Unraveled (Woodlands) (17 page)

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Authors: Jen Frederick

BOOK: Unraveled (Woodlands)
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"No, A-spot. It's a spot on the back wall of the vagina."
I'm going to make it good for you, Sam
, I told her silently.
It'll all be worth it. Give me another chance.

Everyone around the fire was getting hot now, and it wasn’t just because of the flames. People were shifting in their chairs and the breathing was becoming a bit more ragged. The sex talk was hardening dicks and wetting pussies, but the only one I wanted was sitting next to me as impassive as a stone.

"I'm happy to be your test subject," offered the big-chested brunette, sitting up and swinging her legs to the side. "I'll let you know if you’re good in bed."

My desire had a name and no one else but Sam was going to sate it but this girl had put herself out there and I wasn't going to make her feel bad. I just told her the truth. "I'm out of commission now,” I admitted. Sam tensed up beside me. "I belong to someone else."

"Really? Because I could have sworn this past weekend, you were telling another girl you didn't have anyone back home."

"I don't." To get my message across to her and everyone else, I widened my legs so that my thigh brushed up against Sam's. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the brunette glower. Next to me, I heard Sam's breath catch but she didn't move away.
had gotten the message.

Bo hauled AnnMarie to her feet. "Boy, I'm tired."

"Me too," AnnMarie chirped, and they both practically ran in to the house. Sam jumped up and followed them. I rose to follow but Adam put a hand on my chest.

"Just remember," he warned me. "Fragile."

When I got into the house, I didn't see her downstairs. "Where'd Sam go?" I asked Noah, who'd been sitting inside watching television with Grace.

He jerked his thumb toward the front door. "She headed out.”

Fuck me. I ran out the door but Sam was halfway up the drive by then.

“Sam, wait,” I called after her but she didn’t slow. If anything, she sped up, almost running but not quite. Clearly my fuck talk by the fire only pissed her off instead of turning her on. Had I miscalculated or what? I could either chase her down—and there was no question I could—or go back and toss myself into the pool. To hell with it, if I was going down, I was going to do it hard. I sprinted and caught her in about ten strides.

“Why are you following me?” she cried.

“I thought you understood back there that I—”

She cut me off. “I understand that you can turn your heat on and off like a light switch but I’m not that way. What do you have to be confused about?”

The unfairness of it made me explode. ”You think I’ve got it all together? Let me tell you, sister. You know why I’m struggling with the decision to stay in? Because if I do, I’ll be in charge of people. People who could die. It’s one thing to make sure that your armored vehicle works or your rifle but
Sam! I need to make sure my team has got it all together upstairs,” I pointed to my head, “and here,” I pounded my chest.

“Because if one part of the platoon is weak, we could all be in danger. I have to make sure that everyone knows what they are doing and what they should do and how they’ll react. I’m fucking terrified of that, and I’m completely disgusted at myself for even hesitating. Hesitating can get you dead outside the wire.” I was yelling at her, but Sam didn’t move away. Her gaze, well, I couldn’t read it at that point; I was too caught up in my own misery.

“And women? Shit. My girlfriend of four years cheated on me during my second deployment with the local Marine recruiter, an officer!” I threw out my arms. “And she was going to climb back in bed with me when I got home. If it hadn’t been for the LT deciding that it’s bros before hos, I could have slept with her when she had an STI.”

Sam stood stock still as I yelled. Scrubbing my hand over my mouth, I looked around and gave a mirthless laugh, embarrassed at the shitstorm I just spewed all over her. “Sorry.” Could I pass it off as drunken behavior? I cradled my head in my hands so I couldn’t see her expression of disgust. “By the way, I’m clean,” I mumbled through my hands.

Instead of running away, Sam came closer. Her hand fell on my shoulder and then trailed down to my elbow. Looking up, I saw that she’d lost her angry and hurt expression and replaced it with a tender smile. Her other hand came up to cup the back of my neck and pull my head down to hers. There was no logic to her behavior. She should have been sprinting away from me and my mess, but I didn’t correct her. I wasn’t so stupid or so inept that I didn’t know how to seize opportunity when it presented itself. Still as a hunter lying in wait, I remained motionless as her lips brushed my cheek, her soft breath feathering across my skin. The streetlights made her skin luminous, and this close I could see her pale lashes fluttering over her eyes. Her hand pressed against my forearm for balance as she leaned in, moving her mouth from my cheek to my ear.

“I’m thirsty. You thirsty?” she whispered, and her breath traveled straight from my ear down to my groin.

For a moment I didn’t get it, didn’t get what she was trying to say to me but then I recalled her smile, the light touch on my arm, and the tender way she kissed me. The lights inside my dimwitted head turned on. “I’ve never been so thirsty my entire fucking life.”

“Come on then.” She threaded her fingers confidently through mine. Her taking control in this moment? So very hot. “Is my Rover okay?”

“I could care less the place, but why?”

“Because I don’t think I can wait to get somewhere else.” She gave me a tremulous smile, and I was instantly hard.

“Let’s go.”

Her truck was parked outside her parents’ house. I climbed into the passenger seat and she drove me up the hill to a park at the end of the development. There were no lights here. I pushed my seat back and pulled her onto my lap. I was going to be inside her before the night was over, or I’d be dead because nothing short of a bullet in the chest was going to stop us tonight.




positions and what he liked in a woman had dampened my swim bottoms and made my clothes feel too tight. He was a mess inside but I liked that. I understood it. Another guy who was more put together would make me feel anxious and inadequate. That Gray was confused about life and where he was going and how he felt about women suited me perfectly and strangely bolstered my own confidence. Tonight he was going to be mine, I’d decided. I wanted to have an orgasm that wasn’t brought about by my own fingers or just rubbing against him. I wanted his fingers to touch me and I wanted to hold his head between my legs. I just wanted.

We fumbled with my top, pulling off my T-shirt and then my bikini top. The strings fell away with a few tugs of his fingers and then his breath caught as he stared at my bare breasts in the moonlight. I’d always been a little self-conscious of my nipples because they were rather large and had a tendency to poke out of every shirt I wore unless I wore a well-padded bra.

I moved to cover my breasts but he brushed my hands away, cupping one breast in each large hand. “Goddamn, Sam, my mouth is fucking watering. I can’t wait until I’ve sucked on both your tits.”

But instead of heading right to my breasts, he began kissing the hollow of my throat, running his tongue along the ridges of my collarbone. His hands circled the sides of my breasts, measured the weight of them, and plumped them together until a valley formed for his questing tongue, but he didn’t touch the tips. And the longer that he ignored them the more sensitive they became. The night air was sultry and heavy but I still felt every slight movement.

My sex ached. Moaning, I tried to move closer, tried to get him to ease that ache, if not with his dick, then his fingers or even his thigh. “Oh please, Gray,” I gasped.

“What is it that you want?” His mouth moved against the top of my breast, licking and nibbling, but leaving the nipples untouched. “Tell me,” he ordered.

“I need you to suck me, touch me,” I cried out in frustration.

“Here?” he asked, stroking the sides of my breasts. “Or is it here?” His hand drifted down toward the waistband of my skirt.

“Everywhere,” I gasped.

It must’ve been enough because he latched on, practically sucking my whole breast into his mouth. The ache between my legs only intensified. With one hand he plucked and pinched the other nipple. His free hand undid the button on my skirt and we struggled to push it over my hips and then his fingers were inside my bikini bottom. We both groaned when his fingers slid between my labia, just slightly inside me.

“You’re dripping for me,” he groaned. “
made you hot.
words turned you on. This arousal is
, and I want it.” I was barely paying attention to his words because I just wanted his fingers farther inside me. I slid forward on his hand, rubbing my clit against his palm. God, I could come just from this. Then his two long fingers slid all the way in until I could feel his entire palm covering me. The slick heat of me was making
breathless. I could hear the harsh panting in my ear as he thrust into me with his fingers.

“Do you want to ride my cock?” he growled. “Does this pussy want my cock inside it because, baby, I’m so hard right now. I need to be inside you.”

Gray’s words worked me up harder, higher, hotter. I rode his fingers while he described how he was going to take me after I’d come all over him. He told me he’d lick his fingers then stroke his own cock with our combined moisture. He whispered that my hungry noises made him want to come in his shorts but that he wasn’t going to because he wanted to save that for me. He whispered hotter and filthier things until I couldn’t understand a word he was saying. All I could think of was how big his fingers were and how the pressure of the pad of his palm against my clit was perfect and how I wanted to come so hard. I gripped his shoulders and ground down and down until the sensation I’d been chasing exploded and I was gone.

It took me a minute to catch my breath. I barely noticed when Gray withdrew his fingers from me, but I did see him lick his fingers like he promised, and the hungry expression on his face started my engine again. He dragged my head down and the contact of our mouths against each other was heaven. My tangy flavor was on his tongue, mixing with his very own taste. It was addicting.
was addicting. His tongue plunged in and out of my mouth in a mimic of his fingers and a foreshadowing of his thick erection inside me.

“Fuck,” he whispered against my mouth.

“What are you waiting for?” I could feel the outline of his arousal between my legs. “Is this about being the only man in the room?” If he was going to leave me after all this, I’d never speak to him again.

“We’re not in a room and my dick is so hard I’m about to cry so say my name.”

“Gray Phillips.”

“Is there anyone else here?”

“Besides me?”

“You’re a smartass but that’s only making me harder. Yes, besides you.”

“There’s no one but the two of us.”

“That’s enough for me.”

He reached behind him and with one hand pulled his shirt over his head. His shorts were next, and then there was nothing between us but the still evening air. I spread my fingers over the ridges of his chest and abdomen. One thing about the military was that it churned out some amazing physical specimens. Will had gone away a wiry boy and had returned to me, not an inch taller, but bigger and more muscular. Like Will, Gray didn’t have one ounce of fat on him. His entire body looked like it had been carved from stone.

Had I once thought that Gray wasn’t my type? He was the type of every female who had a working pulse. I threaded my fingers through the light smattering of hair on his chest and followed a thin line that led to his pubic hair and then his shaft, which jutted out between us. I wanted—no needed—all the promises he’d made to me and not just the ones he’d made tonight. The night in the bar and then later at the condo. He’d promised to make me scream with pleasure.

Circling his cock, I squeezed it and was rewarded with a hard groan. His arms were pressed against the roof of the car and his feet were braced on the floorboards. His whole body was stiff and tense with anticipation and I could tell he yearned for the same release he’d given me.

Sliding off his legs, I took his shaft in my mouth. We both moaned when I closed around him. God, I had forgotten how good a man tasted and how feminine and powerful I felt with a strong man’s erection in my mouth. His hands swept the hair off my face so he could watch as he disappeared in and out of my mouth. One hand held the hair back like a makeshift ponytail and the other caressed my jaw and then my cheek, stroking his hardness through my skin.

His eyes looked feral in the night, and his chest bore the signs of a light sweat, evidence of the immense effort he was exerting from holding back his orgasm. The vein in his cock pulsed against my tongue and he made small, truncated jerking motions with his hips, making sure that I controlled how deep he went into my mouth. The flavor was earthy, and I couldn’t get enough.

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