Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1) (22 page)

BOOK: Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)
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“Mmm, Nick that feels good,” I moaned.

“Tell me about the new position, Maya,” he said as he continued to massage my clit with his thumb in soft tiny circles all the while moving his fingers slowly in and out of my sex, but I couldn’t concentrate on his question.

“Mmm, Nick,” I moaned again. “I want to feel you inside me,” I begged.

“You do, huh? I will in a minute, but right now, tell me about your new position.” He then pushed me back so that our positions reversed and he was now on top. His bulge had grown considerably and he released it by pulling his boxers off.

“I have a corner office with privacy glass.” His eyes glossed over with wickedness, perhaps at the thought of what we could do in that office. He spread my legs open and slowly placed his cock in my sex.

“Ahh.” I moaned loudly as he began to move slowly in and out of me.

“Finish telling me about the new position,” he said, his motions remaining steady and slow, coaxing me to my peak.

“We have dedicated teams for research and web now instead of one all-inclusive group, plus we have new stationery coming in and um…” His speed increased, causing me to lose my train of thought.

“How do you feel about the promotion?” I was trying to figure out how he could carry on a serious conversation and fuck me at the same time.

“I love the opportunity they have given me.” I groaned in between each word as I was reaching my orgasm. I clawed at his back as I was beginning to come undone. I wrapped my legs tightly around him and met him thrust for thrust. He immediately stopped and went down to my hot box and used his mouth to bring me to orgasm. Multiple orgasms. He thrust deep inside me with force and passion and kept a steady pace.

“Fuck. Maya. Baby.” He groaned as he reached his orgasm. He placed his head on my shoulder and bit me on my neck, as I arched my back in pleasure. He looked up at me, gazing into my eyes. He wiped the sweat from my forehead and kissed me.

“I love you,” he whispered in my ear.

“I love you too,” I replied. We lay there tangled in each other and fell asleep.




There was this intense weight and increased heat on my body. I was feeling smothered and uncomfortable. When I opened my eyes, I realized Nicholas was the reason for the feeling I was having. He was lying on top of me with his head buried in the crook of my neck and the heat that was generated between us was causing us to sweat. I turned my head toward him and gently placed a kiss on his cheek, causing him to stir. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. They were so warm, inviting, full of desire and it was all for me.

“Hey, sleepy head,” I taunted as he looked at me.

“Hey, yourself. Why are you up?”

“I woke up because I was getting warm and felt a little out of place. The hazard of being in unfamiliar territory I guess.” I was uncertain of how he would react and I didn’t want him to think that this was his fault. I haven’t told him about all that shit with Michael. In fact, we haven’t spoken about it at all, including the incident between him and Michael after the NHL contract party. He lifted up and wiped the sweat from my forehead.

“I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, Maya.”

“It’s not you, Nick. It’s the way I am until I get acclimated to my surroundings. Being with you actually helps ease my anxiety.”

“Let’s go get in the bed and maybe you will be more comfortable there,” he said. I nodded in agreement, took his hand, and he escorted me to his room. I still had on my dress, so I stepped into the bathroom to freshen up and changed into my nightshirt that read Hansen Construction, a gift for the marketing deal and nothing else. I stepped out of the bathroom into his room where he was pulling the covers back on the bed, wearing his pajama bottoms when he looked over at me.

“I knew you would find a way to get my dick hard.” He didn’t waste any time grabbing me to express his desire. He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. Caught up in deep passion, we stumbled and fell onto the bed. We looked at each other and laughed. I’m sure he was going for movie romanticism.

“Why don’t we just go to bed, you have me all day tomorrow if you want.”

“That’s right; you don’t have to go to work.”

I had a smug smile because I knew that we probably wouldn’t make it out of bed.

“Right. Plus, I’m thinking being the CEO, you can work from home, Mr. Hansen.” I rolled him over and straddled him not able to resist the way he feels when deep inside me.

“Yeah, I guess I could. I mean I am in Fort Lauderdale. I’ll call my dad and Jason and let them know.”

“Good. Now let’s go to sleep.” I smiled as I dismounted from atop of him. He grabbed me and began tickling me until I begged him to stop. When things calmed down, he enclosed me in his arms and kissed me on the top of my head as we settled in the bed. “We didn’t clean up from the dinner we didn’t eat,” I said as I started to drift to sleep.

“And you still owe me dessert,” he replied in a sleepy tone.

“You had dessert, remember?” I sleepily and sarcastically replied.

“Oh yeah, and as always it was sweet.” His voice dragged a little on the last part as sleep had finally claimed him as its victim.

“I love you,” I said to him and I drifted on to sleep, feeling comfortable.

Chapter 16


“Can you please get off of me, Michael?”

“No, not until you talk to me, Amaya. I need to know that you are not going to press charges. I didn’t mean to hurt you. It got out of hand.”

“You say that all the time, Michael, and each time you say you’re sorry and it won’t happen again, but guess what it does and it’s harder each time. I just want you off of me and out of my life forever.”

“Okay, I’ll move. I’ll leave college and go finish my education back home in Georgia and I’ll stay away from you for life. I promise. Just don’t call the cops or tell the school or I’ll lose my scholarship. Please, Amaya.”


I must have been tossing and turning in my sleep because Nicholas calling my name and shaking me to get me out of my nightmare woke me.

“Maya, baby, what’s wrong? Who’s hurting you?”

“Huh? Oh, it’s a bad dream. I have them from time to time. Probably stress related.” I gave him a reassuring smile, hoping that we wouldn’t have to discuss this, at least not now. I didn’t think I was ready to relive that time in my life. Think I’d rather put it under the rug.

“Maya, I know stress-related sleep and that’s not it. Were you dreaming about him?” I could see he was serious and was not going to let this rest.

“Yes, it was about Michael, but I don’t want to talk about it. Not right now.”

“When? You always tell me not right now, but then you ask me if this is based solely on sex. Maybe I should ask you what kind of relationship we have since all we have is sex. We have little communication, and when we do talk, it’s usually work related or about our friends. I am here for you and it’s like you can’t trust me enough because of somebody else’s mistake. I ask you to go away for a week with me and you won’t even think about it. I introduced you to my family, and it’s like all of that was for the dick you got. You don’t ask questions, you just take orders. You are two different people. I only want to be with the one I see.” His eyes were enraged and dark, no doubt feeling anger for my lack of reaction, but I didn’t know how to respond or what to say.

He got up and went to the bathroom. I sat there letting the words he laid on me soak to my core. They were hurtful, not the intentional hurt someone would throw at you, but reality slapping you in the face. He left the bathroom and headed to the kitchen where you could hear him banging and clanging pots and pans and the occasional door slam too. I felt a lump caught in my throat as I tried to fight back the tears that were beginning to form. I lost that battle. Nicholas was right. All of the things I want in a relationship he is offering, but I keep shutting him out because of my past. I held my head in my hands and sobbed, quietly. I felt his hand rub me on my shoulder.

“Maya, baby, I’m sorry. I have no right to be upset with you when you are so protective of your heart. I should respect the fact that certain things you do not want to discuss and that is okay. I need to be more patient. That is one of my faults.” I looked up at him and saw the sincerity in his eyes. I figured it was all or nothing at this point and I needed to come clean.

“Michael was part of this sex club when we were in college. They learned how to be Dominant and how to treat your subs. In the beginning, it was new and exciting and I loved to experiment and the sex was never dull. One day he changed. He started being more abusive toward me and not Dominant, forcing me to have sex, perform sexual acts in public and in front of others. Just taking dominance to a whole other level. That turned into rape a few times and I did nothing about it. He was always like ‘I’m sorry babe, I won’t do it again,’ and like a fool I believed him.” Nicholas had a look of horror on his face, that horror turned to anger, and I saw him clench his fist. I reached and grabbed his hand to help ease his rage. “Michael was banned from this club because word got back to the leader about how he was treating me and that charges may be filed against this club. I think the president and his assistant were arrested, but nothing could be proven. The girls saw me, the marks, the bruises, but I begged them not to say anything so I know it wasn’t them. He came to my room one night, asked me not to press charges against him, and said that he would leave and continue his education somewhere else as long as I didn’t press charges. He didn’t want to lose his scholarship. I agreed on the condition that I never see or hear from him again, and I didn’t until the night of the party.” Nicholas was in complete shock.

“I had no idea. I didn’t know it was yo- I mean I didn’t know.” He swallowed hard and had a look of fear painted on his face.

“How could you unless one of the girls spilled the beans to your boys. However, I do feel better after talking to you about it. Lord knows I spent many nights talking to a therapist. Maybe I needed a man to hear me.” The look on his face was blank, calculating as if he was thinking of something or revenge. “Enough about that. Let me help you clean up.” He was spaced out, that look on his face never changing. “Nicholas?”

“Let’s go clean up. I need to call my dad real quick. I’ll be in there shortly.” He kissed my cheek, turned to grab his cell phone from his nightstand, and walked onto his balcony to make the call.

“Okay. I’ll meet you in the kitchen,” I said to myself as he closed the door. He had a completely new persona about him. It was a mixture of concern, anger, and fear, oddly. I didn’t know what to make of his attitude change. I started cleaning up the kitchen when I heard my phone ring.

“Amaya Davis speaking.”

“I am super excited, aren’t you?” Gabrielle was on the phone beaming and glowing about something.

“Hi, Rabbit. What am I supposed to be excited about?”

“The getaway this weekend? A whole week in Turks and Caicos. How fun is that?”

“Rabbit, I think you may have misunderstood, I don’t think we are all going anywhere.”

“Yes, Maya, Nick just called Rick and told him to get stuff ready. They talked about it yesterday because Nick said that he wanted to take you there and show the property that they built.” Gabrielle kept talking about how the plans came together and I couldn’t help but notice Nicholas on the balcony throwing his hands in the air out of frustration and yelling at someone.

“Wouldn’t that be awesome?” Gabrielle said.

“Fantastic. That is, if I go.” I went back to washing the dishes and putting them away.

“Wha? What are you talking about, Maya? Of course, you are going.”

“I never told Nicholas yes. I told him I would think about it. There is a lot going on with work right now.”

“Yes, I know. Samantha told us all about it yesterday over dinner, twice.” I laughed at the obvious eye roll that she was doing on the other end of the phone.

“Please, Maya, go. It will be fun. You know how we act when we get together. Ooh, it will be like graduation night all over again. Maybe we can create a playlist of the music from two years ago.”

“Always party planning, huh? I’ll think about it.” Nicholas was coming in from outside. “Hey, Rabbit, I’ll call you tomorrow. Hugs and kisses?”

“Hugs and kisses.”

I ended the call and turned my attention to the now flustered and frustrated Nicholas Hansen. He was pacing the floor with clenched fists. I watched as he mumbled to himself, walking back and forth.

“Nick, are you okay?” I asked hesitantly.

“I’m fine. It’s that when I make a decision, I expect it to be upheld and not overridden.”

“I assume this has to do with work.”

“Uh, I’m sorry, Maya. It does have to do with work, but I’m not going to get into it right now.” He held my face and leaned in to kiss me. Whatever the situation was that worked him up had his heart rate up. I could feel it pounding through my shirt as we embraced.

“So Turks and Caicos huh?” He ran his hand through his short hair in a gesture one could only describe as busted.

“I kinda already told them to get things moving so we can go Saturday morning. I know that you are still undecided, but I figured that since it would be all of us and not only me and you, you would be more inclined to say yes.” I wanted to say yes, but truth be told, I don’t know how much work we lost today due to the issues with the move.

“I can’t commit just yet. With the issues at work, I’m not sure if that would be feasible. I promise to let you know by Thursday. Pinky promise.” I held out my pinky inviting him to do the same so that we could interlock them.

“Okay, pinky promise,” he replied. I finished the kitchen and Nicholas called to have breakfast delivered. He ordered fresh fruit, waffles, bacon, and eggs. We ate on the balcony and enjoyed the view of the harbor and the boats coming in and going out. We had minimal words to say with all the tension still there from his phone call after I spoke to him about Michael. It was kind of like wanting to speak, but unsure what the other will have to say or how they will reply. Nicholas got up and cleared the table.

“I’ll be back. Sit and relax.” I couldn’t resist and I didn’t want the argument so I remained there as instructed and enjoyed the breeze off the harbor. He came back a few minutes later and asked me to join him for a soak in the whirlpool. We walked into his massive bathroom and there I saw what he had been doing. He had the windows closed with no light shining through, candles lit around the tub, and two glasses of wine along with the bottle. He also had fresh long-stemmed strawberries and whipped cream. He began to pull off his clothes and get into the tub.

“Come on in, the water is fine.” He held out his hand for me to take it. I pulled my shirt off and wiped my feet before getting into to whirlpool. Nicholas smiled at me, but made no comment. The water was the perfect temperature and extremely therapeutic. I settled in, leaned back against the edge of the tub, and closed my eyes. Nicholas, sitting opposite of me, grabbed my foot, put oil on it, and started massaging it.

I sighed a deep relaxing sigh at the tension release I was getting. “Where did you learn to do that?”

“When I was younger, my mom made us rub her feet after she came home from selling houses. She told us walking in heels put a strain on her feet and we needed to rub them out.”

“Smart woman,” I replied with a laugh. He was hitting all the right pressure points. If he kept this up, I would have to cancel Palo, I thought to myself. He moved up to my calf before switching to the other foot.

“What changed on your job to make you angry?” I knew he probably wasn’t going to tell me because it was work related, but I wanted to know.

“Issues with personnel, that’s all. I don’t think certain people should be doing certain jobs, but somehow they find something for them anyway.” The look in his eyes was of anger and betrayal.

“What did you want to do the rest of the day?” he asked.

“I was thinking maybe we can have a veg out day, you know, ice cream and fresh baked cookies, and watch a movie on TV.”

“Do you want to go out for dinner?”

“I don’t have anything to wear to go out so no we will stay in and prepare a meal together.” Nicholas looked up at me and laughed with a big smile. “What’s funny?” I asked with a little attitude.

“I love how you take charge of a situation. Not laughing at you, just at the fact that you are a natural leader, you don’t realize when you take charge.” I playfully kicked water at him, catching him off guard and he splashed me back. Soon we were in a water fight that had water everywhere. He pulled me into his arms and held me close. I took a deep breath and enjoyed how relaxed I was feeling.

“I’m sorry he hurt you,” he whispered.

“It’s not like you had anything to do with it,” I replied.

“I want you to know that I am here for you.” I leaned back in his arms, wrapped them around me, and closed my eyes. He placed a strawberry in my mouth and I took the bait, biting into it. I turned around to face him and I took one off the tray and fed it to him. He licked the juices off my fingers while staring into my eyes, giving me all the signals. My nipples perked up at the feeling he was giving me. It was hard to ignore the raw animal sexual attraction between us and our bodies knew it. I could feel him growing along my thigh, and if that wasn’t proof enough, the way he grabbed me and slowly guided me onto his massive cock was all I needed. I jumped a little as he went all the way in and I had no time to prepare.

“Ride it slowly, Maya,” he said as he placed a strawberry in my mouth. I started to rotate my hips in a circular motion slowly and suck on the strawberry. As I bit into it, the juices ran down my neck and he licked it off. He took one of the glasses of wine and slowly allowed it to trickle down my mouth and onto my nipples where he gently began to suck on them. My motion increased as my excitement began to build. “Maya, I said slowly, baby. You have to control your urge to come.” He began to suck on my nipples again making it harder for me to concentrate on not erupting all over his cock. I closed my eyes, trying to block out my pleasure sensor, but it was failing me. He placed one hand on my hip and drove deeper into me. I opened my eyes at the pleasure that he was delivering. He placed another strawberry in my mouth and I bit into it, again expressing juices down my neck. He began to delve deeper into my sex as I continued to make circular motions with my hips. His hand began to squeeze at my hip with each thrust.

“Maya, you are fucking killing me.”

“You have to learn to control your urge to come,” I whispered in his ear. I grabbed a strawberry, placed one end in my mouth, and leaned in to place the other end in his. He bit into the strawberry and the juices ran down his neck. I took the strawberry out of my mouth and began to lick the juices slowly off his neck, making sure to entice him to his peak. He moaned in pleasure, which in turn increased my passion. My need to come was taking over me as I began to suck on his neck. His grip intensified as I slowed my movement down more as I continued to ride him. I leaned in as I felt his cock pulsating deep inside me.

BOOK: Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)
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