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Authors: M.C. Decker

Unwritten (31 page)

BOOK: Unwritten
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assidy decided to fly back with us for a few days after our vacation in Michigan. She was determined to find me the perfect wedding dress and since Rich wasn’t able to take any more time off, she was forced to travel back with us. Cass left Kaitlyn with her mom, saying that she needed a few days of “adult time.”

I was looking forward to the Washington D.C. Annual Firemen’s Gala to which Rich had been invited because of his frequent donations to the department. I was also ecstatic that my fashionista of a best friend would be in the city to help me pick out the perfect dress for the occasion. Maybe if I let her help me pick out the perfect gown for the gala, she’d back off the wedding dress talk, at least, for the time being.

Rich insisted that I take a few extra days off work; he also wanted me to use his credit card while dress shopping. I suppose that since he was both my boss and fiancé now, I really wouldn’t win any arguments and because I was shopping on his dime, if we’d been shopping on Rodeo Drive instead of downtown D.C., I would be playing the part of Julia Roberts in
Pretty Woman.

I tried on several dresses before I finally found it. I remembered that day so many years ago when I’d found that perfect, purple gown for my sorority’s formal. Rich was my date all those years ago and this time he was so much more than just my date – he was my fiancé.
My fiancé. I was still having trouble wrapping my mind around that thought.

Hey Brookie, are you going to come out of that fitting room and show me, or are you just going to keep giggling like a school girl? I swear you’re worse than Kaitlyn.”

I walked out and I knew it was a winner when Cassidy’s eyes and mouth opened wide.

“You’re gorgeous, Brooke. That’s the one.”

She was right, it was the one. The Badgley Mischka sequin, tulle, combo dress in emerald hung perfectly on my curvy body. The sleeveless bodice accentuated my toned arms – perfectly. I had been spending a few extra hours in my apartment’s gym each week and it was actually starting to pay off. I knew I could complete the look with the teardrop earrings that Rich had given me on my birthday and a simple, yet timeless, pair of black heels.

I was pulling my debit card out of my purse to pay for my purchase when I heard a text message come through on my phone.

Rich: You better use my credit card, and spend an insane amount of money, or you will be getting a spanking later.

Yes, boss …errr, financé.

Rich: You might get a spanking, anyways. You know what they say. A spanking is just a round of applause for a magnificent ass and trust me that ass of yours is MAGNIFICENT!

I rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself as I stuffed my phone back into my purse. I almost wanted to defy him just to see if he would actually follow through with his threats. Honestly, the thought of him spanking me into submission was something I was willing to explore.

I purchased the gown, with Rich’s credit card, as instructed, and Cassidy and I went to the same deli that Rich took me to on my first afternoon in D.C. I usually loved the aroma of the freshly baked breads, pies and homemade soups, but today for some reason the scent was causing my stomach to turn in every direction.

“Are you OK, Brookie? You look a little pale.”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m just feeling a little nauseous all of a sudden. Remember, I was under the weather last week, probably just not a hundred percent yet. I’ll just drink some water. I should be fine.”

“Weren’t you craving pickles the other day, too?”

“Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?”

“Seriously? You don’t know why I’m asking? Are you pregnant?” Cassidy blurted out.

“Why does everyone keep asking me that? Of course I’m not pregnant. Rich and I have always been careful.”

“Um, you know nothing is one-hundred-percent effective, right?”

My mind began spinning …
When was my last period? Now that I think about it, I don’t really remember. Am I late? Rich and I just got engaged. We’ve only been together for a few months. We don’t even live together. I assume we will move in together before the wedding, but we hadn’t really discussed it yet. What if Rich doesn’t even want kids? We haven’t talked about that yet, either. This can’t be happening. Not yet, anyways.

“Brooke, are you OK in there?”

Tears were beginning to stream down my face, “I just can’t be pregnant now, Cass. This isn’t a good time.”

“Oh, Brookie, it’s never a good time. But, once you see those two lines on that test it will seem like the perfect time. Trust me, I know. Now, let’s get you a bottle of water and get out of here. We need to make a stop at the drugstore before we go home, though.”

I was leaning against the vanity in my bathroom as the cold tile against my bare feet sent a shiver up my spine. I had read the directions on the back of the pregnancy tests four times.
Yes, I said tests. I bought four different brands … You know, just to be sure.
I heard a knock on the other side of the bathroom door as I was reading the third test for a fifth time.

“Need some help in there?” Cass questioned.

“Um, no, I think I got it. Pee on the stick, right? How hard can it be?”

“Shut up, Brookie. You know what I meant. Do you need me to come hold your hand while you wait for the results?”

“No, let me do my business and I’ll be right out. You can hold my hand then.”

Just a few minutes later, after I had peed on three different sticks, I came out to wait the allotted time with Cassidy at my side.

“Thanks for being here with me. I don’t know what I would do right now without you.” I told her.

“Well, you know I wouldn’t be anyplace else. You were with me through it all with Kaitlyn. But, the difference between you and me, babe, is that you have Rich. He won’t leave you like the jackass left me. He will love you and your baby, whether you have one in nine months, or nine years.”

“Nine years seems a bit drastic,” I laughed. “By some standards, I’d be over the hill by then!”

My cell phone beeped, alerting us that the necessary amount of time had passed.

“Do you want me to look for you?” Cass asked.

“No … yes … no … I don’t know,” Before I had time to make a decision, Cass was back in the bedroom with the stick in her hand.

“Well …” I asked.

Please be yes, please be yes … Wait, did I really want this baby? Wasn’t this a bad time? Yes, it may not be perfect timing, but I wanted a positive test result.

“You’re going to be a Mommy! And, I’m going to be an Auntie!” she said, practically screaming.

The tears that I’d been holding back came out in full force.

“Oh, Brookie, don’t cry. This will be a good thing, you’ll see.”

“These … these are … happy … happy tears … I … promise,” I said between sobs. “I’m going to be a little person’s Mommy,” I added while looking up at my best friend with what, I assume, was a grin wider than the moon.

We both started dancing around the room. All my previous fears had vanished, and I couldn’t wait to tell my fiancé that he was going to be a daddy.

I decided that I would keep my little secret from Rich for just a few days and since the Firemen’s Gala was the day before his thirty-second birthday, I would surprise him with my gift when the clock struck midnight.

I’d been feeling pretty well aside from a few bouts of morning sickness that I’d been able to hide from Rich. Because Cass was still in town, I was able to use her as my excuse for not staying with Rich at his apartment.

I took Cass to the airport on the morning of the gala. I would say that I’d become much more emotional since I found out I was pregnant. Saying goodbye to my best friend would be harder this time around, I knew.

We said our tearful goodbyes and I promised her I would be back in Michigan soon to talk about the wedding. She had grandiose dreams of a summertime beach wedding, while I was thinking of a much simpler winter affair. I told her I would think about her ideas, before squeezing her tightly and watching her walk through the airport’s revolving doors.

After dropping off Cass, I decided to spend the day pampering myself at a nearby salon. I splurged and got the “exclusive package” which included a prenatal massage, pedicure, manicure, facial, up-do and makeup. When I looked in the mirror, I hardly recognized myself. I looked refreshing – glowing even. I always thought it was strange when people said that pregnant women had a “glow” about them, but maybe it was actually true.

When I returned home, I had just enough time to slip into my Badgley Mischka gown. I admired my figure in the mirror. I wouldn’t keep my toned figure much longer, but standing there I placed my hands on my barely-there baby bump and smiled at the thought of a much rounder, fuller belly. I even welcomed a stretch mark or two.
After all, it was a rite of passage
, I mused to myself.

Rich had sent me a text message on my way home and said he was running late and would send the driver to pick me up. He had to run home and change into his tux and would meet me at the gala. I heard a knock on my door, and opened it to find Roger on the other side.

“Miss Anderson, your limo is waiting downstairs. I just came up to escort you down.”

“Thank you, Roger. I just need to grab my purse.”

I walked to the counter and picked up my clutch, making sure that Rich’s birthday gift was tucked inside.

“All set,” I told Roger, as I wrapped my arm through his.

I first saw my handsome fiancé, standing by the entrance of the St. Regis. He was leaning against the old-brick with one leg propped up behind him. His Armani tuxedo hung on his body perfectly. He really knew how to wear a tux.

I sat in the limo, for several minutes watching him, as we waited our turn in line. I had to chuckle at the number of women he turned away. I couldn’t blame them for trying, he really was the epitome of perfection. He was smart, sophisticated, gorgeous – and, to top it off, a pure gentleman. Well, he is now, anyways, I chuckled to myself; I really had struck the jackpot this time.

We finally made it to the entrance, and my chauffeur came around to escort me to my breathtaking man. Rich’s eyes brightened and his movie star smile appeared the moment he saw me.

“Hello, stranger. Waiting for someone, or would you care to have a dance with me inside?” I asked slyly.

“Well, hello, pretty lady,” he said in his best southern twang, “I am waiting for my beautiful fiancée, but I don’t think she’d mind if I danced with someone as ravishingly gorgeous as yourself. That dress is stunning on you. It really brings out the color of your eyes.”

“Thank you, kind sir, but if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were hitting on me. I hope your fiancée isn’t the jealous type.”

“She knows I only have eyes for her.”

With that, Rich escorted me into the gala and straight for the dance floor. We waltzed around the stage for several minutes, until the band finally played a song I recognized. Rich grinned as he pulled me closer to him, and twirled me around. We had danced to the Hunter Hayes song in our living room before, but now we had an audience. Rich began softly singing so only my ears could hear his sultry voice.

BOOK: Unwritten
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