Unlocking Adeline (Skeleton Key) (16 page)

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Authors: J.D. Hollyfield,Skeleton Key

Tags: #Skeleton Key Book

BOOK: Unlocking Adeline (Skeleton Key)
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Then all the small pokes Christof has been giving come to mind. I shrug. “I am, thanks. I’m quite fond of your brother, actually. He treats me so nicely.” I try playing cool. Even though my heart is about to beat out of my chest.

“Nicely?” he scoffs. “Ye hardly look like a girl who settles for nice. More like someone who wants a man to take control and show her exactly what she needs.”

I mistakenly melt a wee bit in his arms. I know what he’s doing here, though. He’s trying to get back at me. “Well, he does think I’m pretty, so he will do,” I taunt him, just as he does me.

“So ye are willing to settle for nice, as long as ye are called pretty, is that it, Addie? Never know what it’s like to have rough and demanding?” He takes his hand and runs it down my side. His hands don’t stop until he is palming my butt cheek.

And then he squeezes.

I don’t think I have ever moaned like that before. Or at least, that’s what sound I think comes pouring out of my mouth. I feel his tongue hit my neck as his mouth spreads kiss after ravaging kiss down my neck.

What am I doing?

God, don’t ever let it stop.

I need to put a stop to this amazing craziness that feels amazingly crazy

“Do ye think this is how it would feel to be with him?” He lifts me up by my cheeks and sits me on the cool wooden desk.

“Possibly better,” I groan, just as he nips my skin with his teeth.

He pulls away, bringing his hand and cupping my breast. My nipple is hard as a rock and the pressure as he squeezes does me in. “Do ye want to sleep with Christof? Is that it? Have ye? Has he already gotten a taste of these perfect lips?” Bringing his mouth down and finding my lips through the darkness. “Has he had the chance to break down each scent that ye radiate? Peaches, the ocean. The sun?” He lowers his lips back to mine, taking my mouth gently. I don’t fight him, because this is what I want. I press my body into his and wrap my arms around his neck as I kiss him back. His free hand still wrapped around my waist, pulls me closer, so I can feel how hard he is. My swollen breasts press again his chest, offering the perfect amount of pressure and with the strange sensations running through me, all I ache to do is rub against him.

“Admit it is I ye want. Ye crave. I feel how yer body is humming for me right now. It wants to submit and allow me to take.” He squeezes my breast again, with a bit of pain this time, but the feeling is much welcomed. He is right, though. I don’t know how much longer I can deny it. I’m hanging on a strand of control. I need to get home, but denying the urges I have for him can no longer be ignored. Admitting that may be letting him win, but what he promises to offer me may just be worth it. I’m about to let my loose tongue fly, but he speaks first. “Why don’t ye put that key back and let me show ye what yer body truly craves.”


The feeling of cold water is dumped on the moment, bringing me back to my senses.
He is just messing with me to get the key.
I knew I should never have let my guard down with him. Looks like he won this round. A flood of disappointment washes over me. I wrestle in his arms, until he registers my retaliation and brings his head away from my chest. “Now what’s wrong?” he asks, sounding confused.

“Let me go.”

“Why? No.”

“Let me go NOW!” I yell. I don’t have to see him to know his facial expression has gone back to dark. He releases me instantly, and I almost tumble off the desk. He bends over and lights a desk lamp, his hard facial expression now in clear view.

“What? Is this about my brother?” His tone is tight. I rip my nightgown down into place, and adjust my boob back into my top. “You know what? Fuck you.” I throw my hands into my hair to adjust, in hopes the key didn’t dislodge itself.

“I’m not asking for childish name calling, I’m asking why ye stopped. Is it because ye want
? Do ye want
?” His words aren’t questions, more like accusations. He’s furious.

I lift my chin; my blazing eyes meeting his. “This has nothing to do with your brother. If it did, it would be because I keep picking the wrong one! At least Christof is kind and shows me attention.” It’s then he slams his lips back to mine. The rushing force a feeling I’m almost unable to take. His lips. The heat of his body. The pressure. They all collide in such strong force. Before I have a chance, he pulls away.

“Is that what ye feel? Is that the attention ye feel when ye kiss my

I am weak on my feet, but I answer in honest.

“I have never kissed your brother. I’ve only wanted and allowed you to do those things to me.”

Time stands still at my confession. But I’m done, and now I’m very tired.

“You know what, Locke. I’m done playing your mind games. And I am not giving you this key.”

He looks confused, but then it hits him. “Ye mean the key ye have lodged in yer hair? Ye have the spare key to the liquor cellar. Ye can keep the goddamn key!”

Zero for two. Why do all these keys look alike!?

I’m starting to think this key idea is just not going to pan out for me. I shake my head. I grab for the key and pull it out, allowing my hair to flow down my shoulders. I hand him the key, but he doesn’t bother reaching for it. I toss it on the desk.

“Just leave me alone, Locke. As I’ve said, I’m done playing these games with you.” I turn and walk out, knowing he won’t follow.

’m lying in bed swatting at Ellie’s hand, who keeps trying to wake me up. “Miss, it is time to wake, ye have a schedule to adhere to.”

“Go away, Ellie, and cancel all my meetings,” I groan, and roll over to the other side of the bed so she can’t reach me.

“But, Miss Adeline, I have strict instructions to have ye up and ready by morning’s end.” I peek up from my covers to a stressed out looking Ellie. “Who told you I had to be ready?” I question. I swear if I have to sit with any of those ladies from the first night, and knit or some shit, I will jump out this window right now and end it all.

“Sir Locke, Miss. He was very strict about having ye ready. And in comfortable gear to travel.”
Is he letting me go home? I throw off my covers and jump off the bed. Forgetting how high the bedframe is, I practically swipe the floor with my face. I catch my fall and swiftly steady myself, running to the bathroom.

“I can be ready in fifteen minutes! Thanks, Ellie! I’m going to miss you! Make sure to never forget me, okay!” I quickly race through my bathroom routine. I run back into my room, and Ellie is looking at me funny, but laying out my outfit. I may look like an idiot going home in something like that but who cares, I’ll burn it later.

I dress super-fast, and before I know it someone is knocking at the door. I grab Ellie and land a nice wet kiss to her cheek. “Thanks for everything.” And I run for the door. As I open it, I see Locke standing just outside with his hands in his pockets. He is dressed handsomely in a pair of slacks and a button up shirt. I will always remember him in this lovely getup.

“Hello,” he addresses me, his tone much softer than last night, almost nice.

“Hi. Are you ready?”

Looking at me peculiarly, “I am. I am kind of surprised ye are this willing to come with me after last night.”

“Oh well, it’s fine. Let bygones be bygones. Water under the bridge, ya know?” I say, stepping from one foot to the other. He studies my strange behavior before lifting his eyes away from me to Ellie. “Where did ye tell her we were going?” he addresses my ex-maid.

“I told her ye requested her presence to be ready for travel, Sir.” His laid back face turns feral as he looks back at me. “And where is it that ye think we are going, Princess?” he asks, not as nice as he was about thirty seconds ago.

“Home. You’re taking me home,” I say. Sadly, it comes out more like a question than a statement. I watch him look at me, and the sadness begins to set in. “You’re not taking me home, are you?” I don’t need him to even respond. I know the answer.

“I’m sorry. I did not mean for ye to misinterpret my intentions.” My shoulders slump and I turn back to hide, fighting my lip from quivering. “Adeline,” he calls my name.

I take in a deep breath, trying to hold in my tears. “Yes?”

“Look at me.”

I turn slowly, trying to keep my emotions at bay. He walks to me, placing his hand on my cheek. “I wanted to fix what happened last night. I’m sorry for being the arse ye have rightfully pinned me to be.” I don’t respond, so he continues, “I know it’s been hard for ye. I thought to maybe take ye into the near towns and familiarize ye with how they are run. The good that comes from these townspeople.”
Yeah like pitchforks and human burning? Great.

“If ye do not want to go, I will understand, it’s just that I—”

“No, its fine. Thank you. I’ll go.” My smile does not reach my eyes. Locke doesn’t look satisfied with my answer, but he says no more. He allows me to exit my room first, and we both head down the stairs and to the entrance of the castle. I expect a boxed carriage, but instead I see two suited horses waiting for us. “Do ye ride?” he asks me, as if it’s just another pastime like riding a bike or walking.

“Oh yes, all the time. I actually ride a horse to work.
No, I don’t ride
.” I stare at the horse, wondering how I’m supposed to get on that big ole thing. He shakes his head, a soft laugh slipping through his lips. I assume it was my imagination because Lockelan MacCowen, the grump of Wren, does
laugh. He grabs my elbow, guiding me closer to the horse.

“It is very easy. I have seen ye master plenty of things. This will just be another easy conquest for ye.”

“And how would you know what I’m good at?” I ask, but as he ignores the question, I answer it for him. It’s because for the last year he has been watching me.

No more words are exchanged. He helps me on the horse and gives me a simple lesson of how to ride. Cherry, the horse’s name, is supposed to be a very tame horse, and promises not to fling me on our trip.

The journey is somewhat quiet, and when we make it over the final hill, a small town comes into view. The trees, higher than the houses, are full of vibrant green leaves overlapping the street, forming a beautiful archway into the town. The sounds of the horse hooves hit the stone street as we pass house after house, each unique in their own way. I wouldn’t pin them as cottages, but close. Each walkway up to their various colored front doors is aligned with an array of flowers, the colors so lively. The scent of roses and fresh cut grass fill my nostrils. “What is this place?” I ask, barely over a whisper, as I continue to take in the beautiful town.

“This is Ferrow,” Locke responds, leisurely guiding us farther into town. There are people outside working in their gardens, kids playing in the yard, a group of girls picnicking out in the sun. Doing all normal things.

“What do ye think?” Locke breaks me away from my ogling.

“I’m not sure. I guess I expected less… less…”

“Less civilization?” he chuckles.

I turn to him, blushing. “Yeah, I guess. Everything just seems so normal.”

“Well, it is. We all live on the same axis. Just different dimensions, Addie. We may see some things as old school, and we may have a crazy sorcerer amongst us, but to them they live happy. Even without cable and soap operas.”

I scrunch my eyes at him. “Hey! I do not watch that crap. That’s Greta!” I scold him. No way am I taking blame for Greta’s horrible choice in TV shows. He may have just smiled at me, but with the sun hitting my eyes at the same moment, I assume it’s just my mind playing tricks on me. “Wait, how did you know I was watching soaps with Greta?”

“The village talks, my sweet princess.” He winks, and before I’m able to offer him a rebuttal, a young woman is walking up to us.

“Welcome, Lockelan! I was beside myself with excitement to hear that ye would be joining us today. And this must be Adeline,” She turns to me, and bows. “It’s a pleasure to have yer presence with us today, Princess.” Returning back to her standing position, I get a better look at her. She is absolutely beautiful. Dressed in a yellow sundress, her flawless hair blows in the natural winds. Her face smooth and pure. This causes me to nonchalantly try and fix my own mop that has been blowing in the wind the whole way.

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