V-Day: (M-Day #4) (12 page)

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Authors: D.T. Dyllin

BOOK: V-Day: (M-Day #4)
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Ignoring my question, the Doc shuffled over to me, staring down with wild eyes.

I have to tell you something, Vi. Something very important.

I nibbled on my bottom lip, studying him with narrowed eyes.

Yeah, what is it?

The Men-V is airborne ready. I

ve also adapted it so the virus can be added to the water system.


I drawled, the hairs on the back of my neck rising.

But it

s not finished, or the virus still has some bugs to be worked out yet, right?

The Doc whirled around to face the soldier who was still tracking me with his eerie eyes.


ll be a gift to the world. A Christmas present of sorts. It

ll be a rebirth in honor of Jesus

birthday. But I want you to have a chance. I like you, Vi. I don

t want to just wipe everyone out. Things just need to change. Things need to get better.

He ran his hands through his hair, muttering,



re scaring me, Doc. I don

t know what to think right now.

The Men-V will mutate to some degree, I

m sure of it. In the end, humans may get wiped out after all.

He patted my head and smiled.

Some of you will have a chance though. I know I shouldn

t be so soft about it and it

ll probably cause some survivors more suffering than I would wish on anyone, but
His voice trailed off for a few moments before he resumed.

I am human myself after all. It just needs to be done. It needs to be.

I took a few steps back, fighting the urge to run directly to my commander to report the Doc. Instead I let myself be rooted in place by shock and fear.

None of what you

re saying is making any sense.

You need to be ready, Vi. And remember, your blood is the answer.

The answer to what?


ll understand soon. I can

t tell you any more now. I have to go. I have so many things still left to do.

I pulled my handgun and pointed it at him.


m sorry. So sorry, Doc, but I can

t let you leave. Whatever you did

or are doing

you need to stop. Please, I don

t want to hurt you, but I will.

He grinned, his expression one you might expect to find on a father as he gazed at one of his children.

You won

t hurt me, Vi.

He turned around and ambled from the room.

My hands shook as I tried to squeeze the trigger, but I couldn

t. I just couldn

t. The Doc really wouldn

t hurt anyone, would he?

By the time I followed, he was nowhere to be found. But instead of raising the alarm, instead of having him hunted down by everyone at our disposal, I kept yet another secret while I tried to find him myself. I was afraid what would happen if someone else found him before I did. The Doc may have lost his mind but I didn

t want to be the cause of his death.

Plus, he wasn

t a real threat, not really.

I can handle this. I will handle it.



December 20
, pre M-Day~


d passed out, exhausted, and woke up confused and disoriented. My small room was illuminated by red light, signaling the base

s alarm had been triggered at some point, but it was no longer going off.
How did I sleep through that?

I pulled on clothes, my all black basic uniform, and hurried from my room. The hallways were eerily quiet, everything cast in the same red light as my room.

Vi! Thank God!

Emilio called as he rounded the corner.

We were just doing a sweep to find you.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the groggy feeling.


s going on?

The goddamn apocalypse is what

s going on.

He grabbed my arm and tugged me along. I went willingly, dread having already seized my system.
It can

t be. Please no.

When we got to the command room, which was really nothing more than a military panic room, equipped with everything to temporarily survive a terroristic threat, I noticed it was packed full of S-Ops agents, but none of our top level operatives.

What the hell is going on?

I demanded.

Emilio shoved me into a chair facing a small monitor.

This will give you the highlights of what you

ve already missed in the few hours you

ve been out.

He swiveled around, squeezing my shoulder.


ll be back, there are still a few unaccounted operatives and we need to finish our sweep to hopefully locate them.

But he made no move to leave, his fingers digging into me almost painfully.

I nodded numbly, my attention on the small screen as it blazed to life, flipping through clips of various news media reports

Super flu? Thousands of people flock to hospitals with a flu that hit suddenly

The CDC warns against panic

The screen went dark for a second before several recorded clips of military transmissions played, highlighting the opposition between the truth and what the media was reporting.

Hundreds of thousands are thought to be infected with a mysterious illness. No answers yet of what exactly it is or what caused it

Epidemic levels

The CDC recommends quarantines for the following cities stage 1, if it progresses beyond


I spun around in my chair in time to see Jansen drop to the ground, convulsing. Instead of helping, everyone backed away slowly. I watched in horror, as in a matter of minutes, Jansen began to wither away, his tawny skin shriveling, his dark hair going white, and then


he was gone like some fictional vampire that had been staked.

I stood, running a shaky had over my face. What I

d just seen couldn

t be real.

What the fuck?


s happening everywhere, Vi. Every. Fucking. Where.


s eyes remained fixated on where Jansen had been moments before.

We think its chemical warfare. There

s no other explanation. But it

s not just here in the United States, it


Yeah. Every. Fucking. Where.

I scrubbed a hand down my face.

How long was I out? I mean, how long

Two, maybe three hours.

Emilio grimaced.

This thing is fast. Really fucking fast. And the thing is, we don

t know how to fight it. It

s invisible and it


We need to track down Doctor Greensley. We need to use all available resources to find him. He

s our only hope.

Emilio didn

t question me


t look at me with suspicion. No one but me knew that I

d let Doctor Greensley set all of this into motion. I should have stopped him using force of any means. I should have immediately reported his erratic behavior to my commanding officers back when I

d first noticed it. Instead I

d kept his secret

instead I

d let the apocalypse happen.


s my fault all those people are dead.



Chapter 11



I sat there for what felt like hours, the words spilling from my mouth, me holding nothing back, censuring nothing. Finally I took a break, exhaustion pulling at my resolve.

I remember hearing reports on the news about people getting sick and dying,

Nyx whispered, her face paling.

I can

t believe I never connected the two.

Max stood, pacing.

How could you? It was a couple reports, something akin to the bird flu or some shit. And it was all of a sudden, like

earlier today, a bunch of people got sick
The next thing I knew
She swallowed hard, her gaze glazing over.

I was waking up next to an infected Ricki and the rest is history.

I guess it was the same for all of us. M-Day seemed to come out of nowhere.

Evo narrowed her eyes at me.

Well, maybe not for all of us.

Zee stood, his face blank.

Communication broke down everywhere on the 21
. We

d been made aware about the illness, we were preparing to mobilize when

Yeah, us too,

Ty interrupted.

There were no casualties like Vi is talking about for our base. We

d been notified that we might have to enforce some local quarantines, and then nothing.

Everybody had their own theories. But nobody knew. It was different everywhere, except for the men eventually being infected.

I was trembling, waiting for hatred to be directed my way. I

d just acknowledged, for the first time out loud, that I could have stopped the apocalypse. Not even Emilio and Tony knew about the guilt that was constantly eating away at me. All I

d admitted to was having some knowledge because of Doctor Greensley. But I couldn

t lie to my brothers. Or maybe a part of me wanted to be hated and punished for my crimes. Maybe deep down I even thought I deserved what that I-Man had done to me on the bathroom floor

or much, much worse.

Max met my gaze.

So all those empty cars, all those

All those people are dead

literal dust in the wind.


Ty sat right where he was, hitting the floor hard.

I kept thinking people had to have been evacuated. I kept thinking we just had to find the answers and we could escape this hell.

I snorted.

My brother, the eternal optimist.

I wrapped my arms around my middle, trying to stop shaking.

But there

s more.

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