Unknown (Hooked Book 3) (16 page)

Read Unknown (Hooked Book 3) Online

Authors: Charity Parkerson

Tags: #M/M Romance

BOOK: Unknown (Hooked Book 3)
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“Bitch,” Jimmy returned, but his eyes danced with laughter.

A hum left the back of Xander’s throat. “Hmmm,” he said, going back to staring at his phone and ignoring everyone.

Sam cut in before anyone else could do any more name calling. “Where did you come from?’

Jimmy nodded toward a nearby barstool. “The bar, of course.” He flashed a sexy smile. “I hated to interrupt while you were giving everyone your best disapproving stare about things that aren’t your business. After all, if anyone deserves a public shunning, it’s me. But now that you’re on to discussing how I stole Logan’s talent for my bar, I’m free to join you.”

“I’m not giving anyone a disapproving stare,” Sam argued, sounding offended, before he immediately changed gears. “Wait. Logan is working for you now?”

Jimmy winked. Ryan swore he heard three women who were sitting nearby sigh. “Yep. I’m damn glad for it too. I’ve been in a lurch since Brenda’s husband left and she had to go down to working only the weekends. Really, it’s Ryan I have to thank. I’ve been dreading having to replace her. Experience is everything, and after fifteen minutes of hearing him sing Logan’s praises, I knew I’d found my man.”

“Holden, you’re being awful quiet over there,” Malik said, chiming in and starting a conversation rolling around the table. A sense of normalcy returned, letting Ryan breathe easy again. He didn’t need everyone to accept what was happening with Malik and Logan, but he didn’t like everyone picking it apart. With the focus at the table elsewhere, he let other things sink in—like the way Logan’s thumb brushed over his knuckles and how hard Malik’s thigh felt beneath his palm. The way the man’s muscles flexed under his fingers had Ryan damn near panting. Logan shifted his hold, brushing his fingertips across the inside of Ryan’s wrist. It was the tiniest thing, but it had Ryan hard as a rock. He needed a second chance. He wanted them alone.

“I thought this was supposed to be a celebration,” Jimmy said louder than necessary, and tearing Ryan’s focus away from what was happening beneath the table. “We should go somewhere fun.”

Xander showed his first real hint of interest. “Such as?”

“There’s a club down the street that looks like it has possibilities.”

“I’m in,” Xander said, moving to his feet and looking relieved to have other options. Ryan imagined this whole situation had to uncomfortable as fuck for him. He was the hated one. Holden and Sam were obviously trying to mend fences, but shit wouldn’t happen overnight.

“Sam? Holden?” Xander asked, as he stood.

They exchanged a look. A silent conversation passed between them before they pushed to their feet as well.

Sam leveled a look their way. “How about it? I know you weren’t feeling well earlier, Ryan, but if you’re up for it, it might be fun.”

Logan’s hand moved up Ryan’s inner thigh, stopping just short of where Ryan really wanted him. His breathing hitched up a notch. Wait. He wasn’t feeling well? Ryan’s brain scrambled to make sense of Sam’s words.

Thankfully, Malik came to the rescue. “I’m surprised you made it here as bad as you were feeling earlier,” Malik said, reminding Ryan he’d asked them to make excuses for him.

“I think I’ll pass. Maybe when we get back home, we can plan something with all your friends and family. That way, everyone can get their congratulations in.”

“What about y’all?” Holden asked, cutting in.

The pressure of Malik’s thigh against his increased. “Logan had to work last night, and he needs his rest. Like Ryan said, let’s plan something when we get home. Plus, y’all don’t want this old married couple dragging you down. I think we’ll order another drink and then head to bed.”

The promise in his voice—Ryan heard it. His heart raced.

Sam snorted. His expression said he had their number, but he didn’t call them on anything. Most likely, he hoped if he pretended nothing was going on, then nothing would. Ryan didn’t have that luxury. Not that he wanted to miss what came next. After offering their congrats one more time and calling their goodbyes, they were alone. Ryan’s mouth was as dry as the Sahara. Without a word, they stood, pushed their chairs in, and headed for the elevator. Malik and Logan held hands. Ryan watched while silently stoking his hunger. Soon. Maybe he was headed toward the biggest mistake of his life. Ryan no longer cared.


There wasn’t a single thought in Logan’s head. He was solid need and nothing more. He’d thought when Ryan had shut them down, that not only had they ruined something beautiful, but Ryan would also hate them. Logan didn’t know how to live with either. Ryan mattered. As the elevator door slid closed behind them, closing them off from the world, Malik turned and met his gaze. Heat nearly blasted Logan off his feet. He licked his parched lips. His husband’s intensity also left him wondering if he would limp afterward. Ryan’s lips touched his nape. Malik’s gaze shifted over Logan’s shoulder. He watched Ryan with the same ferocity. The air thinned, forcing Logan to pant to get any air. There were two of them. His dick lengthened, begging for attention. He was walking into the unknown. It was as terrifying as it was exhilarating.

The door opened, setting them free, while doing nothing to lessen the heat rolling between them. As they walked the long hallway to their room, Ryan’s fingers ran the length of Logan’s spine. Chill bumps followed its path. Logan bit his lip to keep from moaning, but he couldn’t stop his cock from leaking in his jeans. Malik reached behind him, pulling his wallet from his back pocket. Logan’s gaze fixed upon Malik’s ass. He pressed his hand to his stomach, trying to hold back his hunger for a few moments longer.

Cool air blasted him in the face as Malik pushed open the door. Logan glanced down at his feet as they crossed the threshold. There was no going back from here. Ryan’s body pressed against his, cradling Logan against his chest. The air left Logan’s lungs as Ryan’s palm gripped his throat, pulling his head back. Ryan’s lips touched his ear. “Just so there’s no misunderstanding, I care about you more than I have anyone in a long time.”

Logan swallowed. Hard. “I know.”

“Good,” Ryan breathed against his skin. “Because I’m about to fuck you like I hate you.”

“Oh, God.” The words slipped from Logan’s lips like a plea. His gaze slid toward Malik who was calmly unloading his pockets and toeing off his shoes. He knew his husband. He was still waters. Logan was in so much trouble. Whatever Malik had brewing inside would bring Logan to his knees. Literally.

Logan balled his hands into fists, fighting back the desire to act. He hoped whatever they had planned would happen soon before his mind snapped or he came in his jeans. Malik turned. His gaze slid down Logan’s body. Logan’s lips parted on a pant. Fainting became a real fear. The room darkened around the edges. Ryan’s hands slid down his body. Logan focused on the sensation. He’d fantasized about this moment more than he cared to admit. The button loosened on his jeans. Logan couldn’t look away from Malik’s face. It was hard. He took a step in Logan’s direction as Logan’s zipper slid down. Still, Logan’s arms hung at his sides. He was useless in the face of so much lust. His mind screamed for him to reach for Malik before demanding he turn in Ryan’s arms. He was too torn to do either. Logan wanted both. Malik continued forward, closing the space between them. He moved slow, stalking Logan. Building the anticipation for his husband’s touch.

Ryan’s short nails scraped Logan’s skin as he peeled Logan’s jeans and underwear down his hips. When Ryan’s hot mouth opened over the cords of Logan’s neck, his knees weakened. Only Ryan’s solid framed stopped Logan from slipping to the floor. His head fell back, hitting Ryan’s hard shoulder as Malik overcame him. Their mouths collided. He no longer knew who kept him upright as hands tugged and pulled divesting him of everything covering his skin. Malik bit at Logan’s bottom lip, before sucking on it. Pre-cum rolled down Logan’s dick. Malik reached between their bodies and stroked. He took a step back. While holding Logan’s gaze, he brought the hand to his mouth and licked the Logan’s juices from his fingers. Logan’s every breath came in short gasps. Ryan’s teeth sank into his shoulder, tearing a moan from Logan’s throat. At the sound, Malik pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it as his feet. He took another step back toward the bed. While holding Logan’s stare, Malik popped the button on his jeans and slid his zipper down. Logan’s gaze dropped, zeroing in on the newly bared expanse of skin. He was so hungry. Logan’s mouth watered in anticipation of tasting Malik. He knew his husband’s flavor. It was Logan’s favorite meal. Malik didn’t stop until he was nude and settled on his back in bed. With his head on the pillow and palming his cock, he watched Logan and Ryan. Ryan’s arms encircled Logan’s body. When his palm skimmed Logan’s erection, Logan nearly came. He gasped, fully expecting an orgasm to hit him. Ryan’s other hand took the opposite course, smoothing up Logan’s body until grasping his jaw. He tilted Logan’s head back until he could capture Logan’s mouth. Logan expected an assault. Instead their barely parted lips clung. When Ryan’s tongue stroked Logan’s bottom lip, the touch was velvet soft. Logan’s dick twitched against Ryan’s palm, as if reminding the man of its presence. Logan opened, allowing Ryan’s tongue entrance. He teased Logan’s mouth, licking almost too gently for the way his body felt ready to snap. Instead of encircling Logan’s erection, Ryan’s hand slid lower, toying with Logan’s balls, massaging—urging Logan’s thighs apart, and dipping between them. Rubbing.

Logan writhed in Ryan’s hold, needing more of everything. Instead of letting him have what he silently sought, Ryan’s mouth moved to Logan’s ear. “Look at your man.”

Logan did as told. Malik’s skin was flushed. His eyes glittered and appeared unfocused. He clung to the covers beneath him as if fighting back an orgasm. Logan’s tongue shot out, moistening his lips, and tasting Ryan’s flavor lingering there.

Ryan’s thumb brushed Logan’s lips. “He wants this sexy mouth. You should give it to him. Go. I need to watch all this sexiness crossing the room.”

Without looking back, Logan stepped out of Ryan’s hold and closed the distance between Malik and him. Making a show of it, Logan set one knee on the bed before leaning over and gently kissing Malik’s knee. He crawled onto the mattress, moving higher. Logan opened his mouth over Malik’s inner thigh. Malik spread his knees, making room for Logan. Logan’s kissed his way up the inside of Malik’s thigh, massaging as he went. When he reached Malik’s balls, he gently sucked them between his lips before dipping lower. Malik spread his cheeks, demanding what he wanted. Logan didn’t hesitate tonguing the puckered strawberry waiting for his attention. A quiver ran down Logan’s spine at the sound of Ryan’s zipper coming down. He wanted to turn his head and watch the man strip, but he was too hungry for Malik and the anticipation was too delicious. The bed dipped behind him. Logan heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper. He tensed even as he licked up Malik’s balls and dragged his tongue up Malik’s erection. Logan’s gaze slid upward as well, meeting Malik’s. His husband looked so fucking turned on it fed Logan’s desire, heightening it. When Ryan’s palms caressed Logan’s hips and ass, a shiver ran through him, tightening his balls.

“I wish you could see how sexy you both look,” Ryan said. His voice husky. “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful than the two of you together. It’s enough to blind a man.” Ryan’s hand swiped up Malik’s body, caressing the man’s hard lines as he pressed against Logan’s back. “You both make me so goddamn weak,” Ryan said, sounding fierce. “I could almost hate you for stealing so much of me.”

Ryan’s crown pushed against Logan’s asshole, seeking. Logan swallowed Malik’s cock and tightened his throat, wishing the motion would bring him relief from the torture he was pinned between.

Before Ryan could push his way in, Malik snagged Logan beneath his arms and tugged, dragging him up Malik’s body. His gaze was half crazed as it met Logan’s. “Fuck me, baby.”

The demand surprised Logan. Malik rarely handed over control. Neither of them had anything against bottoming, it was more that Logan really loved the way Malik fucked him. Everything was changing, becoming more. His gaze moved past Logan, focusing on Ryan. “There’s lube in my bag.”

“On it,” Ryan said.

As his heat disappeared, Logan captured Malik’s mouth. He needed his husband for a moment, calming him. Without Ryan there, nerves set in. He’d never done this before. As far as he knew, neither had Malik. No one had exactly discussed this. They were simply acting on a silent agreement where feelings had grown without anyone’s permission. The three of them, they just were.

Ryan’s lips landed in the center of Logan’s spine and everything fell away. His hand snaked between Logan and Malik. Cool liquid coated Logan’s dick as Ryan palmed Logan’s erection. Logan tore his mouth away and sucked in a hiss. Ryan’s fingers moved lower, over Logan’s balls, squeezing before toying with Logan’s asshole. Shifting position, Ryan’s hand disappeared before reappearing behind Logan. He boldly fingered Logan even as Logan positioned his cock at Malik’s hole. He met his husband’s stare as he eased inside. Malik’s lips were swollen from Logan’s kisses and from biting them. They parted on as a moan as Logan pushed through the tight ring of muscles. Tight heat squeezed Logan, taking away his breath. Ryan’s crown replaced his fingers. Logan settled between Malik’s thighs, giving Ryan room to maneuver. Even in his lust-fueled haze, Logan couldn’t deny their position was awkward, but so fucking delicious. His senses were overwhelmed with Malik’s sexy ass squeezing his dick and Ryan’s cock stretching his asshole. Ryan’s teeth sank into Logan’s shoulder as Logan’s name left Malik’s lips. His eyes fell closed, taking in the moment. No one person should have so much. Ryan slipped away before slamming his way inside Logan once more. The force rocked him against Malik. Like that, they found their rhythm. Ryan’s intensity overcame them both, bringing them close to the edge of ecstasy. Pleasure and pressure built inside Logan. The sights, sounds, and smells overwhelmed him. Everything was full and tight. It was almost too much. As much as Logan wanted the night to last forever, the sensations were too fierce.

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