V-Day: (M-Day #4) (27 page)

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Authors: D.T. Dyllin

BOOK: V-Day: (M-Day #4)
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I rolled my eyes. Once Ty got going he

d keep on rolling for as long as anyone let him. Sometimes I wondered how we were related. I still had a ton of questions about Riley, and about everyone else

s virus symptoms, but I didn

t want to stand around in the middle of the street discussing theories. There

d be time for that later


We need to get to Staten Island, or as close to it as we can. How long until everyone else is back from scouting?

I looked around at street signs, trying to get my bearings. New York City was a big place, and we weren

t quite out of the fire yet.

They should be back soon,

Ty said, frowning at me for interrupting him.


s kind of spooky being in such a big city and it being like a ghost town.

Nyx wrapped her arms around her middle as she turned in a small circle, her red frizzy hair swirling around her face.

Ty tucked her hair behind her ears.


ve been to cities before.

None as big as New York City.


He snaked his arm around her waist and tugged her into his front, bending down to rest his chin on the top of her head.


ll be fine, little Pix. You

ll see.



Chapter 22



re back, bitches!

Evo exclaimed with a huge grin on her face.

There was a spattering of dried blood on one side of her face, clearly not hers.

We came, we saw, and we kicked some I-Man ass!

She flounced over to us and sat down on the ground, blowing on her nails dramatically.

Although after dealing with those I-Monsters I think I could take out an entire army of I-Men

in my sleep. In my sleep with one hand tied be behind my back. I might miss doing this one day.

She sighed, leaning back to stare up at the sky as if lost in thought.

X strolled up nonchalantly carrying a gun, if you wanted to call it that, about the size of

me. He set the butt on the ground and leaned on it. Evo

s eyes widened when she got a look at it.

Like my new toy?

he asked, feigning indifference.

Where the hell did you get that?

Evo jumped up, her body trembling with

She is so odd.

Found it in one of the dead I-Men

s stash. Think he was some kind of special ops or military before he turned.

Evo crouched down beside the gun, running her hands with affection over the weapon.

Did you find ammo for it? Because if you didn

t it won

t do us any good.

X tossed a huge box onto the ground, metal pinging inside.

Of course, baby.

I fucking love you,

she murmured.


re so getting an extra thank you later.

X grinned, watching Evo with unadulterated love. There was no mistaking how gone for her he was. It kind of surprised me. I mean, I knew they were a couple, but I was realizing that probably a lot more went on behind closed doors than I wanted to know about. I saw them in a whole new light. Maybe their bickering and bantering was about some kind of weird foreplay.

I found this too.

X threw a black vest on the ground and my breathing stopped.


s all kinds of stuff in there. I didn

t go through every pocket but I bet

I broke away from Riley, who I

d been leaning on while we sat and waited, and lurched to my feet.

Where did you find that?

Ice moved through my veins. I snatched up the vest and shook it at X.

I asked you where you found this?

Evo caught on quickly.

You recognize it? X found it in an I-Man

s stash. Does that


I rifled through the pockets to make sure I wasn

t imagining it.

Not good. Not good. Not good.

I dropped to my knees.

This is just like the one I was given before I left on my mission with Emilio and Tony. In fact, all the teams had similar vests. Were there any others? Or how many I-Men did you see?



Evo scowled.

Please don

t tell me our way out of this hell hole just got cut off. Are you suggesting that those I-Men were the guys you were supposed to meet up with?


s what I

m trying to find out.

I threw the vest on the ground.

How many of them were there and did you see any other vests or clues?

Like this?

X lifted the massive gun and quirked an eyebrow.

Nope. Nope. Nuh-uh. A few infected doesn

t mean anything. It just means

It means exactly what your instincts are telling you,

Zee growled, dragging a tied up I-Man behind him, Max following up the rear with her gun trained on their prisoner. Zee tossed it at my feet. I peered down at him without recognition.

Well, tell her.

We overtook the uninfected men that were waiting here. We stole their things in hopes to gain access to the boats.

I grabbed him by his hair.

And did you? Did you get access?

I hadn

t considered the possibility of I-Men figuring out how to get to the boats before we had a chance to fry them off the face of the planet. Maybe I just wanted to keep some kind of hope intact. Who wants to fight tooth and nail for something that might not be waiting for them after the battle is over? I

d only managed to not give up because of Riley and my brothers

for the hope of love and an end to the constant barrage of horrors. Without hope the human spirit dies.

The I-Man smirked.

Guess you

ll just have to find out for yourselves.

I let go of his hair and his head thumped on the asphalt.

You know, at any minute this entire continent is going to be cleansed. If you tell me the truth I

ll think about taking you with us, maybe they can help you when the cure is found.

I don

t wanna be cured,

he spat.

I like being like this. Stronger, faster, and I don

t care about things the way I used to. My conscience has never been so clear.

Evo stalked over and shot him three times in the head.

Well, I feel better. Anyone else feel better?

She glanced around, her gaze skimming across all of ours.

What? He wasn

t going to tell us anything.


s right,

I said, staring down at the black vest on the ground.

And he

s right for that matter too. We

re going to have to find out for ourselves.


ll take care of this one,

X muttered, already dragging him off.

And how are we supposed to signal or make contact

or get over to these boats? Do you even know where they might be? They

re boats. They move.

I stared at my twin

s outburst of negativity. If even
was getting bogged down then we were all in trouble.

I started pacing back and forth across the small patch of sidewalk.

I don

t know. Shit. I don

t know.


m not waiting here to see if I get burned alive. If I have to jump in the water and start swimming I will,

Evo grated.

You probably wouldn

t feel anything,

Max offered.


d be here one minute and the next
she snapped her fingers.


s not depressing or anything,

Nyx muttered, threading her fingers with Ty


The vein in Zee

s forehead was working overtime as he tried to figure out the answer to our little dilemma.

What was the protocol for when you arrived, Vi? There had to have been some kind of backup plan that could be set into motion if something like this happened.

If there was, I wasn

t made privy to it.

Evo sat on the ground and started pulling guns and knives out of a large black bag, like she was doing inventory.

So we find a boat and we start paddling or some shit.

She caressed a large knife and set it aside.

Some of you are going to be left behind, and I

m sorry. And some of you will hopefully go on to more glorious things. I want you all to know that I would take every last one of you with me if I could.

Max rolled her eyes.

Stop being so dramatic, Evo. Yes, we all know how tore up you

re going to be to have to leave some of your babies behind.

Evo glared up at Max, her eyes almost white.

Hey, don

t mock them. Some of these have saved your life.

A flair maybe. Or what about old school ham radios, if we could find one of those maybe we could make contact,

Zee muttered, staring off at nothing.

Riley wrapped his arms around me, whispering in my ear,


s been a long hard road since the advent of M-Day for all of us. But for you especially, with all the guilt you

ve been carrying. You probably know something and are too tired and stressed out to remember.

He spun me in his arms, and gently pressed his lips to mine. My eyes fluttered shut. He pulled away before the kiss really had a chance to get started. Our breaths intermingled and I reached up to wind my hands around the back of his neck.

Think, Viv. How do we get out of here?

I breathed in Riley, his intoxicating scent, letting it calm me. With my eyes still closed I tugged him back down to me, parting his mouth with my tongue. My mind slid into the past, even as I fell deeper into the kiss with Riley in the present.

Remember the coordinates, Vi, because you know I

m shit at that kind of stuff. Hopefully we won

t need them, but if we do
Emilio grinned at me as he handed me the piece of paper. I stared down at it, the numbers scratched hastily in black ink. Two sets, one for each possible pickup point.

I stumbled back from Riley.

Coordinates! I remember the coordinates for where we need to go!


s dark eyes met mine as he grinned.

Glad to know that my kiss still does magic.

My sister,

Ty grated.

Oh, shut up.

Nyx playfully elbowed him in the gut.

Just be happy for her

for them.

I would be if she didn

t decide that PDAs were her and Riley

s new thing. I mean

my best friend and my sister. Before when they were together they kept it on the DL for the longest time. I never even saw them hold hands.

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