Untouched: 2 (Rough Boys) (4 page)

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Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Untouched: 2 (Rough Boys)
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And he was kissing her as though he’d never stop.

He slid his fingers into her hair, tangling them above her ears. He angled her head just the way he wanted it and plunged his tongue deep. She gasped as he filled her mouth. Her panties were drenched and molded to her body. Suddenly the leopard skirt from high school she’d managed to wriggle into and the white blouse she’d worn to work were too confining.

It also felt as if Mason’s jeans were too tight to accommodate his erection. He shifted from foot to foot and she longed to grind against him, to learn the inches that were thickened for her.

Beneath her fingers, he seemed to vibrate. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung, never wanting him to let her go. Knowing he probably would let her go—he was her boss, not her lover. They were exploring unstable ground.

He pressed the small of her back, bringing her in full contact with his throbbing length. Her pussy clenched and released. Juices flowed down her inner thighs. No, this was too good. And she’d gone so long without a man’s touch.

Just one more minute…

Suddenly he broke away, gazing down at her with an intense expression that was almost a scowl. His thick, dark brows were knitted together in a V and his breath plumed in small clouds that glimmered in the light from the garage and the moon.

“God, that was amazing.

Before she could respond to his heated words, he gripped her hand and towed her toward his truck. Electricity ripped through her body from his kisses. “Where are you taking me?”

“I’m not finished kissing you, Eva.” His gritty tone sent her heart galloping like a runaway horse.

They reached his truck but he didn’t open the door. He turned to her slowly and pulled her back into his arms. Heat slammed her, like striking a wall. His muscles, his scent and his warmth overwhelmed her.

And this time he kissed her with purpose. The tentative swirling of tongues was gone, replaced by passionate demand. He bit her lips until she opened for him and then he drank from her roughly.

Each flick of his tongue maddened her. She slid her palms beneath his coat and felt the swells of muscles around his torso. Without warning, he spun her around and pressed her against the door of the truck. Her spine struck and the forcefulness ratcheted up her desire another notch. She was in no mood to play games and apparently Mason wasn’t either.

He tore his mouth away and loomed over her, trapping her in the cage of his thick biceps. His broad shoulders blocked all the light and she could barely make out his glittering eyes in the darkness.

“Eva, you’ve been driving me wild for days. Weeks. Fuck, it’s been months!”

Her belly hollowed out at his confession, feeling as if she’d just gone into a ten-story drop on a roller coaster. All the times she’d looked up from her paperwork to find his gaze on her made sense all of a sudden.

He pressed against her, letting her bear his weight. She reveled in it. Feeling a strong man again dizzied her. “Tell me you want it too.”

“Mason, I do. You’re— Yes, I do.” It had been on the tip of her tongue to say more, to add emotion to this interlude. But the time wasn’t right. It might never be. She wasn’t about to screw up a night of bliss with him. Even if it was only a night, she didn’t care. She wanted him.

Twisting her fingers in his hair, she drew him back to her mouth. His scents crashed over her and her breasts ached for his touch.

He kissed her fleetingly and then locked her in his gaze. “Come home with me, Eva.”

Her heart flipped and then soared. He nuzzled her ear and throat. Boneless, she sagged against him. Weakly, she answered him.

“The babysitter is with my son. Maybe she can stay. I’ll give her a call.”

He jerked, pulling away a fraction. Worry filled her. In the year she’d been working for him, she’d never mentioned her son. Was it possible he didn’t know about Brady? It was a small town and she thought everyone knew her business.

Maybe Mason wouldn’t get involved with her now, knowing she had bigger responsibilities.

He trailed his lips over her earlobe, his heated breath a sharp contrast to the scrape of his facial hair. She shivered. Finally, he spoke. “Good. Then it’s settled. If I can stop kissing you long enough, we’ll drive home.”

Moaning, she turned her mouth against his, hungry for his taste. Passion raged in her unchecked as he stroked the walls of her mouth with his tongue. He explored her waist with his hands, moving upward inch by inch until he cupped her breasts through her coat.

She arched against him, needing more.

“Fuck. I’m going to take you here if I don’t stop.” He moved her away from the truck door, opened it and motioned for her to get in.

The hint of a smile crossed his handsome face, cutting a bracket around his mouth. She returned it. Was this a dream? She’d never allowed herself to fantasize about Mason because he was her boss. Besides, he’d always been out of reach. In their youth, she’d been too enthralled with Bill to look at other boys. And when Mason returned to take over Dorsey Forestry, she’d never considered him a romantic interest.

She climbed into the truck. Instead of shutting the door, he climbed into the passenger seat with her. With the flick of a wrist, he sent the seat flying backward. A laugh bubbled from her and he rumbled a response. Then he brought his weight down upon her, pinning her securely beneath him.

Gasping, she pulled him closer, hitching a thigh around his hip and bringing his erection against her.

He groaned and fumbled to get her coat off. She worked over his too, until she was able to slide the heavy wool off his shoulders. He tossed it over the seat. Leaving her coat on but open down the front, he dropped his head to the swell of her breasts, nuzzling the cleavage she’d spritzed with perfume before leaving for the party.

His soft hair caressed her skin, lighting a fire in her that blazed out of control. Once he touched her, she wasn’t going to hold out for long.

“So sweet. Damn, do you know how much I love this shirt?” He popped the top two buttons, exposing her lacy bra. He issued a noise from the back of his throat that made her feel beautiful and desirable—two things she hadn’t known for many years.

A shiver ran down her spine.

“You’re cold.”

“Far from it.”

His dark eyes burned into hers. Their mouths were inches away and it felt entirely natural to surge upward and capture his lips. The hard planes of his body sank against her again. Musk and the leather from the seats lingered in her head. If she lived to be a hundred, she’d remember this moment. The fire in her belly was bigger than anything she’d ever experienced. Hell, it was the man. Mason was larger than life.

He traced the lines of her ribs, down to the hollow of her stomach. She tensed a bit, too aware of the loose skin that was the result of carrying a nine-pound child. Her body was far from perfect. Stretch marks marred her hips and lower belly too. Would Mason care?

Locating the indentation of her navel, he pressed his thumb into it. As he kissed her, his smile spread over her lips.

“I want you, Eva. But not here. In my bed.”

He swung a leg over the console and dropped into the driver’s seat with a thump. She sat up and searched around for the handle to adjust the seat into an upright position.

When she’d fixed her seat and righted her blouse and coat, she looked up to find his gaze on her. Warmth pooled in her cheeks and slipped south between her thighs. She resisted the urge to wriggle to ease her need.

The faint blue moonlight trickled over his carved features, etching them in a surreal glow. Now that she’d explored his seemingly hard lips and knew they were soft, she saw them in a new light. Everything about him was amplified, bigger and better now that she knew him more intimately.

A tingle took up residence in her core. By morning, she’d know him in ways she’d never contemplated.

He reached across the space and stroked her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “So beautiful. Tell me to put this truck in gear and get on the road before I attack you again, Eva.”

She laughed, a free sound that filled the cab. When had she last laughed with such abandon? Suddenly her cares and responsibilities were nonexistent. After a quick call to Abby, she was set.

Placing her hand atop Mason’s, she guided it to the gear shift. Holding his glittering gaze, she said, “Take me home with you, Mason.”


Blood surged through Mason’s body, pounding in his ears, throbbing in his fingertips and pooling in his groin until he thought he’d scream with the need to blow. He was on the verge of losing control, and that was the last thing he wanted the first time he took Eva to bed.

Grinding his molars, he fixed his gaze on the road and tried to concentrate on driving rather than tearing off her clothes.

He ran the point of his tongue over the roof of his mouth. Damn, he could still taste her. Sweet vanilla and feminine musk. If her mouth tasted that good, how would her body taste? Images flitted through his head, of peeling off her leopard skirt and going down between her thighs.

Reaching across the console, he planted a hand on her knee. The flesh was bare and slightly chilled. He flipped the heater on to warm her and she thanked him in a soft voice that sent his control skidding on thin ice.

His house was a mere five miles away but it was too far in his book. How could he keep his mind from taking her now? He wanted their first time to be slow and pleasure-filled for her.

Casting his mind about for a bit of conversation, he settled for discussing the party. “Your tartlets were a hit.”

She giggled. “You didn’t even get one.”

He cast her a sidelong look. To tear his gaze completely from the road would be a disaster. In these conditions and with his heightened state of arousal, he was liable to put the truck in the ditch.

“No, but I’ll get something better.”

She shivered again and he realized it had nothing to do with the temperature of the truck. Her hair was fluffed over her shoulders, the waves glossy in the light from the dash. She crossed her legs, drawing his attention to her round little thighs. God, she was curvy. She might have been a pinup girl. Too bad she wasn’t wearing stockings…

Who had been the last man to touch her? Her late husband Bill? Or someone else? “Tell me about this Brady character.”

A grin settled over her face, stretching her lips wide and reaching up to capture her eyes. “He’s very special to me.”

Irritation flamed in his chest. He shot her a look. Should he ask her outright if she was involved with someone else?
Then why would she agree to come home with me?
He’d known her long enough to understand she wasn’t the type to flit from man to man. He wouldn’t be surprised if Bill had been her first and last lover.

When he didn’t reply, she placed her hand over his. “Mason.”

He swung his gaze to hers. Lightning clashed between them, fireworks in the middle of winter. His balls drew up tighter to his body. “Yeah?”

“You don’t have any idea who Brady is, do you?”

“No.” Keeping the annoyance out of his voice was beyond him. From the moment he’d grabbed her with the intention of getting her alone, he considered her his. He didn’t share.

She stroked his fingers, her touch light and soothing. “Brady’s my son.”

The hard knot of worry in his chest released and flowed away. She’d mentioned a babysitter and he’d been shocked. Her desk sported no picture of a child and she’d never brought him up.

He’d be lying to himself if he said that didn’t scare him. He had little experience with kids. “How old is he?”

“A rambunctious four years old.”

He did a quick tally in his head. So the boy was definitely Bill’s son. Her husband had only been gone a couple of years. A pang of concern spiked through him. She was on her own with a little one to care for on her measly salary. When Mason had taken over Dorsey Forestry, he’d been a little disgusted that his father had paid her so little. She supported the entire company. Now Mason felt like an ass for letting it ride. Telling himself a single widow probably had a pension or life insurance award to balance her low pay had helped him put the thought from his mind.

Not so now.

He’d been silent so long, she went completely still. Removing her hand from his, she clenched it in her lap.

A shower of icy remorse splashed him and he drew her hand back into his. “Thank you for telling me. But why didn’t you ever mention your son before?”

She relaxed minutely. “I figured you knew.”

He shook his head. “How could I know?”

“Well…you spend a lot of time at the Mack Hollow Diner.”

He couldn’t help but smile at her reasoning. “Yeaahh, so?”

“So anyone there could tell you I have a son.” Before he could respond, she went on. “Mason, are you sure about this? About me coming home with you?”

A thread of heat wove through him. He scanned her petite form—the body he’d longed to explore for a year. He’d taken the step and wasn’t about to turn around now. His raging hard-on wasn’t going to let him back out.

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