Until the End of the World (Book 1) (3 page)

Read Until the End of the World (Book 1) Online

Authors: Sarah Lyons Fleming

Tags: #Zombie Apocalypse

BOOK: Until the End of the World (Book 1)
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“You’ll need to come down to the hospital, Cassie. I’m sorry. You can take your time.”

I got up immediately because I couldn’t think of anything else to do, and walked out the door with Adrian’s arm around me. I’ve gone back there once, to scatter my parents’ ashes on the land they loved and planned to live out their lives. I haven’t seen it since.


The news blares in the conference room.

“…not to panic. They say that there is much false information on the internet and to visit the CDC’s website for information concerning Bornavirus LX. There are a suspected few thousand cases in New York City right now, the CDC states.

“If you have a high fever or joint pain or have come in contact with someone you think may be infected, please go to the nearest hospital for treatment. Doctors say that antiviral medication must be administered immediately for optimal effectiveness.”

I raise an eyebrow at James.

“First I’m hearing of it,” he says.

“Stay tuned to New York One for updates on Bornavirus LX. There will be a live statement by the Board of Health in one hour.”

Nelly turns to us. “See? A few thousand cases, not so bad. We’ll just steer clear of crazy people and get some drinks.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t go out.” I feel a pang of foreboding. “Even if it’s nowhere near as bad as those sites are saying, I’m sure it’s worse than ‘authorities’ are saying. Maybe we should hang out at my house.”

“No!” Nelly grimaces. “We are not ruining Friday evening!”

I punch him. “Thanks. I didn’t realize my house was second only to hell.”

“You know what I mean. How about we go to Paddy’s, and we can always walk the four blocks to your house if we think we should. Which we won’t.”

“That’s fine with me,” James says. “I don’t imagine it will be so bad that we can’t go out. And the only thing that would keep Nel from going out on a Friday night would be a nuclear bomb detonation.”

Nelly nods emphatically.

“Fine, you win,” I say. “Maybe I’m being a dork.”

There’s just too much of a disparity between what we’re hearing unofficially and officially. The difference between fifty thousand and a few thousand is huge. Someone is wrong, or they’re lying.


I catch Penny in the upstairs kitchen on her break from the preschool, where she’s lead teacher.

“So, you’re really going to break up with Peter this time?” she asks, her joy at the news unmistakable.

I groan. Nelly must send out emails or texts or something.

“I’m going to kill Nelly. I would have told you in the next three seconds anyway. I decided this morning. At this rate I won’t even have to do it, he’ll hear the news before I see him.”
I wish
. “Yeah, I’m going to, but not tonight. He’s stuck in D.C.”

Penny squeezes my hand; she knows how much I’m dreading the breakup. “Who else is coming for drinks tonight?” she asks, suddenly intent on the refrigerator’s contents.

“Well, James is coming. I just saw him. He said you’re a great kisser.”

A blush spreads under her honey-colored skin. “No, you didn’t say anything.” Then she freezes and her brown eyes widen. “Did you?”

“Of course not!” She pretends to throw her water bottle at me and I duck. “I’m just bothering you because you didn’t tell me right away. Jerk.” I sit and pat the chair next to me. “So? Tell.”

The pink creeps up her neck again. “Okay, okay. I don’t know. Last night he asked if I wanted to hang out and we had coffee and then we kissed. I guess I kind of already liked him a little. It’s weird, because we’ve been friends for so long.”

“He likes you too-oo,” I sing, and rub her shoulder.

She leans forward eagerly. “Really?”

“Totally. He blushed when I—”

Penny shakes her head, and I shut my trap as James walks in and heads to the refrigerator. She looks down at my feet and changes the subject.

“Can you even walk in those gigantic, one-inch heels?” she asks with a laugh, because she knows I can’t.

“It’s been a challenge.” I wiggle my toes. “I think I’m getting blisters. April may be too early to be out with sandals on. My feet are icicles.”

“Nice polish.” I poke her in retaliation.

James peeks at Penny from under his hair and smiles. “Hey.”

“Hi,” Penny says.

“You’re coming tonight?” he asks, as he leans into the fridge.


He straightens up and pops open a soda.

“What, no Hot Pocket?” I ask. He laughs. Penny watches us with a look of confusion.

“I decided to go with the other thing,” he says, and looks from me to Penny.

They smile shyly at each other. I kick my shoes off and stand up holding them. I think they might want to finish this stimulating conversation in private.

“I’m going to go wait for that news conference,” I say. When I get to the door I look back and smile when I see he’s already in my seat.


A blond reporter stands in front of a hospital.

“Many hospitals have a backlog of cases. Police are busing the sick to other hospitals throughout the city. Nurses and doctors are being asked to come back in for emergency shifts.”

Penny takes out her phone and furrows her brow. Her mom might be on her way back into the thick of things.

“The New York City Health Department’s statement is about to begin.”

A man with a bit of gray hair and a sizeable belly stands at a microphone. He looks tired. He rubs his hand on his chin and begins.

“I’m Michael D’Angelo, of the New York City Health Department. As you are all aware by now, we have an outbreak of Bornavirus LX in New York City. While it is a serious virus, we don’t want anyone panicking due to incorrect information.

“The CDC is providing treatment for those who have contracted the virus. We have set up emergency treatment areas throughout the city. It is very important that you receive treatment if you suspect you’ve been exposed. Do not try to care for an infected person yourself. The risk of transmission is great due to the nature of the virus.”

“What do you mean by the nature of the virus?” a reporter shouts.

D’Angelo holds up a hand. “Bornavirus LX causes aggression in the final stages. This leads to a transmission of the virus through bodily contact, as patients will bite and scratch their caregivers.

“Transportation is set up at local hospitals to take people to the new treatment locations. Time is of the essence. As of now we estimate there are twenty thousand people infected in New York City.”

The reporters and all of us in the room gasp. He nods.

“I realize that sounds like a lot. But it is the same number of people that Madison Square Garden holds, to put it into perspective. We can keep it at that number if New Yorkers follow our guidelines. We recommend that people go out in the next few days only if necessary. We can use the weekend to treat those affected and eliminate any new cases.

“Please visit our local CDC website for information on the treatment centers. Your local news stations will post the locations. We all know New Yorkers do their best under pressure, and we will have Bornavirus knocked out by Monday. We need help from all of you so that we can do our jobs to the best of our abilities. Thank you.”

He mops his brow with a handkerchief and steps down, ignoring the reporters’ shouted questions.

Everybody talks at once. Julio, our boss, uses his deep voice to catch our attention. “Listen up, everyone. We’re going to finish up early today. I don’t want you guys out in this any later than necessary. I’ll call preschool parents to see if they’ll pick up the kids early. The afterschool program will have to go on as scheduled, but I want the rest of you home.”

People applaud and Julio smiles under his thin mustache. He raises his hands for silence. “All right. That means home, not

He looks at Nelly, who pretends to look behind him as everyone laughs. “Really, let’s all take care. I’ll see you on Monday.”

There’s a holiday atmosphere in the room as people leave to get their stuff. Penny hangs up her phone, her eyebrows straight lines with concern. “I left a message for my mom. I have to get back downstairs to the kids. I guess I’ll meet you later?”

“I’m sure she’s fine,” I say. “I’ll wait for you. You’re not walking home by yourself. As soon as the kids are gone, we’ll leave.”

“Yeah,” Nelly says. “And then we’ll get that drink.”

I face him with my hands on my hips. “Seriously? Did you not hear Julio?”

He shrugs as we stare at him.

“Dude,” James says. “Pretend it’s the nuclear bomb of viruses. Let’s just go to Cassie’s.”

“Fine, fine,” he says with a sigh. “But we won’t leave without you, Pen. Just come up when you’re done.”


James reads me and Nelly choice snippets of virus information as we wait for Penny in my cubicle. My cell phone buzzes. I can hear my brother talking before the phone even reaches my ear.

“Cass? Are you there?” He sounds worried.

“Hey, Eric!”

“You’re okay?”

“I’m fine. Fine. Why?”

“Well, it took me eight tries to get through. They’re reporting that New York’s crawling with infected people. Something like one hundred thousand sick.”

“They’re telling us it’s twenty thousand and they’re busing them to treatment centers. Where’d you hear that number?”

I think about that estimate from earlier: Fifty thousand by noon. It’s almost three o’clock.

“About five minutes ago. On CNN. They did their own estimate based on what they’re seeing by helicopter. And right after they said it, the screen went black.”

“Really? Are you sure they shut down CNN?”

Nelly and James look up at that.

“That’s what it seemed like. Cass, you guys should go to the apartment. You’ve got Dad’s supplies, in case you can’t leave for a while.”

“We’re heading there after work. Julio let us out early, but we’re waiting for Penny.”

There’s camping gear and food in the basement below the apartment we grew up in. Our landlady insisted I move in after my parents died.

“Eric, how about you? What’s it like in Pennsylvania?” Eric’s always so sure of himself that I forget to worry about him sometimes.

“They’re reporting that there are some people infected. But, you know, it’s pretty rural here. Rachel and I are going to sit tight all weekend. I’ve got a couple of extra cans of food,” he jokes.

I laugh. He’s always planning for an emergency just like Dad was.

“Cass, Rachel’s brother called and said he can’t leave his apartment in Philly.”

“What do you mean,

“Too many infected in the streets. He can’t go outside at all. People are getting attacked, and the police aren’t doing shit. Maybe you should head for the cabin if it gets worse. That’s what I’ll do, too. We’ll meet there if we can’t get in touch again. Promise me, Cassie.”

Eric knows I won’t break a promise.

“Eric,” I say cautiously, “I can’t promise that. We’ll be fine in the apartment, I’m sure. How would I even get there? The F train?” I try to lighten the mood by reminding him I don’t have a car. None of us does.

“I’m fucking serious!” he says.

He sounds scared. Eric doesn’t get scared. It’s that edge in his voice that makes me listen as he goes on.

“You know what to do. You’re resourceful. Don’t let your brain get in the way. Cass, I have a really bad feeling.”

I’m silent. I
thinking too much. My dad used to say that nothing will get you killed faster than ignoring your instincts. One hundred thousand people. That’s five Madison Square Gardens. Five Madison Square Gardens’ worth of people wandering around, basically rabid.

“I promise, E. I’ll leave if it gets worse.”

He lets out a breath I didn’t know he was holding. “OK. I love you, Cass. Until the end of the world.”

“And after. Love you. We’ll talk later, okay?”

I tell Nelly and James what Eric said, and we head for the TV. But where CNN should be, there’s a Time Warner Cable technical difficulties screen. James flips to NY1 News. It’s still on, at least. They say the situation in the west is resolving itself. The virus is expected to be gone by Monday in all of the United States.

“Bullshit,” James says.

“What’s bullshit?” Penny says as she walks in with her bag.

“That this will be over by Monday. They’ve shut down CNN,” James replies.

“Really?” Penny frowns and points at the TV. “But they didn’t shut down everything.”

“Just the stations telling the truth, maybe,” I say, which earns me an eyebrow raise from Nelly. “I spoke to Eric. He says there are more infected here than they’re saying. He made me promise I would go upstate if it came to that.”

Penny’s eyes go round as she nods. Then she looks at her phone and remembers something.

“I left another message for my mom, telling her we’re going to your apartment, but I have to go home first. Ana left a voicemail. The phone didn’t even ring. She said she was coming home after work but she forgot her keys. I can’t get her to tell her to come to your house instead.”

Ana is her little sister. She’s always forgetting her keys, even though she’s twenty-five years old. And she expects someone to be there to open the door, just like she expects people to do anything else she wants. Penny wouldn’t normally rush home for her, but today is different.

“So we’ll go to your house and head to mine later,” I say, like it’s no big deal. But I picture a street in Philly where you can’t even go outside, and I shiver.


I take deep breaths of the soft air as we head up the avenues. I grew up in this neighborhood, in a mixture of Irish and Puerto Rican families, and I’ve always loved it.

The old ladies, their lined faces ranging from a pale ivory to a dark brown, are in their aluminum-legged chairs getting up to speed on winter gossip. Salsa music pours out of windows. Barbeques are lit and kids race around. I’m always glad I decided to move back when I walk home from work.

Nelly watches the outdoor festivities and pouts. “See? Everyone else gets to have fun. But, no, we have to go hide inside.”

“Stop being a crybaby,” I say.

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