UnLove Me - The Angels Warriors MC Complete Trilogy Box Set (26 page)

BOOK: UnLove Me - The Angels Warriors MC Complete Trilogy Box Set
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Years later

I’m hanging out at the clubhouse tonight, just hanging around with the guys when I get a text.

I need you home. Please – Lilly

I smirk; she either wants me for sex or to help her get something from a shelf she can’t reach—my short pixie. Thinking of her reaching for something with the hem of her shirt rising up, exposing her skin above her tight ass, has me ready to hurry home.

“I’m out, guys. Gotta get home to the misses,” I say grinning.

I have stayed away from Kayla, somewhat, but I was with her again when Lilly and I got into a rip roaring fight and broke up for three weeks about two months ago. Since then, though, I haven’t seen her once. I even told Kayla that I can’t keep doing this, and she understands. She has even gone out on dates herself, saying she’s moving on, gave me the riot act that I can’t do this to Lilly. “
It’s not cheating. We both know that, but still, how would Lilly feel if she found out?” s
he’d told me, and fuck, she was right—Lilly would hate me.

But in the five years since we got back together, I only went back to Kayla once. That’s saying something. I promised Lilly we would be okay, and I kept that promise, until, of course, a few months ago when I fucked up.

I make it home and walk in the house. I see Lilly sitting on the couch with her knees to her chest, arms around them, looking upset.

“Lilly-pad? What’s wrong?” I ask her. Fuck, did she find out about Kayla? Her expression has me freaking out. My palms break out in a cold sweat. She stays quiet for a minute, almost looking like she is sick. She isn’t dressed up like she normally is when I get home, but has on one of my t-shirts and a pair of sweats. Her wild curls are hanging down her back.

“I’m pregnant,” she whispers to me. Her eyes are searching mine with caution.

A huge smile lights up my face. “Really?” I ask excitedly.

Shock covers her entire face when she looks up at me. “You’re…um…You’re happy?”

“Of course I am! I’m with you, and we’re having a baby. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Maybe because we break up like, all the time,” she says, rolling her eyes.

I let out a laugh. “Babe, we’re good. We’re so good.” I go to her, pulling her off the couch, and wrap her up in my arms. “Fuck, I love you.”

I feel her tears land on my shoulder. “I love you too, Vinny.”

“We’re really doing this, Lilly- you, me, and a baby. I’m going to make you so happy, baby. I promise.” Things are turning around for us. We’re finally going to do this. I’m going to make Lilly my wife. I don’t want to ask her right this minute, because she’ll say no, thinking I’m only asking because she’s carrying my child. But I know Lilly’s meant to be my wife.

I kiss her softly, and she surprises me by taking the lead. Aggressively, she jerks me onto the couch with her. I’m loving this possessive side to Lilly.  She goes to her knees on the floor in front of me. Taking a band from her wrist, she pulls her hair back, chewing on her bottom lip—so damn hot.

She is rubbing over my cock in my jeans. I yank her closer to me by the collar of her shirt. Our mouths collide, so full of desire. Lilly’s kisses are becoming more fevered, more frantic. She pushes my shirt up, and I lift it over my head as she kisses down my chest, making her way down my happy trail. I slump down further into the couch as she pulls down my zipper, freeing my cock, her tongue swirling over the tip of my growing erection. She licks on me like I’m a damned lollipop.




I was so damn nervous about what Vinny would think when he found out that I’m pregnant, but I guess I didn’t have to worry at all. He’s happier than I am, which has me shocked as shit.

I haven’t even told Eden we’re together, so I’m worried what she’ll think. It’s not that I want to keep this from her, but I know how she feels about Jasper. Plus, I’m worried if she finds out about us, that she’ll think I’m going to tell Vinny she’s back in town.

Vinny comes up behind me when I’m at the counter chopping onions and wraps an arm around me. “Hey, babe.”

“Hey,” I say, smiling.

“I love you,” he tells me, kissing my head.

“I know,” I say, smirking.

His arms move from my waist, and he grabs my hand, causing me to put down the knife. “What are you doing?” I ask, confused.

“Marry me?” he asks me.

“What?” I say, turning around in his arms.

“Will you marry me?” he asks seriously, slipping a beautiful princess cut diamond on my finger.

“Oh my God. Yes!” I screech, wrapping my arms around Vinny’s head, pulling him in for a kiss.

The food I was preparing is long forgotten. Vinny and I become tangled up in the excitement of his proposal, and before I know it, he has my pants around my ankles and I’m bent over the kitchen table with him kissing his way down my fevered spine.

“Fuck, I love the way you get so wet for me, baby.” He is massaging my clit with the hand he has snaked around my waist.  His other hand is rubbing over my bare bottom. He surprises me with a playful smack, then grabs my cheek, pinching me aggressively.  “Can’t wait to make you mine officially,” he says, rubbing his throbbing erection between my folds.

The anticipation of feeling him inside me is almost more than I can take.  He has my face pressed against the wooden table; it isn’t the most comfortable position, but I don’t care. I just need him pleasing me. I reach around to help Vinny ease into me, and just as he’s getting ready to fill me completely…

We’re interrupted when Vinny’s phone starts going off.

“Fuck, I gotta get this. Could be important,” Vinny says, moving off me and reaching for his phone. I whip my head around to watch and wait for him to get back to what he started.

The blood drains from his face, and he clenches his jaw. He moves toward his clothes and quickly puts them on, leaving me totally confused as to what the hell just happened.



I get a text from Kayla telling me that I need to come over, that we need to talk. Fuckin’ hell, I’m spending time with Lilly after I just proposed to her, so I let Kayla know that.

Either you come here and talk to me now, or I’ll show up there

Fuck! I vowed this time that I wouldn’t let stupid shit keep Lilly and me apart anymore. No more Kayla. No more back and forth shit. I want a life with Lilly, especially after learning we’re having a baby together.

“Lilly, babe, club stuff, I gotta go,” I tell her, hoping she doesn’t figure out I’m lying.

Her face falls. “Okay,” she says quietly.

“I’ll be back later, okay? I promise, and we’ll pick up where we left off,” I tell her grinning.

She nods. “Sounds good. Text me, and I’ll call in a pizza or something.” She kisses me goodbye, and I leave and make my way to Kayla’s.

She’s already at the front door when I walk up. I push past her into the house, turning around to face her. “What? I just proposed to my woman. What the hell do you want?”

Her face pales when she hears I asked Lilly to marry me. “We have something important to discuss.”

“Yeah, like what? Look, I’m not doing this with you anymore. I already told you that months ago. Lilly is pregnant with my kid now. It’s done, for good this time.”

“Yeah? Well, so am I,” she says, glaring at me.

“What?” I whisper out, feeling the blood rush from my face.

“We both know I don’t sleep around. I’ve only been with you the last few years, so something must have happened,” she says, shrugging.

“What about the new guy you’ve been dating?” I ask her, hoping he’s a possibility.

She shakes her head. “We only went out three times. We never got close to having sex.”

I fall back, sitting on her couch. I pull my beanie off and bring it to my face. How could this have happened? How am I going to face Lilly? She’s gonna fuckin’ hate me.

“Look, okay, I know this isn’t what you want. It isn’t what I want either, since I know you love her and all, but it’s happened. We need to figure things out,” she says.

“Get rid of it,” I bark out, voice muffled into my hat.

“Oh, fuck no!” she screeches. “Look, I get it, okay? You love her, but, Vincent, I love you. I always have. I’m not giving this child up. No mother fucking way! Considering this is most likely the only piece of you I’ll ever truly have.”

“Look, shit, just give me some time, okay?” I tell her when I take my hat away from my face, looking her in the eyes.

She must see the pain in my face, because her face softens, tears welling up. “I’m sorry. I know you wanted to finally make this right between you two, and this just fucked it all up.”

“I gotta go. I’ll contact you later,” I say while getting up from the couch and rushing out the door.  What the hell am I going to do?



I wait for Vinny to come home, but by about midnight, he still hasn’t shown up... No call or text, which isn’t like him. He always calls or texts me.

I finally reach for my phone and text Jasper.

Do you know where Vinny is? – Lilly

No, haven’t seen him tonight – Jasper

He lied to me. Where the hell is he? I try calling Vinny again, but it goes straight to voicemail. So instead I text.

Where are you? Jasper said he hasn’t seen you tonight. Why would you lie to me about that? – Lilly

Since his phone is off, I know he won’t text me back, so I put my phone back on my night stand and turn out my lamp.

I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep when I feel Vinny’s body wrap around me. “I love you, Lilly, so fucking much,” he says softly, kissing the back of my neck.

I open my eyes and see it’s still dark out.

“Where were you?” I ask quietly back.

“It was just something Reaper needed me to do.”

Instantly, I believe him. I have no reason not to trust what he says.

Sweeping my hair from my neck, Vinny begins to plant more kisses down the base of my throat.  His hands make their way down to my stomach. His cool hands snake underneath the cotton fabric of my tank top. He cups my breasts, massaging tenderly with his thumb as he whispers sweet nothings in my ear.  Goosebumps form across my skin as his hand sweeps down my torso until he reaches my thong.

“Fuck, Lilly.” He pinches my ass hard and disappears under the covers. His hands are touching me anywhere and everywhere at once. His fingers make quick work of removing my thong, and I roll to my back and Vinny comes up from under the sheet with a lazy grin. He pecks me on the lips sweetly and goes straight to my pussy. His tongue is on me fast, and my body is humming as my thighs squeeze his head. His teeth graze over my clit, his need to please me is primal.

BOOK: UnLove Me - The Angels Warriors MC Complete Trilogy Box Set
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