Vagina (57 page)

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Authors: Naomi Wolf

BOOK: Vagina
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“uppity woman,” 200
uterus, 23, 24, 31–33, 130, 146, 149


vacations, 294–95, 319–20
vagina, 22–23, 38, 68–70.
See also specific topics
use of term, 22, 209
vagina dentata, 128–29
vaginal canal, 22–23
vaginal fistulas, 88, 90–91, 97, 145
vaginal illiteracy, and pornography, 229–33
vaginal orgasm, 77–79, 280–82
role of neural wiring, 18–19
vaginal photometer, 274, 352
vaginal pulse, 102–3, 209, 274–76
vaginal pulse amplitude (VPA), 274, 352–53
vaginal trauma.
rape; traumatized vagina
Vagina Monologues, The
(play), 183–84
Vaginas: An Owner’s Manual
(Topp), 75–76
vaginismus, 100–106, 118–19, 121–22
vaginoplasty, 228–29
van de Velde, Theodore, 159–60
Varieties of Religious Experience, The
(James), 7, 8
vasopressin, 58
Venus figurines, 125, 126
verbal aggression, 188–90, 194–96, 201–2
verbal appreciation, 34–35, 311–14
vertigo, 94, 95, 104
Viagra, 223
vibrators, 68–69, 228–29, 254–55
Victorianism, 141–57
aestheticism, 155–56
erotica, 230–32
Freud and, 156–57
resistance, 152–54
the state vs. the “ bad” vagina, 150–52
Victorians, The
(Wilson), 150
Victorian Women
(Hellerstein, Hume, and Offen), 146–47
(Brontë), 153–54
virginity, 132, 216
virginity tests, 200
Virgin Mary, 122–24, 132
VPA (vaginal pulse amplitude), 274, 352–53
vulva, 22–23, 38, 184
vulvodynia, 15, 106–15


Walter, Natasha, 201
war and rape, 89–93
Warnock, J. J., 81–82
Weiss, Petr, 309
Westland, Sarah, 196
Wharton, Edith, 44–45, 63, 180, 286–87
Wharton, Teddy, 44
Whipple, Beverly, 68, 177, 280–82, 328
White, Georgia, 174
Whitman, Walt, 161–62
Whitworth, Michael H., 163, 164
Why Women Have Sex
(Meston and Buss), 322, 324
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers
(Sapolsky), 220–21, 224
Wilde, Dolly, 159
Wilde, Oscar, 155, 162
Wild Feminine
(Kent), 101
Wile, Douglas, 240–41
Williams, Zoe, 196
Willoughby, James, 123
Wilson, A. N., 150
Wilson, Gary, 223, 224
Wilson, Jacqueline Z., 196
witches (witchcraft), 134
Wizard of Oz, The
(movie), 21
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 45
Women in Love
(Lawrence), 165
Women’s History of the World, The
(Miles), 126
Woodhull Institute, 94–95
Woolf, Virginia, 209
words about the vagina.
naming the vagina; slang terms for the vagina
Wordsworth, William, 7–8
“wrongs of” narrative, 151–52
Wuthering Heights
(Brontë), 315
Wysocki, Charles, 295–96


Yale University’s “Take Back the Night” event, 189
yoni massage, 115–18, 258–67, 271–72
Yoon, H., 101, 191–93, 203, 223


Zambaco, Démétrius Alexandre, 147–48
Zaviacic, Milan, 307–8
zipless fuck, 178–79

Photographic Insert

he innervation of the female pelvis: This illustration shows how the complex pelvic nerves in women branch from the spinal cord. [Oxford Designers & Illustrators]

he innervation of the male pelvis: This illustration shows how the complex pelvic nerves in women branch from the spinal cord. [Oxford Designers & Illustrators]

he Autonomic Nervous System: The lower right schematizes its relationship to the female pelvis. [Oxford Designers & Illustrators]

ow deficient and balanced dopamine levels affect the brain. [Marnia Robinson]

acred geometry: The
vesica piscis
is derived from the intersection of two circles signifying the overlap between the divine and the worldly.

he “mandorla” or divine feminine symbol is a
vesica piscis
that represents liminality–the meeting point between heaven and earth. A medieval mandorla showcasing the Virgin Mary enthroned in an almond-shaped frame.

ne of Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s illustrations for the first edition of his sister Christina Rossetti’s 1862 poem “Goblin Market.” The pomegranate, always a feminine symbol in pre-Raphaelite iconography, is inaccurate as a literal rendition of a fruit, but is anatomically accurate.

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