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Authors: M.C. Decker

Unwritten (27 page)

BOOK: Unwritten
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“It’s true though, Brooke; they broke the mold when you came in this world.”

“Seriously? What’s with the ‘God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You’ serenade?” I asked with a raised brow.

“I heard it this afternoon on Throwback Lunch. It reminded me of you.”

I just smiled and gave him a simple peck on the lips. We were already running late and didn’t have time to get ready all over again. The last thing I wanted was to be late for the White House gathering. “
Sorry, we’re late to your party, Mr. President.”
– Uh, I don’t think so.

Rich grabbed my right hand and twirled me around like a ballerina. I was wearing a strapless, pink chiffon dress with a black sash tied in the back that hung just above my knees. I completed my look with a glittery, pink-and-silver pair of ballerina flats. Who said fancy couldn’t be comfy? That was Cassidy’s motto and I was starting to think that she was on to something.

“Did I tell you that you look simply elegant tonight, my love?”

“Thanks, baby. You look pretty handsome yourself,” I said with a grin.

I had been looking forward to this event for months. I just never imagined that when I RSVP’d several months ago that my “plus one” would be Rich. As our limousine pulled up to the front of the Washington Hilton, I felt those familiar, pesky butterflies take up residence in my belly once again. This place was swarming with notable reporters – the same ones who I’d been idolizing for years. Aside from the journalists, many politicians were expected to be in attendance including the vice-president, first lady and president.

Following dinner, each year, the event included a comedy roast of the president. This year’s Master of Ceremonies was Jimmy Kimmel.
I would actually be in a live audience of a Jimmy Kimmel comedy show – someone pinch me now!

“Are you OK, Brooke?” You seem a little distant.”

“Yeah, I’m great, actually – just a little nervous that we are going to be in the company of all these celebrities.”

“You’ll be great. You always know how to charm a crowd. Look how well you got along with the first lady during your White House Christmas tree debacle,” Rich chuckled. “Here I was trying to set you up, and you sure proved me wrong. Just one of the many things I love about you,” he added, as pulled me closer, placing a light kiss on the tip of my nose.

The chauffeur opened the door and Rich slid out of the car. He turned to me and we walked hand in hand into the building where we were directed into the extravagant dining room. Rich and I found our name cards at one of the main tables nearest to the stage. I suppose my name was bumped up on the guest list because I was being escorted by the editor of the capital’s leading newspaper.

Just as I was reading the names of other guests seated at our table, my attention was drawn to a beautiful, leggy blonde who was making her way to our table. You’ve got to be kidding me. Aubrey effing Sullivan was walking toward our table with an equally attractive man at her side.

How was she so freaking skinny?
I thought to myself.
Note to self: go to the gym in the morning, better yet, maybe I’ll take up running. I hate running, even the idea of running makes me want to barf, but really maybe it’s a necessary evil, and would do me some good.

And, her boobs! How were those things not pointing at all to the south? If it’s even possible, I think they point more to the north than a decade ago. If she hadn’t had a boob job then, she most certainly has by now.

Just as I was thinking about implants and a running schedule, I heard her sickening sweet voice. “Oh my, Rich – Rich Davis is that really you? And, your friend – well if it isn’t Brooke Anderson. This is just a great, big, college reunion, isn’t it?” she giggled.

Friend, friend? Did she just refer to me as Rich’s friend. Was he going to correct her? Should I correct her? Better yet, I should just punch her in the throat,
I mused to myself.

“Hello, Aubrey. Long time, no see. And, yes, this is Brooke – my girl friend,” he told her as he squeezed my hand, as if sensing my internal panic. “What are you doing here? I’ve been to several of these as a representative of the
, but I haven’t seen you here before.”

Thank goodness, Rich was just as surprised as I was that she was here. I felt my heart rate begin to return to normal with that revelation.

“I took a job with the
about a year ago. I took some time away from the journalism field after college and got into public relations, but I’m back at it now,” Aubrey answered. “And, I never thought I’d see you again, Rich,” she added, in her most flirtatious voice.

I just wanted her to finish her pleasantries and vanish – vanish from the dinner and from our lives, but to make the situation so much worse, I realized the name card next to mine read “Aubrey Sullivan and guest.” We learned after we all took our seats that Aubrey’s guest was just a colleague of hers from the
. Much to my disappointment, he also paid more attention to my boyfriend than he did to the beautiful blonde at his side.

It appeared that Aubrey was single and had her sights set on MY MAN! I just wanted a perfect birthday with Rich and here I was again sharing my night and my man with Aubrey freaking Sullivan.
Relax, Brooke. The difference is that tonight Rich will leave with you. He’s not interested in Aubrey; he’s only interested in you – you’re his Brooke Anderson of his past, present, and future. I just had to keep reminding myself of that fact each time I saw Blondie batting her eyelashes at Rich.

The rest of the evening went by in a bit of a blur. I laughed when Kimmel made jokes about the president and I greeted all of the political bigwigs as they visited our table, mainly to talk to Rich, but I never got comfortable because all I could really see were the googly eyes Aubrey kept making at my boyfriend. I couldn’t wait for her to get on a plane back to New Orleans! It was bad enough thinking that she might come into contact with Rich more often now; I needed her out of our damn city.

Finally the night came to an end and Rich and I said our goodbyes. Rich must have picked up on my unease as he helped me into the limo.

“You don’t have anything to worry about, Brooke. I love you. My time with Aubrey is in the past,” Rich said, trying to ease my fears.

“But, you chose her over me once before, Rich. How can I be sure you won’t choose her again?” I questioned.

“First of all, I always wanted you. It’s only been you that I’ve ever wanted. I just never wanted to be your rebound guy. I wanted to be it for you. You were still in love with Jay. As much as you said you weren’t, I always knew that you were. He hurt you deeply. I only went out with Aubrey because I needed to get my mind off you. So many times I just wanted to kiss you, make love to you, but I knew it was too soon.”

“If I thought that your heart had been ready for what I felt for you then, it would have been you. It was and will always be you,” he declared with absolute certainty.

I put my hands in Rich’s thick hair and pulled him in for an affectionate kiss. In that moment, I knew that I would never have to worry about Aubrey Sullivan, or any other woman for that matter. This man at my side loved me and only me. And, I loved him, more than I even believed was possible.

Just when I thought this night couldn’t get any more perfect, Rich pulled out a small, black, jewelry box from his right pocket. My eyes became as wide as saucers with what I thought was going to happen.
Holy shit! Was I ready for this? Rich and I had only been together for a month. But, I did love him. Yes, I was ready for this!

“Relax, sweets. I know you probably aren’t ready for THAT, yet … But, you will be my wife one day – soon,” Rich said as he opened the box.

Inside was a beautiful, sparkly pair of tear-drop, diamond earrings. “I know it’s almost over, but Happy Birthday, Brooke,” Rich said with his perfect Hollywood smile.

Even though they were absolutely stunning, I couldn’t help but feel a wave of disappointment course through my body.
We’d only been together for a month and I already wanted to marry this man. The realization hit me harder than walking into a wall of bricks.

“Thank you, Rich. They’re gorgeous and I will treasure them forever. Now, please, take me home and make love to me. Make my birthday wish come true,” I purred.

July 2012

t was the Fourth of July when Rich and I traveled back to Michigan to spend some time with our families. I hadn’t seen his mother or sister since his graduation ten years ago, and it had been even longer since he’d seen my father. I was most nervous, though, about Rich seeing Cassidy again. She’d never been his biggest fan and although she’d been fairly supportive of our relationship, she didn’t want to see me get hurt. She’d been especially worried since I told her about our run-in with Aubrey Sullivan on my birthday.

“Why does that skank always have to ruin my bbopof’s birthday? I wish I’d been there – I would have cut a bitch,” she said, the day after our little reunion.

I reassured her over and over again that day that I had, in fact, fallen head over heels in love with Rich. I even told her I thought he was going to propose and that I’d been disappointed when he hadn’t.

I stayed in bed a little later that morning, but crawled out when I smelled my favorite coffee brewing and heard conversation and laughter coming from the kitchen. I threw on my purple, fluffy robe, pulled my disheveled hair into a knot, and took care of business in the bathroom, before making my way to the kitchen.

“Mr. Anderson,” Rich said, clearing his throat before continuing. “I love your daughter and I want nothing more than to make her my wife. She loves you and respects your opinion more than you will ever know. I understand that we are really just meeting here for the first time, but I would appreciate your blessing in asking for Brooke’s hand in marriage.”

Holy shit! Rich just asked my dad for his blessing to marry me. I should go back to the bedroom. I shouldn’t be listening to this private conversation. Ahhhh! I can’t help it. I have to listen. It’s like gawking after a car accident. I just can’t stop!

“Rich, please, call me David,” Dad said. “I had a long talk with my daughter over Christmas and I could tell then that she really cared for you. I’m glad that the two of you were able to work things out. I want nothing more than her happiness and if she agrees to be your wife then I will happily welcome you into my family as my son-in-law.”

Daddy said yes! Is Rich going to propose today? He did say something about the beach and fireworks over the lake at sunset. How romantic! All of those places would be the perfect setting for a proposal. This kind of stuff only happens in romance novels! Oh my gosh, I need to call Cass … What do I wear? I’d want pictures and I want everything to look perfect – including myself!

I rushed back to the bedroom, hoping that I hadn’t been caught eavesdropping and went right into the bathroom and started to shower. I stayed in a little longer than normal, hoping that Rich would join me, but he never came.
He must still be talking with my dad; the thought of those two actually hitting it off sent tingles up my spine.

BOOK: Unwritten
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