Unplugged: A Bad Boy Rockstar Romance (35 page)

BOOK: Unplugged: A Bad Boy Rockstar Romance
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And when Henry draws on you, are you
going to go for the Mexican stand-off, or po
stpone it
for a duel at sunrise?

Jase rolled his eyes and gave her a
playful bite on the neck, making her yelp.

I was officially put back on your guard
detail as soon as I arrived, so I

m just doing my job. And he

s gotta figure you

re a bit stir-crazy
after being cooped up here all day. As long as you

re with me, why would he stop us?

Maggie felt excitement charging through
her veins. Jase

s heat and his kisses had brought back
the fire she felt last night when she was spread out for him on the pool table.
She pushed one of her thighs between his legs and heard his low growl as it
rubbed his growing erection.

We should definitely get out o
f here,

she whispered against his lips. Jase smiled and kissed her,
then led her by the hand across the darkened yard. The man on the porch smoking
turned out to be Beck, and he watched them walk by with an amused and silent
grin. Maggie didn’t even have
time to stutter an
excuse or apology before Jase pulled her inside.

The den buzzed with life. The men were
all letting off steam from the horror of the week

s events and the stress of the hunt. Not
only pool but a game of beer pong was in full swing. Will
had a couple of guys sat down at a table playing poker.
Someone had called over some of the groupies who hung around the MCs like
sexual scavengers. The mood was just so that no one turned to look when Jase
and Maggie came in the back door. Jase didn’t st
walking, not even when they bee-lined around the poker table, right in front of
Henry, who sat at the bar taking shots with Drake.

They were already halfway down the hall
when Maggie heard her father

voice. “

s happening?

Jase yelled back
as he continued towards the front door.

re just taking a ride!

“Make it

Absolutely not,

said Jase in a deep voice to Maggie. He
ushered her out the door and gave her ass a little smack on the way, then
closed it without another word to Henry

Even though she was sure Jase sped the
whole drive back to his place, it somehow took far too long for her liking. Her
hands roamed over Jase

s chest with abandon as she nuzzled her face into his back
and neck. At stoplights she let her hand sink between
his legs, and grinned at the way he shifted his hips up into her touch, begging
for more.

Jase had bought a small rambler on the
opposite side of town from where he grew up, closer to the emptiness of the
farmland and the sparse forests. He parked the bi
in the driveway and climbed off, immediately turning to kiss Maggie deeply,
with both hands on the side of her face.

Mind if I give you the tour in the

he said against her lips.

There is only one room I

m interested in right now,

said Maggi
with a grin.

Jase lifted her off the bike and she
cried out in surprise. He barely took his hands off her as he led her to the
porch and unlocked the door to the house, darkened from days of his absence. He
didn’t even turn on a light for them, but got
her and led her around furniture and down hallways with his body pressed up
against hers, his lips wandering her face and neck.

Soft light from outside filtered into

s bedroom, making the messy,
light-colored sheets glow like a holy beacon.
brought her to the edge of the bed and bent over her to bury his face in her
neck. His hands grasped everywhere, lovingly, hungrily.

Before she got lost in the ecstasy,
Maggie had to hear it.

Promise me

His reply was a breathless whisper in
her ear


You forgive me. You want me here. This
is for real this time.


s touch around her only tightened. He
turned her around and looked into her eyes.

I forgive you, Maggie. I love you. I
won’t let anything happen to us.

I love you,


Jase bent to kiss her with a forceful
passion Maggie had only dreamed about. He held her in the dark of the bedroom
as he explored her mouth with his own in a gently building journey. When he
moved down to the soft skin of her neck, Maggie moaned
and wrapped her fingers in his hair. Jase took slow time undressing her,
and it made her feel like a teenager again, having his hand secreted up her
shirt to feel her soft skin. He only left her grasp when he was disarming them
both, putting their guns at
a safe distance. When he
returned from that task, he knelt before her and began to unbutton her jeans,
planting kisses along the skin at her waistband.

Maggie dropped to the bed with a laugh
when he started sliding the denim down her legs. Even this he did
slowly, following them down with his face, his beard and
lips tickling every inch of her skin before he tossed them to the floor. Jase
stood over her for a few moments, simply staring, his gaze devouring her from
head to toe. It made Maggie feel like a go
ddess. And
when he started unbuckling his own pants while staring at her body, it set a
fire in her that made her feel like something far less virtuous. She wiggled
until she had pulled her own shirt off, and tossed it on the floor.

Jase stood before her
in the dim light, fully exposed. With half his body in
shadow, he looked like a mythic hero, cut in high contrast and larger than
life. She could see now just how much he had been working on his new physique,
his bare chest covered in new tattoos that danc
along the hard contours of his skin.  She felt weak in anticipation of touching
him again. His cock stood, hardened and waiting for her.  When she met his
eyes, he had the same look of hunger she felt.

Jase made his ascent to her mouth
sweetly painful.
He stopped to pull off her silk
panties with delicate fingers, exposing her center with its small, trimmed tuft
of hair. Jase

s fingers returned to that spot with a light touch,
followed by his hot tongue as he bent to taste her. Maggie moaned and arched
her back as she grasped at his head between her legs,
unable to contain herself. Every part of her mind and body erupted with
pleasure. She could feel the vibrations of Jase

s moans against her most sensitive skin.

It had been so long since she had been
uched with such love and skill. Soon, she was on
the edge of orgasm. Her fingers tightened in his hair, and his pace kept
steady, reading her body signals. When her breaths started coming higher and
faster, Jase pushed her wildly off the edge by pushing tw
o fingers deeply between her hot lips without warning. He
filled her up and lapped at her clit with his tongue as she came, the ecstasy
rolling over her like an ocean wave until all she could feel was light. She
twisted on the bed and cried out his name as
he held
her still with one big hand splayed across her hips, refusing to let up on the
pleasure he was giving. Maggie had another two aftershocks before he finally
seemed satisfied. While she panted on the bed, he pulled his fingers out from
inside her an
d lifted to hover over her, planting
sweet kisses all over her hips and tummy. She could taste herself on his kiss
when he lowered his lips to hers for a passionate exchange.

Maggie ran her hands all over Jase

s hardened body, every tensing muscle
and smoo
th patch of skin. He skillfully removed her
bra and pushed it off the bed letting his hands roam her breasts freely as they
made out. She moaned into his mouth and pressed her hips up against his aching

Jase obliged. With one hand he reached
n between them and guided his hard cock to her
swollen pussy. Then he curved his fingers around hers before he pushed into her
completely, making them both gasp and moan. He moved smoothly inside her, her
wetness inviting and enveloping his entire shaft. J
kept a steady rhythm, a slower pace than the last time. Maggie wrapped her arm
around his neck and pulled him down to kiss her while they made love. Her body
slid against his, warm and sweat-sheened, as he filled her up with every

She could te
by his quickening pace and the bright look in his eyes that Jase was getting
close. His thrusts became harder and more desperate, hitting her spot and
making Maggie cry out. She dug her nails into his back and tightened her pussy
around him, eager to fe
el each ridge and curve of his
cock inside of her. Jase moaned at the sensation, grasping at her hands and
hair to pull her close as he approached the edge.

Jase pushed his forehead against hers
and moaned her name. Maggie cried in pleasure as he started to come, burying
his cock completely, spilling himself deeply inside of her. She moaned with
every last movement of his hips. As he came down from the rush, h
e planted soft kisses on her lips and chest, brushing her
hair away from her face.

I love you,

said Jase in a whisper against her
sweaty skin.

Maggie nuzzled back against him.

I love you.

This is for real now.

His voice was tired, but determined.

For real,

she said.





Jase made love to Maggie twice more
before sleep finally took them both. In between, they did all the things Jase
had never let himself believe he would experience again with a woman: the sweet
nuzzling, th
e soft kisses, and the playful teasing
that eventually led to one of the two sex sessions. She fell asleep first. He
took it as a good sign that he had done his job well. He remembered touching
her curls and being amazed that she was real before he drifted
off to sleep.

The familiar morning sun woke Jase up
first. He realized how happy he was to have fallen asleep in his own bed. He
felt weight on his outstretched arm and smiled to himself. He turned to find
Maggie tucked up against him, her curls a wild me
around her pale and peaceful face. Jase wrapped his arms around her and pulled
her closer into him.

Maggie reacted with a soft moan,
snuggling into him. She began to lift out of sleep as he held her and kissed
the top of her head.



re still


s voice came groggy and muffled from his

Jase laughed.

That was your first thought too, huh?

Well, not my
said Maggie. She pushed back enough to
look at him, and he gave her lips a few full kisses. Jase laughed against her l
ips in surprise when he felt her hand trailing down his
flat stomach towards the morning wood hiding beneath the sheets.

This was definitely my first.

Jase pulled back and shook his head at


s just no romance with you, is there?
Only sex, that

s all I

m good for.

Maggie went red. She spit out a few
flustered noises.

Give me a break, look at you! Look how
stupid hot you are! This is entrapment.

Jase chuckled. He had almost wiped clean
the memories of how much Maggie made him laugh when they were together. The
muscles in his face hurt from their unexpected workout. And his ego didn’t mind
to hear that she was aching for his body, either. He bent t
o kiss her and rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of

Take what you want, baby.

Maggie smiled, delighted at the

I thought you

d never ask.

Her low voice in his ear made him
shiver. Jase laid back and felt her soft hands as they wo
rked his cock for a few minutes

not that he needed it. He was already
aching to be inside of her. When she finally lowered herself on top of him,
Jase groaned like an animal at the incredible feeling of being wrapped in her
heat. Maggie rode him, moaning,
alternating between
scratching her nails into his chest and sliding her fingers along the lines of
the complex ink that stained it. He watched her writhing, sweating, her breasts
bouncing, her fingers curling as his cock buried inside her to the hilt. As t
hey both climaxed, Jase grasped her hips in his big hands
and helped her rhythm, pushing himself up deeper inside of her. She came hard
on top of him and pulled him over the edge with her. Jase writhed beneath
Maggie as he finished.

Maggie collapsed on hi
s chest for a few moments, panting. Then she looked up at
him with a wide grin.

Hi, there.

he said.

I still love you,

she said.

He laughed.

Good, I still love you too.

Maggie rolled off his body and snuggled
up next to him. He turned to face
her and wrap an arm
around her to hold her close. Their faces nuzzled together on the pillows,
exchanging delicate, exploratory kisses.

You know I even made myself stop
dreaming about this,

Maggie, her voice a whisper.

In the moment, it made all m
pain better. But after it was over, it felt like I was just skinning myself


s heart ached. He tightened his hold
around her and gave her a more passionate kiss. He wanted to tell her
everything about the darkness he had endured after she lef
t, but he stopped himself. Those days suddenly felt so
distant, and he wanted the beautiful woman in his arms to see him as strong. He
lightly rubbed his cheek against hers and said instead,

I know how you feel.

I wish I could take every second of it
back. Every bit of pain I put you through
Two stray tears dropped from Maggie

s blue eyes and ran down her face.

Jase rubbed the tears off her face with
a gentle thumb.

I wish I could take a lot of things
back, too. I wish I had listened to you and sto
od up
to Henry years ago. I know you

re not a heartless person, Maggie, and I
know you don’t believe it, but you

re not a coward. I know you wouldn’t have left me unless
you really felt like you were backed into a corner.

If I

m not a coward, then I

m at
least an
animal stupid enough to keep getting trapped in corners,

said Maggie with a self-effacing smile.

beat yourself up,

said Jase, running a hand through her


s not you, babe. That

s just the world. But you never let them
corner y
ou, and that’s why things will work out.

burn shit down before you
get trapped.

Something sad surfaced in Maggie

s eyes. He stroked her hair and waited.
She said,

Henry told me my mom felt like I do.
That she felt like she set
things on fire, too.

She looked off into the bedroom.

I know so little about her, but I like
the thought that I

m not some black sheep of the Oliver family. I like
thinking.... maybe I

m just her daughter, and I

m exactly the way I

m supposed to be. If s
he had lived, maybe I wouldn’t feel this way.

Jase and Maggie had never been big on
family talk. Between her lost mother, and his abusive fuck of a father, it was
no sunny place to visit. But Jase could see on her face that this was

He held he
head tight and looked in her eyes.

re not a black sheep, Maggie. You are an incredible woman.

re unlike any woman I’ve ever met. I
love everything about who you are. If Sara was half the woman you are

then I can understand why Henry married
her. And why he still wears his ring after all these years.


s face wrinkled as she fought back
tears. She threw her arm around Jase

s neck and pulled him in to kiss him
firmly and deeply. Jase rubbed his hands up and down the soft skin of her back
and moaned softly into her kiss.

I love you,

said Maggie with a shaking voice.

I love you,

he whispered in return.

Maggie sighed against him. Jase smiled
and kissed her forehead. He loved the sight of her soft skin against the
pillow, her curls spi
lling like silk. Her warm body
felt amazing against his.

After a few minutes of cuddling in
silence, Maggie rolled onto her back. She wiped her eyes and made a gruff

It got really mushy in here.

Jase laughed and put a hand on her

Like I s
zero romance with you, Oliver.

That is an outrage. I

m the Frank Sinatra of this

said Maggie, pounding her fist on the


re a crazy person,”
said Jase. He laughed and yanked her
back against his body.

Maggie tapped her f
ingers up his chest.

I think we should take a shower.

I could go for some coffee,

he added. At the same time, they both

And a smoke!

said Maggie. She kissed his head and
pulled away from his grasp to stand next to the bed.

Man, am
going to have to start keeping track of those again?

said Jase as he threw his legs off the
edge of the bed. He pulled his jeans off the floor and dug around until he
found his cell phone. As expected, he already had two missed calls from Henry.

life, eh?

said Maggie, looking down at him.

Jase fired off a text to Henry saying
they were safe, and would be back at the clubhouse soon. He didn’t wait for a
reply. He put the phone face down on the nightstand.

Not right this minute.

Maggie smiled a
winked at him.
I don’t
know this place, I guess you

re making the coffee.

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