Vagina (56 page)

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Authors: Naomi Wolf

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Ovid, 129
oxytocin, 32–33, 37–38, 58, 62–63, 257, 288, 306, 321


Padmini, 208
Partridge, Eric, 197
Parvati, 128
Pascal, Blaise, 9
passion, female.
desire, female
Pater, Walter, 162
Paul, Saint, 131–32
peacock feather, 155
Pear of Anguish, 134
pelvic nerve, 15–16, 22–25, 37–38
author’s compression, 13–18, 20–21
differences in female sexual response, 18–20, 25
male vs. female, 23–24, 114, 194–95
rape and, 94–98, 107–15
trauma and, 87–88, 106–9, 113–15
pelvic nerve disorders, 15–21
penis envy, 156
perception disorders, and rape, 94–98
Perfumed Garden of Cheikh Nefzoui,
perineum, 23, 24, 31, 78
Perry, John Delbert, 280–82
Persephone, 129, 268
pessaries, 149
Pfaus, Jim, 2, 57–58, 60, 64–67, 219, 228, 275, 283, 288, 315, 319, 326–27
pharmaceutical companies, 76–77
pheromones, male, 289–97
phobic postural sway, 95–98
physical appearance, telling her she’s beautiful, 311–14
pituitary gland, 37
Plato, 129–30
182, 233
Politics of Female Sexuality, The
(Greer), 178
polyvagal theory, 120–21
Porges, Stephen, 120–21
Porn for Women
(anthology), 312–13
“Porn Myth, The” (Wolf), 218
pornographic frame, and Miller, 166–68
pornography, 215–33
addiction to, 218–20, 223–26
dehabituation programs, 224–26
female masturbation and, 226–29
feminist movement and, 180
male sex problems and, 216–25
model of female sexuality and, 24, 237–39
vaginal illiteracy and, 229–33
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and rape, 98–106
Poulet, Alfred, 148, 149
Pound, Ezra, 163, 164
power, and rape, 89, 92–93
poxytocin, 303
pregnancy, 33, 68, 288, 290–91
preparation gestures, for lovemaking, 277–83
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 154
“Press My Button (Ring My Bell)” (song), 170–71
Preti, George, 291–92, 293–96
Pride and Prejudice
(Austen), 314
Private Eyes (New York City), 222
prolactin, 37, 60, 322
(Wolf), 139
prostitution (prostitutes), 127, 128, 143, 150, 261
Psychopathia Sexualis
(Krafft-Ebing), 155–56
PTSD, and rape, 98–106
pudendal nerve.
pelvic nerve
pulse in the vagina, 102–3, 209, 274–76
pupil dilation, 298
Putnam, Helen, 145


Qadesh, 127


Rabin, Roni Caryn, 99–100
rape, 89–106
in context of war, 89–93
as injury to the brain, 93–106
sexual agency and, 151–52
staying in the vagina, 115–24
verbal threats of, 188, 201–2
rape jokes, 188–89, 205–6
rat-pleasure brush, 48–49
“reading novels,” 154
Rees, Emma, 134–38, 153–54
relaxation, for lovemaking, 277–83
relaxation response, 30–31, 190, 202, 272, 281
Rellini, Alessandra, 102–3, 203
Renaissance, 134–39
representations of the vagina.
cultural meaning and representations of vagina
Reuben, David, 181–82, 224
Richmond, Burke, 93–99, 101–2, 104, 190
Roach, Mary, 60
Robinson, Marnia, 56, 223, 224, 227–28
rock and roll, 175
Rogers, Richard, 201
role playing, 319
Rolland, Romain, 8, 9
romantic love, chemical components of, 58–59
Rossetti, Christina, 41, 42–43, 45, 154, 271, 285
Rossetti, Dante, 154
Russett, Cynthia, 149
Ryan, Christopher, 2, 222


“sacred spot,” 243, 257
finding her, 307–11
sacred-spot-massage workshop, 243–56, 278
sacred vagina, 125–30
becoming profane, 129–30
safe sex, 322–25
(Wilde), 155
Sand, George, 45
Sanday, Peggy Reeves, 87
S&M (sadomasochism), 316
Sanger, Margaret, 163
Sapolsky, Robert, 220–21, 224
Sappho, 27, 71–72, 130, 160
Savic, Ivanka, 289
Scenes of Clerical Life
(Eliot), 45
scent, male, 289–97
schematized vaginas, 124, 155, 162
Schreiner, Olive, 155
scold’s bridle, 134
Second Wave feminism (feminists), 39, 44, 69, 176–83
Seidman, Steven, 181–82
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 59, 113, 357–58
“self,” 68
self, loss of, 44, 72–73, 283–88
dopamine and, 56–59, 61, 64
sex and creativity, 47–54
Selfish Gene, The
(Dawkins), 317
semen, 322–25
sensation novels, 154
Sensuous Man, The
(“M”), 181–82
serotonin, 58–59
serpent symbology, 127
setting, for lovemaking, 277–83
Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
(Gottman), 301–3
“sex as play,” 181–82
Sex at Dawn
(Ryan and Jethá), 2, 222
Sex Diaries, The
(Arndt), 83
sex drive, female.
desire, female
sex ethic, 181–82
sex goddesses, in ancient history, 126–29
sexual arousal, female.
arousal, female
sexual assault, 94–95, 98–106, 121, 201
sexual awakening, and creative awakening, 41–46, 49–54
Sexual Brain, The
(LeVay), 70
sexual centers, 67–73, 78, 176–77, 307, 311
sexual desire, female.
desire, female
sexual dysfunction, 80–82, 341–42
sexual harassment, 188–90, 194–96, 201–2
sexuality, female
“constructs” of, 1–2
epidemic of female sexual unhappiness, 80–83, 340
history of.
cultural meaning and representations of vagina
knowledge out of date about, 38–39, 75–83
Tantric practices regarding, 239–41, 256–58, 268–69
Western models of, 38–39, 77–79, 176–77, 180–82, 237–39, 296–97
sexuality, male, 77–79
sexual libertarianism, 181–82
sexual neural network.
autonomic nervous system; pelvic nerve
Sexual Politics
(Millett), 89, 187, 196
sexual response, single model of, 38–39, 77–79, 176–77
sexual revolution, 39, 82, 176, 182, 232–33
Shakespeare, William, 134–38
Shakti, 240, 249, 256, 264
shame, evolution of, 130–31
Shankhini, 208
Sharp, Jane, 140
Sheela na Gigs, 128
She’s Gotta Have It
(movie), 277
Shiva, 240, 260
“showers of stars,” 327–28
Sierra Leone, 89–90, 97, 111–12
silence, male, 299–302
Simon, J. A., 80–81
Sims, J. Marion, 145
slang terms for clitoris, 212
slang terms for the vagina, 73, 133, 168–69, 207–8, 210–14
Smith, Bessie, 172–73
Smith, William Tyler, 145
snapping, 306–7
Social Intelligence
(Goleman), 297–98
spinal injury, 13–18, 57
spinal surgery, 20–21, 47
Spiritual Doorway in the Brain, The
(Nelson), 286
Spiritual Midwifery
(Gaskin), 32
Sri Lanka, 214
SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), 59, 113, 357–58
“stand their ground,” 94–95
Stein, Gertrude, 45, 46, 160
Steinem, Gloria, 177
Stekels, Wilhelm, 156–57
Stieglitz, Alfred, 45–46, 161
Stopes, Marie, 163
Story of V, The
(Blackledge), 2
Strand, Paul, 43
stress, 29–34, 302–7.
See also
bad stress
sexual assault and, 98–106
strip club ads, 222
stroking, 302–7
subjugation, 141–42, 145–49
Sublime, 7–8, 9, 21
sucking, 33, 257, 321
Sumerians, 126–27
(Wharton), 45
sweat pheromones, 289–97
sympathetic nervous system (SNS), 28, 33–34, 35, 102–5, 219, 279–80, 318–19


Tait, Robert Lawson, 145
talk (talking), 34–35, 299–302
Tammuz, 126–27
Tantra, 239–69
classification of vaginas in, 207–8
philosophy of, 239–41, 257
sacred spot massage, 243–56, 278
yoni massage, 115–18, 122–23, 258–68, 271–72
Taoism, 207, 240–41, 257, 268
Taylor, Gordon Rattray, 197
(Wilde), 155
Tender Buttons
(Stein), 160
Tertullian, 132
testosterone, 60, 80, 315, 317, 322
Thomas, Clarence, 188–89
Thorne, Thomas, 197
Thorpe, Vanessa, 201
Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
(Freud), 129, 156
tinnitus, 94
Title IX, 195
Titus Andronicus
(Shakespeare), 135
Toklas, Alice B., 46
Topp, Liz, 75–76, 272, 328, 332
Total Woman, The
(Morgan), 177, 325
touch (touching), 302–7
trance state, 29–31, 79, 283–88
transcendentalism, 165–68
traumatized vagina, 87–124.
See also
vulvodynia and existential despair, 106–15, 213
Tropic of Cancer
(Miller), 163–64, 166–68


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