Valan's Bondmate (13 page)

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Authors: Mardi Maxwell

BOOK: Valan's Bondmate
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Valan ascended the stairs and Lia followed him. He led her into a large, brightly lit bed chamber with deep rich blue walls and a white floor scattered with black rugs. The outer wall was one long crystal window. On the left, an open door led into a bathing chamber. A huge bed, covered with a black fur trimmed with gold banding, sat along one wall. A round skylight above it flooded light onto it. Beyond it, was another door.

Valan dropped the rope then strode to the window and gazed out at his garden.
"You will remain in my home until we know if you are carrying my children. If you are not then I will have you moved to another home and I will come to you when I need you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Valan."

"There are ways to control the fever. You will have to learn them."

"Doctor Veeson said the bonding was for life."

"It is but the fever will ease if we don't live in the same home." He looked around the room. "This is my chamber. You will occupy the chamber through that door." He pointed to the door to her right. "When I need you, I will summon you. When you need me, you will have to come to me and ask me to take you. I will make sure I don’t give you my seed. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Valan. I understand."

"Remove your gown and lay down on the bed. I have need of you."

She hesitated and he reached for the band on his arm, but dropped his when she hastily pulled the gown over her head. She let it fall to the floor and climbed onto the bed. The leather leash fell across one of her breasts and trailed to the floor.

Valan removed his clothes and moved onto the bed beside her.

He hadn't come to her the previous cycle and she'd felt the fever in her blood building. Now, looking at him, it flared out of control. His scent burned into her, and she felt her body readying itself to accept him. She bit her lip, holding back the moan of need tightening her throat.

"Open your legs."

She obeyed him. "Valan, please."


She complied and he knelt between her legs then took his shaft in his hand and rubbed the hard tip against her. She opened her eyes just as he thrust into her. She tightened around him. He withdrew then lifted her legs around his waist and thrust in again. She gasped with pleasure and reached for him. He forced her hands down onto the bed and held them there while he thrust into her.

He increased his thrusts, pushing them both toward an explosive release. Lia cried out and pressed her hips against his. Her pussy contracted, then fluttered around him, pushing him closer to his own orgasm. He slowed his pace, then groaned and forced himself to pull out of her. His seed spewed across her belly and he stared at it then rolled to her side and covered his face with his arm. A moment later he cursed and removed the leash from around her neck. "Go to your chamber now."

Rising, she ran naked to the door leading into her chamber. Before she could pass through it he stopped her.

"We will not share meals together. You will serve my meals in the dining room but you will eat in the kitchen. The less time we spend together the better. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Valan."

"You will serve me in the dining room in thirty micro-units."

"Will you ever forgive me, Valan?"

He glanced at his seed on her belly then cursed. "Leave," he said, his voice harsh.

She fled through the door into her chamber.



Lia pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped the blanket tighter around her body. From her position on the bed, she inspected the chamber he'd sent her to. It had the same curving crystal wall and white floor as his, but the walls were a soft coral. Golden brown fur covered the bed and coral rugs were scattered around the floor. Closets framed the door leading into the bathing chamber. Through the open door she could see a large marble tub a darker shade of coral than the walls.

Absently running her hand over the soft fur, she thought about the warriors in the transfer station. The contempt and hatred on their faces when they'd looked at her had terrified her. Valan's presence had been the only thing keeping them from carrying out their threats against her.

A shudder of fear shook her slender body when she remembered some of the more gruesome things they'd threatened to do. A hysterical giggle left her lips as she remembered Valan told her she would have to get used to this kind of treatment. He may not want her, but right now he needed her as much as she needed him. Now she knew the fever would ease if they were away from each other she'd have to escape after he taught her how to control it.

Suddenly, realizing how much time passed, she hurried into the bathing chamber. Hastily, she splashed cold water on her face and patted it dry. Grabbing the brush on the counter she pulled the tangles from her hair then tossed it over her shoulders and hurried to the closet. Three gowns in gaudy shades of red and yellow hung inside.

Grimacing, knowing that the colors would clash with her hair, she lifted one out and stepped into it. It hung from her shoulders and the skirt pooled on the floor around her feet. She bunched it around her waist then opened the other closet door. A noise behind her drew her attention. Valan stood by her bed holding several brown gowns in his hands. 

"These are your gowns." He tossed them on her bed then strolled over to her and pulled the red gown off of her before he grabbed the others from the closet and left.

She shook out one of the gowns and pulled it on. The material was rough and hung in a straight, baggy line from her shoulders to her feet. Shrugging, she resigned herself to wearing it, while promising herself after she left him she'd never wear anything remotely like it ever again. The thought made her feel better and brought a smile to her eyes.

It took her a few minutes to find the kitchen and figure out how to use the food processors. They were bigger than the ones on the ship and had more selections. When she heard Valan enter the dining chamber, she began pushing buttons in a random order. With his tray in one hand, she selected a beverage, then carried both into the dining chamber. She set his meal in front of him then returned to the kitchen and prepared her own meal. She ate slowly thinking about the need to escape from him. She'd like to see her mother again but she couldn't return to Zhang. Gorm would demand her death when he discovered she was no longer untouched.

Valan entered the kitchen distracting her. 

"Females will come to clean the house after each sun rising. After serving my breakfast, you will go to my chamber and clean it. Then, you will return to your chamber and wait until they have left. Only then will you have the freedom of the house. You will not speak to any of them or leave this house. Do you understand?"

She nodded, then remembered he preferred her to speak. "Yes. I understand."


Chapter Six



The next morning set the pattern for the next moon phase. Lia woke up, dressed and served Valan breakfast and then went to his chamber. After tidying it, she filled the deep coral tub in her bathing chamber with hot, scented water. Valan intended this time when she was trapped in her chamber to be a punishment. She wondered what he would do if he knew how much she enjoyed the micro-units she spent relaxing in the misty chamber.

The cleaning women never entered their chambers. Occasionally, she heard them in the hall and was tempted to open her door and speak to them. But, Valan's warning always stopped her. She knew he'd find out if she defied his order.

When the house grew silent and she was sure the women left she wandered from one room to another. His home was beautiful even if it was her prison. All of the rooms had the same curving crystal windows and white marble floors. Only the colors of the walls and the furniture in each room made them different.

Her favorite was the reception room. The walls were a soft smoky gray. Black marble cubes, with smooth tops and roughly carved sides served as tables. Wood carvings of unfamiliar animals were carelessly placed on them. The smoothness of the wood tempted her to pick them up and trace the beautifully grained wood. Couches and ottomans covered in a smooth cloth in bright colors were placed around the room. In front of one couch a large viewing screen was built into the wall and she wished she knew how to use it.

When Valan returned in the evening, she served him dinner in the dining room. After he ate he left the house and she returned to her own chamber and spent the evening alone. While staring out the windows, she watched as the shadows crept across the garden. When the light finally faded and the yard was lit by moonlight, she went to bed and waited for him to return. Lying alone in the darkness, feeling the burning in her body building, she wondered if this would be the night he'd make her ask him to ease her fever.

At first he called her to his room every night, then after a week or so it was every other night until now he would wait three nights before he'd summon her. The door between their chambers would silently open. He'd stand in the doorway without saying anything then he'd turn and move away. Rising, she'd answer his summons. His chamber would be dimly lit with the moonlight flooding through the crystal windows and the skylight above his bed. In the darkness, he'd take her into his arms and make love to her. Silently.

Some nights he took her quickly, devouring her, impatient for the pleasure she gave him. Other nights he kept her with him for many units, building her fire, until she begged him for release. But, always, afterwards, he'd turn away from her and tell her to leave him. She'd stumble from his bed and return to her chamber where she'd sit in the window until the sky began to lighten. The situation was wearing on both of them. Valan had lines of stress on his face and she had dark circles beneath her eyes. They'd both lost weight and she found herself bursting into tears for no discernable reason. 

The previous night he'd finally noticed that she'd never once called him master. His revenge had been to keep her with him, arousing her, then pulling away from her until she calmed, then starting the entire process over again. He'd refused to take her until she called him master. Stubbornly, she'd remained silent. But, as the dawn began lighting the room she'd broken and called him master, and then begged him to take her.

With each cycle that passed, she became more restless and lonely. She'd even begun to envy the workers in the garden as she spent units every cycle watching them. Even the coral tub lost its appeal. The only thing she looked forward to was Valan's return in the evening. At least, he was another presence in the empty, silent house. His voice broke the intolerable silence, even if the only words he spoke to her were commands.

This evening, while serving him in the dining room, she'd asked him about a woman she'd seen walking in the gardens. He'd given her a firm, silencing look and left the room without eating. She'd disposed of his tray and returned to her chamber. Angrily, she filled the tub, and sat soaking in it, cursing the barbarian. She decided to try one more time to please him, but if she couldn't even speak to him without upsetting him how would she ever get past his anger?

He was the most frustrating man. He brooded, ranted, teased and ignored her but when he got that sensual gleam in his eyes and took her into his arms she couldn't resist him.



Valan sat in his den, thinking about the female Lia had seen in the garden. It must have been Morna. He'd forgotten about her since his return. Lia consumed his mind. No matter how busy he was his thoughts always seemed to be on her. Wondering what she was doing and if she was alright. She was beautiful, entertaining, sensual, frustrating and too damn proud for her own good. Taking her to his bed was the most satisfying, and dangerous, experience of his life. Her scent, the heat of her body against his, and her cries of pleasure filled him with pleasure. She held nothing back and gave herself to him completely then she withdrew as if the time they spent in his bed didn’t matter to her.

Every night it became harder to pull out of her before he gave her his seed. The act of wasting his chance to be father kept his anger alive. Afterwards, he'd send her to her chamber then pace the house, unable to sleep. His need for her was a weakness he fought with everything in him.

This cycle, he'd decided it was time to teach her how it felt to be dependent on him to cool her fever. He hadn't summoned her for the last three nights so he knew it wouldn't be long before she came looking for him.



Lying on her bed Lia watched the door between their chambers, willing it to open. The fever in her blood increased in intensity until she trembled with need. Finally she tossed back the blanket and went to the windows.

She leaned against the cool crystal and stared at the moonlit garden. The lights from Valan's den lit the flower beds beneath her window letting her know that he didn't intend to summon her tonight. She'd known sooner or later he'd do this. She also knew from experience he could out-wait her. Before she could change her mind, she left her room and ran down the stairs.

When she entered his den, he looked up from the papers he was reading. She stopped in the doorway, then lowered her eyes. Wetting her lips, she tried to force the words from her mouth, but they wouldn't come. She couldn't do this. He'd taken so much from her. If she asked him to help her and he refused, she'd want to die from the humiliation. Slowly, she began backing from the room.

"Did you want something?" Valan dropped the papers onto his desk.

"I…" Shaking her head, she took another step back.

"Ask me, little cat."

His use of the pet name he'd given her brought tears to her eyes. Swallowing, she forced herself to speak. "I need you."

Before she'd finished speaking, he had her in his arms and was climbing the stairs. She lay her head on his shoulder, hugged her arms around his neck and breathed in his scent.

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