Unmask (Adrenaline Series (Stand Alone) Book 4) (20 page)

BOOK: Unmask (Adrenaline Series (Stand Alone) Book 4)
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He starts to bounce on the balls of his feet. When the security guard looks up he sighs, “Yes. I'm sorry sir. I need to get to your vehicle. Ticket please.” I hand it to him and we start to move across the garage. Calling out to the guard he announces, “I'll be right there.”


The two of us arrive at my motorcycle. He scurries away to grab my keys. I keep my eyes on my bike. The Valet hands me my keys, politely thanks me for being a guest, and wishes me safe travels. On the bike, I secure my bag, the sound of feet moving faster, grabbing my attention. The guard and the valet move together, both with panicked expressions. Making a smooth exit out of the garage and out the gate, I pull onto a side road close by to wait for my brother.


Impatiently I tap my foot.


What's taking him so long? This shit should've went by quick and smooth. Get the guard out, get a spare newer, unfamiliar with the place Valet to retrieve the vehicle. Get the fuck out....what's the hold up?


More time passes by and my nerves grow restless. Suddenly there's shouting over my earpiece. “We've got a problem!”


Baffled by his loud exclamation, I snap back, “What kind of problem?”


“A red and blue problem!” He screams, voice still in a panic. “And it's on my ass!”


Before I can ask his location or a heads up of where to meet him, he races by, flashing cop lights following.




“We're gonna need a little extra time,” Daniel calls to The Devil. Without waiting for him to answer, he gripes, “Thought you had called the dogs off!”


“I did,” The Devil growls. “That is not one of mine.”


“Well we don't have any!” Daniel's voice gets louder. “Triple D where the fuck are you?”


I start the bike up. “Where do you want me to be?”


“I took the side road, first right!” Daniel rushes out.  “Drop point is off the highway, exit 679. Abandoned warehouse parking lot. Help me get there!”


“On it!” Increasing the speed of my bike, I take the route we came with the idea of hopping back onto the highway a little later. Flying down the two lane curvy rode, I accelerate until I'm pushing speeds that will grab the cops attention if he hasn't called in for back up yet.


Zooming onto the highway it doesn't take long to spot him or the cop that's riding his ass.


“Right lane.” I announce. “Fall back.”


“Are you fucking serious?” Daniel grumbles.


“Do it.”


I push my speed and come around on the right side, revving to grab the cops attention. When he spots me, I fly forward, the intention for him to leave Daniel to come after me.


“Falling off,” Daniel informs. “Three more exits and you've made it. Lose him before that!”


“Don't you get caught,” The Devil grumbles into the ear piece. “Don't. You. Dare. Get. Caught.”


Easy for him to say. He's not the one with a cop so far up his ass, he can taste the doughnut the dude had on his break.


The cop is tight on me as I weave around traffic, and for the first time I'm afraid I might not make it out of this one. Suddenly there's another cop with his lights on, waiting to assist. Between the two, I realize I'm fucked. The best I can do is get off the highway and try a possible Shake and Bake.


While they are running my plates before they take my keys, run off again. You'd be surprised how often that actually works.


I pull off at the exit like planned.


Who knows. Maybe The Devil's man is packing heat and can help. Fuck, maybe Daniel can too


“I see you,” Daniel announces.


“You see my visitors?”


Daniel sighs, “Yeah. I've got a plan. Pull over.”


Gliding off to the side of the road, the cops follow.


The Devil repeats, “I warned you McCoys.”


After I kill my engine, I leave the keys in, but lift my hands slowly. “Middle Man, Shake and Bake?”


“Even better.”


The two cops get off their bikes, weapons drawn and yell, “On the ground! Now!”

With a deep sigh, I start to follow the instructions, which is when one of them yells, “Slowly! Keep those hands where we can see them!”


Lowering myself onto the ground, I let my knees hit the concrete, the fabric of the designer suit providing no cushion.


Stupid fucking suit.


“All the way down!” One of the cops yells as he continues to approach.


The Devil snaps, “Bring me my statue no matter the cost. Am I clear?”


“Crystal,” I whisper back. 


A pair of black boots appear in front of my face. With my heart thrumming against the road, I try to lay still. Suddenly a pair of hands roughly searches me quickly, before I'm being yanked upward. As soon as I'm on my feet my jaw drops to where I just was.


No fucking way...


The cop motions to his lip and then to my ear. Next he motions what he wants me to do with it. I reach in my ear and remove the communication device. After placing it with the GPS tracking device I leave them both on the ground next to the wheel of my motorcycle.


Once everything is there and we're a good distance from it, I prepare to say something, which is when I receive the finger to the lips motion again. We approach the parking lot where the big rig is already loaded. Stealthy the two people dressed in cop uniforms each move to the driver's door. I give Daniel a glance who is smirking while he smokes his cigarette.


Yeah, but he's always smoked. Started about the same time he could drive himself to grab a pack.


Before I can say anything to him, I hear the vehicle door open, and a heavy sigh. “Really, Madden? You didn't think I could handle knocking the guy out?”


A giant smile comes from me as Knox pushes him out of her way. “I didn't want you to knock him out.”


“Why? Afraid she'd break a nail?” Daniel calls out with a laugh.


“Keep talkin' shit and see how many I break on you,” she storms over with Madden at her side.


“He made the call that he had the package, so as far as The Devil is concerned this is already in route,” Daniel announces. “We've got a noise scrambler. He'll think there's a scuffle, shots fired, and then it'll be silent.”


Destin tosses an arm around my shoulder. “It's so fucking good to see you, bro.”


Turning the half ass hug into a full one, I give him a heavy pat. “Fuck, man. I missed you.”


“Yeah,” he replies pulling away.


“Save the sentimental moments to be shared over milk and cookies,” Knox snaps. “We've gotta get this moving before The Devil gets any clue what's happening.”


“How is any of this possible?” Looking at Destin I ask, “The Devil is watching you.”


“He is watching us,” Destin gleefully says. When I tilt my head, he explains, “We pre- recorded video footage, had it synced, and chopped as necessary. There is enough pre- recorded answers to conversations to get us by.”


“You would need someone looped into his live video and feeding him the appropriate answers-”             


“It's a good thing Vinnie was accepting favors,” Destin's response gets a nod of approval from me.


“Like my plan?” Daniel gloats.


“Your plan?” Knox snips.


“This was so my fucking plan!” Daniel snaps.


“Part of it!”


“How'd you get this shit set up?”


“You weren't the only one who had a girl on his dick willing to grant him a favor.”


Hearing him talk about Mel like that balls my fist.


I know. Not the ideal time for this fucking fight, but I don't enjoy hearing anyone talk about her like that.


“One of the nights Nina and I were fucking, I managed to get a hold of her phone while she was out and sent a game plan message.”


I wonder if we have to save her too...


Impressed I ask, “How'd you get the final call to them?”


“You'd be surprised what a guy who wants to touch your dick is willing to do for you, including letting you use his untraceable phone to make a brief phone call.”


“Proud of that?” Knox teases. When Daniel glares she adds, “You play a convincing gay Dom.”


“Can we please focus?” Madden invades the conversation. “The clock is running. Knox, are you sure you can drive this thing?”


“Are you questioning how much power I can handle between my legs?”             


Madden grits his teeth.


And their sexual tension moments make an appearance.


Daniel chuckles and puts out his cigarette. “Come on Mad Man. What did you expect?”


Madden grouses, “I swear when we get home...”


“Yeah, yeah,” Daniel brushes him off. He extends his hand at Destin. “Keys.”

Destin drops a key into his hand. Skeptical Daniel looks up at him. “You think these will work?”


“Well enough to get your ass out of there,” Madden invades the conversation. “Give him the keys. By the time he can get them to where he believes his new long lost treasure is, Mr. Harrison will be changing more than just the locks on all his doors.”


“Man, I can't believe we have to give this back to him,” Daniel whines.


I lift my eyebrows. “So we're giving it back to him?”


not,” Destin corrects. “The cops are.”


“We're turning it into the cops?” I croak.


“The Commissioner,” Madden informs on a sigh. “And we aren't. We're leaving it in Vinnie's garage then an anonymous tip. As far as that sculpture you're gonna let him take it.”


“With an addition made,” Destin points out. He pulls something small out of his pocket. “Slip this in the most inconspicuous spot you can find. It's a tracking device. We can use it to pin point the different places of The Devil's location. Start watching him the way he watches us.”


“You don't think he'll be suspicious?” I question. “What happens if he gives it to a buyer?”


“He won't,” Madden assures. “He likes that kinda shit too much.”


“You ready?” Daniel asks grabbing something out of Knox's hands.


“Yeah,” I sigh. “Did you take the shot?”




Knox hands me a knife as well. Looking up I question, “No guns?”

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