Unwrapped (11 page)

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Authors: Gennifer Albin

Tags: #New Adult, #Romance

BOOK: Unwrapped
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Chapter Five


Racing through the bar, I grabbed my coat and purse while Nicolas dashed his name and room number on the bill, then he took my hand and pulled me through the lobby.

Oh my God, was this really happening? It was one of those moments where I wanted a pause button on life so I could just stop and revel in it. When I got to a page like this in a book, I could slow down, savor every word, then go back and reread, letting the tension build all over again. Plus, I’m not gonna lie, I really hoped people in the lobby would notice that it was
this gorgeous specimen of masculine virility was taking up to his room at such a frantic pace. It was
he couldn’t wait to get his lips on again—and maybe his hands and his tongue and his cock.

Haha! There! I said it! I want his cock!

Stumbling in my heels, I grinned like a lunatic, and I think I even laughed aloud as we arrived at the elevator. But it was just too, too good—because it wasn’t a book. It was real. It was me—me! Miss Caroline Peach of the cardigan sweaters and granny panties was on her way up to a hotel room on a Saturday afternoon with a sexy tango god who had an accent and a fuckhot body! Thank GOD I’d worn nice underwear today. It wasn’t the sexy thong Lucy would’ve had on, but they were cute low-cut boy shorts in nude, trimmed with a little black lace at the bottom.

Wait, would he even see my underwear? Maybe I was jumping to conclusions. Maybe panty-dropping was too brash a move when you only just met someone.

But I would do it. I would so do it.

As we waited for the elevator, I jittered with impatience like a little kid who has to go to the bathroom. Nicolas squeezed my hand before leaning over to whisper in my ear. “I know what you’re thinking, Miss Peach.”

A blush crept up my neck to my face.
Oh God, I hope so.

The elevator doors opened and we stepped in amid a crowd of people. After hitting the button marked fourteen on the panel, Nicolas backed up into the wall and I stood in front of him, both of us facing the door. As it closed, he put both hands on my hips and pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Erection question answered.

I felt his hard length against my tailbone and leaned into it. He dropped his chin to my shoulder and whispered through my hair into my ear. “From the moment I saw you this morning, I’ve been hard like this. You have the face of an angel, and you’re so fucking sweet, such a good girl. It makes me want to do bad things to you.”

My knees trembled and I clutched at his forearms, pulling them tight against me. It seemed like an eternity before the elevator reached the fourteenth floor, and as soon as the doors opened I shot out of them like a bullet.

“This way.” Nicolas took my hand and pulled me down the hall, stopping in front of a door marked 1426. The second we got inside his room, he backed me against the wall, crushing his mouth against mine.

As his tongue slid between my lips, I slipped my hands beneath his shirt, moaning at the feel of hot skin and tight muscles. He undid the knot in my belt and broke the kiss just long enough to lift the blouse over my head. As it fell from his hands, he stared at me, breathing heavy. Placing his strong hands at my hips, he dragged his palms up my sides and ribcage, forcing my arms up over my head until he had me by both wrists, which he crossed and pinned to the wall.

My breasts heaved with quick breaths. He kissed me again, sucking my tongue into his mouth, taking my lower lip between his teeth. Finally, his mouth traveled down my neck, making me pant even harder. My nipples were tight and tingling, so hard they poked through the nude lace of my demi-bra. I rose up on tiptoe, hoping he’d get the idea, because his breath and mouth on the swell of my breasts was torture.

He dropped a hand to my chest and filled it with one lace-covered mound, moving his thumb over the taut peak. My entire body shivered as he lowered his mouth to the other, rubbing his lips back and forth just above the lace. Finally he moved the lace aside and took my nipple into his mouth and I whimpered, thrusting my chest forward, wanting him to take off my bra but too shy to say it.

Thankfully he reached around and unhooked it with one hand, releasing my wrists so he could slip it from my shoulders. I had one brief moment of self-consciousness, which quickly dissipated when he tugged off his own shirt and I got distracted by the smooth, hard muscles of his chest, and the huge tattoo covering one entire shoulder, upper arm and pectoral. My hands flew to it, sliding from his shoulders down the front of his chest and back up again. Then he hooked his hands beneath my ass and boosted me up, pushing my back against the wall and reclaiming my mouth with his own.

The feel of his bare chest had me moaning. The seam of my jeans was pressing against me again and I rocked my hips into his hard stomach. He lifted me up higher so he could kiss my breasts, and I dropped my head back against the wall when he flicked his tongue over my nipple. Threading my hands through his dark hair, I gasped when he sucked me hard into his mouth. “Nicolas,” I said softly, almost under my breath.

“Talk to me,” he said. “Tell me what you like.”

Oh, God, please—anything but talking!
Unease wedged its way inside my delight, and I fought it off as he lowered me to my feet and kissed his way back up my chest and neck. I would do anything this man wanted me to, but telling him what
wanted was too much—I couldn’t. I bit my lip as he dropped to his knees and slipped my shoes from my feet. Then he ran his hands up the sides of my legs and rested them on my hips.

“Tell me what you would like for your birthday.”

How about an orgasm with you?

He put his face to my stomach and breathed in the scent of my skin before dotting soft kisses just above the waistline of my jeans.
My God, I am so wet. Take off my pants. Take off your pants. Fuck me.

But “uhmmm” was all I could manage.

Nicolas smiled and traced a circle around my belly button with his tongue before bringing his fingers to the button of my jeans. “Come on, Caroline. I know you’re thinking something. Tell me what it is.”

“I…I love it when you say my name.” My palms flattened on the wall behind me as he unbuttoned and then unzipped my pants. “It makes me so wet.”

“Good girl.” Slowly he dragged my jeans down my legs and lifted each foot from them. “Tell me more.”

Oh God oh God oh God.
It wasn’t like I didn’t have ideas. I had a million of them. And the words were
right there
, in my mind, on my lips, and I wanted to say them, I did. Why was I so scared? While I tried to work up the nerve, he slipped his hands between my ankles and brushed the back of his fingers up to the insides of my knees.

“Spread your legs for me, Caroline.” I did as he asked, and his fingers continued on their path up my inner thighs, lingering at the black lace trim of my boy shorts. He looked up at me with the devil in those smoky blue eyes before pulling the damp material aside and sliding one finger shallowly between my folds, one whispery stroke from back to front. My core throbbed with delicious, pent-up agony. “Do you want me to touch you here?”

I nodded.

He withdrew his finger. “I can’t hear you, Caroline.”

“Yes,” I said loudly, between panting breaths. “Yes, I want you to touch me there.”

He plunged two fingers into me, and my legs almost collapsed. Slamming my eyes shut, I leaned back against the wall, grateful it was there to hold me up. Slowly, he slid his fingers in and out of me, his thumb rubbing my clit. I let myself think the words, repeating them in my head.

SO much better than just reading them.

After a moment, I got brave enough to look down at him. That was another thing—I’d never been with anyone in the middle of the afternoon in a well-lit room. I’d never seen a man become aroused by my body, never known the heady effects of watching an erotic act take place in the flesh. Things had always been rushed or done in the dark—or maybe I’d just always kept my eyes closed. Desire surged inside me, and I didn’t want to bottle it up the way I had in the past. When he brought his mouth between my legs, I didn’t need any more prompting. Words tumbled from my mouth as quickly as I could think them.

“Oh my God, Nicolas. Yes.
” I thumped my hand on the wall behind me as he licked me with the flat of his tongue and circled the tingling bundle of nerves with the tip. “I want you to lick me. I want to feel your tongue on my clit. I want you to fuck me with it.” Every word that came out of my mouth shocked and thrilled me. It must have had the same effect on him too, because he groaned and worked his lips and tongue harder and faster. He pushed deeper with his fingers and pressed a spot inside me that caused my entire body to race toward climax.

Every muscle coiled up with mind-numbing pleasure, the tension at my center pulling tighter and tighter as the impending explosion built up strength.
Oh my God, it’s real! The mind-blowing, earth-shaking orgasm is actually a thing! And it’s happening so fast!
I’d never imagined it could be this good or this quick—Jesus Christ, what was he doing to me? In a dizzy haze of is-this-really-happening disbelief, I forced myself to keep my eyes open and watch. The sight of his tattooed shoulder and tousled dark head between my legs pushed me over the edge and I fisted my hands in his hair, crying out as pleasure burst open inside me, pure bliss rippling throughout my body. My legs finally buckled.

Nicolas jumped up and swept me off my feet, carrying me into the bedroom area of his suite. He laid me down on the bed, pulled my panties off, and stretched out above me. I still hadn’t caught my breath.

“Oh my God,” I whispered, running my hands up his back and around to his chest. I couldn’t seem to close my mouth.

He braced himself above me and looked down with those eyes.

That color eyes should be illegal.
“That was amazing,” I said. “I’m in shock.”


“God, where should I start? I’m in shock that I’m here with you in your hotel room. I’m in shock that I’m lying naked beneath someone whose last name I don’t even know. I’m in shock that I just had the best orgasm of my life.”

“So it’s good shock. And my last name is Medina.”

I laughed. “Nice to meet you. Yes, it’s good shock. You were right before, you know. I am a good girl, and I’ve never done anything like this.”

He smiled before pressing kisses to my forehead and temple and cheek. “No?”

“No. God, you did things to me that I’ve only read about in books.” The memory of it had my stomach turning cartwheels.

“Mmm.” He kissed me long and hard and hot and deep. I tasted something new on his lips, something earthy but sort of sweet, and realized I was tasting myself. I froze for just a second—was the taste normal? Did he like it? What if I had a weird taste or something?

In the past I’d avoided letting anyone go down on me because I was too scared about that, and I could never do anything but panic while it was happening. But with Nicolas I’d been so out of my mind with desire, I hadn’t even considered stopping him. He rolled to his side and ran one hand up my thigh. “You’re so beautiful. I don’t think you know how beautiful. And you taste as sweet as you look.” He squeezed my hip. “As sweet as you are.”

I was already overheated but felt the warmth of a blush rise from my chest to my face. “Thank you.”

He plucked at my lower lip, taking it between his teeth. “I loved hearing you talk to me.”

Remembering the things I’d said, I felt a little squirmy. “Really?”

“Yes.” He slid his hand up my side to my breast. He squeezed it gently before teasing my nipples with his fingers, tracing light circles that perked them up again. “Tell me more. What does this good girl want?”

Biting my lip, I brought a hand to his chest and traced the bold, swirling lines of ink. “This good girl wants to be bad, even if it’s just for today.”

A smile crept onto his lips as he pinched my nipple, making me gasp. Then he leaned over to take it into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue and biting down gently.

“Oh God.” My voice cracked. I squeezed my eyes shut as tingly spears of lust ricocheted through my body. Could it all happen again so fast?

He moved on top of me so the bulge of his erection centered between my legs, and I brought my knees up his sides, squeezing his torso between them. I wished he would get naked.
Maybe I should tell him that.

“Surrender can be a powerful thing, no?” He began to move his hips in a way that reminded me of a ribbon undulating in the breeze.

“Yes.” Putting my feet down, I lifted my hips to feel him harder against me. “I’ve never wanted to surrender my body to anyone like this.”

“Good.” He got to his knees, reaching for his belt. “Because I’m going to make you come again, Caroline, and then again after that. And every time, I want you to think it’s the best orgasm of your life.” He slipped off the edge of the bed to remove the rest of his clothes, and just as I’d imagined, his body was perfection—long and lean and muscular without being bulky. His cock stood tall and stiff, lined with veins and ridges, and I realized I’d never seen one in the daylight before. Even when I’d had the opportunity, I’d been too scared to look.

But Nicolas was beautiful, every inch of him. And I realized it wasn’t only to him I would surrender—but to myself, to every urge I had, to every erotic whim, without shame. I licked my lips.

He went over to his suitcase and returned with a condom in his hand.

“Wait.” I took it from his fingers and put it next to me on the bed, willing myself not to lose nerve. “I want to touch you.”

He stood in front of me as I knelt at the edge of the bed and ran my hands along his arms and his chest and his stomach. I traced the swirling lines of his tattoos with my fingertips and pressed my lips to his collarbone. Keeping my mouth on his skin, I moved my hand moved lower until I felt his thick, hard flesh. I brought the other hand to it as well, stacking one on top of the other and wrapping my fingers around him. He moved his hips, thrusting slowly into my hands, and I tightened my grip. When I looked down at the smooth, round head slipping through my fingers, I had the urge to know what it would feel like in my mouth. But I hesitated, not because I wasn’t sure I wanted to, but because I wasn’t sure I’d know how to do it right. Sex with #1 had been so fast, there hadn’t really been time for a lot of fooling around. We were always in a hurry so we wouldn’t get caught, and we only slept together maybe a dozen times. I’d never even tried this with #2.

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