Unmask (Adrenaline Series (Stand Alone) Book 4) (21 page)

BOOK: Unmask (Adrenaline Series (Stand Alone) Book 4)
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Madden shakes his head. “The Devil has cut us out and has an eye on everything and everyone we usually turn too. No vests either.”


“In other words, don't go in like John Wayne,” Knox scolds.


“Yee-haw,” Daniel says before turning his fingers into guns.


Idiot...but fuck, I've missed him.


“No yee-haw.” Madden points. “Both of you get your asses home safe.”


I nod, the microdot still on my finger. Heading back the way I came, Daniel calls to me from the spare bike he was brought by the eighteen wheeler. “When you get on, follow my lead.”


Hustling back down the street, I slip the dot on the statue where I don't think it can be found. Afterward, I slide the GPS back in my pocket and the ear wig back in my ear.


There's heavy breathing before Daniel's voice huffs, “Cops are down.”


Breathing hard I state, “We're on our way.”


There's a long pause before The Devil questions, “My statue?”


“On me.”


“Do not make me wait any longer,” he snips.



When we arrive at the cottage, there's two large black SUVs parked out front. We park across the road beside some trees knowing there's a possibility we're going to need a fast escape when it all goes south.


Yep. I said when. Not if. This is not going to be smooth by any means.


Passing by the SUVs, we're startled when the driver's door pops open. Instinctively Daniel prepares to grab his knife, but I stop him with a hard clamp on the shoulder. Omar gives us both a long hard look.


You get the feeling this isn't going to be good?


“Bag and keys,” Omar demands.


Daniel rushes to say, “The Devil said-”


“Oh right,” The Devil chimes in on the ear wig. “Sorry McCoys that I can’t be there to receive my rewards personally, but Omar will bring them to me without an issue.”


“Hand them over,” Omar commands, this time with a harsher tone.


On a sigh I shove the bag at his chest before Daniel drops the keys in his hand.


“The antidote?” I question eyes still watching Omar as he loads the objects into the vehicle.


“I am a man of my word,” he states. “It's inside. Two shots. Waiting for you on the coffee table. Feel better you two.” The evilness in his tone is followed by a small snigger. “Oh and your one request, Drew? She's waiting for you to give her a dose of her own medicine...”


There's another cold chuckle and silence. We wait for a moment for more information. To further be taunted. When it's obvious that he's not coming back, we pull the ear pieces out and step on them.


At that moment, Omar shuts the car door and takes a step towards us. Seeing Daniel prepared to attack if necessary, I decide it's best to take a similar stance. “McCoy, do you really want Melody dead?”


For the first time since we've met I see a flash of concern on his face. It doesn't look like it's for show. It doesn't look like it's another test from The Devil. No this shit looks real. Like...he cares about her.


What do you mean he does? How would you know?


I swallow the urge to tell him the truth. “Why?”


“Answer me,” he growls. “Do. You. Want. Her. Dead?”


My lips press together. Slowly I shake my head.


“Are you gonna save her?”


“I sure the fuck am.”


“Good. I didn't buy that bullshit betrayal act, but neither did The Devil,” he informs me. “There are two men standing watch outside Eden and one inside with her. He plans to have them put a bullet in her head right after yours.”


Immediately I argue, “I thought-”


“You thought wrong,” Omar corrects. “When he got wind to the idea of Melody fucking you, he decided not to let you two live any longer than necessary.” In a hushed tone advises, “There are four men waiting inside to kill you. Your best shot is to go around back, take out those protecting Melody, and use their weapons on the ones inside. If you don't go inside at all The Devil will suspect something and this whole experience will feel like child's play. Save her. Kill them. Leave no witnesses.”


As he takes a couple steps back, Daniel questions, “Why are you telling us this?”


“Because there's nothing I can do to protect her,” he confesses, eyes still on me. “But you McCoys can.”


He climbs in the SUV without another word, leaving us alone in the front yard to devise a very quick plan. The two of us watch him start to pull away, which we know will be the indicator not only have we arrived, but to expect us at any moment.


You're damn right it's gonna be tricky, but hey! That's what McCoys are.




My eyes roll around in my head desperate to stay open, but I know I don't have long left.


It's alright. I planned it this way.


A groan comes from me and Rex sighs, “Why couldn't you have just been a good girl, Melody?”


Not responding to his stupid question, I simply let out another moan of discomfort as my head bobbles around.


“You just had to fuck McCoy,” his rant continues. “I knew I should've just fucked you like I wanted. Taken what I wanted. What was mine.”


“She was never yours,” Drew's voice joins the conversation.


As best as I can I open my eyes, so grateful to see him.


That is really him right? Am I seeing things?


With his gun cocked he slowly approaches Rex whose gun is already pressed against my temple. “Now get that shit away from my girl.”


“Your girl?” Rex barks.


It's so heavy. My head is so fucking heavy now...


“You know what, McCoy? I'm gonna fucking kill you. Fuck her. Then kill her.” Rex describes, the weapon finally not against my skull.


Through slightly closed eyes, I can see Drew's cocky smile.


Now doesn't seem like a good time for that.


Suddenly a buzzing noise speeds by forcing my eyes open seconds before Rex falls over, the gun dropping from his clutches. Turning my head the best I can, I watch as Drew lifts his own weapon and pulls the trigger. The shot pierces Rex’s skull.


Before I can even try to comment, another voice says, “A head shot? Really? What are we in Grand Theft Auto?”


“We've been living Grand Theft Auto from birth,” Drew replies back, his hands starting to untie the ropes.


At least I think that's what happening. Everything is so blurry...




“No. Witnesses,” Drew says catching my limp body as it prepares to fall over. “Mel baby,” he calls to me, his warm hand on my face. “Look at me...come on baby, look at me.”


I do my best to make eye contact with him.


His thumb strokes my cheek. “There are those gorgeous blues I love.”


“Well if you wanna keep seeing them, I suggest we get to moving,” the other voice snaps.


With all the energy I have I look up to see the face that's been speaking.


Okay...am I seeing double? What? Right! They're Triplets!




He wiggles his eyebrows at me. “The one and only.”


“Don't hit on my girl.”


“I was being friendly.”


“Don't be
kind of friendly!”


“Now?” Daniel snaps. “You wanna do this now?”


I'm with Daniel on that. We can fuss over his overly friendly tone later.


A howl of displeasure frees itself from me again.


“Can you walk?” Drew touches my cheek once more, which drags my eyes back to his. A small shrug comes from me. “I need you to try, okay?”


I give him a nod and try to rise to my feet. Within seconds my knees buckle. All of a sudden there are two sets of arms around me, helping my failing body.


“Let's leave her here until-”


“No fucking way,” Drew growls beside me.


“Well we can't carry her and shoot the place the fuck up. I'm not a physics major, but I've seen enough action movies to know that shit can't work. We have to leave her somewhere, Drew.”


There's a small silence as we continue to move forward.


At least I think we're moving forward.


“I know a safe spot,” Drew sighs. “Over there.”


Thankfully I'm carried not too far or long. Helplessly I'm laid down on the ground in a spot I know very well, even with the way I'm feeling now.


“You're sure about this?” A voice, I'm assuming is Daniel's asks.


They even sound alike when they are this close together. Or is that cause of what's in my system?


“Yeah. The cameras can't see her.” Drew's face appears in front of mine. “I won't leave without you, baby. I promise.”


A single nod comes from me.



I hear the sounds of weapons being checked before my eyes watch two sets of feet go through the sliding glass door. Doing my best to keep my falling eyes open, I watch as commotion ensues. The ringing of gun shots which should sound deafening are no louder than a small humming of a child. Unsure how many more breaths I have like this I make one final attempt to spot Drew. Unexpectedly the fire fight falls back into the kitchen. A body falls to the ground obviously hit. I struggle to move, to get a better idea, any single clue if it was one of The Devil's men or one of the McCoys. Just as I take one last conscious breath, I catch a glimpse of the injured face.


My mouth drops to scream no, but instead darkness takes me.





You know when you're having a nightmare and you try to wake yourself up? Don't you hate when you can't? Don't you hate when you wiggle and shift, violently tossing your body around in hopes of prying yourself from the clutches of the demons holding you down in dream world? What? What do you mean just open my eyes? They won't open! I tried! I tried! Help...help please. Okay. Fine. One more time I'll try.


My eyelids try to shift open, but seem to stop before finishing the action. However my ears can hear the steady sound of a machine and the low murmur of voices.


Can you hear them too? Are those real or just in my head?


“She's not even awake yet,” a female voice sighs.


“Well, like the rest of you I have time to wait,” an authoritative male voice states in return.


“You could wait outside,” another suggests.


“Or in here. Right where I am.”


Frustrated, I use all the energy I have to push my eyelids open to see a room filled with slightly familiar faces. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust, but once they do the faces surrounding me actually fill me with comfort.


“Oh look,” the only face that doesn't bring me comfort starts. “She's awake.”


“Can't you give her a moment?” The female, I assume is Knox, asks.


He gives her a head shake. “No.” Suddenly his face is turned towards me and he steps forward, “Melody Porter?”


Clearing my throat I answer, “Yes, Commissioner.”


“Welcome back to the world of the living.”


The Commissioner is just as scary in person as he is in photos. He's got the build of an old boxer, toffee colored skin, a bald head, and a beard. Of course I know his face. How could I not? The Devil's obsessed with avoiding him as much as he is with taunting him. His face is one of the first you learn when you tangle with the man downstairs.


“The McCoys have been kind enough to watch over you, claiming you as a family member,” he describes something that makes me wanna pull my eyes out of his dark ones to thank them. But I don't. I don't even take an extra breath. “Awfully kind of them, don't you think?” When I nod he asks, “What can you tell me about your employer?”


I know I shouldn't protect him, but not protecting him could possibly stop protecting myself if I'm not careful. “Excuse me?”


“You work for The Devil don't you?”


My lips press together in refusal to answer.


Unexpectedly the door cracks open and a nurse's face appears. She's a slightly older woman with a worn out expression on her face. “You're awake, Miss Porter.”


“I am.”


“That's a surprise,” she says softly. “I'll be back in just a few to clear the room and check your vitals, alright?”


Once I nod, she shuts the door quietly, but no one else objects to the idea of being escorted out.


And I mean no one. Guess I deserve that for getting him killed....God. I can't believe it...


He shoves his hands in his pockets. “Do you need me to repeat the question?”


“I think I might want a lawyer before I answer the question,” my scratchy voice sighs before sniffling away the tears.


“I understand.” The Commissioner nods. Casually he turns over his shoulder and motions for the other officer in the room to come beside him. He whispers something in his ear and pulls back. “Don't forget. Two sugars.”


“Yes, Commissioner,” he agrees before dismissing himself.


As soon as he's gone The Commissioner pulls a pair of cuffs from his pocket.


Nervously I ask, “Wh-wha-what are those for?”


“For you,” his answer is nonchalant. “You want a lawyer, now's the part where I read you your rights and tell you what you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.” When my mouth cracks open it immediately begins to wobble. I can see a movement out of the corner of my eye, but it's stopped abruptly. “Look, we can handle this one of two ways. I can cuff you. Read your rights. Arrest you for suspicion to commit kidnapping. Kidnapping. Suspicion to commit murder on multiple accounts. Attempted murder on multiple accounts. Get you in the system. Behind bars where The Devil, who I'm pretty sure wanted you dead, can then once again get you that way. Get you in front of a judge, a courtroom, who even if they declare you innocent, which they won't, would then put you right at the top of The Devil's hit list. Should I continue or is my picture crisp enough?”


In a meek voice I answer, “Very clear, sir.”


“Good,” he sighs. “Because personally I like option two better.”


“Which is?”


“I keep you alive. You answer any and all questions about The Devil, his business, and associates. You do this, we strike a deal to count all your corroborating information and testimony as time served. You never set foot in a cell or even the precinct.”


That sounds like a hell of a deal doesn't it?


“And just so you know I am a man of my word. You know The Devil's reach, but in case you may have underestimated it, the nurse that should've been back by now, was just arrested by my officer who you thought left to get me coffee.”


There's a sharp gasp in the room to match my own.


Was that you?


“On The Devil's payroll. Most likely with instructions to kill you if you actually woke up.” The information causes me to shift uncomfortably again. “Now, which option would you like to take Miss Porter?”


Scary in a different way from The Devil, but still scary, right?


Without hesitating I reply, “Anything you wanna know.”


“Good. Let's start.” He shoves the cuffs back in his pocket. “Do you know anything about the whereabouts of Prince Duke Hastard?”


“He was drugged and put on a plane. Currently he's staying at a hotel in Belize being kept by one of The Devil's babysitters. He's being heavily sedated with memory suppressors. When you do get to him there's a high chance he won't remember anything after a few weeks ago.”


The information receives a slow nod. “And how do you know that?”


“I am, well, was, The Devil's pharmacist.”




“I um...I was in charge of helping create healing agents, hallucinogens, as well as various poisons which aided in his torture tactics.”


Why am I still alive? Do you hear what I've done for the last few years of my life? I deserve to be the one on the ground with my eyes wide open. Not him...not him.


“Were you the female that helped keep my daughter drugged?”


My mouth trembles, but I confess, “Yes.”


“Were you the female that kept her taken and alive?”


I whisper once more. “Yes.”


To my surprise he quietly says, “Thank you.” When my eyebrows lift in shock he adds, “She says she remembers you trying to help not hurt her. Thank you.”


Unsure of what to say I simply nod.


The Commissioner changes gears back to his original line of questioning. “Were you partially responsible for helping kidnap Drew and Daniel McCoy?”


Quietly I answer, “Yes.”


“She's also the one who helped heal them,” the female voice pipes in. “Give her credit for that too.”


He raises his hand. “I will, Knoxie. No need to worry.”


“I wasn't worried.”


She's just as protective as Drew mentioned. I wonder how much she's going to hate me soon.


“Do you have any idea where The Devil is now?”


“Can you charge him with something this very moment?” I counter. When he tilts his head at me in question, I sigh, “You fight straight ahead Commissioner. Rarely does he. I know you've been cleaning out the system, ridding it of those under his thumb, but he still has a few major players in place, so unless you have concrete evidence prepared by someone who is not Danielle Tambert, you will be wasting your time and showing him more cards than he needs to see. The way he's acting now, the way you've got him feeling is like a wounded animal trapped in a corner. Don't lose that.”


To my surprise he smiles. “Exactly how I want him feeling. And yes, DA Danielle Tambert has been removed and began singing what she knows herself about The Devil.”


Turns out The Commissioner really is making progress. Good. The Devil needs a reason to stay scared


“We actually have his fingerprints all over a stolen item that was recently stolen from Harrison Delmont.”


How did....How did Drew get those?


“Thankfully the item was returned, but Mr. Delmont would like to press charges-”


“You may want to inform Mr. Delmont to stay away from his priceless statue of 'Skon'. It's a forgery that contains two active toxic agents that when breathed constantly over several days will damage your nervous system eventually resulting in a full shut down.”


Yeah. That's what we had him replace it with. See. The Devil is always trying to cover his tracks or make someone pay for something.


After a long stare of disbelief of the information he says, “Will do immediately. With Mr. Delmont wanting to press charges for theft and now attempted murder, I think it is safe to say we have a couple balls rolling. Any information you can provide about The Devil's whereabouts is crucial.”             


Rubbing my throbbing head I answer, “He was last headed for his beach resort on the east coast of the state. It's not in his name. His homes are listed under aliases. I don't know them.”


“General area?”


“Private beach on Vanlovua.”


A long exhale comes from me, which prompts someone to voice, “Can the rest of this wait? Look at her. She clearly needs more rest.”


The Commissioner gives me a hard look and a nod. “Rest.”


“What about her safety?” Knox chimes in harshly. “What's your plan to protect her?”


“I plan to let The Devil think she's dead,” he quickly answers.


“And put her where?” The strong voice asks, but I don't let my eyes shift that direction.


I can't face the remaining McCoys. Not yet.


“WITSEC if she would like.” He pauses before adding, “However, if I know anything about McCoy men, you do one helluva job protecting the people you call family. Better than any marshal ever could. Choice is hers.” His eyes fall to me. “I'll give you a couple hours to decide if you want a spot in the program or if you would rather remain dead in the care of the McCoys, which we will then need to discuss what that entails.”


“Got it,” the strong voice declares. “We will speak soon, Commissioner.”


“Miss Porter,” he says with his eyes in mine. “I'll be back this evening.”

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