Unsocial (19 page)

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Authors: Nicole Dykes

BOOK: Unsocial
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like that.  They miss you.”

Tuesday it is then.”  We get out the car, and I head to my truck while she
heads to her
.  And yes, I know I sound like a petulant little ass.

home, I walk into the middle of a 16-year old with a great, big, bad attitude.
“What the hell, you asshole. I had to miss practice to come and sit here with
Gabby and Michael because something crawled up Cassie’s ass?  That right there
is some bullshit.”

it, Luke.  I’ll explain to your coach there was an emergency at home.  One
practice isn’t going to hurt.  I’m going to be down talking to Cass. Why don’t
you order some pizza for dinner tonight because I don’t know how long this is
going to take?”   I go downstairs to take care of things down there.

knock, “Cass, it’s me.  I’m coming in.”  I push the door open.  She’s leaning
back against her headboard watching some crap movie on her tablet.  “Can you
put that down so we can talk a minute?”  

still not sure what I’m going to say, but at least, my talk with Brooke gave me
some ideas.  I’m not at all comfortable with this.  Can I actually talk
honestly about sex and relationships with my kid sister?  This is so fucking
strange, and it’s something I never thought I would have to deal with.  Better
to get it over with, so here it goes.  She still hasn’t said anything. 
“Cassie, we have to talk about what happened.”

gives me a scared look, “I know I messed up.”

that doesn’t even begin to describe it, but we need to talk about this.  We
can’t just sweep it under the rug.”  She nods, so I continue.  “I just want to
understand how you can think this is okay.  You lied to your teachers, skipped
school and cheerleading practice, and then had him come over.  What were you

don’t tell me you never did anything like that, Dylan.  I remember some of what
you got in trouble for.”

not turn this around on me.  This is about you right now.  I’m trying to teach
you from my mistakes.  You could get kicked out of school for this or get
kicked off the cheerleading team, something.  But every stunt like this has its
repercussions.  Did you tell the teachers you were sick?”

I had a note to leave early and miss cheer.”

note from who?”

grabs her teddy bear and hugs it close before giving me a guilty look, “Um, you?”

pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration, “Explain.”

kind of wrote a note saying you needed me at home for Gabby.”

little shit forged

he didn’t.  You signed it this morning?”

are you talking about?  I never signed a note for you.”  I think back to this
morning when I tried rushing everyone out the door.  I remember her handing me
a note about going to the game on Friday.  She said it was a permission slip to
ride the bus.  Fuck!  I didn’t even take the time to read it before just signing
it like a dumbass.  “Cassie, who cooked up this plan?”

suggested it and told me how we could pull it off so we could be alone.”

knew this had to be Brent’s idea.  This shit is opposite of Cassie’s character. 
“You’re telling me the truth, it was Brent’s scheme, and you just thought it
would be smart and bring him back here?”

she says in a small voice.

looks nervous. I knew she couldn’t have come up with something like this. I
decide to try Brooke’s approach, “Cass, you’re young, and I know that you want
to have a boyfriend and want to please him, but you have to listen to your gut
too. I know there’s no way you felt comfortable with this scheme, and it
worries me that he was able to talk you into it.  If you don’t feel comfortable
with something you have to speak up.”

really like him, Dylan!”


understand that, but I don’t want you to make bad decisions for the first boy
who shows you attention.”

scoffs, “Please, you don’t understand how I feel.  You’ve never felt like this
about anyone. You want me to be honest with you, but you aren't honest with

Brooke is totally right about the whole bullshit thing. I think about Brooke
and how fucking confused she has me, and then I decide to try to be as honest
as I can with Cassie. “Well, actually that’s not true. I know exactly how you
feel. I know you were young, but do you remember Julie Rhymes?”

shakes her head. “No.”

you were probably only three or four, so that’s not surprising, but she was
this pretty cheerleader I fell for my freshman year.”

had a girlfriend?”

nod. I don’t want to rehash this shit. “Yeah, well, I thought I did.  She was a
senior and really into football players.  Since I was a new starter, she was
really into me.”

looks like she doesn’t believe me at all, “Dylan, don’t make things up. You
never had a girlfriend; it’s not your thing.”

well it’s not now, but I thought it was then.”

feel like a pussy admitting this shit, but Cassie is listening now, so I go on,
“She was older than me, so I tried like hell to impress her every chance I
got.  She ended up being my first.”

entire face scrunches, “Ew, gross, Dylan. I so don’t want to talk about your
first time.”

me, I don’t want to talk about it either, but you kinda opened the door to it
this afternoon, and we have to talk. I need you to understand some things.”

looks down at the stuffed bear in her hands and says, “Okay, go on I guess.”

she was my first, and we fooled around all of the time. Needless to say, that
made her even greater in my mind. I thought she was incredible, and honestly, I
hadn’t felt anything like that before.  I may have even felt like I loved her
at first, but looking back at it I feel like an idiot.”

looks sad for me, “Why?”

pinch the bridge of my nose and then look at her. “Because I thought she was
this amazing girl and that we would be together.  It turned out that I was just
a guy to fool around with until she headed off to college.”

don’t mention that I wasn’t the only guy on the football team she was using for
just that, or that after the first moment of shock wore off I was okay with the
whole situation. That’s when I realized the whole relationship thing wasn’t for
me. I did enjoy the sex part, probably way too much. Not going into that part
with my younger sister, though.

thinking about this. Maybe all this honesty shit is working.

the point I’m trying to make is, right now you think this guy is amazing and
that he cares about you, but you’re both so young, and I can almost guarantee
there is only one thing on that dipshit’s mind.”

shakes her head, “You’re wrong.  I think he likes me.  And I’m not like you.  I
believe in love.  Mom and dad loved each other. Why can’t you believe that I
can be in love?”

and your mom met when your mom was 22 and dad was 31; there is a huge difference
there Cassie. This thing with you and Brent…”

stop when I see my sister’s face, she looks like I kicked her puppy. I don’t
want to mess her up for life with one conversation. A little dramatic I know,
but seriously just because I’m not sure about love and relationships doesn’t
mean she shouldn’t believe. “Look, at your age it’s easy to think you’re in
love, and that makes you think it’s okay to have sex, and sex only complicates
things.  But you don’t have to rush into these grownup games.  I’m not going to
lie to you.  Sex is great, it’s awesome.  But it can wait.  There are way more
important things to experience right now.”

pushes her lips out and looks like she is deep in thought, “Okay, I get it. I’m
sorry for what I did, and it will never happen again. I’ll try not to rush

grin, “I know you’re feeling all grown up and mature, but I promise you someday
you’re going to realize just how not grown up you were.  Just enjoy being
young.”  I kiss the top of her head.  “Now one more thing, I don’t want you
seeing Brent anymore.”

lose her sweet and experience her sour in a matter of seconds.  “Dylan! You
can’t do this to me. I’m going to be smart about this, I promise. You have to
trust me.”

isn’t up for any debate, Cass.  You lied, you skipped practice, and brought a
boy back here.  You’re also grounded, so it’s straight home after cheer.  Do
you understand?”

We talked about it, and I promise we won’t do anything like this again.”

arguing about this Cassie.  You’re not seeing him again.”

folds her arms, pissed off, “Why not?”

simple really,” I begin sarcastically, “the little shit talked you into
skipping school and bringing you back here to have sex.  Now think why I’m
you that you aren’t to see him anymore.  I’m not kidding.  This is me laying
down the law.  If you want a boyfriend, then the next one better show you and
me some respect and not try to have sex with you in my house.  Is that plain
enough for you, because I can’t understand how you think I would be okay with
you going out with him after this fuck up.  You have to be smarter than that.”

looks up at me for a while, and I finally see the light turn on. She nods. 
“You’re right, and I’m sorry, Dylan.  I do deserve someone who’s going to
respect my family and me.”

glad you understand.  This is not the first, and it won’t be the last mistake
you make, but just make sure you learn something from them.  Now wash your face
and come upstairs for pizza.”  

get up to check on the others and make sure dinner has been served.  The first
thing I do is grab a beer.  Jax walks in while I’m sipping and thinking about
this fucked up day.  “You look like shit.”

What are you doing here?”

dinner time, and I’m hungry.”

had Luke order pizza.”

I miss the social worker.  You cooked a hell of a lot more.” He grabs a beer
and joins me at the kitchen island. 

has a name, dipshit.”

yes.  Brooke. My bad.  So, what’s going on? Why do you look like someone
wrecked your Camaro?”

caught Cassie in her room with Brent when I came home today.”

loses control of the drink he just took, all over the island.  “What? What the
fuck were they doing in her room?”

were in her bed, under the covers.”

you kill him?  Is that why dinner is pizza tonight because you were burying the

but I think I scared the piss out of him, and his dad.” 

and that little fucker better never show his face around here again.  No wonder
you look like shit.”

hear the doorbell, “Dinner,” we both say.  Soon after Luke walks in carrying
four pizzas followed by Michael and Gabby.  Cassie finally comes up to join
us.  All the usual suspects for dinner, and then time for homework and bed.

the kids are tucked away, Jax and I plant ourselves on the sofa with a beer.  Moments
like this are so familiar, and just what I need.  “Okay, man, tell me about the

much to tell.  I bought it, and I’m gonna fix it.  Probably sell it afterward,
who knows.”

if you say so.  Now, Saturday night.  We’re getting you out of here.”


The guys told me about a band playing at a bar in downtown KC, and we’re
going.  You need to get out and get laid.”

mind takes the time to drift to Brooke and our kiss this afternoon.  I need a
distraction, but it’s not the kind he’s thinking. Banging that skank a few
weeks ago didn’t do shit for me getting my mind off Brooke, and I wasn’t doing
that again.  Music and beer, however, perfect.  “Fine, just let me clear it
with Luke.”

that’s it?  No arguments or excuses?”

man.  It sounds good.  You’re right.  I need to get to know the guys better. 
After we do each other’s hair and nails we can drink beer and do a little male

an asshole.”

I am.”

and I finish another beer before he heads out.  That night I lie in bed and finally
drift off remembering the feel and taste of Brooke.

wasn’t enough.  That brief taste made me an addict.

Chapter 12


walk into my apartment after work on Friday and drop my purse on the couch.
“Alex?” When I get no answer, I kick out of my low heels and crash on the
couch.  It’s been a hell of a week, and I just need a minute of quiet.  I guess
Alex has late customers and isn’t home, so I’m taking advantage of this moment
for as long as it will last.  It’s not that I don’t love my best friend, but
she loves to rehash her day from the first customer to the last, and I’m happy
right now just to be sitting in the quiet.

has been hell, and things with the Monroes have been crazy.  I still can’t
believe that Dylan caught Cassie with Brent in her bed. I haven’t talked to
Cassie since then. I’m trying to trust that Dylan can take care of this after
giving him advice on how to handle the situation.  And I can’t say that I’m not
interested in how it all played out.

skipping school and sneaking a boy into the house is
something I never saw coming, and I’m sure Dylan didn’t either. I’ve seen Dylan
angry, but he was in a rage when he showed up at my work.  After our talk, I
think he had toned it down to something of an angry panic.  As much as I want
to be right by his side and help him deal with Cassie, I need them to work this
out on their own.

course, thinking of Wednesday and seeing Dylan, I immediately remember our
kiss.  I swear I can still taste him on my lips. I still can’t believe I let it
happen. But what’s concerning me is the fact I didn’t want it to stop.  For a
brief moment, thoughts of my job and all the ethical issues of what we were
doing flew out the window.  He felt so damn good pressed against me and as
always the clean, manly smell that is only Dylan’s overwhelmed all my good

then Alex walks into the room from her bedroom. “Happy Friday!”

where were you? I called your name when I got in.”

I was on the phone with Trevor.”

loves her big brother.  She’s always looked up to him. I spent a lot of time
with their family while we were growing up.  We were always like brother and
sister, but then somewhere along the way I developed a stupid crush on Trevor. 
“Oh yeah, is he in town?”

nods happily, “Yep. He just got in today and guess what?”

give her a curious look. She’s acting way too excited. “What?”

band is playing this weekend in KC, and we, my friend, are going.  He got us
passes for tonight and tomorrow.”

put my hands up, “No way, Alex. I’ve had a hellish week. I just want…”

interrupts me, frustrated, “I know, I know, you just want to take a bath, sip
some wine, and go to bed. Well, Grandma Brooke, you’re 24, it’s Friday night,
and Trevor is in town. We are going out, and that is final.”

look at Alex; she is not kidding. She has that determined look on her face that
I know not to mess with. I need to give her something; it has been a long time
since Trevor has been home and we’ve all gone out together.  When Trevor
started his band, Alex and I would go everywhere they were playing.  We were
their first official groupies, and now they have hundreds.  To have a pass to
their show is awesome in itself.  It means a VIP table right in front of the
stage, and best of all we get free drinks.

I’m finding it hard to say no because they do put on a hell of a show.  And
even as tired as I’m feeling, it would be awesome to hear them and hang out a
little.  If it’s two nights, then surely I can talk her into a short stay
tonight with a promise to stay longer tomorrow night.  Trevor and the band
would surely get my mind off of work and the Monroes. And it would be good to
see Trevor. Since he started touring internationally, he hasn’t been home since
last Thanksgiving, and then he had surprised us by introducing us to his wife,
Mindy. Needless to say, everyone was shocked, but she was sweet.  We’ll
probably be sitting with her tonight.

I’ll go for a while tonight and listen to them.  But I want to come home after
they play because I’m wiped.  If I get rested up, then, that means tomorrow
night we can hang as long as we want to. What time is their set?”

like a winner.”  She grabs my hand and starts pulling me back to her room, “And
it doesn’t matter what time they start, we’re heading there right after

her room,
she heads straight to her closet, “Now we need
to find you something hot to wear.  Tonight we are launching ‘Operation
Distract Brooke from Dylan’.”

haven’t talked to Alex about Dylan since the night of Cassie’s homecoming, and
I don’t want to talk about him tonight either, so I lie out my ass.  “Alex, I
don’t need a distraction.  Why would you even think that?  Can we forget the
tramp-wear and just let me hang out in jeans and a tee?”

Not a chance, Brooke. Just let me do my thing tonight okay? Give me this one
weekend with my best friend. We haven’t gone out in so fucking long, and this
operation isn’t successful until we find you a man.”  She pulls out a short
chocolate-colored dress and tosses it to me.  “You’re wearing this with these.”
She disappears again and comes out with a pair of heels that I swear were a
pair of stilts in a former life.

look at the dress in her hand, “Alex, I can’t wear that.”

not? Your legs are killer, and they’ll look great in this dress.” She grabs the
sides of my boobs and pushes them together, “Not to mention the girls will be
featured as well. Time to let ‘em out to breathe.”  If I haven’t mentioned it
before, Alex has no boundaries.

shoves the dress and shoes at me, and pushes me out, “Go shower, and then I’ll
do your hair and make-up before you put on the dress.”

leave the dress on her bed and mumble down the hall about her being bossy, but
the truth is I’m grateful for her. I do need a break and what could it hurt to
have a couple of nights out. No angry clients, no paperwork, no thoughts of
Dylan Monroe,
. Yeah, this weekend will be all about good

take a shower, put on a robe, and head back to Alex’s room. She’s dressed in a
robe as well, but I see a dress hanging on her closet door, which I’m guessing
is her wardrobe for the night.  It has more length than mine, but it looks like
it’ll probably be skin tight and show off all her curves.  She and I have
always worn the same size and shared clothes from the time we were kids, but
Alex has more going on upstairs than I do.

points to the chair at her vanity, “Sit.” I do what she says, and she works on
my hair, mostly just drying it and putting mousse in it to bring out the
natural wave. My hair goes down to the middle of my back, and it’s strange
seeing it down. I usually have it up because it feels more professional to me,
and well, it’s something that Will told me pretty often while we were dating.
Secretly I love having my hair down. It makes me feel, wild, free, and sexy.  I
never wore it up in high school during my wild years. 

wish you would leave your hair down more. I swear you look like a librarian
most of the time nowadays. And do you know how depressed it makes me as your
personal hair-care specialist to see all this beauty flattened down to your
head and pinned back?  Hair like this is meant to be loose and free.”  She proceeds
in creating a masterpiece that only she can do with her favorite muse, hair.” 
When she spins me around, and I get a look, of course, I freaking love it. But
she’s not finished, “Makeup,” she singsongs.

I say with fake enthusiasm.  I’m not a fan of heavy makeup, and Alex knows
this.  It’s just that, with the crazy ‘operation’ she’s planning, I don’t want
her taking liberties and painting me up like a two-dollar hooker.  So I remind
her.  “Are you doubting my talent?  I can sexy you up in a very subtle way. 
Never doubt me, my friend.” There’s nothing I can do but trust her after this.

she’s finished, I’m spun around again.  And, just….wow. 
I wonder what Dylan
would think of
And it’s time for drinks.  “Alright,
while you finish up your hair and makeup, I’m mixing margaritas. We are doing
Mexican tonight aren’t we?”  I’ve always been our official bartender.  Alex
goes a little heavy handed, and there have been nights when she’s behind the
blender that we didn’t make it out.


our kitchen, I mix up a blender full and take them back to Alex’s room.  I lay on
her bed and watch her work while I sip my drink.  It amazes me what she can
create.  I’ve always thought she should get her cosmetology license as well
because the girl could make a killing.  Finally, she faces me, and I get the
full effect.  Once again, the girl never ceases to amaze me.  I’m thinking Alex
has her plans of her own besides this distraction plan because she looks like
she’s going into seduction battle.

bitch.  Get dressed.  And don’t mess up my work,” she yells.

my room, I get dressed, and I have to admit, the total package of me tonight
totally rocks.  Alex is already in our small living room waiting.  “Hey,
there’s the badass Brooke I know and love.”

roll my eyes, “Are you sure this isn’t too much?”

It’s just enough. Actually, it’s perfect.  You’re going to be getting a lot of
attention tonight, girlfriend.”

laugh, “Have you ever thought maybe I don’t want attention?”

every day.  That’s why all the boring-ass clothes and hair.”

okay.  Can we get out of here so we can eat and forget this week?”

forget the men, my friend!” she yells.  I shake my head at her as she hurries
out of the door to start our night.  First off, food.

walk to our favorite Mexican restaurant and immediately get seated by Miguel,
who happens to be a divine piece of eye candy.  I swear the man stirs up more
than one kind of appetite for all the women who come in here.  He’s a huge
flirt that can make you feel like the sexiest woman on earth, no matter what
your age is.  Personally, I think he’s the whole package, his voice alone could
shed panties.

being served margaritas with chips and salsa, Alex begins, “So, there’s something
I need to talk to you about.”

look at her, “Should I be worried?” I ask taking a long pull on my drink. 
mm, mm, tequila.
  Uh, oh, this can’t be good, she’s got her worried look. 
“Okay, Alex, what’s up?”

so Trevor and his band are going to be in Kansas through Thanksgiving before
they start a new tour.”

awesome, Al.  Are you going to tell me why you look like you have something
stuck in your throat?”

Mindy isn’t going to be with him.  When he called he told me he and Mindy are
separated, so…..” She trails off.

what?  Are they getting divorced?”

they are.  But…okay, here’s the thing.  He doesn’t want to hole up in a hotel
room while he’s here. Plus he’s got some gigs lined up while he’s here and
doesn’t want to be coming in at all times of the night.”

smart, and” I look at her with a curious look, “what else?”

was wondering if he could crash with us while he’s here.”

have to think about this before I answer, unbeknownst to Alex, her brother, and
I have…history.  It’s brief, but there it is.  “Trevor here?”

looks hurt. 
Maybe that didn’t come out right.

Trevor, my brother, the guy you grew up with.  I mean, he’s kind of like your
brother too.  Would it be so bad if he camped on our couch?”

snort.  Trevor hasn’t been “like my brother” to me since I was 16.  Well, we
did agree after that night to be friends, and the years since haven’t been that
awkward.  That being said, we hadn’t had to share a living space.  That could
mean all kinds of awkward, but I can’t tell Alex that.  It seems I’m going to
have to pull up my big-girl drawers and ease her mind. “Of course, he can stay
with us.  I’m sorry though that his marriage didn’t work out.  I thought they were
made for each other.  That’s awful because Trevor deserves someone willing to
put up with his crazy career.”

know.  I feel terrible for him too.  I don’t exactly know what happened because
he didn’t go into detail.  To be honest, though I’m excited to have my big
brother around for a while.  It’ll be awesome B, all three of us together



okay, okay.  I’m going to get shots, any preferences?” Roscoe asks. He plays
base in Trevor’s band, Days of Crazy, or DOC as their groupies like to call

Alex and I call out.  We’ve always had a drinking rule, “end with what you start
with.”  You’re less likely to get bit in the ass the next morning.  Everyone
agrees with us, and Roscoe disappears through the crowd to get round two while
we sip our beer.  It’s been fun catching up with them after nearly a year. 
Listening to all their stories has been a riot.  It seems they’re living every
rocker’s dream.  Lots of parties and women.  I think I understand why Trevor’s
marriage met an early demise.

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