Unwrapped (26 page)

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Authors: Gennifer Albin

Tags: #New Adult, #Romance

BOOK: Unwrapped
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“You’re so beautiful,” he said. Our eyes met, his smoldering and dark, but I kept moving, wanting him to feel how much this moment meant to me, wanting him to know how good he made me feel. I could feel a telltale clenching in my core and I opened my mouth to cry out, but before I could climax on my own, Ben pressed a gentle thumb to my clit and began rubbing it in slow circles. That was all I needed. I came in what felt like an explosion, a nuclear chain reaction, one spasming core muscle leading to the next and to the next, pulling the very fabric of my being apart.

Ben flipped me onto my back, hovering over me. “What do you think, mascot?”

“I think you’re amazing,” I said, my body still rippling with pleasure. I looked down at his cock, thick and impossibly hard between his muscular thighs. My body pulsed again, this time in anticipation.

Ben leaned down to kiss my neck, his lips trailing down to my breast, where he took a nipple in his mouth, sucking and nipping in a way that made me arch my back. Then, without warning, he plunged into me, hissing in satisfaction as my pussy took all of his considerable length.

He stroked in and out—pulling himself almost all the way out and then plunging in again, his hips drilling into my thighs. From my vantage point, I could see all the best parts of him on display—his broad shoulders and sculpted chest, his ridged abs and narrow hips, all of his body tensed in the pursuit of fucking me into oblivion.

“You’re so fucking hot, Natalie,” he said.

“I was about to say the same about you.”

“You have no idea how many nights I fantasized about this,” he said, still thrusting. “How many hours I spent dreaming about your pussy and that mouth. Damn, that mouth.” I took his hand and drew a finger into my mouth, where I kissed and sucked at his fingertip, knowing my plump lips looked undeniably sexy as I did so. I was rewarded with such an expression of dark lust that I almost came just witnessing it.

And with that, all bets were off. He started screwing me harder, the cords in his neck raised with the strain. I slid my hand over his shoulders, in awe of his body, of him, enjoying this crazy, hot, unbelievable moment.

“Oh no, you’re coming with me,” he commanded, mistaking my awe for relaxation, and then he moved into a kneeling position, raising my legs so that my ankles rested against his shoulders. From here he had unfettered access to my clitoris, which he teased and caressed expertly, all the while hitting new angles inside me that made my toes curl. I moaned, my body too sensitive to handle another orgasm, but he kept going, kept stroking and thrusting until my body tightened once again.

“I think I could fuck you all night and still not get enough,” he growled, and once more, my core squeezed and thrilled and my pussy clenched around his cock as I rode the intense orgasm.

He growled once more, and then I felt him pulsing inside me, his entire body surrendering at last. But even as his cock jerked with spent desire, his eyes never left mine, and that feeling of security surrounded me once more.

He collapsed by my side, and we lay panting for a few moments, the sounds of the party still spilling into the room. I smiled to myself as I watched him breathe; to think, if I hadn’t finally called it quits with Derek and stormed out without my shoes, I wouldn’t have run into Ben. He wouldn’t have invited me to his party and told me that he’d liked me for years and we wouldn’t have shared this mind-blowing night together.

And hopefully, it was the first of many mind-blowing nights.

As if reading my thoughts, Ben rolled over onto his side and propped his head up on his hand. “So, I know it’s kind of soon, but would you like to meet my mother tomorrow? I think you guys would really hit it off.”

“You think she likes town girls who knee people in the balls?”

“I know she likes kick-ass, independent girls who knee people in the balls.”

I stroked his stomach, tickling his sides with my fingertips. “Okay. But I am under no circumstances ever going near a rhododendron again.”



Laurelin Paige
… To my cohorts in crime, my soulmates, my fiesty sNAtches - I’m so lucky to have found my place among you. Thanks for taking me into your hearts, or wherever it is you have taken me into. To Kimberly Bell Ward for choosing the name Kira in my Fan’s Choice contest. Nice name. To the readers and the bloggers, because without you, what’s the point?


Tamara Mataya
… To The NAturals, for always being there. Merry Ho Ho you sexy, talented bitches! Thanks for letting this crazy Canadian tag along. :)


Melanie Harlow
…To my sassy, sexy bandmates. Don’t ever leave me in the Bitchy Ether alone. To Mauro Caiazza, Argentine tango dancer, for inspiring this story.


Sierra Simone
… To my fellow NAturals for all the support, encouragement and guidance, along with my husband, who never minded the late nights or the angst.


Kayti McGee
… To her badassed best friends the NAturals- Melanie, Genn, Tamara, Laurelin, and Sierra. Love you guys. To Brentley for the shamelessly stolen inspiration. I sincerely hope you never read this. Thanks also to William Stoehr for stolen inspiration of a more artistic nature. Most of all, thank you, Sugar, for absolutely everything. You are amazing.


Gennifer Albin
… To all my Kilt Checkers. I couldn’t have finished this without my Naturals: Tamara, Melissa, Laura, Kayti, and Sierra. Glad you’re in my band.

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Chapter Five


Ten minutes later, Chase strapped himself into the passenger seat of Kira’s Kia Rio. Chase’s beat-up Toyota Corolla was back at the house while hers had just been up the block.

“Nice car,” he said as she pulled out of her parking space.

She glanced at him before returning her eyes to the front windshield. “A present from Daddy when I made Princess Cherry Saver.”

“It’s even red, how fitting.” Chase couldn’t help laughing. “So, do you have to give it back now?”

Kira scoffed. “I’m not telling him anything. Are you?”

“Hell, no. Authority figures scare the shit out of me as it is.” His head filled with images of things President Satchell could do to Chase such as pull his scholarship or throw him out of the Education Department. Or just plain kick him in the balls.

The last thought made him glance around. School presidents weren’t really everywhere, were they?

“Relax. He’s not coming after you.”

Damn, how did she read him like that? It was freaky and freaking cool all at the same time.

They’d stopped at a red light and Kira gave him an obvious once-over. “In fact, you’re exactly the type of guy I could bring home and Dad wouldn’t blow a gasket.”

Chase couldn’t decide if he should be grateful for the comment or scared shitless. The girl he’d just met was talking about meeting her parents—that was generally considered reason to panic. Funny that he was more curious than concerned.

Proud even.

“Really?” He sat up taller in his seat, feeling suave. “What makes you think I’d be Daddy material?”

She laughed. “Oh, did you think that was a compliment?”

“You’re kind of a bitch, you know that?” But he was laughing with her. And he knew his tone said that he thought she was anything but.

“Princess bitch, thank you very much.” Now she was the proud one.

“I’m making you a t-shirt so everyone will know. It can replace the one you’re wearing.” He looked down at the cherries on her chest that conveniently lay between her perfectly perky breasts. That awful slogan—
Life’s Full of Pits, Save a Cherry
—taunted him. “I have to admit that shirt on you drives me a little insane.”

“Does it? I could take it off.” Her sly grin suggested she had nothing but her bra on underneath.

There went his cock.
Just when he’d gotten his last semi under control.

“No? I’ll leave it on then.” She patted his thigh. “But if you change your mind, let me know.” And she winked.

And his pants got even tighter.

“Anyway…” He wiped his hand over his face and wondered how he should play this. Was she hoping for a repeat performance? Or was she simply being flirty? Or maybe she just liked seeing him a miserable wreck.

Safest bet was to play it off like casual conversation. Yep, because every day girls offered to take their clothes off while driving around town. Of course they didn’t, hence the reason it was funny. That had to be it. She was joking. That was all. Right? Right.

Now someone explain that to his dick.

Chase shifted in his seat as he tried to think about something totally nonsexual. Like Jared. Or President Satchell.

Neither image helped. Truth was they just weren’t as potent in his mind as the intoxicating presence of Kira at his side. The totally hot, beautiful, amazing Kira Larson.

Shoot him now; he was completely smitten.

He shook his head, annoyed at himself for his mushy emotions. Didn’t help to mope about it though. He was alone with the girl he was into. What more could he want?

A bed would be nice. Or someplace private anyway. He looked around out the window noticing the total lack of well, anything. They seemed to be in the middle of nowhere on a rough road surrounded by fields and vacant plots of land. “So where are you taking me, anyway?”

Her devilish grin returned accompanied with that twinkle in her eye that he adored so much. “It’s a surprise.”

“Is this a good time to tell you I don’t do well with surprises?” He didn’t really mind surprises. Though, he would have preferred to not have been surprised by his growing affection for the girl next to him.

“Too bad, because I’m not telling you.” She glanced at him. Then, seeming to take pity on him, said, “It wouldn’t even make sense unless you saw it.”

“Fine.” He exaggerated a sigh. “But we barely know each other. Maybe I should send a text to my friends so they know to come looking for me in case you don’t bring me back.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say we don’t know each other.” And there was that wink again. “But you’re right. I have the control here. I could kidnap you and no one would be the wiser.”

“What would you do to me?” Chase was merely playing along, but he recognized the sexual vibe as soon as the words were out of his mouth. Before, even. Maybe that was why he’d said it.

“Also, a surprise.”

He was almost disappointed that she hadn’t been specific.

Then she said more. “But it would be wicked and vile.”

Still not specific, but it painted a certain sort of picture. “I like the sound of that.” The picture grew more vivid in his mind—Kira doing wicked and vile and amazingly wonderful things to him in the back of her Kia. “Maybe surprises aren’t that bad after all.”

And now he’d past semi and gone straight for hard.

Conversation was definitely not working. Time for another distraction. He could hear the latest Imagine Dragons’ song beginning softly in the background and grabbed onto it like a lifeline. “Can I turn this up? I love this song.” His hand was already on the radio dial.

“I do, too!” Her eyes gleamed. “Crank it.”

They sang along to songs on the radio while Kira drove them out further into nothingness. After a few tunes, she turned on a crossroad with no markings. How the hell she knew where she was going, Chase had to wonder. Or
she knew where she was going. Not that he cared if they had a destination. The ride was totally worth it.

Soon, a large tree appeared on the side of the road ahead. It was easy to spot from far away, it being the only tall thing anywhere around them. As they got closer, Chase noticed something odd about the tree—objects hanging from its branches. A few more feet nearer and he saw they weren’t just any old objects, but shoes.


Kira slowed the car and parked along the shoulder.

This was it? The only sight worth seeing in Greeley, Colorado?

She opened her door and turned to Chase who hadn’t yet moved. “Well? Are you getting out?”

“Yeah. Yeah, I totally am.” He unbuckled the seatbelt and ventured out of the car.

Kira crossed to meet him in front of the hood. “It’s cool, right?”

wasn’t exactly the word he’d use. He tilted his head hoping to gain a better comprehension of what he was looking at. Shoes dangled everywhere he looked. Mostly old shoes, it seemed. And almost all of them were shoes with laces—shoes that could be tied together and flung over a higher branch.

“Well?” Kira peered up at him expectantly.

Chase crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the car. “Why do people do this?”

She shrugged. “No one really knows how it got started. Maybe someone was out here and decided to throw their old pair of sneakers up into the only tree for miles around. Who knows? But now people treat it like a wishing tree. The people who know about this place, that is. I mean, it’s not a secret or anything. People just don’t remember it’s out here. But some people are pretty faithful about it. Every time my Grandpa goes through a pair, he’s out here wishing.”

Somehow Kira’s monologue cleared up very little. “People throw their shoes up and make a wish? Like tossing a penny in a fountain?”

“Exactly like that.” She nudged his shoulder with hers. “What are you thinking?”

“Honestly?” He didn’t want to offend her, but he couldn’t lie. Not about this. “I’m thinking this tradition is kind of weird.”

Her eyes went wide in disbelief. “
It’s cool.”

Shoes flung into a random tree in the middle of nowhere?
“It’s weird.”

Kira put a hand dramatically over her chest. “It’s sweet and hopeful and even a little romantic.”

“It’s weird.”

The car shifted as she sat on the hood. “Oh my God, you’re totally going to ruin this place for me aren’t you?”

Chase moved his eyes from the strange sight in front of him to the girl next to him. Her shoulders sagged and her expression was totally deflated. Shit. Not what he’d been going for. “No, no, no. I’m sorry. I’m not ruining anything. It’s not weird.” He put an arm around her which felt both kind of awkward and kind of amazing all at once.

She frowned, her lower lip thrust forward in a perfectly kissable pout. “You’re pacifying me.”

“Nope.” He pulled her into the crook of his arm, the awkwardness of their touch having dissipated. “I’ve gotten used to the idea now and it’s not weird. I was wrong.” It was totally still weird, but he wasn’t saying that again.

As if she could read his mind, her pout turned into determination. “Prove it.”

He pulled out his phone with one hand and clicked a picture of the shoe tree. “There. I’ll even make that shot my phone screensaver.” He didn’t know what she meant by
prove it
but he hoped that did it.

“I don’t mean like that. I mean, make a wish.” Her expression was hopeful, her face lit up with pure delight. Like making a wish on the shoe tree was the most amazing thing a guy could do for her.

“Throw my shoes up there?” He was considering it. He wanted to be that guy. Still…

He looked down at his favorite worn-in pair of Converse. “I like these shoes. I need these shoes.” It was himself he was convincing.

She giggled, and Chase couldn’t help but steal a glance at the way her tits bounced with her laughter. “You don’t need to throw your shoes. There are enough shoes up there to carry enough power for a few extra wishes. Just close your eyes and think about what you want. I’ll even do it with you.”

She closed her eyes and seemed to concentrate. After a few seconds she opened one eye and peered at him.

He was supposed to be wishing with her. He’d been too caught up in watching her while replaying her words in his mind.
Do it with you.
That could be taken as dirty, right?

Kira slid out from under his arm as she turned her torso toward him, challenge written in her eyes. “You’re thinking I’m being weird again, aren’t you?”

“No. That’s not what I was thinking.” It was the farthest thing from his mind. Besides having carnal thoughts about her, he was also thinking what a strange course his day had taken. From not being able to get the mystery girl out of his mind to seeing her at a purity rally to standing out in the middle of nowhere with her every action saying that she could want him as much as he wanted her.

He was thinking he was pretty damn lucky.

“Then what
you thinking?” The breeze blew across the plain, her hair dancing across her face.

Chase shifted toward her, tucking a lock behind her ear. “I don’t know what to wish for.” He paused searching for the courage to say what else he wanted to say, surprising himself when he found he didn’t need to search hard. “The thing I’ve been wishing for already came true.”

“What was that?” Her voice was soft but expectant.

His eyes locked with hers. “That I’d see you again.”

Her breath caught—he actually heard it, the small little gasp she made as he made his declaration. If that wasn’t a green light, then he must be color blind.

He turned his body so he was facing her still sitting on the hood. Bracing his hands on the car on either side of her, he leaned forward, his forehead nearly touching hers. “Now I have another wish.”

“What?” It was barely a whisper, but it held enough strength to make his balls twitch.

There was no going back now—he was lost in her. Completely.

He moved his hands from the car to her waist. “I wish I could show you what it’s like to make love in a bed.”

She tilted her chin up. “That’s funny. That was my wish too.”

“How about we make it come true?”

As his mouth met hers, and he disappeared into the motion of their lips and tongues gliding together, Chase had to admit that he really had been wrong: The shoe tree was anything but weird. It was all the things Kira had said it was—sweet and hopeful and a whole lot romantic.

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