Valan's Bondmate (15 page)

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Authors: Mardi Maxwell

BOOK: Valan's Bondmate
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The feel of her body sliding on the slick oil drove him crazy. Her hard nipples scraped against his back, awakening nerves he never knew he had, while her belly slid over his buttocks. She'd been wild and made him wild. He'd taken her, over and over, unable to stop, until she'd trembled with exhaustion beneath him and fallen asleep.

He slid her onto her side then pulled her back against him and pressed her soft ass against his hardening cock. Without waking her, he slid his hand between her thighs and lifted her leg over his hip and slowly slid into her. She wiggled against him then moaned his name. He smiled and let himself sleep.


Chapter Seven


The next morning, Valan paced his den, brooding about the summons he'd received from the High Council. Last night, during dinner, he and his father discussed the charges Educator Seligson, and a group of warrior’s made against Lia. The Council wanted her to appear before them to answer the charges, but as her bondmate, Valan refused their demand, and agreed to appear in her place.

Knowing his father would be waiting for him on the path in front of his house, Valan went to meet him. His father wouldn't be allowed to participate in Lia's case, since she was a member of his family, but they couldn't prevent him from attending the judgment. His presence might influence the other Council Rulers in her favor.

As soon as they entered the Council Chambers, the warriors turned to look at him. Most of them had bland expressions on their faces, but a few gave him strangely solemn looks. He was puzzled, until he realized they pitied him because he was bonded to the daughter of Selik ad-San. Before he'd seen them he'd been angry the Council would dare to interfere between him and Lia. Now, pure fury consumed him. By, Tor, when this was over he'd make his warriors pay for crossing him.

Shooting them a pleasant, but deadly smile, he moved to the front of the room and into the judgment circle. The mat beneath his feet contained a devise which would activate if he spoke a lie. His father stood a few feet behind him. Educator Seligson and several warriors stood to his left. He stared at them, his silver eyes promising future vengeance, until one by one they nervously looked away.

A wave of anticipation ran through the warriors as the Council Rulers entered the chamber and took their places at the high bench. Ruler Arvidson stood. "The judgment of Lia ad-San will begin. Educator Seligson will speak for the accusers."

Educator Seligson stepped forward, onto a mat similar to the one Valan stood on, and faced the Rulers. "Lia ad-San is no ordinary Wrothian female. She is the daughter of our most hated enemy, Selik ad-San." He paused, letting the name of Lia's father ring through the chamber. "She is the flesh and blood of Selik ad-San, and she is as evil and malicious as her father. On the journey back to Zarronia, she was disruptive and disobedient. Many witnessed the numerous times her master, Valan Eirikson, was forced to punish her. While in my class, she showed disrespect to me and once she went so far as to attack and curse me."

Growls of anger came from the warriors. It was unheard of for anyone to treat an Educator in such a manner.

"Lia ad-San has a dangerous and aggressive temper. The bondmates in my class would have nothing to do with her. Even Valan Eirikson has given up on the creature. Many of us witnessed the way in which he brought her to Zarronia, not as a bondmate, but leashed, like a prisoner. Even in his home, she does not have the position of his bondmate. Lia ad-San wears the brown gown of a lawbreaker, and serves in her master’s home as a lawbreaker. A fitting position for the daughter of Selik ad-San." Again, he paused and let the name sink deep into the Rulers’ minds. "If Selik ad-San stood before you, all would demand his death. His daughter, who carries his tainted blood, deserves no less."

Valan cursed himself with each word the Educator spoke. His father’s warning came back to him, taunting him. Arrogantly, wrongly, he'd claimed nobody had the right to interfere between him and Lia, forgetting who she was, and the Council Rulers had absolute power.

Educator Seligson had spoken only part of the truth, but Valan could not claim he'd lied. His liberal use of Lia’s father’s name angered the Rulers, and his listing of the treatment she'd received from him sealed her fate. Believing she meant nothing to him, the Rulers might demand her death. All he could do was answer the charges, and then try to convince them to spare her life.

"Commander Eirikson, answer the charges." Ruler Arvidson made the demand.

Valan began with the times he'd had to discipline Lia. "All of the warriors had to discipline their bondmates. We expected them to be resistant to our claim, and we all dealt with their defiance, each warrior in his own way, as is our custom. My bondmate was no exception nor was she the most defiant."

"Did you use the bands on her?"


"Is that the only form of punishment she received?"

Reluctantly, Valan said, "Once I spanked her."

"Commander Eirikson, did you spank Lia ad-San because she'd made you so angry you wanted to place your hands on her? The question came from Ruler Arlenson, a lifelong crony of Educator Seligson.

He wanted to say no but knew if he did they would be aware he lied. "Yes." The word gritted out from between his clenched teeth.

Arlenson continued, "There is no possible explanation for her disrespectful and aggressive behavior towards Educator Seligson, so we will let the charge stand as it is, and move on to her position in your home. Is Lia ad-San's position in your home one of a bondmate?"

"She is my bondmate." Valan's answer avoided the real question. He hoped the Ruler would let it go. He didn't.

"Does Lia ad-San wear the gown of a bondmate?"

"She wears what I…"

"You will answer yes or no, Commander. Does Lia ad-San wear the gown of a bondmate?"


"Is Lia ad-San confined to your home?"


"Has Lia ad-San slept in your chamber, every night, as your bondmate?"


When the relentless questioning ended, Valan examined the Rulers' grim expressions, and felt a gut-wrenching pain tear through him. His words and actions condemned her! Trying to regain control, he forced his clenched fists to relax and focused his thoughts on the words he would use to plead for her life. He knew, if he showed weakness now, she would die.

"Commander Eirikson, do you want to plead for Lia ad-San’s life?" Ruler Arvidson was already rising from his chair to leave, as he addressed him.

"Yes." Valan's answer rang through the chamber and frowns appeared on the Rulers’ faces as they settled back into their chairs. "Our law says only a warrior may discipline his bondmate. How I choose to do this is my concern, and no others. If I choose to treat her as a kourtisan, I will. If I choose to treat her as my mate, I will. She wears my bands." His voice thundered into the room and echoed around the walls. "No warrior on Zarronia stands in another's place for punishment. Already, plans for a raid on Zhang are being made. Selik ad-San will be brought to Zarronia, and judged for his crime against us." Pausing, he let them think about his words for a moment. "Lia is my bondmate, and she carries my children. Any judgment against her is also a judgment against my flesh and blood." Knowing he'd said everything he needed to say to defend her he stepped away from the mat.

"We will consider your words as we make our decision," Ruler Arvidson said as he and the other three Rulers left the chamber.   

Valan moved to stand beside his father.

"I wonder where they got the information about her." Eirik said.

"I intend to find out, and when I do, the person will suffer."

"You did a good job defending her, Son. I think the Rulers were swayed in her favor but don't expect the issue to be dismissed. I'm sure they won't demand her death, but I don't think they will drop the charges completely. Seligson and the warriors won't allow them to."

"I won't allow them to hurt her."

"Don't lose control now. So far, you've done very well. Shaming them for their interference was a good idea, and reminding them about the children she carries was even better. They won't want to demand her death and make an enemy of you." Before he could go on, the Rulers returned and Valan moved back to the judgment mat.

"Valan Eirikson, we have made our decision," Ruler Arvidson announced. "Because your bondmate carries your children, we have decided not to order her death."

A shudder of relief swept through him, only to be replaced by a wave of horror, as he heard the rest of their decision.

"Tomorrow, sixty micro-units after sun rising, you will escort Lia ad-San, leashed, to the warrior’s arena. There, you will use the bands on her for a period of three minutes."

"I will take her place," Valan said.

"No. As you said Commander Eirikson, no warrior stands in place of another for punishment on Zarronia," Ruler Arlenson said.

Clenching his jaw to keep from cursing at them, he shook with rage as the Rulers exited the chamber. Fifteen seconds was the usual punishment. Half a minute was considered harsh. How could he carry out their order?

Eirik approached his son, noting the emotions Valan was feeling flash across his face. Finally, Valan stiffened, and his face settled into an emotionless mask. Only his eyes, almost black with pain, revealed his thoughts, then, they too changed, paling to a light silver.

"Let’s go, Valan." Silently, they left the Council Chamber and walked to Eirik's home. Once inside, Eirik ordered a worker to bring two tankards of ale to his den.

"Valan, we must talk about tomorrow."

"There is nothing to discuss."

"Will you tell Lia what is to happen to her?" Before Valan could answer, the worker entered and served them the ale. Valan carried his tankard over to the window, turning his back to his father.


"Valan, you can't defy the Council's order."

He knew his father was right. If he defied them, they would come after her, and try to take her from him. He would fight them and die in the process and then she would be at their mercy. The knowledge made him so furious, his hand tightened around the tankard, crushing it and spewing ale onto the window. Indifferently, he dropped it to the floor.

He could tell Lia about the judgment and the decision of the Rulers, but what could he say in his own defense? It was his treatment of her the Educator and the other warriors used against her. Accepting the responsibility for her judgment and punishment, he turned to his father.

"I won't defy their order." Hearing the anguish in his voice, he stifled the pain he was feeling, until, he felt nothing but detachment. "Tomorrow I will take her to the punishment arena, but, I will not tell her what is to happen." His voice choked on the last words, as he thought of how scared she would be and how she would hate him for doing this to her.

"Lia will think you are responsible for her punishment if you don't tell her about the judgment and the Rulers' order."

"I am responsible."

"Perhaps you're right. Better to just get it over with, and then, deal with her anger. Valan, tomorrow don't show hesitation or weakness. If her enemies think you are in control of her they will let the issue go. Do this, until her father is captured and brought for judgment. After he is punished, they will forget about Lia."

Nodding curtly, Valan strode from the room.



Lia saw Valan walking up the path to the house and without thinking she ran to meet him, throwing herself into his arms. They tightened around her for a moment, then pushed her away. Puzzled, by his actions, she looked at him and wished she'd stayed away until he solved whatever problem was making him so moody lately. Too late to run now, she thought, and caught his eye and smiled at him. No answering smile lit his face. "Shall I fix dinner for you, Valan?"

"You don't have my permission to leave the house, Lia."    

Lowering her eyes, she mumbled an apology. What was the matter with the beast? Ever since she'd gone to him and told him she needed him, his attitude toward her had softened, but now he was back to being the intolerable barbarian. Angrily, she followed him into the house and watched as he disappeared into his den, closing the door with a soft click. Closing her out. She went into the reception room and threw herself onto one of the couches.

Valan brooded in the privacy of his den. The sight of Lia, running to him, glad to see him, had made his chest ache. He'd wanted to grab her and carry her away. He didn't know how he would get through the coming night. He couldn't let the control he was holding on his emotions slip, knowing if he did, he wouldn't be able to carry out the Council's order. But, he also knew if he didn't summon her to his bed, she would come to him.

He had two choices. He could summon her to him, take her quickly then send her away. Or, he could spend one last night of pleasure with her, before she learned to hate him. One last night of love and passion to get them through the coming cycles. He made his decision even as he thought of his choices and went to find her. 

He found her in the reception room, leaning against the crystal window, staring out at the garden. He wrapped his arms around her and felt her stiffen at his touch, then relax against him. He nibbled her ear and felt her shiver as he slid his hands over her breasts and across her belly. Turning her in his embrace, he lowered his lips to hers.



Valan was still awake as the morning sun crept through the crystal windows. Rising, he left Lia sleeping, dressed, and went to his den. Sitting at his desk, he blocked the past night from his mind, pulling a shield of numbness around him. When he had his emotions under control, he returned to his chamber and woke her.

Lia smiled at him and blinked the sleep from her eyes. Seeing his eyes her smile faded. "Valan?"

"Get dressed, then come downstairs." Seeing her confusion, he felt his control slipping and quickly turned away. "Don't keep me waiting."

"Have I done something to anger you?"

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