Untouched: 2 (Rough Boys) (6 page)

Read Untouched: 2 (Rough Boys) Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Untouched: 2 (Rough Boys)
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She came apart. Contractions racked her. Her flesh pulsated on his tongue and around his finger, jolting up his arm and spreading like a wildfire through his limbs.

Small, squeaking gasps burst from her as she rode the waves of her orgasm. A flush stole over her body and she bit into her lower lip ruthlessly. The plump skin bulged around her sharp tooth. Fuck, what he wouldn’t give to feel those teeth on him. Scraping, nipping…

He pumped his finger against her G-spot, extending her release. Slick juices soaked his hand and he released her nubbin to lick his knuckles. Then, removing his finger entirely, he sucked it all the way into his mouth.

Her eyes were half-lidded with bliss. “Come to me, Mason. Now. I need you to stretch me.”

Though he’d never needed such a thing here in Salzburg Springs, he kept a stash of condoms in his nightstand. He ripped the drawer open with so much strength, it hit the floor with a crash.


Eva jackknifed on the bed, curled on her side and convulsing with giggles. He focused on the shivering flesh of her breasts, visions of sliding his cock between the round mounds threatening his control. Another minute and he wouldn’t need a condom.

He dangled over the side of the bed, located a foil wrapper amongst the spilled contents of the drawer and ripped it open with his teeth. In a flash, he had it in place.

Stretching atop her, he poised at the heat between her thighs. She dug her nails into his ass but he resisted.

“Baby, I’ve been dreaming about getting inside you for a very long time.”

“Please, Mason!”

Leaning down, he claimed her lips, sharing her juices with her. She went wild, lapping at his lips and tongue. When he still didn’t join them, she hooked a heel behind his back and jerked him against her with surprising strength.

He sank deep, plunging through her soaking walls. Setting his teeth together, he bit off a feral grunt. His balls ached and he felt the familiar rush that meant impending release. Trapping her face in his hands, he kissed her more fervently. And began to move.

Her body gave way, cupping him, a perfect fit. She rose and fell beneath him but it wasn’t enough. He slid his hands under her round buttocks and brought her up sharply. His cock stabbed her and she cried out. She clenched him, shaking, her nipples two ripe buds begging for his kiss.

“Fuck, I want this to last but I can’t hold out long, baby.”

“More, Mason!” She bucked against him and he realized she wanted him to spear her as he did before. Rough. Deep.

He jerked her against him. Once. Twice. A bellow of completion passed his lips as hot ropes of come spurted from his cock. Her walls twitched around him as she tipped over the edge too. She clung to him and he found her mouth, feeding her his passions through a sucking, tongue-swirling kiss.

Her soft body cradled his, her pussy enveloping his cock as the release ebbed away. Vanilla pooled in his sinuses and flavored his tongue. He came to his senses slowly, aware of the hum of the furnace and the tick of the grandfather clock in the hallway.

Eva’s breathing slowed and finally she released a stuttering sigh. He supported his weight on his elbows and stared into her tumultuous gaze. Dark sparks of emotion resided in her eyes, raising that feeling of utter possessiveness once again.

“That was amazing, darlin’.”

She shivered. He reached for the blanket and tossed it over them both. Nestling her face against his chest, she gave a sigh.

He smoothed the hair off her forehead and kissed the sweet-smelling spot on her temple. “You all right, Eva?”

She answered by wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. Her smile spread against his chest. “Did you really want that for as long as you could remember?”

“Yes.” He rolled off her and pulled her atop him so he could explore the curves he hadn’t yet learned. Like the dip of her lower back. And the crest of her buttocks.

What was she thinking? Usually he didn’t stop to wonder after getting physical with a woman, but she was different. More important. Maybe even a little fragile.

He caressed her back in long, sweeping strokes until gooseflesh pebbled her body. Minutes ticked by and his worry grew. Finally, he had to know what was going on her head. “Eva, talk to me. Tell me what you’re feeling.”


Eva’s senses whirled, her mind spinning like a windmill in an eighty-mile-an-hour wind. The tempest of their lovemaking was over, but now what? The physical link to Mason had been mind-blowing. Her body still hummed and small aftershocks tore through her. But what now? She was his employee. She wasn’t going to be able to walk back into the Dorsey Forestry office and settle in to work as if nothing happened.

And there was the not-so-small problem of her secret concerning Bill’s theft. Now that she was sleeping with Mason, it might bring her activities into focus. What would happen if he discovered what she was doing with the Dorsey Forestry accounts?

He pressed a tender kiss to the hollow of her throat, bringing her back to the present. She was in his bed and he’d been a fantastic lover. The ache between her thighs was testimony to that.

He’d asked what she was feeling. How to answer him?

Start with the basics.
Squeezing his developed biceps, she smiled at him. “I’m feeling satisfied.”

A smug smile spread over his rugged features and lit his eyes. Up close the depths were speckled with many colors, like a kaleidoscope. Gray, green and gold fanned around the centers. His lashes were bristly and thick, the same dark hue of the hair on his jaw.

She chafed her knuckles over this growth. “Very satisfied, Mason. In fact, I might want to do that again.”

His eyes hooded at her words. No matter what the state of her bank account and her late husband’s crime, she thoroughly enjoyed being in Mason’s bed and she wasn’t about to get out anytime soon. The chiseled tilt of his jaw thrilled her. His carved abs begged for her touch. And she hadn’t yet tasted his body as he had hers. If she had one shot at this, she was damn well going to make the most of it.

Tomorrow she’d deal with the repercussions. And the state of her heart.

“Hold on.” He released her and climbed off the bed. His sculpted buttocks disappeared into the adjoining bathroom. A minute later, he returned with a towel swathing his hips and crossed to the door. She heard him rummaging in the kitchen. When he returned, he carried an open bottle of wine.

She sat up and dragged the blankets over her belly so he didn’t see the wrinkle of loose skin. “Where are the glasses?”

“Who needs them?” He handed the bottle to her and she took a swig. The red wine slid down her throat and pooled deliciously in her lower belly. Her pussy still throbbed with need even after the proper fucking she’d had. But she’d been untouched for years. One encounter wasn’t about to satiate her for long.

Not with Mason Dorsey anyhow.

She handed him the bottle and he accepted it, sinking to the bed with a grin.


She quirked a brow at him, aware of his gaze. The predatory glint sent her blood dancing again. He’d taken her hard and her body stung in many places from his rough kisses and nips. It made her feel alive in a way she hadn’t ever felt before. “Now?”

“Now I have to kiss that sweet mouth of yours again.” He set the wine aside and pressed her back on the rumpled bed. Tracing a big thumb over her lips, he stared at her until a blush settled in her cheeks.

When she thought he’d never deliver the kiss he promised, she surged upward and claimed her due. The initial contact of his lips dizzied her anew. Waves of need struck her, towing her under. She drowned in his scent, which was mingled with her flavors. The memory of him going down between her legs and eating her pussy brought a fresh trickle of moisture from her folds.

She clamped her thighs together but he nudged them apart with his knee.

“Open for me. Let me feel that moist heat.”

“It’s my turn to explore.” She placed a palm on his chest, pushing him until he rolled into the blankets.

He lay staring up at her, a boyish grin stretching his features. She raked her gaze over his body, starting at his bulging pecs and skimming to his hard thighs. His stomach muscles were thickened and cut as if he’d been shaped for a men’s fitness magazine. Those guys could spend hours in the gym when Mason simply worked hard in the field, wielding a saw and running his ass off to speed up the production of the logging business.

A nest of brown curls cushioned his cock. It was thick and lengthening as she looked at it, the tip purple and veins twisting beneath the velvety sheath of his skin.

She straddled his lower legs and splayed her hands over his thighs. His shaft bobbed against his abdomen. He tensed, his breathing coming shallower. She stroked his pubic hair. The springy curls were like the icing on the cake of his body. The tip of his shaft oozed and she hungered for a taste.

Without warning, she prostrated herself and swallowed it to the root. He jerked, cupping her face. She held him in her mouth and he pressed her down, forcing her to take it all. The head scraped the back of her throat. The salt of his pre-come lay on her tongue but he tasted freshly washed. He must have cleaned up in the bathroom.

She bathed his shaft with her tongue. He dragged her upward, bringing her mouth to the tip. Excitement blossomed in her core. The control he exhibited over her thrilled her. She’d never experienced anything like it. Bill had been an adequate lover, but this was entirely new and exciting.

She sucked Mason’s length in again. His curls brushed her nose, lightly scented of them both. Under her fingers, his body was like iron.

“Fuck, yeah, baby. Take it all. I’m surprised you can.” He twisted her hair in his fist, drawing it off her face. The roots tugged at her scalp, sending delicious chills down her spine. He shoved at her nape, making her take him deep again.

Her nipples swelled against the warmth of his legs and she arched her back, bringing her ass up, trying to ease the throbbing between her legs.

“Goddamn, that’s beautiful. Your ass in the air and my cock in your mouth. Damn, Eva. You’ve gotta stop.”

He gripped her upper arms and yanked her up his body. She sprawled atop him fully, reveling in every inch of his male hardness. His size made her feel delicate and that look in his eyes made her feel precious.

Outside, wind drummed the house. A loose shutter flapped—something she’d heard before, but lying in bed with Mason, wrapped in his arms, gave the noise a familiarity that was at once intimate. Never in a million years would she have expected to lose her head and allow him to bring her here in the middle of that party.

“You’re blushing.”

She burrowed her nose in his throat and drew a gulp of his musky scent mixed with soap and water.


“I wonder what people will say when they realize we left the party together.”

“Who cares?” He nudged her chin up to meet her gaze. The pressure of his fingers on her chin enflamed her. “Do you care if they’re all talking about us at the diner? Or at church on Sunday?”

She shook her head. What did it matter? She was free.

“Good. Because I like the thought of all those loggers getting jealous that you’re in my bed.”

Her stomach flipped and heat slithered between her legs. She reached for one of the condoms on the floor and rolled it down over his length.

Grinning, he ground his erection against her. “Sit on it, Eva. Ride my cock.”

With a grin, she seated herself on him, his length gliding over her wet folds. He palmed her breasts, weighing them, his eyes like two gems. The need she read on his face fed her passion.

Gripping his cock at the base, she positioned it at her pussy. Then slowly she sank down on him. Tossing back her head, she moaned into the quiet of the room. Each throbbing inch stretched her, filled her. Pressure grew in her belly, a heat she couldn’t ignore.

He pinched her nipples. Hard. A cry burst from her and she snapped her gaze to his. He twisted them again, rougher than anyone had ever touched her. God, she’d never have guessed the pleasure to be had by the spear of pain.

She rocked against him, taking him deeper, her thigh muscles quivering. Her pussy clamped down on his shaft. Goose bumps broke over her at the vibrations coursing through her body. Need rushed up, the pulsations beginning in her hypersensitive core.

“Mason!” Her control fled and she rode him wildly.

He sat up, locked her to him and pumped his cock inside her channel. Each stroke drove her higher until she was gasping, crying out. She gave herself up to him, clinging to him and depending on him to hold her through the storm.

“Look at me, baby. Let me see your eyes as you splinter.” His gritty tone made her obey at once.

Holding his gaze, she let go. Release claimed her and she shattered with a scream that he swallowed with his kiss. Tremors racked her and joy burst in her heart. As she slumped in his hold, only a single thought flitted through her head.

Dawn was hours away and she was going to take advantage of every minute.

Chapter Four


Mason choked the engine of his chainsaw and adjusted it until it was purring. Much like Eva last night.

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