned her over and lifted her. Her head fell back, revealing her face. Even with the bruises on her face he could see she looked like Lia.

"Mikel, can the Invincible transfer us out of here?"

"No. We'll have to move her outside."

"Take Selik ad-San and Gorm ad-Jai outside and transfer them to the brig on the Invincible. Then, send the rest of these warriors to the dark side."

Mikel moved away then quickly returned. "Selik ad-San is missing."

Cursing, Valan handed Nessa to Tamar and stood. "We have to find him. Mikel take some warriors and follow the corridor that leads to the house. The rest of you come with me." He moved into the corridor that led to the outside. A movement in the shadows drew his attention and he stepped against the wall and aimed his stunner.


"Lia! What the hell are you doing here?" He strode toward her, stepping over the warrior on the floor, and caught her as she flew into his arms. She rubbed her wet cheeks over his vest and he closed his arms around her. "Lia, why are you here?"

"I came to find you." She sobbed, and pointed to the warrior on the floor. "I killed him."

Mikel rolled the warrior over and looked at him. "It's Selik ad-San."

"Is he dead?"

"No. Just stunned."

"Get some warriors and move him outside." Valan patted her back. "Lia, your mother is in the chamber. She's hurt, but she'll be alright as soon as we get her to Doctor Veeson."

"My mother?"

Valan nodded, took her hand and led her into the chamber. Lia let go of him and rushed to her mother. Gently, she smoothed her hair away from her pale face. Tears filled her eyes, and she blinked to clear them. "Oh, Valan, he hurt her."

Valan reached down and gently lifted Nessa. He held her against his chest, trying to avoid her injured back. "Let's go, Lia."

Valan ordered his warriors to finish clearing the Wrothians from the chamber before they returned to the Invincible. Lia kept pace with him until they left the cave. Valan stepped away from her and contacted the Invincible. The air around them began to glow.

She closed her eyes and when she opened them, they were on the Invincible. She and Valan stepped off the transfer plate and hurried to the Med-Center. Doctor Veeson waited for them next to one of the med-ops. Valan gently placed Nessa on her belly and Doctor Veeson gasped when he saw her back.

"Tor! Who did this to her?" He programmed the med-op, then lowered the cover.

"Selik ad-San." Valan pulled Lia against him and tried to comfort her.

"Valan, get the wound on your arm taken care of while I see to Lia's mother," Doctor Veeson said.

Valan nodded. His wound reopened and blood ran down his arm. He pulled Lia over to an exam table and lifted her onto it, then sat beside her. A med-tech came over and cleaned the wound.

Lia watched her mother in the med-op. The screen above it lit up and began sending a message. Borg scanned it, then pulled a curtain around the med-op, blocking her view.

"Borg will take care of her, Lia. When he's finished, she won't even have a scar on her back."

Lia nodded and let her head drop to his shoulder. She looked away when the med-tech used the laser on his wound. After a few seconds, he bandaged his arm and moved away. Valan jumped down and stepped in front of her. Their eyes met and he smiled. She tried to smile back but couldn't.

Valan smoothed his hands over her hair, then hugged her. "You did well, little cat. I'm proud of you."

The curtains opened and Borg stepped out. "Lia, your mother is fine. I've given her something to help her sleep."

"Can I see her?"

Doctor Veeson nodded and Valan helped her slide off the exam table.  She rushed to her mother's side and gently lifted her hand.

Eirik strode into the room and joined them. "How is Lia's mother?"

"The son of a Zylian slug whipped her, but I repaired the damage," Doctor Veeson said.

"Can she be moved?" Lia asked.

Doctor Veeson nodded. "She's going to be fine, Lia."

Eirik stepped forward. "Valan, you can take her to my quarters. She'll be comfortable there and Lia can stay with her while you return to Zhang and supervise the warriors."

Valan went to the med-op and picked up Nessa and Lia followed him. "When I return I'll come and get you."



"Do you have to go back, Valan?"

"Yes but don't worry. Zhang is under our control now. By sun rising, we should have all of the warriors where we want them and the Assembly can begin its work."

When they entered Eirik's quarters, Lia led him into one of the bedchambers and pulled back the cover on the bed. Valan put Nessa down and Lia covered her. Gently, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. The kiss went on forever. "When I return, we'll finish what I started, little cat."

She smiled and nodded. He kissed her again, then left. Lia crawled onto the bed next to her mother. Now, she had everything she'd ever wanted, including a warrior who loved only her.

Valan strode into the feasting hall and looked around. Cam was there directing the warriors. Over half of the Wrothian warriors had been transferred to the dark side, and the females and children were transferred to the large chambers on the ships. The Universal Council would handle who would stay and who would be transported to Zarronia. Cam spotted him and waved him over.

"We'll be finished here in another unit. Orm is secured and the slaves were told to remain in their homes. The warriors were going from house to house searching for stragglers. The Ruling Council should be able to transfer down in five units."

"Good. Have there been any injuries to our warriors or Tamar's?"

"A few, but nothing serious. They've all been transferred to the starships and have been seen by the doctors. How's Tamar?" Cam asked.

"He's fine. A med-tech took care of him and he's here somewhere with his warriors, helping go through the houses."

"How are the raids on Nogh and Vulm?" Cam asked.

"As expected. Tamar's people did a good job of drugging the ale."

"What happened with Selik ad-San and Gorm ad-Jai?"

"Tamar's woman, Xanla, betrayed him." He told Cam what had happened after he and Tamar were captured.

"Lia stunned Selik ad-San?"

"Yes. I still don't like that my father allowed her to come to the surface, but if she hadn't I'd probably be dead by now and he would have escaped."

Cam nodded, and wondered if the other warriors knew Lia had captured Selik ad-San. He'd make sure they did. After this, Valan and Lia would never again have to worry about the Zarronians accepting her or their children.



The sound of voices woke Nessa. The last thing she remembered was being at the feast, sitting between Selik and Gorm and the hall was crowded and noisy. Tamar ad-Lin’s woman, Xanla, approached and spoke to Selik. Nessa remembered looking at him and knowing something was wrong. He'd roared with rage, then his fist flashed out, hitting her. It was the last she remembered until she'd woken up in the underground chamber, screaming as the whip bit into her back. She moved but didn't feel the pain she expected to feel. She opened her eyes and gasped when she saw Lia lying next to her. A cry of joy left her lips as she reached for her.

The sound woke Lia. "Mother! You're awake." She threw her arms around Nessa and hugged her tightly. "I have so much to tell you." She laughed.  "I don't know where to begin. Have you met Valan? And, Eirik?"

"Slow down, Lia. I can barely understand you. Who are Valan and Eirik'?"

"I'm Valan."

Nessa jumped and looked at the warrior who stood in the open doorway. He was the biggest warrior she'd ever seen. She clutched Lia closer.

"Mother, I want you to meet my bondmate, Valan Eirikson. He is Commander of this starship."

Nessa gave her a bewildered look. "Starship?"

Lia giggled and kissed her cheek. "Yes, starship. It's called the Invincible and Valan commands it. He abducted me from Zhang and now I am his bondmate."

"Lia, I don't understand."

Eirik entered the room. "Daughter, go to your quarters and bring your mother a fresh gown. Valan you go with her. I will explain everything to Nessa."

"Oh, but I want to stay," Lia said.

Valan approached the bed and held his hand out to her. "Let my father explain, Lia. We won't be gone long and I'm sure your mother would like to bathe and have something to eat."

Reluctantly, she nodded, then hugged her mother. "I'll return soon." Valan grasped her hand and helped her from the bed and out of the room.

"Are you sure my mother will be alright?"

"Yes. Father will take good care of her while we're gone."

As they walked down the corridor, the warriors they passed placed one hand on their chest and greeted them. Valan returned their greetings. Lia smiled and wondered why they were acting so strangely. She'd never seen the warriors salute him before. As soon as they entered their quarters, Valan kissed her, then carried her into the bathing chamber.

"Time to finish what I started last night, little cat."

"Valan, I want to return to my mother."

"We need to give Father enough time to explain. I need you, Lia. Come shower with me." He sent her a wicked grin and she laughed. She pulled off her gown, dropped it to the floor and stepped into the shower. Adjusting the temperature of the water, she waited for him to join her.

Valan undressed and stepped beneath the spray. He reached for her, and stroked his hands up and down her back as she leaned against him. She poured some cleansing oil onto her hand and rubbed it over his body starting at his shoulders and ending at his feet. Gently, she rinsed the oil away.

"I love you, Valan."

"I love you, too, Lia." He stroked the oil over her smooth skin, paying close attention to her breasts. "Are your breasts still tender?"

"Yes, but your hands feel good."

"Lean back." He pressed on her shoulder until her back touched the wall. He went down on his knees and massaged the oil into her skin. Standing, he washed it away and they stepped out of the shower and dried each other. Valan took her hand, led her to the bed and lowered her onto the white fur. 

Slowly, he explored her body. It was changing as their babies grew. He placed two gentle kisses on her belly, then nuzzled it. Her fingers combed through his hair and across his shoulders. He kissed a path to her mouth and teased her lips until they opened.

Lia ran her hands over him, feeling the muscles as his skin rippled beneath her touch. The fever was still there, but somehow it was different. Just as hot, but under control. His hand nudged her thighs apart and she opened for him.

He kissed her breasts and she trembled and moaned. Her hands slid downward across his belly. A finger played in his navel for a moment, then teased lower. Slender fingers grasped him and he groaned. He returned to her sweet mouth and lured her tongue into his. Gently, he sucked on it, then followed where it led.

Sliding his legs between hers, he grasped her hips and held her for his possession. Slowly, he entered her, making the moment when they came together last for as long as he could. She moaned with pleasure, and he began to move, drawing out each stroke, until she was arching against him, urging him to go faster, deeper.

She slid her legs around his waist and met his thrusts. The fire was blazing, building. She stroked his back and kissed his neck, nipping, then licking the tightly drawn tendons until she felt him shake and groan with pleasure.

"Lia, come with me." He kissed her and she cried his name into his mouth, as she tightened around him. She cried out again when he groaned with pleasure. He wrapped her in his arms and absorbed her tremors and dropped next to her and rested his head on her breasts. They held each other long after their hearts slowed and their breathing quieted.

Eventually, they returned to the shower and rinsed off. Valan brushed and braided her hair, and tied a tasseled ribbon around the end of it. While he dressed, she stepped into a gown, and chose one for her mother.

When they returned to Eirik's quarters, they found their parents laughing together like old and familiar friends. Nessa spotted them, jumped up and ran to Lia, hugging her.

"Lia, Eirik has explained everything to me and he's told me about the children! I'm so pleased. Just think I'm going to be a grandmother!" Nessa released Lia, and hugged Valan. "I never dreamt something so wonderful happened to my daughter."

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